This is why we cant have fun!
And the most important part i want to adress: calling people sociapaths just because they enjoy something different than i do is something rather concerning and doesnt belong into a forum nor into a MMORPG.
for all the others that are not boarderliners: try to be a little more generous with the mindsets your groupmember could have, be it one or the other way. every way has its perks, every way is enjoyable, be it yours or not.
That's often why PUGs are often more toxic. Groups that have any amount of real cohesion at least in part did so by removing the "toxicity" from their group. It's counter productive to their overall goals, especially in an environment that's based so heavily on group dynamics. Groups that are able to recognize toxicity successfully and view it as a detriment tend to be less inclusive and what we often see is the remainder.TheInfernalRage wrote: »The most toxic for me is in any chat where someone is being criticized for his or her build because the lack of BiS (or BS?) items. The vets usually have a way of saying things that encourages other players compared to preachy noobs who profess themselves experts after copying a build from Alcast.
Then you also have those who just want to have fun, enjoy the content, and immerse themselves in the storyline.
That's why the vast, vast, vast majority of the community doesn't bother with trials.
LeagueTroll wrote: »
Yeah keep telling yourself 25k is nuf for vmol hm.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
Technically it's true, but 200K group DPS makes for a very rough clear on HM.
SocialAssassin wrote: »Because MMO's allow people to be "toxic" and it's not like they'll get banned for being "toxic" unless it becomes a real issue? See if ESO was to ban all of the "toxic" players there would be no one left to play the game. It has to do a lot with self-entitlement as well. People figure that pay $$$ and they can do whatever they want. And another reason is that ESO makes $$$$ of these "toxic" players as well. It would nice if there was at least one MMO that didn't allow "toxic players" I read an interview and this game developer said "If your game doesn't go "toxic" your doing something wrong.
I like the bolded part. I like it a lot. I'll even volunteer to be the mod who does it.
SocialAssassin wrote: »It has to do a lot with self-entitlement as well. People figure that pay $$$ and they can do whatever they want. And another reason is that ESO makes $$$$ of these "toxic" players as well. It would nice if there was at least one MMO that didn't allow "toxic players" I read an interview and this game developer said "If your game doesn't go "toxic" your doing something wrong.
Exactly. Someone who is here to enjoy, have fun, be immersed in content is free to do that in the other 98% of the content in the game. But trials is not the place for them, so the point is moot.
Vet trials were designed to be challenging content where players will need to work together and really work on "getting good" to complete. Anyone who is walking into a vet trial because they want to immerse themselves in content is begging for a bad time.
There is a time and place to immerse yourself in quest content and vet trials isn't one of them.
It's not a black and white issue, and the fact that it is not is not due to how much money players pay. We all signed an agreement that we have reasonable expectation of access to the game we paid for, whether it was 70$ at release, 10$ yesterday, or 5000$ on loot boxes. There is no rules against someone in vmol trial getting upset when another player keeps killing the entire team. Whether it's toxic or not depends on what was said, how it was said, in front of who it was said, who else chimed in, and how the player received what was said. It's all incredibly subjective, so I think that "toxicity" is not policed is not so much to do with money but more to do with the fact that it's impossible for an outsider to adequately judge who is right or wrong in any situation.
Now if you repeatedly made death threats. Well, maybe it would be a bit different.
Have you met the people who do Trials religiously? Is it any wonder they're toxic? I mean, honestly, Meta Elitists just LOVE Trials.
Uhm, this got to be the most toxic comment in the entire thread. Wrong way, mate.
Just because "Play as you want" ends in endgame trials, doesn't mean people are idiots all the way.
SocialAssassin wrote: »
I respect what you're saying I disagree. All except the thing about death threats. Fine, it may not be a $$$$ issue? But it's definitely a "self-entitled" issue.
I would agree.
If i join a group that is looking for experienced players to complete a vet trial, I do feel that I, or anyone else in that situation, is entitled to be upset if one of the players who joined that group is not experienced, is "just there for fun", wants to immerse themselves in content, or otherwise was dishonest about their experience or ability to complete.
The issue here is that one player feels so self-entitled to "having fun" that they waste the time of eleven other players who are there specifically to complete.