Anyone know if there will be any new gameplay features? CwC had transmuting, Dragon bones had outfits, Summerset had jewelry crafting, etc, so any news of a new gameplay feature like these in Murkmire? Spell crafting wasn't in Summerset so maybe it will be in the werewolf dlc?
So more swamp.. so exciting.. I couldn't think of a more horrible place to play an online mmorpg than a swamp map..
Shadowfen was bad enough imo.
lordrichter wrote: »
They started Murkmire years ago, then shelved it. Now they are reheating it. Hopefully, it is at least Craglorn in size, since it hails from an earlier era when zones were still good sized without having to be Chapters.
lordrichter wrote: »
They started Murkmire years ago, then shelved it. Now they are reheating it. Hopefully, it is at least Craglorn in size, since it hails from an earlier era when zones were still good sized without having to be Chapters.
James-Wayne wrote: »And you can also see this matches the outline for the ESO Launch map, this zone is bigger then the other potential DLC zones:
So more swamp.. so exciting.. I couldn't think of a more horrible place to play an online mmorpg than a swamp map..
Shadowfen was bad enough imo.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Craglorn came in two parts though. Murkmire would be the same size as upper OR lower Craglorn in that case. That would make it slightly larger than other DLC zones but not the size of a full zone.
that argonian is naive to help other people because her people will be enslaved by their former and future slavers after the pact falls.
I would be really really suprised if Murkmire is any larger than clockwork city. While it was originally designed in 2014 I imagine it will now be very different. Plus Zos got a lot of (unwarranted in the most part) flack about the size of Summerset being too small so I really doubt they will release a DLC with a zone as large as a chapter zone. It would be a kick in the teeth for everyone who paid for a chapter. Not that I don’t want it to be large, the bigger the better if you ask me.
lordrichter wrote: »
If they have already laid out the zone for Murkmire, as part of the development of the "Adventure Zone" back in 2014-ish, then I would expect them to re-use that. In that case, it will be whatever size they were going to make it back then, with little consideration for the new smaller zones, or Chapters. They will just price it accordingly in the Crown Store.
This is one reason why I expected Murkmire to be a Chapter, instead of a quarterly DLC. I expect that Murkmire will be larger than an average new zone.
I guess we will see, after the werewolf DLC gets released.
You should lower your expectations to avoid disappointment!
I think it will be a smaller zone like Hews Bane, Gold Coast, CWC etc. They would have reworked the map just like they reworked the whole group adventure zone thing, to fit in with their new cycle of content releases and gameplay styles. It was a few years ago after all.
And if it is a larger zone... that’s awesome! Would love that!
You should lower your expectations to avoid disappointment!
I think it will be a smaller zone like Hews Bane, Gold Coast, CWC etc. They would have reworked the map just like they reworked the whole group adventure zone thing, to fit in with their new cycle of content releases and gameplay styles. It was a few years ago after all.