We know that the river has finally brought us home!
It's a Q4 DLC akin to Clockwork, hopefully a bit bigger.
MajesticHaruki wrote: »Take a look at CWC, Hew's Bane and Gold Coast and you ll see how huge it will be. Also we know that Murkmire will include purses of all colors.
I've not been able to find much information other than "#soon".
Is it DLC similar to CWC or is it an expansion much akin to Summerset?
Are there datamined images?
How big is the landmass?
MajesticHaruki wrote: »Take a look at CWC, Hew's Bane and Gold Coast and you ll see how huge it will be. Also we know that Murkmire will include purses of all colors.
We know that it will become a good source of leather
It will have the lizards. And will be swampy. It will also have a new arena. Probably slavers to get them filthy lizards.
Froggmann5 wrote: »* Was originally intended to be an "Adventure Zone" much like Craglorn before One Tamriel. I assume this means there's a possibility of more group events than your average zone.
Going to be smaller than cwc, new crap proc sets for PvP folks to get up in arms over, some stupid arena or a mini mini trial (Yes a mini mini one), screw stam sorcs over more yet, make longer loading screens yet, more crap in crown store, half of murkmire will be gliched out and when they finally release a patch to fix it the servers will blow up causing a tear in the fabric of reality and we'll all die a slow and horrible death.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
How about a 'Year of the Argonian'.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
How about a 'Year of the Argonian'.
From old datamined Murkmire books I remember reading, the story seems like it will be about an Argonian hero who helped to get the Argonians to help the Dunmer and Nords against the Akaviri, and also whom helped in the Three Banners War, will be returning to Black Marsh, specifically Murkmire, in the hopes that she intends to research some of the old Argonian technology her people's ancestors once had, to bring it into the modern day to bring the Argonians into a bigger part of the world than just the Marsh. The end of the book series about her mentions that she's hoping to invite other adventurers to Murkmire to help in this endeavor.
that argonian is naive to help other people because her people will be enslaved by their former and future slavers after the pact falls.