True, but since all players are technically "vestiges", then Vampires and Werewolves alike also have those abilities.You missed an option for Immortal Vestige. Vampire and werewolf are cool and all, but being an unkillable daedra who can detach him/herself from mundus and literally travel from Morrowind to High Rock in seconds is pretty sweet, as is being able to just get right back up after suffering mortal wounds
jedtb16_ESO wrote: »because i have no desire to be vermin or parasite...
So you're not playing an Argonian or a Khajiit, yes?
jedtb16_ESO wrote: »
that is an unworthy slur upon our feline and lizard brethren.
one of my best friends is a khajiit.
I'm not racist, I'm specist.
I hate vamps. Ever since my sisters forced me to watch sparkly twilight vamps and wannabe werewolves, the image and idea of vampires and werewolves have been ruined for me ever since
Undead do not age, and are therefore considered immortal.No offense to OP but the title does not shed light on the subject of this thread. Especially since no one plays as an immortal
It is dead and undead, but WW is not even undead.
Im curious to see what the statistics say about how many players actually play the game as a mortal, as opposed to being a Vampire or Werewolf.
All my characters are Vampires for example, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Werewolves are filthy and Mortals are doomed to die.
Undead do not age, and are therefore considered immortal.
Vampires are undead and also do not age, and are therefore considered immortal.
It is not explicitly stated (in any lore I coud locate) that Werewolves are ageless or otherwise immortal, and if true, they would merely be classified as supernaturals, but still mortal.
I don't think you know what "immortal" means. Not aging doesn't make you immortal. The inability to die makes you immortal. Vampires can still die. They just make good looking corpses.
Decay occurs with age, therefore that which is ageless cannot decay, and is therefore in part, immortal by definition.
- im·mor·tal
living forever; never dying or decaying.
Unless you want to debate the true definition of "death", in which the currently reigning candidate is Information-theoretic Death.
Lets not degenerate into petty arguments regarding absolute semantics.
Skillasaurus88 wrote: »If you go along the lines of every player character is the unique Vestige, and that all exist at the same time because its a Dragon Break...
Technically we're all immortal, in both the ageless and undying aspect.
I always wondered what would happen lore-wise if somebody soul trapped us