Cyro, specifically the vivec server, has turned into a completely unbalanced laggy zerg fest. It is no longer player v player. its player v lag. The population imbalance is one huge issue that is causing players to leave or just faction hope to the winning side with no penalty. Constant 30-60 man zergs on both ends causing mass disconnects and making the game unplayable. It is also riddled with bugs. The sprint bug where you cant do anything unless u hit shift again, weapon swap causing dismount, walls showing to be down when they are not and ur able to walk right thru them, doors saying they are at 0% but being unable to walk thru them or hit them because it didnt actually go away, skill lag where you need to hit the button multiple times for it to work, cc immunity not working at all. Time stop spam is another issue. Its made cyro even shittier. Constantly being spammed with no cooldowns to the point people cant rlly do much, add lag to that and its GG. If these problems arent resolved then cyro will become even more lopsided and more people will leave.