Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 14:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 14
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 14, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EDT (20:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – October 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236
• EU megaservers for maintenance – October 16, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236

Eso 2018

  • FireCowCommando
    [snip to remove]

    ZoS will ignore these complaints again, since they have been repeated so often its impossible they have not heard them. At the end of the day either ZoS doesnt believe they are a problem, or has them so low on the list of priorities they will never have time to address it.

    Hard to prioritize game wide issues that arise from their own development cycle that unequally affect the small PvP community still here.
    Edited by ZOS_JesC on June 4, 2018 6:27PM
  • DanteYoda
    To be fair putting that video on the ESO forums is obviously not the best place, these forums are full of happily paying nightblades... I mean customers.
  • xeNNNNN
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    To be fair putting that video on the ESO forums is obviously not the best place, these forums are full of happily paying nightblades... I mean customers.

    Just FYI I play everything but warden. So its not like my objectivity on anything is obscured just because I have nightblade characters. I have a warden of course but its BORING lol.
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • NeroBad
    I agree about ESO is dying in Youtube. As I experienced, ESO has a very good world with lots of well written but visually not that interesting quest. I love to read all the dialogues. Also the trading, collecting makes me socialize more often then in real life (I'm an introvert).

    ESO for me have this alternative life feeling, with so many things to do (I'm over 2500 hours), but its not something good to watch, it is something good to play.

    Youtube viewers mostly want to watch competitive games, where ESO is not great and yeah maybe it gets worse with each year, but with the One Tamriel patch (2016 october) ESO's Steam player base tripled and since then only minor increase and decrease is shown in the steam playerbase. Which shows this game strengh is in PVE. There are many issues, but overral the game is healthy right now.

    I hope ZOS will focus on improvements and quality life patches as was One Tamriel, along with new DLCs, if they do I can imagine that the 10th anniversary of ESO will be a true celebration and not funeral.
  • Emmagoldman
    Number 1 should be fighting the same map for years is old. Dev is much more on the pve side. Plenty of suggestions to how to make ic and cyro more engaging

    This video is off imo and of course from the viewpoint of a streamer that is looking for views and donations.

    If you look at sypher, he has continually moved to games that are more popular. In the clip he took from, sypher stated that his intention of leaving was to go where he gets views. If you want to game and be succesful, in that you want to pay a mortgage as a streamer, means going to what is in at the moment. Currently, thats fortenite. Once a new game hits, you move to it, create content such as beginner guides, build guides, weapon guides ect as it will be new and you can be in first. As far as deltia, he seemed to move away from gaming with rl goals, specifically starting a gym for vets.

    Eso, being older, doesnt have the same demand for content. A beginners guide to leveling, been done. A guide to crafting or fishing? Overdone. VMA guide? You could still use a 3 year old guide and have np.

    He is right about performance which problems differ from platforms. It sounds like xbox has it worst then pc. Xbox, also requires additional steps for patches, where pc can be patched quickly, xbox through their policies require additional time, making quick fixes harder. Not necessarily on zos.

    Play to win, in the ever tiniest but to not expect new things to lure players in, is ridiculous. As jewelry being ptw, if you have a friend and the mats, they can make you set of rings. Othereise can you squeeze out 3 hours of work this month or are you that dude in his 30s getting evicted from your parents house. Pay to win means you have no access unless you pay. Even without warden, you can still be just as competitive. Try survivor. If you die, you need to pay or wait an hour. Any exclusive op weapons? Skills behing pay walls? Nope

    Even so, the game being in later stages, should add more classes, skills and weapons and it should be behind a dlc. The new dlc ensures revenue, keeps a dev team active and the game forward. Mmo competition is brutal

    Balance: the game is much better now in terms of balance. I think part of what allowed such great 1 v x in the past was the ability to exploit what was op and unbroken while having skill. Dk bats, sure, you could 1 v x all day.

    Next patch they should work on balance of classes, weapons, and relook at armor sets. A majority of sets are beyond worthless. But im sorry, the game shouldnt cater to 1 v x and if people have moved on to small group vs x, as stated in the video, it probably heading in a good direction and to how its intended.

    CP tree is getting out of line and really needs a split per branch line to add diversity.

    bgs are dead? Not at alll. I havent had any problems playing. Honestly, i prefer no cp as it addresses a problem he stated, low players have more access. That really comes back to it, do you want equal footing or an advantage to make a great youtube clip?

  • FinneganFroth
    That pay 2 win argument was just lazy.
  • ADarklore
    ok so I have to disagree with that guy in the video like 80% of the time...and seriously JC p2w? erm as far as I know you can use INGAME gold to buy it from those who already have? so u have access even if you are a little winie… sure pvp its worse and I miss the old days and honestly I don't think its gona ever get better unless a complete overhaul...literally but still stop lying to yourselves people...with the garbage idea that you can 1vX...even in the back days...well no actually 6 months after release when the demigods dk that could 1vs 1k players and win you could not go pvx if in that X it was at least 1 guy who knows what he is doing...right now even more...yes I agree that eso put a hinderance into solo pvp playstyle and that is the main reason why I stopped pvping and every time a new dlc chapter or update comes its permanently ignored...also we talking about pro play on consoles? seriously?...ok good one... back on the fact that "nb is the most played class in pvp" go tell that to the endless amount of dk and templar bodies I have to pile almost daily...and yes I did stopped pvping but that doesn't mean I don't do it at least 3 times per week just in case smt might change...pls give more nbs..at least that way I know I wont have to deal with the amount of zergs running around...I feel that the guy in the video is just someone who got frustrated with a narrowminded vision of seeing only the cons of things...

    Now I will say that I don't give a crap about this video up there, or ESO dying/living means not much to me, ESO PvP died years ago anyways, what remains will remain for years to come.

    But one thing really disturbs me. How can you people not tell the difference between whats pay to win and what is not. Transmutation for example, was not pay to win because you could just use a friend's house for transmutation station and change your weapon/armor traits. (in actual reality I ended up joining a guild cause only very few people actually have access to those transmutation stations)

    And then the introduction of gear transmog(a.k.a. costume maker), was not pay to win, but it was designed make you waste money, instead of letting you do whatever you want with your gear. Why do you think there is a huge gold cost for it? And why do you think a single outfit slot, for a single character costs 1k crowns? Eh.. At least it wasn't affecting gameplay.

    Which was, fine because of that alone. In the end I could still go PvP or PvE without lacking anything.But transmutation for jewelry changed everything.

    Now lets see what jewelrycrafting locked behind paywall means for me. It means no transmuted jewelry. It means no robust ravager for my stamplar, no robust seventh legion/fury for my stamDk, no swift bone pirate for my stamsorc... People like you , who say jewelrycrafting is not pay to win, is either living in a denial or has no clue what pay to win actually means.

    And we didn't even mentioned the new skill line...

    So wake up. For this is only going to end up worse for all of you. Zenimax is asking for more and more money each year, and they are slowly introducing pay to win mechanics into the game, which I decided to not support anymore. If you think that this is fine, next year they will come up with something even more ridicilous.

    Seriously? You do know that you can buy/trade with other people in-game for the items you want, right? You don't need to PAY anything outside of the game. Furthermore, ZOS is a 'for profit' company that needs a constant source of revenue to survive, and adding desirable content into 'chapters' entice more players to purchase it. Desirable doesn't mean P2W... and if you cannot 'win' without the items you mentioned... then you have other problems besides worrying about P2W- which is non-existent in ESO btw.
    Edited by ADarklore on June 4, 2018 4:11PM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Solo_SL
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    That is just silly. All of that, and you don't consider the fact that maybe since he is calling for a nerf of his own build, maybe he is being honest and correct about his class ruining the game? I don't see how calling for a nerf of his own class makes him less credible, ESPECIALLY when he makes money off of it. Maybe he doesn't play anymore because the lack of class balance actually does ruin the game. Maybe he is just playing a nightblade to begin with because he sees how overpowered they are in vet pvp and he (like many other people) is tired of trying to overcome them with a lesser class -i'm currently preparing two nightblade builds for vet pvp, and I was doing so before i saw this post or this video for that exact reason... i actually HATE nightblades. i think it is a lame play style for one clas to be able to totally control the engagement via disappearing, and also having a super high burst, making them almost impossible to beat 1v1 in certain situations. I DO NOT want to play nightblade, but I am making two because I'm just sick of being the one playing a lesser class and having to fight against them.

    Hell, why don't we ALL create nightblades? we can all just cloak around and incap each other
    Edited by Solo_SL on June 4, 2018 5:48PM
  • idk
    I stopped at the first "reason" OP gave in his little video.

    He complained about an ultimate and stated it can be blocked dodged, etc, but none of that matter. In other words he was saying skill, and more importantly a having counters, does not matter.

    That was my take with how he worded his message, Maybe he did better explaining other issues but it lost me right there when he said skill and counters do not matter when deciding a skill needed to be nerfed.

    Personally I think you tubers that do videos like this in the forums do it to create controversy and to get followers/subscribers. That is what I think OPs goal is and why he created the video.
    Edited by idk on June 4, 2018 5:58PM
  • idk
    Solo_SL wrote: »
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    That is just silly. All of that, and you don't consider the fact that maybe since he is calling for a nerf of his own build, maybe he is being honest and correct about his class ruining the game?

    Or maybe he is just trying to drum up some more traffic and subscribers. Lets be real about this. Being negative and drumming up controversy gets attention.

    Read below. Funny. Great response, not worth bumping a thread that is probably nothing more that designed for publicity or some streamer than thinks his opinion matters more because he is a streamer. lol
    Edited by idk on June 4, 2018 6:59PM
  • Rain_Greyraven
    June 4th 2014: It's doomed I tell you!! WTAH ZoS ?!!! No one will play this!!!!

    June 4th 2015: Six months tops that's all the time this game has!! Then they will close up shop. Thanks for scamming me Zos!!!!

    June 4th 2016: The best MMo awards mean nothing! The player numbers are lies!!!! This game is in MM and will close bet money on it!!!!

    June 4th 2017: Look Look!!! SEE???? <Insert idiot youtubers name here> Just left that's it folks the game is doomed!!!!!

    June 4th 2018: Rain_Greyraven laughs his ass off over some random streamer that has obviously went off his meds then shoots off a email to his guild officer discussing the future because his guild has grown exponentially........ again.
    Edited by Rain_Greyraven on June 6, 2018 11:10PM
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Rickter
    although i do believe the video is rather one sided - the calm presentation and soothing music creates a masterful feel of collected and mature feedback.

    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • SkillzMFG
    *inhales* NERF SORCS!
  • xeNNNNN
    Solo_SL wrote: »
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    i think it is a lame play style for one clas to be able to totally control the engagement via disappearing

    Only they dont...once you've been ganked enough times you know exactly what they're going to do most of the time and the fact they disappear is negated by the fact that they can be brought out of stealth by every form of damage in the game excluding direct damage.

    They control the initial engagement ... but thats about it. How it turns out is dependant on how you react to the gank. You know incapps coming immediately upon being attacked and so you block... etc. at least 70% of nightblades will immediately incapp rather than waiting for the perfect time and so they become predictable and thus counter-able.

    Its really not difficult.

    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • Ragnarock41
    ADarklore wrote: »
    ok so I have to disagree with that guy in the video like 80% of the time...and seriously JC p2w? erm as far as I know you can use INGAME gold to buy it from those who already have? so u have access even if you are a little winie… sure pvp its worse and I miss the old days and honestly I don't think its gona ever get better unless a complete overhaul...literally but still stop lying to yourselves people...with the garbage idea that you can 1vX...even in the back days...well no actually 6 months after release when the demigods dk that could 1vs 1k players and win you could not go pvx if in that X it was at least 1 guy who knows what he is doing...right now even more...yes I agree that eso put a hinderance into solo pvp playstyle and that is the main reason why I stopped pvping and every time a new dlc chapter or update comes its permanently ignored...also we talking about pro play on consoles? seriously?...ok good one... back on the fact that "nb is the most played class in pvp" go tell that to the endless amount of dk and templar bodies I have to pile almost daily...and yes I did stopped pvping but that doesn't mean I don't do it at least 3 times per week just in case smt might change...pls give more nbs..at least that way I know I wont have to deal with the amount of zergs running around...I feel that the guy in the video is just someone who got frustrated with a narrowminded vision of seeing only the cons of things...

    Now I will say that I don't give a crap about this video up there, or ESO dying/living means not much to me, ESO PvP died years ago anyways, what remains will remain for years to come.

    But one thing really disturbs me. How can you people not tell the difference between whats pay to win and what is not. Transmutation for example, was not pay to win because you could just use a friend's house for transmutation station and change your weapon/armor traits. (in actual reality I ended up joining a guild cause only very few people actually have access to those transmutation stations)

    And then the introduction of gear transmog(a.k.a. costume maker), was not pay to win, but it was designed make you waste money, instead of letting you do whatever you want with your gear. Why do you think there is a huge gold cost for it? And why do you think a single outfit slot, for a single character costs 1k crowns? Eh.. At least it wasn't affecting gameplay.

    Which was, fine because of that alone. In the end I could still go PvP or PvE without lacking anything.But transmutation for jewelry changed everything.

    Now lets see what jewelrycrafting locked behind paywall means for me. It means no transmuted jewelry. It means no robust ravager for my stamplar, no robust seventh legion/fury for my stamDk, no swift bone pirate for my stamsorc... People like you , who say jewelrycrafting is not pay to win, is either living in a denial or has no clue what pay to win actually means.

    And we didn't even mentioned the new skill line...

    So wake up. For this is only going to end up worse for all of you. Zenimax is asking for more and more money each year, and they are slowly introducing pay to win mechanics into the game, which I decided to not support anymore. If you think that this is fine, next year they will come up with something even more ridicilous.

    Seriously? You do know that you can buy/trade with other people in-game for the items you want, right? You don't need to PAY anything outside of the game. Furthermore, ZOS is a 'for profit' company that needs a constant source of revenue to survive, and adding desirable content into 'chapters' entice more players to purchase it. Desirable doesn't mean P2W... and if you cannot 'win' without the items you mentioned... then you have other problems besides worrying about P2W- which is non-existent in ESO btw.

    Now tell me how am I going to get robust seventh/fury/ravager jewelry again? Do you realize transmuting jewelry makes them bound?

    Oh my god the ignorance.... This forum never fails to amaze me with the ignorance... You did not even read my post...
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on June 4, 2018 7:58PM
  • Solo_SL
    xeNNNNN wrote: »
    Solo_SL wrote: »
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    i think it is a lame play style for one clas to be able to totally control the engagement via disappearing

    Only they dont...once you've been ganked enough times you know exactly what they're going to do most of the time and the fact they disappear is negated by the fact that they can be brought out of stealth by every form of damage in the game excluding direct damage.

    They control the initial engagement ... but thats about it. How it turns out is dependant on how you react to the gank. You know incapps coming immediately upon being attacked and so you block... etc. at least 70% of nightblades will immediately incapp rather than waiting for the perfect time and so they become predictable and thus counter-able.

    Its really not difficult.

    potato, potato. ur not even disagreeing with me. yea, they control the initial engagement. a lot of times the initial engagement is the only engagement that matters anyway
  • BozzyTheDrummer
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Well, how bad can it be when we started off the new chapter with this:


    And yes, I really do love this mount!

    I actually saw someone riding this and kind of wished I purchased it. Thought it was ugly, but looks pretty cool in game IMO
    Xbox NA

    Valthyr Alynwen High Elf MagSorc EP
    Valeon Indoril Dark Elf MagDK EP
    Willard Lorrthane Breton MagDen EP
    Faelian Elilanar High Elf MagPlar EP
    Dro'Kassa Khajiit MagCro EP
    Im-Tanky-Enough Argonian Tank EP
    Lorgdan Bladesmith Orc StamBlade DC
    Cyrus Hayle Redguard StamSorc EP
    Xuxtheem-Light-Bearer Argonian Healer AD
    Galen Morthain Dark Elf MagBlade EP
    Burgesh the Mighty Orc StamDen DC
    Mekar the Vile Orc StamCro DC

    "Fimmion hungry. Want sweetroll. Fimmion like pants. Love sweetroll."
  • DuskMarine
    JaZ2091 wrote: »
    I honestly tell my friends to avoid it b/c of the Crown Store, volatile Cyrodiil PvP Zone, and lack of Achievement rewards/not being account wide. I share the positives as well but there are many things I would have loved to be featured in this game but unfortunately aren't. I only play and tolerant ESO despite the drawbacks, because I really like The Elder Scroll Series as whole and the lore behind it. And the combat is pretty good too.

    you love the game and you know it otherwise you wouldnt play it at all if any of what you said was actually true.
  • PlagueSD
    lol, "Holding L2" What the hell is that?? You mean perma-blocking??? Just say it...

    You're saying Jewelry-crafting is P2W? Really? I don't think so. You can't MAKE your own jewelry if you don't have Summerset, but can still BUY or have someone craft for you.
    Edited by PlagueSD on June 4, 2018 9:09PM
  • HeathenDeacon
    i'll be honest i stopped watching as soon as the first point he goes into was nightblades. i'm a NB hater to some extent, but to start with that hyberbolic intro about the game is dying and then start your reasons with nightblades... lol.

    Beyond that all i have to say is most of the people around here that think the game is being handled poorly by ZOS , REALLY REALLY REALLY need to take a break and go play some other mmos.
    GO try and play some of the bulk of more recent MMOS that have come out in the last few years, mostly from Korean devs, for a few months and then come back and tell us how wonderful your experience was with those developers.... I mean, you want to see things like REAL P2W and trash optimization and nonexistent balance? you have no idea.

    I swear, some of ya'll here have no idea how good you have it.
    Of course you want the game to be perfect, but i hate to tell ya compared to the other options out there ZOS really is a class act.
    Edited by HeathenDeacon on June 4, 2018 9:12PM
  • The_Old_Goat
    So for those of you who are warning your friends to avoid playing ESO, what else is there to play that's as worthwhile and newer?
  • Cillion3117
    I guess I'm just old school. I play the games that I like and don't play the games I dont like. I would never complain online about a game I'm playing. I would just stop playing and move on with my life.
  • usmguy1234
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    Who better to comment on how overpowered a nightblade is than someone who plays one? And yes, your observations are correct, I am the person who originally posted the video on the forum. However, I am not associated with hobo. I do not even play on the same platform as him. What is true is that a lot of what he said struck a nerve. Us pvpers have put up with a lot of crap over the years and the game is arguably worse than it has ever been on a performance basis.
    Edited by usmguy1234 on June 4, 2018 9:47PM
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • pieratsos
    ezio45 wrote: »

    zergs, despite what everyone says zergs have always been there. For full transparency i have a very large problem with small scale, it hurts the alliance. cyro should be about army vs army working together towards helping there alliance, alliance loyalty, saying *** ap are where cyro gets to shine the brightest. And before I get a bunch of hate from small scale, yes you are fully entitled to play how you want, i just wish battle grounds wasnt terrible and offered these players a better way to do this

    There is a difference between zerging and mindless zerging because of a million different broken things that make player skill completely irrelevant.

    And no, small scale doesnt actually hurt ur alliance. You'd be surprised what those solo/small scale players used to be able to do for ur alliance when player skill actually mattered. Killing literally entire groups on their way to defend a keep that you were attacking and basically being the main reason why you took it in the first place. Or them being the first to actually push out a defence because every other "group player" that is supposed to be playing for the alliance is afraid to step out of a keep.

    So yeah, they were actually helping ur alliance a lot more than the random guy that you have in ur group just sieging the same target for half an hour without killing anything.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    I guess I'm just old school. I play the games that I like and don't play the games I dont like. I would never complain online about a game I'm playing. I would just stop playing and move on with my life.


    if you enjoy it play it. if you don't, move on.

    no need to broadcast your discontent.
  • Kel
    Solo_SL wrote: »
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    That is just silly. All of that, and you don't consider the fact that maybe since he is calling for a nerf of his own build, maybe he is being honest and correct about his class ruining the game? I don't see how calling for a nerf of his own class makes him less credible, ESPECIALLY when he makes money off of it. Maybe he doesn't play anymore because the lack of class balance actually does ruin the game. Maybe he is just playing a nightblade to begin with because he sees how overpowered they are in vet pvp and he (like many other people) is tired of trying to overcome them with a lesser class -i'm currently preparing two nightblade builds for vet pvp, and I was doing so before i saw this post or this video for that exact reason... i actually HATE nightblades. i think it is a lame play style for one clas to be able to totally control the engagement via disappearing, and also having a super high burst, making them almost impossible to beat 1v1 in certain situations. I DO NOT want to play nightblade, but I am making two because I'm just sick of being the one playing a lesser class and having to fight against them.

    Hell, why don't we ALL create nightblades? we can all just cloak around and incap each other

    Point is, he was more than fine using it to his advantage until he released it to everyone.
    You would have a point if he was speaking up about nightblades the entire time, not just after he let his secret build out...the one he didn't even share with his closest friends, by his own words.
    He was gleefully using that "unbalanced class" as you put it, without ever saying a word.
    That's the point. He was never concerned about nightblade balance until he let his own cat out of the bag. And now it is out, that's the time he choses to talk about nerfs? Seems disingenuous.

    Edit for spelling
    Edited by Kel on June 4, 2018 10:23PM
  • Aesthier
    ... what I have to say would simply take to long only to be constantly misinterpreted, misrepresented and argued over with invalid reasoning.


    To those who think the game is coming to an end because of "insert biased reason here"...

    Good luck, best wishes and don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.
  • srfrogg23
    Drama drama drama... I made it 3 minutes into the video. This dude is just working up some drama for views.
  • Solo_SL
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    Solo_SL wrote: »
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....

    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    Point is, he was more than fine using it to his advantage until he released it to everyone.
    You would have a point if he was speaking up about nightblades the entire time, not just after he let his secret build out...the one he didn't even share with his closest friends, by his own words.
    He was gleefully using that "unbalanced class" as you put it, without ever saying a word.
    That's the point. He was never concerned about nightblade balance until he let his own cat out of the bag. And now it is out, that's the time he choses to talk about nerfs? Seems disingenuous.

    Edit for spelling

    you are misunderstanding me. i dont even care about nightblades and whether they are strong or not strong. im not even really calling them for a nerf.... i was just responding to another "jabrone", who literally said that because the youtuber was getting into dark souls and quitting eso at the same time, that that automatically meant nothing he said about nightblades was credible... my point is.... this dude played the NB at a very high level and is basically committing nightblade suicide by divulging his build then calling for it's nerf... did you ever want your strongest build taken away? i know i didnt, even if i got kind of sick of it. all im saying is that is blatantly ignoring insight
  • bellatrixed
    I love all the edgelords who care enough about a game enough to actively post on its official forums just to claim they tell their friends not to play.

    Protip: If you don't like the game, you should probably go find something you do like instead of hanging around just to complain. It's not healthy.

    ESO is the healthiest and best MMO on the market as far as I'm concerned.
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
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