Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 14:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 14
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 14, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EDT (20:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – October 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236
• EU megaservers for maintenance – October 16, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236

Eso 2018

  • ezio45
    I love all the edgelords who care enough about a game enough to actively post on its official forums just to claim they tell their friends not to play.

    Protip: If you don't like the game, you should probably go find something you do like instead of hanging around just to complain. It's not healthy.

    ESO is the healthiest and best MMO on the market as far as I'm concerned.

    we generally like this game, it is good. however they are doing universally agreed upon dumb *** that hated by the community if enough of those pile up then ya, were going to stop giving a *** and move on
  • ezio45
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »

    zergs, despite what everyone says zergs have always been there. For full transparency i have a very large problem with small scale, it hurts the alliance. cyro should be about army vs army working together towards helping there alliance, alliance loyalty, saying *** ap are where cyro gets to shine the brightest. And before I get a bunch of hate from small scale, yes you are fully entitled to play how you want, i just wish battle grounds wasnt terrible and offered these players a better way to do this

    There is a difference between zerging and mindless zerging because of a million different broken things that make player skill completely irrelevant.

    And no, small scale doesnt actually hurt ur alliance. You'd be surprised what those solo/small scale players used to be able to do for ur alliance when player skill actually mattered. Killing literally entire groups on their way to defend a keep that you were attacking and basically being the main reason why you took it in the first place. Or them being the first to actually push out a defence because every other "group player" that is supposed to be playing for the alliance is afraid to step out of a keep.

    So yeah, they were actually helping ur alliance a lot more than the random guy that you have in ur group just sieging the same target for half an hour without killing anything.

    ^ but they dont do that anymore, id be ok with that, in lesser numbers. small scale now just chills camping a resource and kills off the players farming ap for 30 mins while the alliance gets gated cuz EVERYONE is trying to be small scale and not a zergling and their still there when they should be anywhere else or could be replace with ppl that actually will add bodies to a fight

    and the random guy in our group might be dumb but at least there doing something that can be worked with.
    Edited by ezio45 on June 5, 2018 9:57AM
  • Kel
    ezio45 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »

    zergs, despite what everyone says zergs have always been there. For full transparency i have a very large problem with small scale, it hurts the alliance. cyro should be about army vs army working together towards helping there alliance, alliance loyalty, saying *** ap are where cyro gets to shine the brightest. And before I get a bunch of hate from small scale, yes you are fully entitled to play how you want, i just wish battle grounds wasnt terrible and offered these players a better way to do this

    There is a difference between zerging and mindless zerging because of a million different broken things that make player skill completely irrelevant.

    And no, small scale doesnt actually hurt ur alliance. You'd be surprised what those solo/small scale players used to be able to do for ur alliance when player skill actually mattered. Killing literally entire groups on their way to defend a keep that you were attacking and basically being the main reason why you took it in the first place. Or them being the first to actually push out a defence because every other "group player" that is supposed to be playing for the alliance is afraid to step out of a keep.

    So yeah, they were actually helping ur alliance a lot more than the random guy that you have in ur group just sieging the same target for half an hour without killing anything.

    ^ but they dont do that anymore, id be ok with that, in lesser numbers. small scale now just chills camping a resource and kills off the players farming ap for 30 mins while the alliance gets gated cuz EVERYONE is trying to be small scale and not a zergling and their still there when they should be anywhere else or could be replace with ppl that actually will add bodies to a fight

    and the random guy in our group might be dumb but at least there doing something that can be worked with.


    Cyrodiil still needs both of these groups and types of players. Everyone is so afraid to be called a "zergling" these days....but....as fun and rewarding as small scale play is, it will not win you the campaign. You will not take keeps with 3 people, for example. Sure, it's possible to take one here or there, but you'll attract the attention of a much larger group sooner or later. You most definitely won't take the emperor ring of keeps with a small scale group.
    So, you need groups to actually win the campaign. Just because small scale players don't care about winning doesn't mean that's true for everyone.

    That being said, I do love the excitement of small scale play. Being outnumbered and being able to walk away victorious is a great feeling. You feel like your skills are on point, your focus sharpened to a razor's edge...no one can stop you.

    I'm a believer in playing how you want, I just don't get the need to label or look down on others because HOW you choose to play. I've seen some bad behavior from players on the same alliance, like tea bagging and giving away your position in stealth. I just hope more players understand that both groups of players are needed. We should be thanking eachother, not trying to shame eachother because we choose to play a different way.
  • BaneOfBattler
    ok so I have to disagree with that guy in the video like 80% of the time...and seriously JC p2w? erm as far as I know you can use INGAME gold to buy it from those who already have? so u have access even if you are a little winie… sure pvp its worse and I miss the old days and honestly I don't think its gona ever get better unless a complete overhaul...literally but still stop lying to yourselves people...with the garbage idea that you can 1vX...even in the back days...well no actually 6 months after release when the demigods dk that could 1vs 1k players and win you could not go pvx if in that X it was at least 1 guy who knows what he is doing...right now even more...yes I agree that eso put a hinderance into solo pvp playstyle and that is the main reason why I stopped pvping and every time a new dlc chapter or update comes its permanently ignored...also we talking about pro play on consoles? seriously?...ok good one... back on the fact that "nb is the most played class in pvp" go tell that to the endless amount of dk and templar bodies I have to pile almost daily...and yes I did stopped pvping but that doesn't mean I don't do it at least 3 times per week just in case smt might change...pls give more nbs..at least that way I know I wont have to deal with the amount of zergs running around...I feel that the guy in the video is just someone who got frustrated with a narrowminded vision of seeing only the cons of things...

    Now I will say that I don't give a crap about this video up there, or ESO dying/living means not much to me, ESO PvP died years ago anyways, what remains will remain for years to come.

    But one thing really disturbs me. How can you people not tell the difference between whats pay to win and what is not. Transmutation for example, was not pay to win because you could just use a friend's house for transmutation station and change your weapon/armor traits. (in actual reality I ended up joining a guild cause only very few people actually have access to those transmutation stations)

    And then the introduction of gear transmog(a.k.a. costume maker), was not pay to win, but it was designed make you waste money, instead of letting you do whatever you want with your gear. Why do you think there is a huge gold cost for it? And why do you think a single outfit slot, for a single character costs 1k crowns? Eh.. At least it wasn't affecting gameplay.

    Which was, fine because of that alone. In the end I could still go PvP or PvE without lacking anything.But transmutation for jewelry changed everything.

    Now lets see what jewelrycrafting locked behind paywall means for me. It means no transmuted jewelry. It means no robust ravager for my stamplar, no robust seventh legion/fury for my stamDk, no swift bone pirate for my stamsorc... People like you , who say jewelrycrafting is not pay to win, is either living in a denial or has no clue what pay to win actually means.

    And we didn't even mentioned the new skill line...

    So wake up. For this is only going to end up worse for all of you. Zenimax is asking for more and more money each year, and they are slowly introducing pay to win mechanics into the game, which I decided to not support anymore. If you think that this is fine, next year they will come up with something even more ridicilous.

    You are wrong in so many ways that i could be explaining why your 9 paragraph are hollow and dont back up themselves with 3 threads, just to explain you why.

    If you honestly think that jewelcrafting is p2w you need to visit korean games, archeage, neverwinter... you are playing a pay2play game, theres no such thing as p2w as there is no free2play elements, you cant download the game right away and play.

    every game that has an expansion has its plus and cons, this is an expansion, it has new features, theres no such thing as a paywall, meaning if you dont want new content then its your issue, again you are wrong.

    you pay for more story, more things to do, more places to visit, more motiffs to get, more crafting, a new skill line.... because its a expansion and its exclusive, back in my day when you wanted to play a tabletop expansion you had to.... OH WHATS THIS, PAY to get the actual box with figures in it and a scenario OH WOW SUCH PAYWALL.

    People that think the expansion is pay2win really need to play archeage, tera, guildwars2, and so on.
  • President_PUG
    Exactly one year ago May 31 2017 ROLLING STONE did an interview with Matt Firor.
    There was this question to Matt.
    Was there ever a moment when you were afraid the project was going to be a failure?
    I'm not speaking for everyone here, but I never thought that. Mostly because we had that dedicated group of people that was there, and they weren't just playing the game, they were playing it every day, at least five times a week and for four or five hours a day. I've been in this industry long enough I know that no one will do that if the game isn't good. It was a large group of people and we still have a group of players now that have played, with some exceptions, almost every day since we launched in 2014. So when you have that, you know that there's something there to build on, and as long as there's something there to build on, you know you can make it more successful.

    So I went back further reading all the articles I could about ESO. Even before it was released and up to date with the Release of Summerset.
    Here is a short list what I think is causing part of the ESO Community to complain and stay playing a game so frustrating to them.
    The #1 problem since the very start of the game?
    People want to play an MMO as if it were a single player RPG. as in SKYRIM VI.
    They just cannot adjust to the fact the Game style is different. The Content Is similar, but of a necessity..New Player friendly so that a person doesn't need to play all the old Morrowind/Skyrim games to understand whats going on.

    If people would just ask the right questions instead venting on developers. Things like Clear communication from the player is just as important in fixing a game, as writing hours code to fix it. Instead taking your PC and throwing it at the designer and saying "HERE FIX THIS!" tell them what it does when you mistreat it. Constructive Criticism is a developers best friend. But babbling just to be a bully is what holds up things getting fixed while Game Makers stop what they are working on to hold your hand.

    #2 Why doesn't Zos Love Me...Listen to MEEEE! Why don't They Care?
    In that Rolling Stone article Matt was asked.
    Since launch, you've introduced things that many people claim make Elder Scrolls Online more properly Elder Scrolls-y. Did you always intend to introduce these elements or did you largely come up with them based on the turmoil you faced after launch?
    I think it was a combination of both. I mean, I've been doing this a long time so I was under no illusions that the game wouldn't change over time. Making games of this type, you basically have to be done when you launch because you need to get as much feedback as possible from players. We knew we were going to have to do changes. We didn't know exactly what we would have to do until after we launched and then started seeing the reaction.
    So we did a lot of assessment of what was behind the complaints and then we did what we could to add systems that got to the heart of them. It wasn't necessarily what are they were specifically asking for, but ways of addressing what was causing the feedback in the first place.

    We had a really core group of players that logged in every day and played the whole time this was going on, so we knew we had something. We knew that it was a great game at heart and we just needed to free up the systems to operators to enjoy it more. So even if the numbers weren't quite as high as we wanted, and obviously they weren't in the beginning, we did have that core committed group of players. We basically tried to make more of what they liked and less of what they didn't.

    #3 If people would try to learn to play the game the way it was made instead of asking ZoS to completely start over, They would have a better game experience.

    again Matt:We weren't what I would consider a flop by any means. It's just that a series like Elder Scrolls is very mass market. We expected to get more of those mass users and we got more of what I would call the hardcore MMO guys.

    The Game developers do listen, and They do fix things.
    Just remember its ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE, and not Skyrim VI.

    “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
  • Huyen
    Taking a long break starting today. Login bonusses and summerset (despite looking amazing) dont cut it for me anymore. I dont like the way the game is heading.
    Huyen Shadowpaw, dedicated nightblade tank - PS4 (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, nightblade dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Lightpaw, templar healer - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, necromancer dps - PC EU (Retired)
    Huyen Swiftpaw, dragonknight (no defined role yet)

    "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again. Only this time, more wisely" - Uncle Iroh
  • lordspyder
    Calling Summerset P2W had diluted the term to the point that there is no such thing as a non P2W MMO any more...
  • pieratsos
    ezio45 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »

    zergs, despite what everyone says zergs have always been there. For full transparency i have a very large problem with small scale, it hurts the alliance. cyro should be about army vs army working together towards helping there alliance, alliance loyalty, saying *** ap are where cyro gets to shine the brightest. And before I get a bunch of hate from small scale, yes you are fully entitled to play how you want, i just wish battle grounds wasnt terrible and offered these players a better way to do this

    There is a difference between zerging and mindless zerging because of a million different broken things that make player skill completely irrelevant.

    And no, small scale doesnt actually hurt ur alliance. You'd be surprised what those solo/small scale players used to be able to do for ur alliance when player skill actually mattered. Killing literally entire groups on their way to defend a keep that you were attacking and basically being the main reason why you took it in the first place. Or them being the first to actually push out a defence because every other "group player" that is supposed to be playing for the alliance is afraid to step out of a keep.

    So yeah, they were actually helping ur alliance a lot more than the random guy that you have in ur group just sieging the same target for half an hour without killing anything.

    ^ but they dont do that anymore, id be ok with that, in lesser numbers. small scale now just chills camping a resource and kills off the players farming ap for 30 mins while the alliance gets gated cuz EVERYONE is trying to be small scale and not a zergling and their still there when they should be anywhere else or could be replace with ppl that actually will add bodies to a fight

    and the random guy in our group might be dumb but at least there doing something that can be worked with.

    The reason why this is the only way u see small scale these days is because player skill has become completely irrelevant with the amount of broken things and u have to crutch on constant LOS in towers and the tight spaces it provides to actually fight outnumbered otherwise you just melt in a few seconds by 3 potatoes that can literally light attack you to death because of stupid procs like sloads. Make skill relevant and ull see more strategic small scale that can actually help your alliance more. Thats the point.

    And whether the "tower farming" helps or doesnt help ur alliance is up for debate. If 5 small scale players kill a group of 15 people a couple of times i can guarantee you that those 15 people will camp the resource forever until they kill those 5 guys. Thats 15 less people your group has to deal with when u are sieging. So yes it can still help ur alliance.

    No, the random guy that might be dumb isnt doing anything for your alliance. Not until he learns which is going to take some time when u are fighting in the safety of an entire zerg. The majority of the time he is a waste of a siege slot in defence. A day doesnt go by when ill be outside of a keep and that dumb guy will literally just stay in the keep try to kill me with a fire ballista for 20 minutes even tho his keep isnt even getting sieged. And when more people like him do the same they achieve absolutely nothing, the keep eventually gets sieged and they lose it. But do you know who will actually do something helpful? That solo guy who isnt afraid and will come out to fight and when those dumb guys actually see that solo guy go out they will follow like sheep and they will actually manage to break the offence before the siege even begins. So yeah there is that about how solo players can actually help. Just because they are not in ur group or sieging it doesnt mean they dont help. Many times they are the reasons why groups are able to actually get things done.
  • Rain_Greyraven
    Exactly one year ago May 31 2017 ROLLING STONE did an interview with Matt Firor.
    There was this question to Matt.
    Was there ever a moment when you were afraid the project was going to be a failure?
    I'm not speaking for everyone here, but I never thought that. Mostly because we had that dedicated group of people that was there, and they weren't just playing the game, they were playing it every day, at least five times a week and for four or five hours a day. I've been in this industry long enough I know that no one will do that if the game isn't good. It was a large group of people and we still have a group of players now that have played, with some exceptions, almost every day since we launched in 2014. So when you have that, you know that there's something there to build on, and as long as there's something there to build on, you know you can make it more successful.

    So I went back further reading all the articles I could about ESO. Even before it was released and up to date with the Release of Summerset.
    Here is a short list what I think is causing part of the ESO Community to complain and stay playing a game so frustrating to them.
    The #1 problem since the very start of the game?
    People want to play an MMO as if it were a single player RPG. as in SKYRIM VI.
    They just cannot adjust to the fact the Game style is different. The Content Is similar, but of a necessity..New Player friendly so that a person doesn't need to play all the old Morrowind/Skyrim games to understand whats going on.

    If people would just ask the right questions instead venting on developers. Things like Clear communication from the player is just as important in fixing a game, as writing hours code to fix it. Instead taking your PC and throwing it at the designer and saying "HERE FIX THIS!" tell them what it does when you mistreat it. Constructive Criticism is a developers best friend. But babbling just to be a bully is what holds up things getting fixed while Game Makers stop what they are working on to hold your hand.

    #2 Why doesn't Zos Love Me...Listen to MEEEE! Why don't They Care?
    In that Rolling Stone article Matt was asked.
    Since launch, you've introduced things that many people claim make Elder Scrolls Online more properly Elder Scrolls-y. Did you always intend to introduce these elements or did you largely come up with them based on the turmoil you faced after launch?
    I think it was a combination of both. I mean, I've been doing this a long time so I was under no illusions that the game wouldn't change over time. Making games of this type, you basically have to be done when you launch because you need to get as much feedback as possible from players. We knew we were going to have to do changes. We didn't know exactly what we would have to do until after we launched and then started seeing the reaction.
    So we did a lot of assessment of what was behind the complaints and then we did what we could to add systems that got to the heart of them. It wasn't necessarily what are they were specifically asking for, but ways of addressing what was causing the feedback in the first place.

    We had a really core group of players that logged in every day and played the whole time this was going on, so we knew we had something. We knew that it was a great game at heart and we just needed to free up the systems to operators to enjoy it more. So even if the numbers weren't quite as high as we wanted, and obviously they weren't in the beginning, we did have that core committed group of players. We basically tried to make more of what they liked and less of what they didn't.

    #3 If people would try to learn to play the game the way it was made instead of asking ZoS to completely start over, They would have a better game experience.

    again Matt:We weren't what I would consider a flop by any means. It's just that a series like Elder Scrolls is very mass market. We expected to get more of those mass users and we got more of what I would call the hardcore MMO guys.

    The Game developers do listen, and They do fix things.
    Just remember its ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE, and not Skyrim VI.

    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Preyfar
    "Morrowind killed the game..."t

    I hated the combat changes to Morrowind so much I quit (didn't help my PC fried itself at the time). The stamina cost reduction removal was annoying but I found the "heavy attack to regain stamina" to the one of the oddest game changes I've ever seen. It made no sense and felt entirely unnatural. It went against basic logic that you'd need need to do a heavy attack to regenerate stam/magicka.

    Whatever, I could cope. But I found combat became less fluid and less fun. Not terrible, but it lost the rhythm that attracted me to the game. I decided to come back with Summerset and give things a try, and it's been better, but there's still a lot of odd issues which have been lingering so long it makes me think ZOS has no long term plan for PVP in any way.

    And that's evident by the PVP populations during primetime. It's still fun, it's still enjoyable, but it never really improves or gets better. It's the same thing on the same map over and over again. I just wish I knew what the gameplan was for PVP long term. The questing/story elements of the game? Great! PVP? It's as fun as it is buggy, but the PVP-side bugs never really seem to get addressed swiftly.
    Edited by Preyfar on June 7, 2018 7:35PM
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