Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 14:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 14
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 14, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EDT (20:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – October 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236
• EU megaservers for maintenance – October 16, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/667236

Eso 2018

Soul Shriven
Eso is an mmorpg that is great and is fun to play and delivers well in a lot of areas and with that it should be given credit to where it is due of course, to which I recommend anyone to try it out... but being honest it does have its fair share of issues that need to be addressed as discussed in this video. https://youtu.be/hL-M9fLXyAM
XBL Gamertag: Stormcloaks
  • JaZ2091
    I honestly tell my friends to avoid it b/c of the Crown Store, volatile Cyrodiil PvP Zone, and lack of Achievement rewards/not being account wide. I share the positives as well but there are many things I would have loved to be featured in this game but unfortunately aren't. I only play and tolerant ESO despite the drawbacks, because I really like The Elder Scroll Series as whole and the lore behind it. And the combat is pretty good too.
  • SnubbS
    I tell my friends to avoid it due to the grind not really being worth it for what you get at end game. The gameplay isn't rewarding enough in my opinion.
    Xbox NA: SnubbS
    GoW eSports player & part time ESO Pug Ball Zerger.
  • xeNNNNN
    I've seen this and honestly this video is very one sided.

    While agree with the server stability and reinforcing their stance that group play in cyro is just not productive its counter productive in its current state (ball groups are near impossible to kill now even for us bombblades, earthgore - wizards reposte and of course thurvokun which debuffs us when we go in and cant survive long enough to kill them as a result) Bassically cyrodil is just unfun boring and tedious zergs atm which just run along keep walls mindlessly spamming abilities thinking they're good because one guy shouts at them to move left or right or calls for negate 1,2 or 3. Its boring and ruining PvP. You heard me ball groups.

    I however disagree with the rest.

    The MMO model hes complaining about is actually every model that every existed because people are ALWAYS paying for more content rather than it being added to base game no matter what that is. they are ALWAYS doing so. He also blatently ignores the fact that while people cant craft that jewlery themselves but they can use those crafted items even with traits like bloodthirsty etc. They cant craft but they can use, its a fair trade and he REALLY waited far too long to complain about this model since its existed for over a decade now and ESO isn't the only game to do it in fact nearly every other MMO that ever existed had/has this model in some form or another.

    As for the whole people leaving....honestly...they've been playing since the beginning they've burnt out. New players come and go and so too do you tubers (honestly youtubers are helpful but they arent the centre of the communities reality). Cyrodil will survive as will PvP even if it isn't that fun right now there have been times where its been horrible and then afterwards great fun then bad again then fun. It changes with time. Im still going to be PvPing and so will others.

    Doomed to failure? Hardly.
    Is the guy in the video a bit too upset to have a non-biased view on the matter? Yep. The video is clearly biased whether it be due to passion or just rage under the surface who knows but this video was not made objectively beyond view desires and a calm rant.

    P.s People still whine about stamblades? Seriously? 3 years and they still haven't managed to figure out how to outplay most of them? Really? (there are few exceptions but jesus).
    Edited by xeNNNNN on June 4, 2018 4:23AM
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • Kawall
    For me it's the endgame pve. I'm pve player and always have been, but at this point doing same couple trial and arenas over and over again became very boring. Actually started doing some pvp. Hope zos add new dlc or atleast zone with exclusively harder content with good drop.
  • DoctorESO
    Well, how bad can it be when we started off the new chapter with this:


    And yes, I really do love this mount!
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    ok so I have to disagree with that guy in the video like 80% of the time...and seriously JC p2w? erm as far as I know you can use INGAME gold to buy it from those who already have? so u have access even if you are a little winie… sure pvp its worse and I miss the old days and honestly I don't think its gona ever get better unless a complete overhaul...literally but still stop lying to yourselves people...with the garbage idea that you can 1vX...even in the back days...well no actually 6 months after release when the demigods dk that could 1vs 1k players and win you could not go pvx if in that X it was at least 1 guy who knows what he is doing...right now even more...yes I agree that eso put a hinderance into solo pvp playstyle and that is the main reason why I stopped pvping and every time a new dlc chapter or update comes its permanently ignored...also we talking about pro play on consoles? seriously?...ok good one... back on the fact that "nb is the most played class in pvp" go tell that to the endless amount of dk and templar bodies I have to pile almost daily...and yes I did stopped pvping but that doesn't mean I don't do it at least 3 times per week just in case smt might change...pls give more nbs..at least that way I know I wont have to deal with the amount of zergs running around...I feel that the guy in the video is just someone who got frustrated with a narrowminded vision of seeing only the cons of things...
  • Tonnopesce
    I honestly dont believe in the YouTube'rs leaving the game as a major issue.
    If they want to make a living out of the gaming industry they need to follow the trend that's all.

  • ezio45
    ok i dont necessarily agree with everything in this video, yes we have problems. If there not fixed ya, the game in going to be in trouble. Its probably sick rn not dead

    Class balance is an issue i will agree with, this is one of the biggest issues imo

    Poor servers, ya we can all agree there basically powered by potatos

    counter play, gunna put this in the category of balance, every class should have away to counter everything outside of what makes there dps healing or tanking feel unique
    - they shouldnt go about balancing by sets or target ppls defenses
    - cost poisons are pretty broke along with defile

    community, i gotta disagree with you on, yes we have jerks but over all id say we have a very kind and helpful community

    champ points, are they unhealthy for the game, yes. Is this game unplayable without them, yes. Idk how there going to fix this either without losing alot of players

    zergs, despite what everyone says zergs have always been there. For full transparency i have a very large problem with small scale, it hurts the alliance. cyro should be about army vs army working together towards helping there alliance, alliance loyalty, saying *** ap are where cyro gets to shine the brightest. And before I get a bunch of hate from small scale, yes you are fully entitled to play how you want, i just wish battle grounds wasnt terrible and offered these players a better way to do this

    Pay to win, not by a long shot. Even if there marketing things as p2w its almost always a let down. The warden sucks, from the start its been useless and only had birds going for it. Jewelry, again 100% useless in its current state, bordering on unusable

    some other key problems

    the chapters are ALWAYS harmful and disappointing, its not even the contents fault. Zos releases these large updates with the chapter when the update needs alot more time to be looked at and tested, viewed by the player base and changed according to balance and usability.

    I cannot state this enough, the biggest threat to this game is the disappointment around these chapters. Because even tho the new content does offer good gameplay and fun, the disappointments around the failures are what is going to stick with players and hurt the game long after that freshness has faded. morrowinds key points, the warden class and bgs. Both failed and still fail to this day. Summerset, psijic and jewelry, jewelry was something players wanted for a long time. We heard that news and were excited but from the first pts patch notes it was apparent that they got it all wrong. this is where time to review, look at this and change thing should have been in place

    Another key problem is the rewards and content difficulty, these are what effect the longevity of the new content. almost every single area of this game is effected by underwhelming rewards for the time you invest in them. A few examples, stealing, crafting writs, trials, dungeons, quests. Stealing you should get something you can be excited about every hr, not a day of farming. Crafting writs should be worth it. Trials and dungeons arnt immune either once you have ran them, got what you need theres not enough incentive to go back, even leader boards rewards are underwhelming. by no means am i saying make gear harder to farm, im saying they need to add things from doing these, not connected to making your character better. like pets or costumes, cool furniture or there designs. what good rewards these do have are often behind the hardest content only some of the best players can do not average players. Quest rewards arnt the greatest either, the story is nice but its done after you complete it once, they need more branching paths to encourage replaying with other characters
  • Rawkan
    JaZ2091 wrote: »
    I honestly tell my friends to avoid it b/c of the Crown Store

    That's some bad advice then. Avoiding something because you can buy cosmetics in the store. This argument would make sense if you could buy actual gear, like in other f2p stores.
  • Uviryth
    Honestly, if it wheren`t for the fact that ESO is unique graphicswise (as in actual noncomic, non Asianboobies), the game would have tanked a long time ago. Zenimax makes sooo many mistakes (like the whole Lightattackanimationcanceling as an actual game-mechanic, or the missing LFG for Trials, or the gating of essential items behind ridiculously hard content, or the openworld-powercreep, or the loading screens, or the running aroundquests, or the.....) its beyond ridiculous at this point.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Regret even clicking to hear a nerf NB intro ....
  • DanteYoda
    Honestly other than the servers issues i agree with

    The rest is PvP and well PvP is cancer in nearly every game.. The toxic crap is everywhere in every pvp, unbalanced mess is literally in every pvp..

    If PvP died overnight i'd not notice tbh..
    Rawkan wrote: »
    JaZ2091 wrote: »
    I honestly tell my friends to avoid it b/c of the Crown Store

    That's some bad advice then. Avoiding something because you can buy cosmetics in the store. This argument would make sense if you could buy actual gear, like in other f2p stores.

    Actually its pretty accurate.. I do the same because

    You need to buy ESO, buy expansions, buy ESO+ and maybe DLCs just to catch up to your friends... I cannot in good faith expect my friends to spend that much money to play with me..

    Its easier just to say nahh guys you wouldn't like it..
    Edited by DanteYoda on June 4, 2018 9:31AM
  • jedtb16_ESO
    really biased video.... one of the reasons i pay no attention to youtuber game reviews or speculations.
  • Mannix1958
    How funny a toxic video complains of a toxic game...smh
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Mannix1958 wrote: »
    How funny a toxic video complains of a toxic game...smh

    I believe what ever a persons focus is becomes their reality eventually . If someone is always super critical of others they will eventually find all their faults . Same for games . If a person looks for fun in other people they will eventually find fun players and again , same with the game . They will find the fun parts of the game . People rarely find gold searching in dumpsters .
  • Badmethod
    Soul Shriven
    It's the same old pvp whine... It's the same whine in every game. Heavily opinionated videos don't help either. Pvpers whining over getting owned by someone else... Same old crap.
  • SixVoltCar
    SnubbS wrote: »
    I tell my friends to avoid it due to the grind not really being worth it for what you get at end game. The gameplay isn't rewarding enough in my opinion.

    If you're grinding, you're playing wrong.
  • President_PUG
    I could compare this post to a incident I saw between a man in black and a Sicilian :smiley:
    Man in Black: You're that smart?
    Vizzini: Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?
    Man in Black: Yes.
    Vizzini: Morons.
    The point is everyone thinks very highly of themself for what they think they know.
    ESO Dying?
    Cool I hope they leave the game licenses to Me in the will
    More likely ESO will still be around long after that video you felt we needed to see.
    It might be a repost from a year after after ESO was released.
    Every game gets them when Your at THE TOP!
    “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
  • Cravalllo
    Why are some of you guys here commenting in forums of a game you actually hate? I mean sure there are quite a few annoying bugs, and fixing them would improve the game way more than just adding new content, but still... ESO is a great MMO and most of us like to play it if you don´t... fair enough go play something else, but whinging how bad the game is and how ridiculous some game mechanics are, just because you are not capable of doing it is just nonsense. It won´t improve the game, it won´t improve your own life!

    Just move on, play something you enjoy and drop the hate! :-)
  • Solo_SL
    this video is on point!!! it is so true.

    i understand this game isn't going to "die" or "fail".... i will keep playing, but it is definitely on a downward slope. I'm a pvper, and the best part about this game WAS a player's ability to "1vx" IMO.... in fact, if you google "1vx", you will see nothing but ESO videos for pages and pages. The person who made this video is incredibly accurate describing the factors that reduce a players ability to 1vx, and encourage zerging. Teamwork is cool, but the most beautiful thing about this game was being able to overcome incredible odds. Being able to 3v20, or 1v5. Now days there are just too many factors preventing 1vx, and too many factors encouraging zerging. I also agree with the point about how dueling is not nearly as interesting as it used to be, because some classes have a built-in, inherent advantage. So no matter your skill level, you will probably lose if you are not the right class.

    Also, if you are a person who thinks zerging is how eso pvp is meant to be played, you are just wrong. Sure, working together is all good and fun. But if every person in your group is CAPABLE of 1vxing, then your group is going to be that much more powerful. It isn't mutually exclusive.- you can have better solo pvp gameplay AND group play, but it all starts with solo gameplay. (you dont see sypher pk or other youtubers running around in a zerg 20v1ing some poor scrub, bc obviously thats just not interesting).

    A lot the people who dont agree with this video are obviously not PVPers if you pay attention to their posted responses.

    I was looking VERY hard for other games to replace this game last month. I didn't succeed, but i am definitely keeping my eyes open for the next game. And it isn't because I'm just sick of ESO from playing it too much... It is because the game just isn't the same anymore... Honestly it makes me sad, and I will always miss what eso used to be.

    Here is another sad thought. Consider this- Could it be possible that ZOS intentionally wants to prevent 1vX? - Maybe moving out the old, dominant 1vX players will encourage more new, unskilled players to join up (and therefore pay zos). Maybe zos views 1vXers as a detriment to their sales (because 1vXers discourage certain noobs). Sadder still- If this truly is the case, ZOS would literally be trading the best part of eso pvp for more money, turning eso pvp into an empty, money-making shell of it's former self. In my opinion zos should value 1vXers the most, because we are the most passionate players- We are the ones who try the hardest to get all of our real-life friends to play eso. We also encourage current players to strive for greatness, and we will be the ones who stick with eso the longest (if ESO sticks with us in return!). Hopefully this fits their business model
    Edited by Solo_SL on June 4, 2018 12:01PM
  • Rawkan
    Cravalllo wrote: »
    Why are some of you guys here commenting in forums of a game you actually hate? I mean sure there are quite a few annoying bugs, and fixing them would improve the game way more than just adding new content, but still... ESO is a great MMO and most of us like to play it if you don´t... fair enough go play something else, but whinging how bad the game is and how ridiculous some game mechanics are, just because you are not capable of doing it is just nonsense. It won´t improve the game, it won´t improve your own life!

    Just move on, play something you enjoy and drop the hate! :-)

    It's like an addiction to some people. You see this on all MMO forums. These people are hanging around waiting for something they can be outraged about.
  • Uviryth
    Cravalllo wrote: »
    Why are some of you guys here commenting in forums of a game you actually hate? I mean sure there are quite a few annoying bugs, and fixing them would improve the game way more than just adding new content, but still... ESO is a great MMO and most of us like to play it if you don´t... fair enough go play something else, but whinging how bad the game is and how ridiculous some game mechanics are, just because you are not capable of doing it is just nonsense. It won´t improve the game, it won´t improve your own life!

    Just move on, play something you enjoy and drop the hate! :-)

    Because "Yes-Sayers" are the ruin of civilization. Be happy that there are people sparking discussions. If everyone would agree on everything, we would all still live in caves.
  • JD2013
    Doomed to failure?

    Game is over 4 years old. I think it's done pretty well so far.
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Rawkan
    Uviryth wrote: »
    Cravalllo wrote: »
    Why are some of you guys here commenting in forums of a game you actually hate? I mean sure there are quite a few annoying bugs, and fixing them would improve the game way more than just adding new content, but still... ESO is a great MMO and most of us like to play it if you don´t... fair enough go play something else, but whinging how bad the game is and how ridiculous some game mechanics are, just because you are not capable of doing it is just nonsense. It won´t improve the game, it won´t improve your own life!

    Just move on, play something you enjoy and drop the hate! :-)

    Because "Yes-Sayers" are the ruin of civilization. Be happy that there are people sparking discussions. If everyone would agree on everything, we would all still live in caves.

    There's a middle ground here you know, not only "yes-sayers" and doomsayers. Let's not pretend that people don't thrive when they smell drama.
    Edited by Rawkan on June 4, 2018 11:45AM
  • Kel
    I've already made my thoughts known in the previous times this video has been brought up.
    At this point, Hobo's fans seem to be pushing his misguided views on the game he makes a profit from...
    He's become infatuated with Dark Souls. And while there's nothing wrong with that, he seems to want to correlate ESO dying for everyone because it's dying for him personally....you don't need to be a Youtuber to make that mistake. People do it here on the forums constantly.
    What makes calling for nightblade nerfs absolutely ridiculous is that he plays nightblade....


    And ever since he put out his secret nightblade build, he's been calling for nerfs.

    Too much contradiction and hypocrisy to take his views seriously.

    Edited by Kel on June 4, 2018 11:58AM
  • JaZ2091
    Rawkan wrote: »
    JaZ2091 wrote: »
    I honestly tell my friends to avoid it b/c of the Crown Store

    That's some bad advice then. Avoiding something because you can buy cosmetics in the store. This argument would make sense if you could buy actual gear, like in other f2p stores.

    While cosmetics are a big factor in MMOs not everyone wants pay for them. I cant even change my hairstyle or eye color for free without paying money.

    Edit: It may seem like a simple thing to you, but its a huge factor that others look for when they are about to buy something.
    Edited by JaZ2091 on June 4, 2018 12:53PM
  • Ragnarock41
    ok so I have to disagree with that guy in the video like 80% of the time...and seriously JC p2w? erm as far as I know you can use INGAME gold to buy it from those who already have? so u have access even if you are a little winie… sure pvp its worse and I miss the old days and honestly I don't think its gona ever get better unless a complete overhaul...literally but still stop lying to yourselves people...with the garbage idea that you can 1vX...even in the back days...well no actually 6 months after release when the demigods dk that could 1vs 1k players and win you could not go pvx if in that X it was at least 1 guy who knows what he is doing...right now even more...yes I agree that eso put a hinderance into solo pvp playstyle and that is the main reason why I stopped pvping and every time a new dlc chapter or update comes its permanently ignored...also we talking about pro play on consoles? seriously?...ok good one... back on the fact that "nb is the most played class in pvp" go tell that to the endless amount of dk and templar bodies I have to pile almost daily...and yes I did stopped pvping but that doesn't mean I don't do it at least 3 times per week just in case smt might change...pls give more nbs..at least that way I know I wont have to deal with the amount of zergs running around...I feel that the guy in the video is just someone who got frustrated with a narrowminded vision of seeing only the cons of things...

    Now I will say that I don't give a crap about this video up there, or ESO dying/living means not much to me, ESO PvP died years ago anyways, what remains will remain for years to come.

    But one thing really disturbs me. How can you people not tell the difference between whats pay to win and what is not. Transmutation for example, was not pay to win because you could just use a friend's house for transmutation station and change your weapon/armor traits. (in actual reality I ended up joining a guild cause only very few people actually have access to those transmutation stations)

    And then the introduction of gear transmog(a.k.a. costume maker), was not pay to win, but it was designed make you waste money, instead of letting you do whatever you want with your gear. Why do you think there is a huge gold cost for it? And why do you think a single outfit slot, for a single character costs 1k crowns? Eh.. At least it wasn't affecting gameplay.

    Which was, fine because of that alone. In the end I could still go PvP or PvE without lacking anything.But transmutation for jewelry changed everything.

    Now lets see what jewelrycrafting locked behind paywall means for me. It means no transmuted jewelry. It means no robust ravager for my stamplar, no robust seventh legion/fury for my stamDk, no swift bone pirate for my stamsorc... People like you , who say jewelrycrafting is not pay to win, is either living in a denial or has no clue what pay to win actually means.

    And we didn't even mentioned the new skill line...

    So wake up. For this is only going to end up worse for all of you. Zenimax is asking for more and more money each year, and they are slowly introducing pay to win mechanics into the game, which I decided to not support anymore. If you think that this is fine, next year they will come up with something even more ridicilous.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on June 4, 2018 1:17PM
  • Sergykid
    the video contains much exaggeration and unreal assumption. The servers are good enough for what they can hold and players crying when defeated is both rare and their fault.

    i start to leave the game because my main class i play is the worst in the game, and instead of adjusting things or saying why they do not do it, it's just silence. And not just classes, sets and abilities included.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • dovakiin5574
    LOOK OUT another nerf Nightblades post!

    But some points here do have some value.

    However, CP is now easier to get with new level scaling. I watched a noob get to CP 500 from level 1 in one week, another month to get to 730.

    And honestly... If you can't beat a Nightblade its not because they need a nerf, its because you need to git good. I play every stamina class and they are balanced fine. Learn your class, git good.

    Everything else? Maybe. Servers yes. ZoS being a deaf a-hole? Yes

    Just my two cents
    PAPSMEAR - Positively Against Paws SMEAR campaign - Say YES to crown crates
  • Uviryth
    Rawkan wrote: »

    There's a middle ground here you know, not only "yes-sayers" and doomsayers. Let's not pretend that people don't thrive when they smell drama.
    The middle ground is for Hippies and Hare Krishnas.

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