The trial design of the last two trials heavily penalizes melee DPS. There are multiple mechanics that strongly favor (a) staying highly mobile and (b) staying far away from enemies. Contrast this design to, say, certain boss fights in vMOL, where ranged DPS have one way of performing mechanics and mitigating damage and melee DPS have another. The new design is tough for those classes and builds (magplar, magDK, all stam builds) that are designed around the assumption that they will be able to stay put for extended periods of time and stay in melee range for the vast majority of the fight. For this reason, successful vAS+2 and vCR+2 teams are typically more or less completely ranged DPS teams. Chill out with the anti-melee trials mechanics, please.
There are too many ways for bad players to be powerful in PvP
There aren't enough ways for bad players to be powerful in PvE
There are too many ways for bad players to be powerful in PvP
There aren't enough ways for bad players to be powerful in PvE
Anti_Virus wrote: »Please consider improving the viability of ranged stamina based Dps since melee stamina is in trouble atm.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »Anti_Virus wrote: »Please consider improving the viability of ranged stamina based Dps since melee stamina is in trouble atm.
Do you PVP? Because there are plenty of people who can 2 shot someone from stealth with a bow from 40 meters out so quickly that your health desyncs. That’s kind of what I was saying in my previous post about trying to balance around PVE issues.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »Anti_Virus wrote: »Please consider improving the viability of ranged stamina based Dps since melee stamina is in trouble atm.
Do you PVP? Because there are plenty of people who can 2 shot someone from stealth with a bow from 40 meters out so quickly that your health desyncs. That’s kind of what I was saying in my previous post about trying to balance around PVE issues.
And once revealed, they are 1 shotted and/or they cannot properly kill, therefore pigeonholed into stealth. Give bow some proper surviability tools, increase the range of its cc and maybe a proper spammable.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »Anti_Virus wrote: »Please consider improving the viability of ranged stamina based Dps since melee stamina is in trouble atm.
Do you PVP? Because there are plenty of people who can 2 shot someone from stealth with a bow from 40 meters out so quickly that your health desyncs. That’s kind of what I was saying in my previous post about trying to balance around PVE issues.
And once revealed, they are 1 shotted and/or they cannot properly kill, therefore pigeonholed into stealth. Give bow some proper surviability tools, increase the range of its cc and maybe a proper spammable.
Not saying you’re wrong. Just trying to see the full picture. I’ve killed and been killed by so many bowman over the years I’m just trying so help the community a bit by giving the perspective of the other side of it.
Because to me it seems like you do not have a DPS problem but a counter attacking problem. I don’t think the solution to anything is to pump up a class enough where no play back at all is possible.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »Anti_Virus wrote: »Please consider improving the viability of ranged stamina based Dps since melee stamina is in trouble atm.
Do you PVP? Because there are plenty of people who can 2 shot someone from stealth with a bow from 40 meters out so quickly that your health desyncs. That’s kind of what I was saying in my previous post about trying to balance around PVE issues.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »we nightblades are not able to stealth properly, we are WAY too easily pulled out of stealth and cannot cast invisibility for long enough periods. i wish we should have our stealth increased. it angers me that we cannot stealth like we need to and that we so easily are pulled out of stealth.
it angers me that we cannot sneak fast in stealth.
right now we have an ability to sneak but it simply feels like we are crawling in mud while we are sneaking, we need to be able to Get Out of harm way while in sneak and right now it is Way too slow in sneak speeds.
2. Light attack weaving can be clunky for some skills and is very ping-dependant. New Psyjic Elemental Weapon work is not obvious with staff light attacks as it buffs only when attack lands so if you launch it too far away from target there is possibility that you will override previous cast with next one which makes DPS lost and some frustration.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »It has to be said, and I am absolutely not trolling.
You should probably ignore almost all PVE related DPS “issues”. The main issue with PVE DPS issues is the bar is constantly moving. Maybe a year ago you could do some dungeon in 60 minutes and through practice you got it down to 45. Then a nerf comes and now it’s an hour and 15. Sure, that is annoying but the content is still completable. But ... then comes the forum raging and some of those nerfs are altered in the following patch to allow you to feel awesome again ... great! But it’s not great because now people in Cyrodiil can blink and make you explode from 41 yards away.
Long story short, I fully support addressing DPS issues, but use PvP as your template not PvE. If you can achieve near-balance in Cyrodiil the PVE community will figure out how to make it work. They always do.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »It has to be said, and I am absolutely not trolling.
You should probably ignore almost all PVE related DPS “issues”. The main issue with PVE DPS issues is the bar is constantly moving. Maybe a year ago you could do some dungeon in 60 minutes and through practice you got it down to 45. Then a nerf comes and now it’s an hour and 15. Sure, that is annoying but the content is still completable. But ... then comes the forum raging and some of those nerfs are altered in the following patch to allow you to feel awesome again ... great! But it’s not great because now people in Cyrodiil can blink and make you explode from 41 yards away.
Long story short, I fully support addressing DPS issues, but use PvP as your template not PvE. If you can achieve near-balance in Cyrodiil the PVE community will figure out how to make it work. They always do.