I understand the side you are coming from / your perspective. However, ESO is not LIFE. It's a game. If you can not discern the committed attitude of "this" old player/ leader, well that's shortsightedness on your part. The best example of how committed we are as a guild and as a leader you should ask those who were at ROE BM and Fare last night. We had a group of 12 going up against vae victis' full raid of EP. We prevailed both at Roe and BM. I know Omni was present as well as other AD players and together we all pushed EP out of the south. While you are expounding the down side of the faction it might be better, to be a little more relaxed during this time with the new update coming. This game is a game. We play it for the fun. No one logs into this game to work on changing pixels from one color to another. Good leaders on all factions suffer fatigue when forced to endure the same stress night after night. As part of the community we each hold or share the responsibility of making this game as enjoyable as possible. I have in the past tried to influence the simplest of things such as tea bagging as a way to make losing less Unenjoyable. No one really understood or understands that when you pee in your sandbox enough, eventually you are standing alone in your own *** and everyone knows how fun that is when all you get to do is pvdoor a map because no one wants to engage in poor sportsmanship. Anyways, I've given up on trying to help to make the game enjoyable for everyone, I'm solely concerned with me and my group. If that doesn't fit your agenda then perhaps you should look around to see if you are standing in your own ***.
This replay is not in anyway totally directed at Iskra. I think the world of him and understand his perspective and often simply agree to disagree with what he says. Afterall he is playing the game the way he enjoys it.
CerebralNoise wrote: »OP, I don't know if it's a cultural thing or what...but generally, people don't respond very well to constant negativity and calling everyone in zone "TRASH players / TRASH FACTION." That is not criticism like you claim it to be above. That's just raging and not constructive in any way.
Like other's have said, it doesn't help you make progress with an issue that you are trying to help solve. If you make a call in zone (whether it be right or wrong), how do you expect people in your faction to support you when all you do is call them "TRASH" all day long? I know I wouldn't want to follow that person.
It's my guess that most of the regulars on AD either 1) have you on ignore (like me) or 2) don't have you on ignore just to get a good laugh every once in a while at some of the things you say.
If I were a new player starting on Vivec and I saw the constant negativity you spew out on a daily basis, I'd go play another campaign or another faction. I play the game to have fun, not to be put down constantly from someone I don't even know in zone.
CerebralNoise wrote: »OP, I don't know if it's a cultural thing or what...but generally, people don't respond very well to constant negativity and calling everyone in zone "TRASH players / TRASH FACTION." That is not criticism like you claim it to be above. That's just raging and not constructive in any way.
Like other's have said, it doesn't help you make progress with an issue that you are trying to help solve. If you make a call in zone (whether it be right or wrong), how do you expect people in your faction to support you when all you do is call them "TRASH" all day long? I know I wouldn't want to follow that person.
It's my guess that most of the regulars on AD either 1) have you on ignore (like me) or 2) don't have you on ignore just to get a good laugh every once in a while at some of the things you say.
If I were a new player starting on Vivec and I saw the constant negativity you spew out on a daily basis, I'd go play another campaign or another faction. I play the game to have fun, not to be put down constantly from someone I don't even know in zone.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Be the change you want to be.
Certain posters need to understand that they need to stop being part of the problem and by simply being quiet and not screaming in /zone constantly berating people, that in and of itself would lead to a better situation. At least one that was more enjoyed by other members of their faction.
This isn't in reference to you, of course, Cerebral. I am quoting you to basically agree with you.
I know I was once well known for popping off in zone. It was a failing. I still get angry from time to time, but it's something I've actively worked to improve on and feel that I'm far more personable to other members of my faction.
If someone's not willing to at least match that little effort, then they need to just be silent if they can't be constructive.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Oh Iskra ... what are we to do this time ?
After we won last campaign a lot of people left for Test Center and to Pre grind some new sets and mats for the next Chapter . We in AD don't have as many dedicated PvP only guilds and players . I've been away prepping for Summerset changes and catching up on getting money to buy equipment . Several friends are doing the same and playing other games till Summerset .
To be effective every campaign leaders need to constantly recruit and train new players in PvP . It's a non stop job for PvP guilds to stay relevant . There's a lot of people giving advice and it's really good advice . Recruiting , Training and being a respectful leader will lead to positive change for AD on Vivec bit it requires work . Leaders like Haronin , Telel , Josh and others try very hard to do this but they need more positive people to help . The nice guildes of TKG and Ni have put in their work to help during night time but can't keep a lead if day presence is not just as dedicated .
Expect things to be tougher until Summerset settles down but if it's important to you then start work now so it pays off sooner then later my friend ! We win together and lose together but never get defeated !
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Yeah. I agree with @Joy_Division here.
You're going to get a lot of intransigence when shouting, screaming, insulting, etc. in zone chat.
Even I, Shouty McShouterson, have been learning to calm the heck down, realize this is just a game, and move on to the next fight regardless of the results of the last.
Stewing over things just leads to ill feelings, and life's too short for that stuff.