It's a shame to see some guild leaders confess they're on Vivec (main server, so to speak) only for pvdoor and farm AP and not interested in the campaign.
Well, everyone has the right to follow what they think is best, the bad thing is that every day people who are interested in the campaign and fight hard for it, are unable to enter the server because other 'uninterested' are occupying the ' queue '. There are days when the queue reaches 150 in the queue.
It would be good if some guilds who made that decision rethought their ideas - let's say, selfish. Maybe change the server (SHOR).
What I do know is, other guilds are working hard to keep a score not as unfavorable as it is now, especially, the guilds of Ocean Prime time.
I hope AD can be a faction again and not scattered groups, interested in their personal scores, AP to the detriment of the vast majority of players who are interested in the campaign.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »
It’s a shame you spend all your time hate whispering every person that kills you on/near the bridge. If you are concerned about playing the campaign or fighting for the benefit of your alliance create or join a guild/group and play objectives. To adapt a Ghandi expression, be the change you want to see in Cyrodiil, coming to the forums and saying “hey it would be nice if you guys cared” isn’t going to solve it.
About guilds
Today I had a friendly conversation with a member and a great AD guild. He convinced me, after we debated, about some arguments of their absence in this campaign, even though they are coming back next week. I found your arguments valid.
As long as I can lift this faction, whether by criticism or not, I will. Not every criticism is 'negative', it can and should be constructive. Some stronger words I say, is to 'shock' what is 'stopped', to make move, to leave the same place in any direction, as long as it moves. This is called: comover (in Portuguese). In general, it works. I know that sometimes I lose my temper, but I'm not a 'candidate for perfection'.
antihero727 wrote: »
You must have upgraded to the “paid” translator program. Good to see you moving up in the world. Your rants are at least legible and understandable. Congratulations
Shame is to provoke other players hoping that they will not react, anyway. Unfortunately some types of provocations are only reportable via video. I am not to 'take disgrace home' or to accept disrespect. I am not perfect, I say, but I am no different from many whom I see around you, including you when it comes to responding to a certain form of provocation.
Let's put the 'points in the' i ''. To provoke, then to complain as if it were a victim, cynicism does not fit!
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »
No provoking. Simply stating what you do and how it’s not helping the predicament that you expressed and what you can do as a solution to the problem that you expressed.
What some call toxic, i call criticism.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Here's the root of the problem right here in this sentence.
You don't get to determine what others find toxic.
You have to trust them to know their own minds, and when you've angered those around you, you need to be the one willing to admit there's a chance you're not always right.
But you can determine? 'that democratic'
Of course I'm not always right, alias, nobody is 100% right about everything. That is why there is 'criticism'.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
It's each individual person that is being addressed that gets to determine it.
Sure, what's toxic to some isn't toxic to others, but...
If there's a substantial number of folks saying the same thing to someone, it's time to sit down and start assuming what they say has merit.
If a large number of folks have pointed out any particular statement or action is toxic, even if you believe it not to be, at the very list introspection is in order to consider the merits of what they've said. Now, the majority isn't always right, but it also shouldn't be dismissed.
Also, flat out, the old proverb of 'you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar' applies here. Do not insult, do not berate. It only drives people away, and they will ignore you or do the opposite out of spite.
This is proper criticism: "Ok, guys, we didn't have enough oils up, and not enough folks defended the flags. Too many stayed up top. We need to do better about that, and be more aggressive in counter attacking the flags. Bomb blades and sorcs with negates should sit to the sides when they push into the inner and then bomb them back after their Ultis are spent and they're covered in oils." This points out faults, offers valid suggestions for improvement, and also doesn't place blame.
This is not: "You marginal trash! You can't defend keeps! No one tries and this faction is garbage! You need to work harder or we're going to lose again like we always do!", and deserves the criticism it receives in return and deserves to be ignored.
'but'? Explain your 'but'. And seems like u have something against this 'someone'... And no, if the majority did or prove 'truths' Some totalitarian states are justified 'per se' or their 'majorities' ... see Germany in the 1940s it would be 'paradise'. Majorities or 'some' do not always determine 'truths'. For example, a guild leader suggests that his gang report someone else ... or threaten third parties in the chat zone using his guild leader rank ...
Sophismas do not gain reason 'per se', facts, yes, they prof 'theses' ... now, see AD score.
About the 'You marginal trash', You are free to report when someone sends you this in the chat (private) or in the chat zone. What you can not do is keep accusing someone of something that someone does not do. Impeach, but prove it, or it will become harassment. About the ' this faction is garbage' - As I wrote above and you seem to have ignored, we are not always 100% calm in certain situations. Exaggerations, they occur. Today a person said in ZONE chat 'idiot faction'. Well, I understood it under a particular context and did not make it a 'Trojan Battle Horse' with the intention of bullying anyone.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
The "but" is everything after the but. It's a method of stream of consciousness writing to show I was interrupting myself with a great deal of elaboration.
Playing the map is lame. Campaign wins, scoring, collective victory...yawn. However, I respect that some people enjoy that, and encourage you to play how you want. But likewise, you should respect that some people don’t care for alliance war at all and to not project your expectations on them.
Your right to wanna win the campaign does not supersede the right of those who wanna farm AP or small scale or whatever. Even Publius deserves to afk bard at the gate if he wants, and that is enough justification for his que slot.
Joy_Division wrote: »I'm sure this will fall on dear ears to the OP, but for the sake of those who agree with those sentiments, I'd offer the following advice.
There was a group of players that did, but they all mysteriously died of alcohol poisoning before they could finish explaining the rules.adirondack wrote: »Has anyone made an Iskra drinking game yet? If so, what are the rules?
@Iskras Ellos quieren perder la guerra porque ellos no creen que ganar es posible. Pero sus egos necessitan una victoria asi que ellos van por la victoria facil... las puertas lol.
Hay otros como yo quien les gustan las peleas muy dificil y no importan quien gana, solo importa que la pelea son divertido y dificil. Mas de nosotros somos en shor o los BGs, pero cuando la populacion es muy pequeno en la media del noche, nosotros vamos al Vivec para encontrar peleas.
No hay nada lo que puedas decir para nosotros importamos cambiar la mapa. Lo siento mi amigo pero es verdad.