Playing the map is lame. Campaign wins, scoring, collective victory...yawn. However, I respect that some people enjoy that, and encourage you to play how you want. But likewise, you should respect that some people don’t care for alliance war at all and to not project your expectations on them.
Your right to wanna win the campaign does not supersede the right of those who wanna farm AP or small scale or whatever. Even Publius deserves to afk bard at the gate if he wants, and that is enough justification for his que slot.
Joy_Division wrote: »@adirondack -
Yep. There are quite a few people whose advice I'll follow and do my best to support and encourage. In a way, these people are almost the lifeblood of a faction. A lot of folks aren't sure what to do or where they need to go and these unsung and unrewarded folks who keep a level head and type out thoughtful advice in zone are super valuable for mobilizing a faction to do what's needed. I wish there were more of them, they make the game a lot more enjoyable to play - especially if you're not in a large group, which doesn't need such direction.
Playing the map is lame. Campaign wins, scoring, collective victory...yawn. However, I respect that some people enjoy that, and encourage you to play how you want. But likewise, you should respect that some people don’t care for alliance war at all and to not project your expectations on them.
Your right to wanna win the campaign does not supersede the right of those who wanna farm AP or small scale or whatever. Even Publius deserves to afk bard at the gate if he wants, and that is enough justification for his que slot.
I'm a bit confused.
Does the OP want entire guilds to go to Shor because he's tired of waiting in the long Vivec que?
Could someone please explain to me? I'm a bit confused.
adirondack wrote: »If an AD guild does something in Vivec, and Iskra isn't there to notice, is that guild still wrong
It's a shame to see some guild leaders confess they're on Vivec (main server, so to speak) only for pvdoor and farm AP and not interested in the campaign.
Well, everyone has the right to follow what they think is best, the bad thing is that every day people who are interested in the campaign and fight hard for it, are unable to enter the server because other 'uninterested' are occupying the ' queue '. There are days when the queue reaches 150 in the queue.
It would be good if some guilds who made that decision rethought their ideas - let's say, selfish. Maybe change the server (SHOR).
What I do know is, other guilds are working hard to keep a score not as unfavorable as it is now, especially, the guilds of Ocean Prime time.
I hope AD can be a faction again and not scattered groups, interested in their personal scores, AP to the detriment of the vast majority of players who are interested in the campaign.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
I agree. But, you have to understand AD players are neither streamers nor too serious. Many are casual players. If you go on EP side, they react as if they are in real war. Statements like " Blood for pact " & " EP for life" are very common among EP alliance. EP mostly act as if they are in real war and most of time crushing AD.
Other other hand DC is full of streamers . They have to stream 1vX , Good looking NB kills. They care what they stream.
AD ? Full of pugs. Its always outnumbered war on multiple fronts. AD just survives because of some pro guilds. Again not winning. Just surviving.
I would even suggest random alliance for each player or group of players similar to battlegrounds and other games for each campaign and alliance is locked for that player until campaign ends. EP players wont agree to this . AD requires new blood. Most of the AD players comes to cyrodil for selfish reasons and not for campaign.Many past pro players & streamers in AD are moved to other games. Many AD players now are not faction loyal either.
I play during NA prime time. When I log in early enough, the map has a lot of yellow keeps, but shortly there is few AD to be found anywhere doing much of anything but sitting at base. Slowly DC and/or EP take over the map with little to no resistance from AD it seems.
AD needs more NA prime time leaders and players willing to follow and listen.
I have played some time on all campaigns trying to decide which one to choose, to get my characters the alliance skills unlocked and get skyshards etc finished. I always play for the faction I am on, because I feel that is right.
My first character was AD, and I've always felt like AD is where I should be, but the potato culture of running to the bridge ad nauseum while our back keeps get capped gets frustrating and caused me to originally try other factions. Don't get me wrong, DC has the same problem with Chlaman.
I am trying to come back to AD as my main faction, because I love my AD characters but the lack of any organization and motivation during prime time makes it difficult.
Dystopia2020 wrote: »I started PvP as AD, and they are = to WoW alliance in my mind, the rest of my toons are EP, and I play only EP now.
Yes, "Blood for the Pact" and "For the Horde" can be heard in EP zone chat.
I'm 'fixing up' in AD some things ... 3:)
HaroniNDeorum wrote: »
Fixing hahaha
Just to notice
AD 1 bar - EP 3 bars - DC 2 bars (Oceanic Time Zone) AD have majority of the map. TKG and RAM online, some from DD. The organization makes all the difference.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »It's only going to get worse for AD in the future. 2 guilds I'm in, that play in the afternoon/early evening (USA east coast time) have greatly reduced their time in Cryodiil to 1 maybe 2 days a week. Currently they're moving on to play other games as a group. And I can't blame them. It gets tiring to try and hold the the line while other AD run to get farmed at the bridge, sit turtled up in 1 or 2 keeps or just don't care anymore. I get it that some people don't care about the campaign and just want to play for fun or AP. But AD seems to have too many of those people to be viable in a campaign anymore. I predict that the second we're allowed to switch factions, (probably crown store token), we'll see a mass exodus from AD to other factions.
It's exactly a game concept, play just for 'fun' that ruins that faction, it's an individualistic conception of game, just for fun not caring about the score and campaign. Strange that campanah works for DC and EP, not for AD. This conception ruined the AD. It is possible to have fun in the campaign, but it requires commitment, something unimaginable for AD and some old leader's of this faction.
AD is death for now, It needs players and new leaders, those who care about the campaign, with the faction as faction.
I can not blame EP and DC for preferring the 'easy game', the 'easy way' (since they are 24 hours logged and attacking AD only with low population). But if they continue in this way, they will also ruin the servant.
It is sad to see this situation. Old players afraid to take a stand or commit.
This game is a game. We play it for the fun. No one logs into this game to work on changing pixels from one color to another. Good leaders on all factions suffer fatigue when forced to endure the same stress night after night. As part of the community we each hold or share the responsibility of making this game as enjoyable as possible.