Am I wrong about rezzing duties?

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I thought it was pretty well understood that it was the job of dps to rez ppl in vet dungeons. 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps. 1 dps gets killed, the other picks them up. That way the tank can keep aggro and the healer can keep the tank and other dps alive.

Did something change with that dynamic? Did I not get the memo? Why am I getting nasty-grams from dead dpsers that are attracted to one-shot mechanics?
  • VaranisArano
    Is it the job of the remaining DPS to rez? Yeah. Unless the situation allows the healer or tank to do it better.

    Is that well-understood? Apparently not so much.
  • fastolfv_ESO
    new players are clueless, assume if your going to do a random expect people who will try and crap on anyone else if they fail
  • imnotanother
    Healers pick up. Some classes have passives that make it much easier.

    Or whoever is closest.
    Edited by imnotanother on April 1, 2018 8:18PM
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
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  • SydneyGrey
    Yes, the DPS should rez. If the healer does it, more people could die. In normal dungeons it won't matter, but in veteran dungeons, especially hard-mode, it matters a lot.
  • Nestor
    If the Healer has Kagnerac's, then it might be better for them to rezz. But, normally, it's the DPS's job.
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  • MaleAmazon
    Cause blame the tank / healer? Nothing changed except stat creep makes people ignore mechanics and ignore learning roles.
  • Yinmaigao
    new players are clueless, assume if your going to do a random expect people who will try and crap on anyone else if they fail

    So much this.

    Did a random vet for the lawlz last night and got CoH1. Everyone else kept dying to the red circle death explosion on the last boss (after I explained strat/mechanics). Asked the other dps to help rez when the 19k HP tank & 14k HP healer, and got told "it's not my job".... K bro, keep doing your 6k DPS, I will rez......after they died at ~7%, I just finished it myself.

    Edit: typing on a phone is hard :(
    Edited by Yinmaigao on April 1, 2018 8:27PM
  • DoctorESO
    Yinmaigao wrote: »
    "it's not my job"


  • coop500
    I found it varies too and I adapt to what the group wants. My default is the DPS rez, but if people want me (usually healer) then I'll do it
    Hoping for more playable races
  • SupremeRissole
    There is no specific role to rez, obviously it is ideal that a dps will do it, but ultimately a good healer can lay down HoT's and rez or a tank can use a magma shell/equivalent and rez.
  • Colecovision
    Does console have this problem? Seems like voice communication would really simply this. Doesn’t the chance to say “I got it” or “I can’t get there, can you?” make it easy? Just curious.
  • adeptusminor
    Sounds like another healer shirking their duties. First you let a valuable dps die to a 1 shot, then you won't even rez them!? For shame, for shame.
    Edited by adeptusminor on April 1, 2018 9:06PM
  • Integral1900
    In a half decent group, healer or dps, the rest should be able to self heal for long enough to manage without anyway

    In a pug it’s deffinately the dps, the healer will have their work cut out keeping the rest alive... especially as my healers always seem to get players who stand in the red poo or have like 11k health... on a side note, hows that even possible?
  • kypranb14_ESO
    When I play as a Healer, and am asked to rez, I will do so using my better judgement. If people get impatient and become toxic, I will rez in the most inconvenient moments deliberately causing a wipe.

    Go ahead, kick me. I am a healer and get instant-queues anyway. :wink:
  • boombazookajd
    Does console have this problem? Seems like voice communication would really simply this. Doesn’t the chance to say “I got it” or “I can’t get there, can you?” make it easy? Just curious.

    Yes. Most console groups i have come across might have 1 MAYBE 2 mics. Its not surprising to get some guy who's off on his own or in group chat talking with friends.

    I've learned to expect little from PUGs or avoid them altogether.
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  • srfrogg23
    Sounds like another healer shirking their duties. First you let a valuable dps die to a 1 shot, then you won't even rez them!? For shame, for shame.

    But, but, they were way over there...
  • radiostar
    Whoever is closest with the best chance (level of health). Everyone should have plenty of gems, you never know who will be more suited to rez a teammate.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Jaimeh
    It depends on the content, but also, on the phase of a given fight; I ressurect others on my healer if it’s an easier content, or if it's during a phase in a difficult fight where I know the tank/DPS will survive with HOTs and warding while I rez, just so the other DPS won’t have to stop doing damage. However, if it’s in a fight where there is a lot of environmental damage, or the mechanics making rezzing risky, then the DPS should do it, while the healer keeps everyone’s health topped up. In addition, there are fights where players are incapacitated due to a certain mechanic, so everyone should try and rez, because the more players alive, the better recovery from said mechanic.
  • RoyalPink06
    9 times out of 10, it’s on the dps to get the rez. It is situational though in my opinion. If you are specifically playing a rezplar (Templar with kagrenac’s) then obviously you should get the rez.
    NA PS4
  • Sheezabeast
    I main a Healer. I often see the tank ressing before the DPS do it! It should be the DPS, then Healer, then Tank.
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  • Bhaal5
    Its the dps job, simple

    Its also the dps job to stand out of the red (or what ever colour you make it)
    Does console have this problem? Seems like voice communication would really simply this. Doesn’t the chance to say “I got it” or “I can’t get there, can you?” make it easy? Just curious.

    One would think so, but most cases they dont even use the mic that came with the console.... Because who would use communication ??

  • Septimus_Magna
    In most cases dps should rez but often its also very easy to rez as a tank. As long as the boss doesnt interupt you have a very small chance of dying with the healer is still up. If they healers tries to rez the tank and dps need to survive on their own which normally shouldnt be a problem with HoTs running.

    The downside to dps rezzing is that they easily can get one shot. Now you have two dead dps and either the tank or healer has to start rezzing.

    When the healer or tank goes down dps should always rez and the remaining support should try to keep everyone alive.
    Edited by Septimus_Magna on April 1, 2018 11:17PM
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  • Jhalin
    Rezzing falls to surviving dps first, then to healer or tank, depending on how the dungeon deals damage. If it's slow, sustained damage (like poison phase in the Engine Guardian fight), tank can rez, while healer keeps the group alive. If damage comes in occasional bursts (like in COH1 final fight) then healer can rez while tank takes the biggest hits and sustains themselves while the healer gets quick rezzes via resto staff passive.
  • redspecter23
    Probably already been said, but it defaults to the dps to rez unless it would be more advantageous for the tank or healer, then they can go ahead and do it.
  • ArchMikem
    There is a bit of an order.

    If 1 dps down, the other dps revives.

    If both dps down, Healer revives.

    The Tank should never revive unless all three are down. If the Healer goes down, then the dps revives, but if the Tank goes down, then the Healer needs to revive cause the dps will need to kite the Boss away from the Healer and Tank until the Tank can get back up.
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  • phileunderx2
    A good deal of the time no one will attempt to rez anybody. So then I will try to rez but a lot of the time I can't and then we wipe lol
  • CompM4s
    Really depends on who died. Anyone can rez as long as the team calls it out and knows whats going on.
  • Anotherone773
    Generally speaking its easier for the other DPS to rez. But it is situational. Sometimes, as a healer, its easier for me to rez if i dont have to babysit everyone. Sometimes its easier for the tank to rez. It really depends on the situation.

    Personally, i think the problem lies in the thinking" not my job" If you think you can rez without anyone else dying or dying yourself, do it. Its not really that hard of a concept. Also, the person that you may of decided needed to be responsible for rez might not be able to find the person that needs rezzed.

    People dont pay attention in dungeons. Its ridiculous how little people pay attention. I have tanks and DPS that just run ahead and start fighting whole groups or a boss and dont pay attention if everyone is in the room or if the group is with them. Or if their healer is with them. I got people that aggro this skipable boss and then this other person that takes the shortcut and skips it.

    To many people in this game try to play group content on single player. I just let them die. They are going to learn how to run group content as a group or they are going to die failing at it. Play a healer in dungeons where you have to really pay attention to other players and you will facepalm all night long.
    Edited by Anotherone773 on April 1, 2018 11:21PM
  • Peekachu99
    There is no specific role to rez, obviously it is ideal that a dps will do it, but ultimately a good healer can lay down HoT's and rez or a tank can use a magma shell/equivalent and rez.

    Tank should use sword and board ulti since most of these new dungeons have 1-shot heavy attacks. (Even though with capped resistances and pirate skeleton and like 40K HP you can just eat the hit—but most ppl don’t run that combo).
  • code65536
    The first rule of rezzing: There are no rules for rezzing.

    Well, actually, I should amend that. The first rule of rezzing is to use some common sense.

    It's not always the DPS's job or the healer's job or the tank's job to rez. It's all contextual.

    Generally speaking, if the fight is not a healing-intensive fight, it makes sense for a healer (particularly if they are a Templar with rezzing passives) to rez. In fights that are healing-intensive, having a healer rez is a very bad idea. Similarly for tanks. And there are other criteria--e.g., someone who isn't targeted by a special mechanic or who doesn't have aggro of an enemy would make more sense as a rezzer as someone who is otherwise indisposed.

    For example:
    • In the final boss of Selene's Web, the tank is probably the best person to rez since most things hit like a wet noodle, and they can easily drop block to rez (though they need to stop and sidestep if the bear is being cast).
    • In the final boss of Bloodroot, the tank is absolutely the last person who should be rezzing. That fight is a big DPS race, with very little in the way of unavoidable or ambient damage, so the healer is probably the best person to rez. If the tank is the one who's dead, then whoever is closest and doesn't have boss aggro should rez.
    • Scalecaller final boss, whoever is not dealing with a special mechanic (e.g., during Zaan beam, the person trapped can't rez, the person blocking the beam can't rez, but whoever is the third person left can rez) should rez, and rezzes should additionally be properly timed (e.g., right after a poison cone has come out--don't blindly rush in to rez).

    People who argue that it's the DPS's job or the healer's job are missing the point: it's nobody's job and everybody's job. There's no rule to live by, except to give it a little thought and determine what makes the most sense for that scenario.
    Edited by code65536 on April 1, 2018 11:54PM
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