Am I wrong about rezzing duties?

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  • witchdoctor
    In my last PUG the healer couldn't stay out of dumb. It wasn't like they were healing, they just couldn't stay out of it.

    They died.

    I'm a good DPS, so, I rezzed.

    They died again.

    I left them cold on the floor.
  • lassitershawn
    Depends on the fight really. Usually whoever will have the easiest time rezzing and is least important during the fight at that moment should rez. Coordinating is a lot easier with comms. It is quite often the case that it is better for the healer to rez. If you don't expect your other DPS to be taking a lot of damage in the next few seconds it makes more sense to keep DPS on boss while healer rezzes (with OP Templar rez passives).
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
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    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • WuffyCerulei
    The dps are generally to rez, unless in certain situations. Like if both dps are down in a dungeon, the healer or tank should rez when they can.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • madchuska83
    What? You want me to stop wrecking sh¡t and help out some guy who can't soft stack for the healer? F that!

  • Vapirko
    DPS rez first, then tank after grabbing aggro, then healer imo. Healer can also rez if both dps go down providing tank can hold aggro on all enemies and self heal. But imo healer should be last to rez.
  • FrancisCrawford
    or have like 11k health... on a side note, hows that even possible?

    No food.

    Perhaps when people are that low we should message them "Looks like your food ran out".
  • WuffyCerulei
    What? You want me to stop wrecking sh¡t and help out some guy who can't soft stack for the healer? F that!


    You are a dps. You should be rezzing if the other one is dead. The healer's too busy keeping the tank and you up to rez, and the tank is keeping the boss from 1-shotting everyone.

    Also some mechanics do indeed one-shot people if they aren't paying attention, aka the last boss in vSpindle 1. She'll randomly spit poison at someone, and if you aren't shielded or aren't the tank, you'll generally be killed.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • CyborgPlatypus
    From my experience the order goes:

    1: nobody

    2: Everybody dies.
  • FrancisCrawford
    I rarely rez when I'm healing a PUG. If it's easy, I'm not needed to do it. If it's hard, I perhaps can't be spared to do it.

    I'm more inclined to just pour on the healing to whoever does rez.
    Edited by FrancisCrawford on April 2, 2018 1:18AM
  • DeadlyPhoenix
    Only in very few situations should a tank ever res and same for the healer. If heals stop coming more people drop, if tank loses aggro or drops vital self buffs that keep him alive more people drop.

    It is the dps's job 98% of the time to res everyone, especially in vet trials and dungeons. Damage can wait and if it can't then burst down what you have to then res immediately after.

    This is true for almost every game out there except for ones where only healers can res in battle. Have to keep damage mitigated and heals coming in at all times or else someone else is probably going to die.

    Most people just don't understand this. "Im DPS, I don't res, I only do damage." Not if you want to actually complete content and if you've completed before, I'm sure it's because another dps knew his responsibilities and picked up your slack. Or it was a flawless run, either way lol
  • madchuska83

    You are a dps. You should be rezzing if the other one is dead. The healer's too busy keeping the tank and you up to rez, and the tank is keeping the boss from 1-shotting everyone.

    Also some mechanics do indeed one-shot people if they aren't paying attention, aka the last boss in vSpindle 1. She'll randomly spit poison at someone, and if you aren't shielded or aren't the tank, you'll generally be killed.

    /s = sarcasm
  • zaria
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    It depends on the content, but also, on the phase of a given fight; I ressurect others on my healer if it’s an easier content, or if it's during a phase in a difficult fight where I know the tank/DPS will survive with HOTs and warding while I rez, just so the other DPS won’t have to stop doing damage. However, if it’s in a fight where there is a lot of environmental damage, or the mechanics making rezzing risky, then the DPS should do it, while the healer keeps everyone’s health topped up. In addition, there are fights where players are incapacitated due to a certain mechanic, so everyone should try and rez, because the more players alive, the better recovery from said mechanic.
    This, say healer is first in the rezz queue.
    If damage is high so healer is bussy DD rez, this is up to healer.
    So if DD see that healer don't rez they rez, note that this can be because healer can not see the body to.
    This is an problem in dungeons with lots of junk on the ground or with lots of lightning damage who turn you to dust.
    If healer run around for no good reasons he is looking for body

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Morgul667
    General acknowledgement is that it is the DPS job

    It depends on the situation though. Sometimes it is better if the healer is doing it. No ultimate rule to live by, just use your brains and see what is best in what situation

  • Drdeath20
    As a generality yes it is preferred to have 1 of the DDs rezzing people but this is not applicable for every scenario.
  • starkerealm
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    I thought it was pretty well understood that it was the job of dps to rez ppl in vet dungeons. 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps. 1 dps gets killed, the other picks them up. That way the tank can keep aggro and the healer can keep the tank and other dps alive.

    Did something change with that dynamic? Did I not get the memo? Why am I getting nasty-grams from dead dpsers that are attracted to one-shot mechanics?

    No, that's the normal priority. There are a few exceptions. For example: you might put a trial's off tank on rez duty if you don't need them at the moment because they're more durable and their DPS will be low anyway. Which can happen mid fight in places like Sanctum Ophidia, Hel Ra Citadel, and in Halls of Fabrication. There are also a few fights where the Tank really isn't contributing much, such as Darkshade II's final boss. At that point, they're probably the best option to rez, because you need the DPS and healers engaged.
  • efster
    While I don't think there are hard and fast rules that everyone must follow, I think "DPS should rez" is a good rule of thumb, simply because DPS are the majority in any group, especially in trials. If the majority of players in a given group think it's their job to do something, the likelihood of it actually getting done is higher. Even in a dungeon group, if both DPS have a habit of checking health bars and don't mind their parse being ~ruined~ while they stop to rez, you're guaranteed a smoother run, even if the tank and/or healer are not great.
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    There is a bit of an order.

    If 1 dps down, the other dps revives.

    If both dps down, Healer revives.

    The Tank should never revive unless all three are down. If the Healer goes down, then the dps revives, but if the Tank goes down, then the Healer needs to revive cause the dps will need to kite the Boss away from the Healer and Tank until the Tank can get back up.

    This say's it all! ^^^^^^^
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
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    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • Kram8ion
    It's anybody who's able job
    Aussie lag is real!
  • Runefang
    You're wrong, nobody should rez. If you die, you ruined my no death run and deserve to stay dead.

    Also tanks should be the first rezzers if they can reach from where they are and its safe to drop block for a few seconds. Applicable to dungeons only.

    Otherwise dps rez.

    Healers rez last.

    In trials though, dps rez always unless its a fight where the off-tank is able to do it instead.
  • starkerealm
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    There is a bit of an order.

    If 1 dps down, the other dps revives.

    If both dps down, Healer revives.

    The Tank should never revive unless all three are down. If the Healer goes down, then the dps revives, but if the Tank goes down, then the Healer needs to revive cause the dps will need to kite the Boss away from the Healer and Tank until the Tank can get back up.

    Worth noting, there are some exceptions to this order. It's not absolute. Certain fights, such as the Engine Guardian, are untauntable. At that point you basically don't have a tank, just a remarkably beefy DPS who can't do their job. In these situations the tank may transition over to crowd control depending on their class, or they may simply become the dedicated rez or an aux healer. This is especially true in the example I just gave.

    There's others, of course, like Planar Inhibitor, where, unless you have Vision, you need to rez ASAP if the boss isn't in blue phase.

    It's worth remembering that some dungeons have mechanics which are specifically designed to work against your familiar behavior.
  • Minyassa
    I think it just really depends on who teaches you and what their background is. I was flat-out told that healers are supposed to rez unless they are the one down, in which case it's the tank first and then dps, because tank can do it without being interrupted while still holding aggro and dps will get one-shotted trying. Then someone else told me that tanks should do it all the time if they can with healers and dps being second and third choice. And now I'm hearing this, that dps should be doing it. If other people have had experiences like this then it's no wonder if a lot of people are confused.
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