Integral1900 wrote: »or have like 11k health... on a side note, hows that even possible?
madchuska83 wrote: »What? You want me to stop wrecking sh¡t and help out some guy who can't soft stack for the healer? F that!
WuffyCerulei wrote: »
You are a dps. You should be rezzing if the other one is dead. The healer's too busy keeping the tank and you up to rez, and the tank is keeping the boss from 1-shotting everyone.
Also some mechanics do indeed one-shot people if they aren't paying attention, aka the last boss in vSpindle 1. She'll randomly spit poison at someone, and if you aren't shielded or aren't the tank, you'll generally be killed.
This, say healer is first in the rezz queue.It depends on the content, but also, on the phase of a given fight; I ressurect others on my healer if it’s an easier content, or if it's during a phase in a difficult fight where I know the tank/DPS will survive with HOTs and warding while I rez, just so the other DPS won’t have to stop doing damage. However, if it’s in a fight where there is a lot of environmental damage, or the mechanics making rezzing risky, then the DPS should do it, while the healer keeps everyone’s health topped up. In addition, there are fights where players are incapacitated due to a certain mechanic, so everyone should try and rez, because the more players alive, the better recovery from said mechanic.
I thought it was pretty well understood that it was the job of dps to rez ppl in vet dungeons. 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps. 1 dps gets killed, the other picks them up. That way the tank can keep aggro and the healer can keep the tank and other dps alive.
Did something change with that dynamic? Did I not get the memo? Why am I getting nasty-grams from dead dpsers that are attracted to one-shot mechanics?
There is a bit of an order.
If 1 dps down, the other dps revives.
If both dps down, Healer revives.
The Tank should never revive unless all three are down. If the Healer goes down, then the dps revives, but if the Tank goes down, then the Healer needs to revive cause the dps will need to kite the Boss away from the Healer and Tank until the Tank can get back up.
There is a bit of an order.
If 1 dps down, the other dps revives.
If both dps down, Healer revives.
The Tank should never revive unless all three are down. If the Healer goes down, then the dps revives, but if the Tank goes down, then the Healer needs to revive cause the dps will need to kite the Boss away from the Healer and Tank until the Tank can get back up.