I feel like the comments from people crying about Pay 2 win have increased dramatically over the last week ever since the Summerset announcement. People are primarily complaining over the new JC system being tied to the xpac.
I have never understood these peoples arguments so maybe this post will trigger one of the folks who are always complaining about the game being pay 2 win to explain their perspective.
To me this is a video game, run by a business. Its a business's goal to make money...not to give out their products for free(In which they have likely invested immense capital into). Making a profit is usually a core concept of owning and operating a company...
If your complaining about Wardens for example being pay 2 win so they shouldn't get buffed...that is ridiculous imo. First off, you could buff the living *** out of them and they wont be as strong as nightblades/sorcs, which are included in the base game.
Second, if you are not a subscriber, there is nothing wrong with you having to pay for DLCs....I think its pretty cool that they are actually included in the ESO sub fee. Same thing with having to pay for a full blown xpac like summerset. How can you argue that you are entitled to content for free that was created by countless hours and dollars spent? If you support the game by paying for various content updates or even the crates, then in theory the developers will continue to produce content. If the game gets stale, and nothing comes out or no improvements are made, then you shouldn't support the game financially any longer.
The bottom line, for me anyway, is that a video game is entertainment, and it cost money.