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More super easy overland content (at max champion)

  • Sevn
    Daus wrote: »
    OP do yourself a favor and never look for anything resembling difficulty in this game. It will never happen since this game is catered to people that like easy games. Instead think of PvE as an interactive book. If you want good PvE then play something else like monster hunter, dark souls or Bloodborne.

    Hey you! Still waiting on that vid of you beating a world boss with a lvl 4 toon, naked with zero cp and a starter weapon! It's been months now, still too busy to back up that claim of yours?
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • LordGavus
    I started a new nord sorc with no cp set, using only dropped year, to play with some friends that just started.
    It definitely made things harder. Well maybe not harder, but things do take longer to die and I have to watch for mechanics.

    Unfortunately the only hard things are vet dlc dungeons and trials.
  • kyle.wilson
    Bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Start a brand new Breton Stamplar and don't allocate any CP. You will soon know the meaning of pain!

    Breton is too easy. Altmer Stamplar, that way no racial bonuses are useful.
  • mikemacon
    ...ok? I guess?
  • Strider__Roshin
    Sevn wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    OP do yourself a favor and never look for anything resembling difficulty in this game. It will never happen since this game is catered to people that like easy games. Instead think of PvE as an interactive book. If you want good PvE then play something else like monster hunter, dark souls or Bloodborne.

    Hey you! Still waiting on that vid of you beating a world boss with a lvl 4 toon, naked with zero cp and a starter weapon! It's been months now, still too busy to back up that claim of yours?

    Lol oh I remember that. Honestly haven't played the game in 5/6 months. Guess you're going to have to take my word for it. If you don't believe me I really don't care :-)
  • Apache_Kid
    Can someone please explain to me the appeal of the concept of "vet over-land content"

    All it would be is souped up mobs and mini-bosses. It wont actually be a real challenge because the only difficulties in this game are the mechanics. Mobs and bosses doing more damage and having more health will just give the illusion of increased difficulty and it will be boring as hell. If you want vet over-land style game-play go play dark souls or something because this game will NEVER have it.
  • badmojo
    They need to just bump up the buffing that low level players get and ramp up the difficulty overall. The result would leave new players the same and increase the difficulty for max cp.
  • Kihamai
    badmojo wrote: »
    They need to just bump up the buffing that low level players get and ramp up the difficulty overall. The result would leave new players the same and increase the difficulty for max cp.

    I think that would just lead to newer players getting frustrated that their character is getting noticeably weaker as they level when they should be getting stronger. This kind of happens now, but buffing them even more would result in this being even more noticeable. Also, I believe I've read posts from users more knowledgeable than I on the subject that the current state of level-scaling is broken in that a CP capped player that appoints all their CP on a lower level character can actually be more powerful than lvl 50 CP rank characters in certain situations.

    Maybe that's only in duels or something, but I think that should be taken into consideration before buffing newer players even more. In fact, probably wouldn't be a bad idea for the devs to look at the current way level-scaling works to improve it.
    pc na | trash tier
  • TheDuck
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    I honestly just dont care anymore. I just stopped playing meta stuff and boom, more fun.

    ^^ THIS
    mb10 wrote: »
    The NPCs in ESO have zero IQ and they're attacks are SO slow and predictable...
    Very boring tbh

    Then why are you playing?
    Edited by TheDuck on March 23, 2018 3:43PM
  • Priyasekarssk
    Domander wrote: »
    I just want to comment that adding more easy overland content (summerset) isn't that appealing to me.

    I'd also like to add, an option (buff/debuff) to make all overland content more difficult with an increase in loot quality would be welcome.

    Play without CP. Problem solved.
  • red_emu
    every mob and critter on Summerset should have a one shot mechanic to any players who ever said game is too easy. There. Problem solved!
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Apherius
    Domander wrote: »
    I just want to comment that adding more easy overland content (summerset) isn't that appealing to me.

    I'd also like to add, an option (buff/debuff) to make all overland content more difficult with an increase in loot quality would be welcome.

    Play without CP. Problem solved.

    It's literally the opposite of " L2P " when someone ask for a dungeon/content nerf.

    Both answers are useless.

    Some want " nerfs " because they want to play the way they want, using their hybrid dk and mephala monster set + pelinal. but they can't because it's too hard, at least they can have fun in normal dungeons/trials.

    Same thing for those who ask for some difficulty, some creates their own challenge and play without cp and gear like you said, but some wants ( like me ) to keep their gold stuff and cp because it's a part of their char ... and they want the game to give them a challenge .. my self i don't want to play naked just because it's an ELDER SCROLLS, the customization of your char is an important thing .. and i want to have fun with it.

    Now please just stop with these useless replies ... I understand that my english is pretty bad ... but I'm sure my answer is more useful than yours
    red_emu wrote: »
    every mob and critter on Summerset should have a one shot mechanic to any players who ever said game is too easy. There. Problem solved!

    I want this.
  • QuebraRegra
    it's called "POWER CREEP"... it's a thing.
  • Shantu
    Actually, I think a "difficulty mode" option for overland content would be pretty cool. With increasing difficulty you could just up the health and damage of all NPC combatants.
  • Destruent
    Daus wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    Reset your allocated CP to 0... problem solved.

    This is incorrect. Game is easy regardless.

    not if you reset everything else to 0 too...

    You will have to reset brainactivity to 0 aswell to make overland-content hard for experienced players.

    Problem is: Overland-mobs have 0 mechanics and synergy with their allys.
    At the beginning you had to think about which mob to kill first, bc some of them CC, while others do lots of some do CC and none of them really do enough damage to get through your max-HP and base-HP-regen in a reasonable time (ie the time you are CCed).
  • Smitch_59
    Iselin wrote: »
    Reset your allocated CP to 0... problem solved.


    the way you play any content is your choice....

    you have the option to remove all skills, attributes and cp.

    ain't nobodies fault but yours.

    Stop designing overland for scrubs that only light attack.Or at least make a damn vet instance.

    We scrubs need content, too! All you good players have your vet dungeons and trials. Scrubs like to play as well!
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • Kodrac
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    I honestly just dont care anymore. I just stopped playing meta stuff and boom, more fun.

    I recently came back to the game and did the same. Instantly more fun than it used to be.
  • Jhalin
    One of my guildies recently went around questing with no gear on but weapons by accident, and they didn't notice until hours laters.
  • Apherius
    Jhalin wrote: »
    One of my guildies recently went around questing with no gear on but weapons by accident, and they didn't notice until hours laters.

    Same thing when I run a dungeon and wonder where are the Boss.
    Edited by Apherius on March 23, 2018 5:02PM
  • Odnoc
    Stop playing meta?
  • strangeradnd
    Put me in the don't use CP camp. Maybe they should make CP not function in overland as a standard that way the content stays more challenging, there is nothing overland that one "needs" it for so take it away.
  • Rouven
    So if I flip my "ultra-hard" ... nay ... "nightmare" switch for overland content and I go semi brain-afk chasing the dolmen zerg I get my increased loot quality?

    I'm always weary when I hear this "I need to be more rewarded" kinda theme and I see this as a separate topic. Then we have the "my character only feels weaker the more I level" crowd as well. How to please everyone here?

    If you are playing for the story enjoy the fact that you do not have to wear bis equipment and copy build OP(tm). I think it is better and easier to offer additional challenging content that is optional. Which they are doing with group content. Maybe solo trials could get something like this? New solo story mode dungeons, getting harder - more rewards the longer you last kinda idea?

    Otherwise I think the craglorn map has shown ZOS that it was not popular for a large portion of the players. At least I have to assume that, why would they have changed it otherwise?
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • Fleshreaper
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me the appeal of the concept of "vet over-land content"

    All it would be is souped up mobs and mini-bosses. It wont actually be a real challenge because the only difficulties in this game are the mechanics. Mobs and bosses doing more damage and having more health will just give the illusion of increased difficulty and it will be boring as hell. If you want vet over-land style game-play go play dark souls or something because this game will NEVER have it.

    It would be OG Craglorn. Which is exactly what Craglorn use to be. And only probably about 1/2 the player base got to experience it before the nerf. You would spend hours looking for a group on the same stage of a quest as you. Took me close to a year to complete lower Craglorn because no one wanted to repeat the same quest. Can't tell you how many time I did the first few quests of the chain over and over, each time the group would brake up before getting to the quest I needed. Which is why ZoS has said, they will never do that, again (meaning vet adventure zones). And I personally agree, that was a nightmare. However, I would be good with some sort of difficulty slider. The harder the setting the more gold and other items you could get, you would get the same items but more of them. So for example. Three points on the slider, easy, medium, and hard. Easy mod would give 23 gold and one items for the loot table. Medium would give 46 gold and two items from the loot table. Hard would give 69 gold and three items from the loot table.
  • Destruent
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Can someone please explain to me the appeal of the concept of "vet over-land content"

    All it would be is souped up mobs and mini-bosses. It wont actually be a real challenge because the only difficulties in this game are the mechanics. Mobs and bosses doing more damage and having more health will just give the illusion of increased difficulty and it will be boring as hell. If you want vet over-land style game-play go play dark souls or something because this game will NEVER have it.

    It would be OG Craglorn. Which is exactly what Craglorn use to be. And only probably about 1/2 the player base got to experience it before the nerf. You would spend hours looking for a group on the same stage of a quest as you. Took me close to a year to complete lower Craglorn because no one wanted to repeat the same quest. Can't tell you how many time I did the first few quests of the chain over and over, each time the group would brake up before getting to the quest I needed. Which is why ZoS has said, they will never do that, again (meaning vet adventure zones). And I personally agree, that was a nightmare. However, I would be good with some sort of difficulty slider. The harder the setting the more gold and other items you could get, you would get the same items but more of them. So for example. Three points on the slider, easy, medium, and hard. Easy mod would give 23 gold and one items for the loot table. Medium would give 46 gold and two items from the loot table. Hard would give 69 gold and three items from the loot table.

    They could just use the difficulty of the original craglorn and don't design those kind of group requirements. Quests for groups would be widely accepted if you wouldn't have to be on the same stage of quests to complete/help. Would have solved lots of problems with craglorn imo.
    For me (with an active social guild during that time) group-questing in craglorn was one of the best things i experienced during 4 years of playing TESO.
  • iNSiPiD1
    Most people are missing the point of the people who are asking for a more challenging experience.

    When literally every single piece of content they release is the exact same difficulty there is no reason for existing players to stay engaged with the game.

    We are not asking for a difficulty slider. We are not asking for crabs to one shot us. We are asking for new, engaging, and more difficult content to be released. As it stands now, outside of the quests and artwork, there is almost no differentiation between Morrowind, Summerset, or any of the other DLCs when it comes to difficulty.
  • Odnoc
    iNSiPiD1 wrote: »
    Most people are missing the point of the people who are asking for a more challenging experience.

    When literally every single piece of content they release is the exact same difficulty there is no reason for existing players to stay engaged with the game.

    We are not asking for a difficulty slider. We are not asking for crabs to one shot us. We are asking for new, engaging, and more difficult content to be released. As it stands now, outside of the quests and artwork, there is almost no differentiation between Morrowind, Summerset, or any of the other DLCs when it comes to difficulty.

    Maybe RPG's aren't for the people who don't like story driven games?
  • SugaComa
    Am I wrong ... But didn't they add an option in ...well options to turn off champion points so that you can experience the game at a harder difficulty
  • MasterSpatula
    You're getting a trial. The previous update was 2 dungeons. The update before had a "mini-trial."

    Be happy, not greedy. Not everything's aimed at you.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Maryal
    Aliniel wrote: »
    pretend I went through the trouble to insert the beaten horse meme

    I got you!

  • Priyasekarssk
    Apherius wrote: »
    Domander wrote: »
    I just want to comment that adding more easy overland content (summerset) isn't that appealing to me.

    I'd also like to add, an option (buff/debuff) to make all overland content more difficult with an increase in loot quality would be welcome.

    Play without CP. Problem solved.

    It's literally the opposite of " L2P " when someone ask for a dungeon/content nerf.

    Both answers are useless.

    Some want " nerfs " because they want to play the way they want, using their hybrid dk and mephala monster set + pelinal. but they can't because it's too hard, at least they can have fun in normal dungeons/trials.

    Same thing for those who ask for some difficulty, some creates their own challenge and play without cp and gear like you said, but some wants ( like me ) to keep their gold stuff and cp because it's a part of their char ... and they want the game to give them a challenge .. my self i don't want to play naked just because it's an ELDER SCROLLS, the customization of your char is an important thing .. and i want to have fun with it.

    Now please just stop with these useless replies ... I understand that my english is pretty bad ... but I'm sure my answer is more useful than yours
    red_emu wrote: »
    every mob and critter on Summerset should have a one shot mechanic to any players who ever said game is too easy. There. Problem solved!

    I want this.

    Nobody is going to provide you. You cannot balance overland content. Its downright impossible. What if level 3 and CP720 in same dungeon and fighting same boss ? You cannot even ask ZOs to balance it. Probably ZOs can put handicap tied to individuals so that every NPC can one shot you. Again its players issue and players has to decide whether they want handicap or not.

    Or just play naked without a weapon and armor & without CP. Engage in fist fight with boss.
    Environment cannot be fixed for you and never will . Its even too stupid to ask such thing. You are just wasting thread space for what cannot be done. What are you are planning ? 5000g for every quest run in summerset isles from new players ?
    Edited by Priyasekarssk on March 23, 2018 7:58PM
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