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Zaan Examples

  • ak_pvp
    Minalan wrote: »
    "You guys need to L2P to counter it"

    yea ok mate.

    this set needs to go, it is in most cases an 'I win' set that any player can wear stam or magicka and rolfl stomp most opponenets with a basic zaan, stun ultimate/execute combo.

    Outside of one especially foolish idiot that made dozens of posts about it being counterable, L2P, etc... most people don’t like this set. Or they won’t when they finally get hit by it. Or they’re using it and they want a crutch.

    Nobody really addressed the point: should a two piece set hit harder than an ultimate? The answer is and should always be NO.

    Ults are more easy to time, use efficiently, have less/less easy counters etc. I don't see why not. Should AS 2h offer so much ultimate? Should master bow offer 300wp, higher than the atro mundus? Look at blessed. Much much stronger 1v1 that zaan. Not nerfed.

    You are incorrect about most people not liking it. Most people in the polls are pro zaan. I use skoria since its better and can counter zaan on my DK.

    The duels show examples of counters, and that is in a confined area. In OW, it'd be even worse.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • ak_pvp
    Kova wrote: »
    I really do miss the days of sets just offering a static increase in stats with no rng procs

    True. RNG procs are bad design. They should be changed to proc after a specific circumstance is met. I.E. Skoria procs every 30 dot ticks. So 6s with 5 dots, or more commonly vs groups.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • BohnT
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    "You guys need to L2P to counter it"

    yea ok mate.

    this set needs to go, it is in most cases an 'I win' set that any player can wear stam or magicka and rolfl stomp most opponenets with a basic zaan, stun ultimate/execute combo.

    Outside of one especially foolish idiot that made dozens of posts about it being counterable, L2P, etc... most people don’t like this set. Or they won’t when they finally get hit by it. Or they’re using it and they want a crutch.

    Nobody really addressed the point: should a two piece set hit harder than an ultimate? The answer is and should always be NO.

    Ults are more easy to time, use efficiently, have less/less easy counters etc. I don't see why not. Should AS 2h offer so much ultimate? Should master bow offer 300wp, higher than the atro mundus? Look at blessed. Much much stronger 1v1 that zaan. Not nerfed.

    You are incorrect about most people not liking it. Most people in the polls are pro zaan. I use skoria since its better and can counter zaan on my DK.

    The duels show examples of counters, and that is in a confined area. In OW, it'd be even worse.

    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro
  • sharquez
    BohnT wrote: »
    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    It really doesn't have to go anywhere. Why is it okay for people to kill each other/save each other one way and not another? This stuff doesn't exist exclusively for other people and not you. It's equipment meant to help fights be decisive. Otherwise you have fights that will just go on and on and on, which gets a bit stale don't you think? It's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of how much any of us call for action on it which really if you think about it is kind of a wasted effort anyway. Imbalance is integral to a healthy shifting meta. Perfect balance is boring, and unattainable and leads to stagnation What happens when that game you like has nothing new or exciting happening? You stop playing.
  • ak_pvp
    BohnT wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    "You guys need to L2P to counter it"

    yea ok mate.

    this set needs to go, it is in most cases an 'I win' set that any player can wear stam or magicka and rolfl stomp most opponenets with a basic zaan, stun ultimate/execute combo.

    Outside of one especially foolish idiot that made dozens of posts about it being counterable, L2P, etc... most people don’t like this set. Or they won’t when they finally get hit by it. Or they’re using it and they want a crutch.

    Nobody really addressed the point: should a two piece set hit harder than an ultimate? The answer is and should always be NO.

    Ults are more easy to time, use efficiently, have less/less easy counters etc. I don't see why not. Should AS 2h offer so much ultimate? Should master bow offer 300wp, higher than the atro mundus? Look at blessed. Much much stronger 1v1 that zaan. Not nerfed.

    You are incorrect about most people not liking it. Most people in the polls are pro zaan. I use skoria since its better and can counter zaan on my DK.

    The duels show examples of counters, and that is in a confined area. In OW, it'd be even worse.

    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    Duels ban immo pots. Duels are an awful measurement of balance since it is one target in a limited space. Sustain and even defense (compared to OW) is a much more minor issue.

    Xv1 potential isn't really much. Xv1 is an issue if it doesn't have a counter and guarantees something to a group it doesn't before. I.e. earthgore, can't be stopped in anyway and AoE heals to full, enough of them and you cannot kill the other group. Enough zaans and it can still be cloaked/ranged/etc.

    If they fix its LOS it'd be fine, because then your treevP 1vXer can stop zaan near instantly on any build.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • ak_pvp
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »
    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    It really doesn't have to go anywhere. Why is it okay for people to kill each other/save each other one way and not another? This stuff doesn't exist exclusively for other people and not you. It's equipment meant to help fights be decisive. Otherwise you have fights that will just go on and on and on, which gets a bit stale don't you think? It's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of how much any of us call for action on it which really if you think about it is kind of a wasted effort anyway. Imbalance is integral to a healthy shifting meta. Perfect balance is boring, and unattainable and leads to stagnation What happens when that game you like has nothing new or exciting happening? You stop playing.

    That is the thing. People say that one way of killing someone is more unfair, even though it requires playing around bursts of some type it to get their health bar down. Boohoo. Game is too 2d, everything is predictable. Then Boohoo, people playing around X using Y set its too unpredictable/unfair.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • BohnT
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »
    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    It really doesn't have to go anywhere. Why is it okay for people to kill each other/save each other one way and not another? This stuff doesn't exist exclusively for other people and not you. It's equipment meant to help fights be decisive. Otherwise you have fights that will just go on and on and on, which gets a bit stale don't you think? It's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of how much any of us call for action on it which really if you think about it is kind of a wasted effort anyway. Imbalance is integral to a healthy shifting meta. Perfect balance is boring, and unattainable and leads to stagnation What happens when that game you like has nothing new or exciting happening? You stop playing.

    Oh it's so exciting dying to someone who pressed one Button and got lucky with his procs.
    Oh my I enjoy this so much, this guy uses these fun poisons and i can't use skills because I'm out of resources
    Oh nice my regen got reduced due to siphoner stacking so much fun.
    I'm having so much fun fighting this guy spamming light attacks which hit for 500 but shieldbreaker and oblivion damage torugs deal 4k unmitigatable damage.

    I can tell you we don't need any procs, they're not fun.
    I do 1vX on all chars without procs, poisons siphoner, defile stacking or even the latest meta builds.
    This is fun gameplay getting rewarded for being better than your enemy and not getting free kills because RNG devastates your enemy.

    Imbalances are never good for healthy balance, different strengths are great for a healthy gameplay, but if something is clearly dominating, overperfoming or simply overpowered it's not fun not good for the gameplay
  • Lord-Otto
    First impressions:
    Trash on magsorc. You have troubles proccing it, you have troubles keeping it up chasing around a rock while snared. Also useless if it procs at the wrong time, as sorcs have no sustained pressure.
    I'll throw it onto my magblade, just as I initially planned.
  • Brutusmax1mus
    On a full purple including weapons, freshly leveled, non properly enchanted mag warden with an ice staff, i got my burst combo to be 48k in 1.3s on a dummy without an ultimate or monster set proc.
  • Waffennacht
    You guys gotta try Zaan + Caluurion. Imagine on NB or DK.

    8k burst proc + the Zaan pressure + Incap or Leap or will or whip

    The only reason I'm not using it on my NB, NBs are just so good lol
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • sharquez
    BohnT wrote: »

    Oh it's so exciting dying to someone who pressed one Button and got lucky with his procs.
    Oh my I enjoy this so much, this guy uses these fun poisons and i can't use skills because I'm out of resources
    Oh nice my regen got reduced due to siphoner stacking so much fun.
    I'm having so much fun fighting this guy spamming light attacks which hit for 500 but shieldbreaker and oblivion damage torugs deal 4k unmitigatable damage.

    I can tell you we don't need any procs, they're not fun.
    I do 1vX on all chars without procs, poisons siphoner, defile stacking or even the latest meta builds.
    This is fun gameplay getting rewarded for being better than your enemy and not getting free kills because RNG devastates your enemy.

    Imbalances are never good for healthy balance, different strengths are great for a healthy gameplay, but if something is clearly dominating, overperfoming or simply overpowered it's not fun not good for the gameplay

    So everyone should play the way you want because you don't want to craft poisons, farm sets, or use certain cp stars? Games need to have power creep so that you have a new carrot to chase to keep playing the game. Who would use these monster sets if they turned out to be another crappy bogdan set? There's no badge of honor for failing to adapt to the current meta and still stomp players you're better than anyway, but you play the way that makes you happy I won't call for a nerf on your favorite playstyle. Just remember that using all the tools available to you is just as much measure of skill as knowing how to do a bread and butter burst combo.

  • Lord-Otto
    You guys gotta try Zaan + Caluurion. Imagine on NB or DK.

    8k burst proc + the Zaan pressure + Incap or Leap or will or whip

    The only reason I'm not using it on my NB, NBs are just so good lol

    Yup, that's the thing. Should we get a Zaan meta, possibly with Cal, you'd HAVE to swap to magblade to remain competitive. It makes so much better use of it!
  • Minno
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    You guys gotta try Zaan + Caluurion. Imagine on NB or DK.

    8k burst proc + the Zaan pressure + Incap or Leap or will or whip

    The only reason I'm not using it on my NB, NBs are just so good lol

    Yup, that's the thing. Should we get a Zaan meta, possibly with Cal, you'd HAVE to swap to magblade to remain competitive. It makes so much better use of it!

    Question, if you dodge or reflect the light attacks from these sets, does the proc happen?
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Minno
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »

    Oh it's so exciting dying to someone who pressed one Button and got lucky with his procs.
    Oh my I enjoy this so much, this guy uses these fun poisons and i can't use skills because I'm out of resources
    Oh nice my regen got reduced due to siphoner stacking so much fun.
    I'm having so much fun fighting this guy spamming light attacks which hit for 500 but shieldbreaker and oblivion damage torugs deal 4k unmitigatable damage.

    I can tell you we don't need any procs, they're not fun.
    I do 1vX on all chars without procs, poisons siphoner, defile stacking or even the latest meta builds.
    This is fun gameplay getting rewarded for being better than your enemy and not getting free kills because RNG devastates your enemy.

    Imbalances are never good for healthy balance, different strengths are great for a healthy gameplay, but if something is clearly dominating, overperfoming or simply overpowered it's not fun not good for the gameplay

    So everyone should play the way you want because you don't want to craft poisons, farm sets, or use certain cp stars? Games need to have power creep so that you have a new carrot to chase to keep playing the game. Who would use these monster sets if they turned out to be another crappy bogdan set? There's no badge of honor for failing to adapt to the current meta and still stomp players you're better than anyway, but you play the way that makes you happy I won't call for a nerf on your favorite playstyle. Just remember that using all the tools available to you is just as much measure of skill as knowing how to do a bread and butter burst combo.

    Meta-shaming only works if you use a working non-meta. Otherwise it's called complaining lol
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Lord-Otto
    Minno wrote: »
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    You guys gotta try Zaan + Caluurion. Imagine on NB or DK.

    8k burst proc + the Zaan pressure + Incap or Leap or will or whip

    The only reason I'm not using it on my NB, NBs are just so good lol

    Yup, that's the thing. Should we get a Zaan meta, possibly with Cal, you'd HAVE to swap to magblade to remain competitive. It makes so much better use of it!

    Question, if you dodge or reflect the light attacks from these sets, does the proc happen?

    Haven't tested.
  • Waffennacht
    Minno wrote: »
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    You guys gotta try Zaan + Caluurion. Imagine on NB or DK.

    8k burst proc + the Zaan pressure + Incap or Leap or will or whip

    The only reason I'm not using it on my NB, NBs are just so good lol

    Yup, that's the thing. Should we get a Zaan meta, possibly with Cal, you'd HAVE to swap to magblade to remain competitive. It makes so much better use of it!

    Question, if you dodge or reflect the light attacks from these sets, does the proc happen?

    After going through all of my clips, I have never seen it proc on a "dodge"

    Kinda hard to tell as it's a % chance with Zaan anyway. There no way to tell if it would have procced on that particular miss of not.

    But my assumption would be that it would not proc if the light attack is dodged
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Wrubius_Coronaria
    BohnT wrote: »

    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    The majority of procs sets you mentioned are fine how they are. They've been nerfed twice already. (not able to crit anymore, and delayed damages + telegraph for counter them easily when they proc)
    They are a nice counter to tanks healers, heavy armor and magicka shields.

    Instead of nerfing Zaan and the others news procs sets, I prefer to see some adjustements about visual cues and small delay added when they proc, like selene.
  • Minno
    Thanks @Lord-Otto and @Waffennacht !

    It probably doesn't proc on dodge roll. You'd have to test using an actual Dodge roll for like an hour to see if it procs at all. My guess is it won't.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • ak_pvp
    Cal is a weird set, if used on a magblade its ganks (Not exactly, but cloak into a full burst) are brutal, if you want to 1vX its not as good. I used it on my DK and it wasn't really great with the more sustained pressure and having to keep up damage for heals playstyle most DKs have to play.

    Decent for MagDK ganking though.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • pieratsos
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »
    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    It really doesn't have to go anywhere. Why is it okay for people to kill each other/save each other one way and not another? This stuff doesn't exist exclusively for other people and not you. It's equipment meant to help fights be decisive. Otherwise you have fights that will just go on and on and on, which gets a bit stale don't you think? It's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of how much any of us call for action on it which really if you think about it is kind of a wasted effort anyway. Imbalance is integral to a healthy shifting meta. Perfect balance is boring, and unattainable and leads to stagnation What happens when that game you like has nothing new or exciting happening? You stop playing.

    That is the thing. People say that one way of killing someone is more unfair, even though it requires playing around bursts of some type it to get their health bar down. Boohoo. Game is too 2d, everything is predictable. Then Boohoo, people playing around X using Y set its too unpredictable/unfair.

    Yeah game is too predictable. Lets make sets do the dmg for us. 10k dmg, 20k dmg, 30k dmg. Lets aim 100k proc sets by the end of 2018. As long as they have "counters" they are balanced. Because proc sets doing the dmg for you are indeed more fair than using ur actual skills and it also requires more planning and make the game unpredictable and fun.

    I cant even... You know what. Just forget it.
  • Minalan
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »
    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    It really doesn't have to go anywhere. Why is it okay for people to kill each other/save each other one way and not another? This stuff doesn't exist exclusively for other people and not you. It's equipment meant to help fights be decisive. Otherwise you have fights that will just go on and on and on, which gets a bit stale don't you think? It's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of how much any of us call for action on it which really if you think about it is kind of a wasted effort anyway. Imbalance is integral to a healthy shifting meta. Perfect balance is boring, and unattainable and leads to stagnation What happens when that game you like has nothing new or exciting happening? You stop playing.

    That is the thing. People say that one way of killing someone is more unfair, even though it requires playing around bursts of some type it to get their health bar down. Boohoo. Game is too 2d, everything is predictable. Then Boohoo, people playing around X using Y set its too unpredictable/unfair.

    Yeah game is too predictable. Lets make sets do the dmg for us. 10k dmg, 20k dmg, 30k dmg. Lets aim 100k proc sets by the end of 2018. As long as they have "counters" they are balanced. Because proc sets doing the dmg for you are indeed more fair than using ur actual skills and it also requires more planning and make the game unpredictable and fun.

    I cant even... You know what. Just forget it.

    You’ll never convince a proc set user that his toys are bad.

    ZOS will fix it, likely after DB sales meet some goal. Until then? Join in the stupidity or do some PVE.
  • pieratsos
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »

    Oh it's so exciting dying to someone who pressed one Button and got lucky with his procs.
    Oh my I enjoy this so much, this guy uses these fun poisons and i can't use skills because I'm out of resources
    Oh nice my regen got reduced due to siphoner stacking so much fun.
    I'm having so much fun fighting this guy spamming light attacks which hit for 500 but shieldbreaker and oblivion damage torugs deal 4k unmitigatable damage.

    I can tell you we don't need any procs, they're not fun.
    I do 1vX on all chars without procs, poisons siphoner, defile stacking or even the latest meta builds.
    This is fun gameplay getting rewarded for being better than your enemy and not getting free kills because RNG devastates your enemy.

    Imbalances are never good for healthy balance, different strengths are great for a healthy gameplay, but if something is clearly dominating, overperfoming or simply overpowered it's not fun not good for the gameplay

    So everyone should play the way you want because you don't want to craft poisons, farm sets, or use certain cp stars? Games need to have power creep so that you have a new carrot to chase to keep playing the game. Who would use these monster sets if they turned out to be another crappy bogdan set? There's no badge of honor for failing to adapt to the current meta and still stomp players you're better than anyway, but you play the way that makes you happy I won't call for a nerf on your favorite playstyle. Just remember that using all the tools available to you is just as much measure of skill as knowing how to do a bread and butter burst combo.

    So its either Zaan/skoria/selene or bogdan? There cant be anything in between that you know, actually requires you to use abilities? It either has to be a completely useless trash set or a horribly designed proc set doing the dmg for you? Got it. You get an insightful.
  • pieratsos
    Minalan wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    sharquez wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »
    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    It really doesn't have to go anywhere. Why is it okay for people to kill each other/save each other one way and not another? This stuff doesn't exist exclusively for other people and not you. It's equipment meant to help fights be decisive. Otherwise you have fights that will just go on and on and on, which gets a bit stale don't you think? It's not going anywhere anytime soon regardless of how much any of us call for action on it which really if you think about it is kind of a wasted effort anyway. Imbalance is integral to a healthy shifting meta. Perfect balance is boring, and unattainable and leads to stagnation What happens when that game you like has nothing new or exciting happening? You stop playing.

    That is the thing. People say that one way of killing someone is more unfair, even though it requires playing around bursts of some type it to get their health bar down. Boohoo. Game is too 2d, everything is predictable. Then Boohoo, people playing around X using Y set its too unpredictable/unfair.

    Yeah game is too predictable. Lets make sets do the dmg for us. 10k dmg, 20k dmg, 30k dmg. Lets aim 100k proc sets by the end of 2018. As long as they have "counters" they are balanced. Because proc sets doing the dmg for you are indeed more fair than using ur actual skills and it also requires more planning and make the game unpredictable and fun.

    I cant even... You know what. Just forget it.

    You’ll never convince a proc set user that his toys are bad.

    ZOS will fix it, likely after DB sales meet some goal. Until then? Join in the stupidity or do some PVE.

    I joined the stupidity on the stamblade noCP proc meta. Gotta say, stupidity is the perfect description. I had 25k stamina, less than 3k wpn dmg and 3k regen and i was "one shotting" people with one incap. Of course it was unpredictable, i built around those sets and it did require skill to put them on so it was balanced, definitely not 2D, fun and everyone who died obviously had L2P issues :trollface: .
  • Killset
    Caitsith wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »

    So we just keep all imbalances in the game and everything is fine?
    That's just nonsense, when every duel tournament bans Zaan you know its too strong, and in open world it is even stronger because the potential Xv1, builds with less survivability than duel builds, more cheese etc.
    I understand you want to defend it so skoria will never be changed because you can always say: But Zaan does more damage.
    This has to stop and Skoria, selene, velidreth, Zaan, Earthgore have to die and never be ever used in cyro

    The majority of procs sets you mentioned are fine how they are. They've been nerfed twice already. (not able to crit anymore, and delayed damages + telegraph for counter them easily when they proc)
    They are a nice counter to tanks healers, heavy armor and magicka shields.

    Instead of nerfing Zaan and the others news procs sets, I prefer to see some adjustements about visual cues and small delay added when they proc, like selene.

    The thing is you can’t miss the visual que from Zaan... it just doesn’t matter. Zaan, meteor, fossilize, gg. Heck Zaan and Fossilize is enough. If Zaan stays in the game as is they better bring back the old Viper, because stamina has nothing to compete with this.

  • Killset
    I also didn’t realize how substantial the 10 meter range of this set actually is before we started messing around with it. Man I hope they fix it soon. PvP is going to get downright nasty once this set becomes more prevalent.
  • Waffennacht
    Killset wrote: »
    I also didn’t realize how substantial the 10 meter range of this set actually is before we started messing around with it. Man I hope they fix it soon. PvP is going to get downright nasty once this set becomes more prevalent.

    It's only a matter of time!

    I'm actually missing 400-950 (once buffs are up) spell Damage on my build and still melt people.

    NBs are gonna really love it. Imaginr already starting on your heels from ambush (or whichever) with an 8k Caluurion, into a Zaan proc? You literally have 1 sec to respond and flee, if that
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Minno
    Killset wrote: »
    I also didn’t realize how substantial the 10 meter range of this set actually is before we started messing around with it. Man I hope they fix it soon. PvP is going to get downright nasty once this set becomes more prevalent.

    It's only a matter of time!

    I'm actually missing 400-950 (once buffs are up) spell Damage on my build and still melt people.

    NBs are gonna really love it. Imaginr already starting on your heels from ambush (or whichever) with an 8k Caluurion, into a Zaan proc? You literally have 1 sec to respond and flee, if that

    Staying to sound like I need to slot a set that auto purges me lol
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Minalan
    Killset wrote: »
    I also didn’t realize how substantial the 10 meter range of this set actually is before we started messing around with it. Man I hope they fix it soon. PvP is going to get downright nasty once this set becomes more prevalent.

    It's only a matter of time!

    I'm actually missing 400-950 (once buffs are up) spell Damage on my build and still melt people.

    NBs are gonna really love it. Imaginr already starting on your heels from ambush (or whichever) with an 8k Caluurion, into a Zaan proc? You literally have 1 sec to respond and flee, if that

    Just like the last ‘DB’ patch, this one pretty much belongs to nightblades.
  • Lexxypwns
    Killset wrote: »
    I tried Zaan on my mDK and it is without a doubt one of the most broken monster sets ever released in this game. The mere existence of this set on live gives me serious doubts as to whether or not the devs have any idea what is happening in their game. It is an ultimate on cool down.

    Anyone who has ever created a nerf proc set post should rise up in outrage at the mere existence of this monstrosity.

    P.S. I did about 7-10 duels with it then took it off out of sheer embarrassment.

    I’m surprised you feel bad about using anything against the try hard duelists on Xbox, half my duels I get resource poisoned, smh
    Minalan wrote: »
    Killset wrote: »
    I also didn’t realize how substantial the 10 meter range of this set actually is before we started messing around with it. Man I hope they fix it soon. PvP is going to get downright nasty once this set becomes more prevalent.

    It's only a matter of time!

    I'm actually missing 400-950 (once buffs are up) spell Damage on my build and still melt people.

    NBs are gonna really love it. Imaginr already starting on your heels from ambush (or whichever) with an 8k Caluurion, into a Zaan proc? You literally have 1 sec to respond and flee, if that

    Just like the last ‘DB’ patch, this one pretty much belongs to nightblades.

    But this time Mageblade is king of the castle
    Edited by Lexxypwns on March 7, 2018 11:13PM
  • TheDoomsdayMonster

    Zaan is a nice set to use if your ambition is to win at duels, beat peeps 1v1 in open world, gank, or zerg some poor fool down; its fine for that...

    But when its campaign winning time and you are in a Keep fighting in close quarters with Oil and storms of AoE walking down the hallway, Zaan pales compared to some of the other Monster Sets out there...

    I do feel that as a whole, it could use a small nerf of some sort; maybe reduce the range of the tether or take away its synergy with Elfs Bane (IMHO, that set is the only thing that makes Zaan dangerous; its pretty easy for my character to deal with otherwise)...

    That said, even if it stays as is, it wont bother me at all; I've done very well dealing with Zaan users thus far...
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKaqUVm_8JE&t=142s
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