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What do you believe is the fate of ESO?

  • knaveofengland
    eso staff they do work thier socks off ,its not just a job its a passion , its like a doctor a nurse real passion , after all we all are the best crictics .

    they have a champion base with the series , the game as a classic . they have taken the series to a whole new level .

    we all love to give them a earfull , after all getting it off your chest makes you feel good , as for all the bugs and gremlins , as a long time alpha tester for a few mmos , sorting out bugs can take many months , and even then sometimes there has to be a trade off .

    so please dont be to cricital , because some of eso staff might take it to heart , and we dont want that .better to put down any ideas you may have , because they do read every thing you put .

    all said and done this is one of the best mmos there is . ok i have me rant on another post .
  • Lysette
    ESO will evolve alongside the gaming industry, experiencing massive overhauls in the future
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    I really dont have any faith that the game will evolve. Lets be honest.
    • No datacenter upgrades
    • No meaningful performance tweaks
    • Lack of any balance
    • Lack of any interest shown by the devs to do something "new"
    • Too much focus on the crown store, not enough on the actual player / customer.
    • Lack of meaningful QoL changes
    • Cyrodiil, I dont need to say more there

    I would love for the game to evolve, change for the better, come out with interesting and new things, but the devs seem keen not to do that.

    Let's be honest
    • They have upgraded the data centers before
    • This is opinion and depends on person
    • Balance does not equal good but it does mean devoid of uniqueness which just makes gameplay boring
    • Define "new" There is no such thing as new. Most of Kickstarter MMOs coming out in the future that players claimed new and different. Are really just repurpose ideas from MMOs of the past.
    • Also opinion and depends on the person
    • I give you that one
    ESO already has elements in it that already confuses most mmo players who are use to the same things. Examples, no Auction house , level scaling throughout the the whole game, and none new zone content that level gates players. Also the combat.
    I do not think people want "new". They just want things that the other games have in this game.

    i would be perfectly happy if they would remove most of the MMO style stuff and let ESO be a true TES game. This would be a unique MMO then, if it would be pure TES and less to none of the typical MMO stuff in there. We do not need more of that but less.
  • Sav72
    ESO is a awesome game, in every aspect,(and here comes the but)

    But, Lag is a big issue, very big, If another game comes out that is like ESO, but with less lag, I think it will affect ESO.

    Now lets say, Lag gets addressed,

    Game play, quests, crafting, Graphics, in this game is hard to beat.
    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • Lysette
    ESO will evolve alongside the gaming industry, experiencing massive overhauls in the future
    eso staff they do work thier socks off ,its not just a job its a passion , its like a doctor a nurse real passion , after all we all are the best crictics .

    they have a champion base with the series , the game as a classic . they have taken the series to a whole new level .

    we all love to give them a earfull , after all getting it off your chest makes you feel good , as for all the bugs and gremlins , as a long time alpha tester for a few mmos , sorting out bugs can take many months , and even then sometimes there has to be a trade off .

    so please dont be to cricital , because some of eso staff might take it to heart , and we dont want that .better to put down any ideas you may have , because they do read every thing you put .

    all said and done this is one of the best mmos there is . ok i have me rant on another post .

    The creative staff is doing a good job, i will give you that - but you know how it is, in the end they have to please the investors and that is where the problem is. Because this introduces increasing greed which will ruin the game in the end - certainly, after they made a lot of money with it, but it will ruin the game - long term requires some decency and service to the customer instead to just milk them. The people we see from ZOS are not the bad guys - those we don't see are pulling the strings to the worse.
  • Ragnork
    I dunno about everyone else, but my ESO gameplay is going to come to a screeching halt once the new single player Elder Scrolls VI comes out.

    After that, I'll see how much I care to come back to ESO.

    Time and again I see players being told to go play Skyrim if they want to role play - I suspect that ES VI will encourage a reasonable amount of players to move on.
  • Kolache
    If I had to guess I'd say ESO has already seen it's most "massive overhauls". Removing VR, adding CP, and universal scaling with 1T was huge. Transmute, outfits, storage, housing, warden, dark brotherhood, thieves guild... new content beyond dungeons/maps seems fairly regular.

    That being said, I don't think ESO will cease to evolve--ZOS has demonstrated they're willing to make a hard/significant change if they think it's for the greater good. As CP caps continue to raise there's going to be something that needs to give at some point to prevent the population from being segmented and to address content difficulty. I think they've put themselves in a better place with more knobs to turn to tweak this though... perhaps minus the removal of soft-caps.
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • TelvanniWizard
    ESO will continue.... litany of content.... cease evolution.... no future for Elder Scrolls in the world of MMO
    Who knows?
  • Lysette
    ESO will evolve alongside the gaming industry, experiencing massive overhauls in the future
    Ragnork wrote: »
    I dunno about everyone else, but my ESO gameplay is going to come to a screeching halt once the new single player Elder Scrolls VI comes out.

    After that, I'll see how much I care to come back to ESO.

    Time and again I see players being told to go play Skyrim if they want to role play - I suspect that ES VI will encourage a reasonable amount of players to move on.

    Well, Todd Howard said one or two years ago, that the technology isn't available yet to get their ideas of TES VI properly realized yet. So it will really take some time before we'll see a TES VI, I guess. I don't expect it before 2020.
  • SantieClaws
    Tamriel will be invaded by an army of dwemer bots, disguised as crown store cowboy hats yes.

    The dwemer bots will be programmed to control the world although actually they will just crowd around one or two dolmens and spam the same skill over and over because meh - it's just easier.

    Heroes will rise and smite the bots, a mighty war will ravage all of the lands and then we all go for a drink at The Rosy Lion afterwards.

    Khajiit will still be both intrigued and disgusted by the meat pies.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Ragnork
    Its just sad to see this game trying to please casuals sooo much that it hurts the actual game.

    Elder Scrolls Online is an MMORPG: I embrace both the multi-player and role playing aspects of the game.

    An alternative view to the one suggested is that the constant pandering to the elites is killing the game for the casuals and there are a lot more casual players than elite. Given that elites will move on regardless what is left for those who want to enjoy an elder scrolls game without having to make it a second job?
    The dlc dungeons are certainly not casual gamer focused.
    The combat changes focused on pvp has not helped the casual game player either.
  • Respect4Elders
    Ask me again tomorrow after the console patch comes out.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    ESO will be slowly microtransactioned to death, as will the next single player ES game.

    A person could have nightmares about what Bethesda is going to do to TES 6.

    Very much so. The only reason I can still sleep at night right now is because they haven't announced it yet and there are supposedly - two, I think? - more games between now and ES6. There might just barely be time for this trend to reverse and go somewhere less consumer-unfriendly. Even then, my hopes aren't very high - they've already started with Skyrim SE as I found out when I cracked open the CK - fire up the game and you'll see they have adds in the opening screen. :s
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Shardan4968
    I'm not good at forseeing future, but I think that amount of content in this game and speed of releasing it will make eso so huge that devs will eventually decide to make ESO2 set in maybe Tiber Septim's times with many references to the first game while ESO will meet same fate as GW. Also I think that this game has many problems that could kill it, but I don't feel like the end is near or anything.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    ESO will continue to disappoint until there is a new direction or new leadership. But there will be no motivation to improve it until it has some competition.

    Once something like Ashes of Creation, Camelot unchained, or even skyrim together comes out, this game will either have to evolve or die.

    Bethesda did it's best to throw a wrench in skyrim together but if it ever does come out, it will give people what everyone originally wanted of this game. Skyrim co-op. But they are trying their best to suppress it.
  • Wifeaggro13
    ESO will continue.... litany of content.... cease evolution.... no future for Elder Scrolls in the world of MMO
    Lunaugh wrote: »
    If ‘other’ please elaborate. If anything else please elaborate or comment

    I do not believe they will evolve or emerge the game in any meaningful sense . they have turned on the milk machine and its a cost vs profit. meaning if they can make money of a churn population with regurgitated easy bake content. rather then make more emerging meaningful content that focused on emergent end game play thats what they will do pathe of least resistance to the dollars.
  • navystylz_ESO
    ESO will continue.... litany of content.... cease evolution.... no future for Elder Scrolls in the world of MMO
    Robvenom wrote: »
    Depends if they continue to release great content or not. There are a lot of good MMO's that are coming out between 2018-2020 and they will certainly hurt the playerbase not just in ESO but all MMO's.

    We have had the same MMO's for too many years now with nothing new challenging them to be better. GW2, ESO, WoW, BDO, FF, and 'insert random crap asian mmo here"

    Crowfall, Ashes of creation, Chronicles of Elyria, Pantheon, Camelot Unchained are all coming (eventually) and will shake things up.

    Until then, ESO is my go to.

    I've been steadily testing Crowfall. Unless some crazy unforseen crap happens, that will definitely end my sojourn into other games. It's basically the spiritual successor to Shadowbane and will actually have worthwhile hardcore pvp, without a capture tug-of-war that makes all of the pvp pointless. And the customization will be insane.

    Combat/Base class > Intermediate Class > Class > Advanced Class > Vessel > Disciplines > Gear
  • PlagueSD
    ESO will continue to add a litany of content but cease evolution, slogging forward and paving the way for a new Elder Scrolls MMO which embraces future tech (100% seperate from ESO, apart from maybe the developer)
    Just like Sony and EQ/EQ2. (which are still around BTW.)
    Edited by PlagueSD on February 27, 2018 12:15AM
  • Jhalin
    ESO will continue.... litany of content.... cease evolution.... no future for Elder Scrolls in the world of MMO
    Tasear wrote: »
    It's why we have chapters.

    You mean "DLCs we make subs pay for"
  • LadyNalcarya
    ESO will continue to add a litany of content but cease evolution, slogging forward and paving the way for a new Elder Scrolls MMO which embraces future tech (100% seperate from ESO, apart from maybe the developer)
    Jhalin wrote: »
    When we achieve full immersion gaming tech, i.e. Sword Art Online style, everything is gonna change.

    The VR systems we have now aren't very compelling as they tend to have severe limitations tied to how much open, empty space you have in your play area. They also lack most forms feedback one would require to find it significantly different than playing the game with your eyes three inches from your monitor.

    Edit: in regards to the question, I don't think ESO is designed to adapt to these changes in technology. We'd have to have an entirely new game to do so, and I don't believe we'll get another Elder Scrolls MMORPG.

    Idk maybe thats just me but I think that any games that involve murder would be really disturbing in full VR. XD
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on February 27, 2018 1:01AM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    It's why we have chapters.

    You mean "DLCs we make subs pay for"

  • Path
    ESO will continue to add a litany of content but cease evolution, slogging forward and paving the way for a new Elder Scrolls MMO which embraces future tech (100% seperate from ESO, apart from maybe the developer)
    My MMO predictions have been darn near perfect. *sad but true. I have played (alpha, beta, hamster) many, many, many games*

    I believe ESO will continue adding new content, altering combat, complimenting existing systems however, to drastically change the game (IMO) requires a new engine. That would mean ESO2. I don't see that happening.

    I see ESO aging gracefully over the next 10 years and fading to black.

    Note: I do not see VR as the mainstream for MMO's. Not now anyway. When technology can do away with the peripherals, it may stand a chance as mainstream.
    Fairy Tales Really Do Come True...Kinda.
  • PlagueSD
    ESO will continue to add a litany of content but cease evolution, slogging forward and paving the way for a new Elder Scrolls MMO which embraces future tech (100% seperate from ESO, apart from maybe the developer)
    Path wrote: »

    Note: I do not see VR as the mainstream for MMO's. Not now anyway. When technology can do away with the peripherals, it may stand a chance as mainstream.

    Holodeck or bust!!!! :smile:
  • Vhozek
    I'm surprised it's not one of those cancelled MMOs that die after a few years because I don't see how or even if it's growing (I doubt).
    I think it's on the edge and it will suffer greatly once TES 6 comes out.
    𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀. 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
  • Smmokkee
    ESO will continue.... litany of content.... cease evolution.... no future for Elder Scrolls in the world of MMO
    They cant sustain the content model and will continue to release buggy, uninspired content to make a deadline that they set for themselves a couple years ago.

    Also there is to much of a focus on the cash shop and thats never good for any game. I swear they're never trending on Xbox for talking about game fixes but always CS bs they have this week. And its usually a bunch of people hating on them for even thinking its ok to push there cash shop crap while the rest of the game suffers.

    If you ask me zos has completely fallen apart with the CS.. they are off their rocker.. It's greedy and any gamer will spot it and eventually they will just stop caring about ESO and they'll tell people it sucks and that persons friend might leave because of that.. and so on.
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