Whatever it is. It will probably be available in crown store for 5000 crowns at some stage.
Harrdarrzarr wrote: »
Master's Shield from vDSA.
Carbonised wrote: »
Ah, really? Funny they put it on the Ordinators. But thanks, the question had been bugging me for some time now!
Carbonised wrote: »Funny they put it on the Ordinators.
It goes the other way, actually. The Master's Shield did not exist prior to the previous patch (Update 16 / Clockwork City)--the 1H&S Master/Maelstrom weapons were changed so that they are now a 2p set requiring a shield, and they created the shield item as a result. So you really ought to be saying "Funny they put the Ordinators' shield in the vDSA chest."
But this is not without precedent. The Master's Lightning Staff, for example, uses a style that the game's style API identifies as Altmer, but it's obviously not craftable. The style of that staff had existed in the game prior to vDSA's release, and you could even acquire a staff with that appearance in-game (in Greenshade, near the wayshrine by the west-northwestern town taken over by Sea Vipers, there is a tree hollow with a staff that you can pick up with that style). When vDSA was released, they looked through their assets of cool-looking styles that weren't used in crafting or in dropped sets and then used those styles for the weapons. Most of which are, as another poster suggested, a "tier 5" appearance.
For example, the Master's Resto is identified by the API as Breton, the Inferno as Dunmer, the Greatsword as Redguard (it is virtually a copy of a tier 4 Redguard with a few tiny tweaks), the Bow as Bosmer (again, just a few minor differences from a tier 4 Bosmer), etc.