I dont even play PC and it disgusts me that this app actually got banned. I also understand it did more than just stop ganks but they could have had regulations for it put in.Im am 100% apposed to ganking and fully belive stealth and the class that depends on it holds this game back. Ganking from stealth is such a toxic mechanic.
starkerealm wrote: »I remember there were still functional elements in the early PTS build. Not sure what the status of Miat's is now.
Vermintide wrote: »Well I have noticed a lot less cheesy dodges and prescient blocks. Feels good to actually land a hit with Flame Reach again...
Although I do not use Miats addon I noticed he had released a Dragon Bones DLC update patch. Wonder why that was. Don't knock that addon out just yet. He may of found a walk around and it is still a cheat.
Doctordarkspawn wrote: »Wonder what the next thing PVP cry's about will be.