is it tho?Micah_Bayer wrote: »Clickbait
this joke never gets oldbla bla bla....fel Looks triggered ...bla bla
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »bla bla bla...example and constructive Feedback...bla bla bla
Not a huge fan of the healing ult choice (mostly because its busted in small scale - doesnt matter large scale because well emphasis on the large).
The funny part is, I was testing a build with forward momentum, hence with bad heals and trying differents setups, that's I was watching this players poking lights attacks and starting to run across cyrodiil. (I was not interested in this fight, so I've just watched him and then 1 minute later the insults came), but when I was tryharded by 5 blues, he had absolutely no problems for stay hidden in a tower ressource (glademist mine) while spamming piercing mark and trying to kill me form his safe place when I was fighting these others blues. So complaining about refusing to 1vs1, when he's trying to kill you when you're already outnumbered, made me laugh.
Ignoring the fact that you have an absolute rotten and *** personality, that was quite an enjoyable video.
I like the playstyle, shackle/skoria with a frost staff is a great setup indeed. I'm actually inclined to try it now.
Typical tryhard loser noob kid behavior!!!
The funny part is, I was testing a build with forward momentum, hence with bad heals and trying differents setups, that's I was watching this players poking lights attacks and starting to run across cyrodiil. (I was not interested in this fight, so I've just watched him and then 1 minute later the insults came), but when I was tryharded by 5 blues, he had absolutely no problems for stay hidden in a tower ressource (glademist mine) while spamming piercing mark and trying to kill me form his safe place when I was fighting these others blues. So complaining about refusing to 1vs1, when he's trying to kill you when you're already outnumbered, made me laugh.
well, the /W already says everything
i started to attack you on your ressource but instead of fighting, you jsut spammed dodgeroll and did not move away from your ressource at all^^
or do you expect me to have much respect for such typical Players like you, who are typical meta palyers, dont even dare to fight alone, dont even think about starting to fight someone without having any help and doing nothing else than sitting on a ressource and waiting for help to arrive?
but of Course...the typical excuse that someone doesnt want to fight because he is "testing a build" :DDDDDD
or is avoiding every 1v1 and jsut trying to zerg ppl down the way you test all of your builds ?^^
sorry mate, but if you Play that way dont cry when ppl tell you that, and especially dont get insulted when ppl jsut tell you what Kind of Player you areIgnoring the fact that you have an absolute rotten and *** personality, that was quite an enjoyable video.
I like the playstyle, shackle/skoria with a frost staff is a great setup indeed. I'm actually inclined to try it now.
again....if you dont like me just because of the fact that i make fun of how mad and angry zergling Kids like you get in the game, dont feel insulted when ppl just tell you the truth
if you dont like my personality just for that fact, try to imagine what i think about such Players like you, who are basicly the defintion of tryhards and zerglings in this game
i dont think you gonna like such a build at all, its just not made for ppl who prefer to tryhard and zerg, but feel free to try it
So many wrong assumptions from you.
1. You had no idea what sets and skills I was using. (and I write this here again, I was testing a build without shuffle and rally, even if you don't like this excuse it's a fact again, despite what you're telling me)
2. You saw me in cyrodiil once, and you already know how I play in cyrodiil? I don't know if you're trolling or you're serious...
3. Describe me a typical meta players, explain me your criteria, I'm really curious to know that.
4. I was waiting for blues on that ressources and defensive tick.
5. Yes, I was dodgerolling, what did you expect? Standing there and waiting for being killed especially with those blue close to me?
6. For your information, I play how I want and what I want. keep your narrow minded judgements for you. Sometimes I play solo, sometimes I'm barely in good mood and choose the easiet way to play and just zerg surf for taking keeps. (don't put your blame on me, I'm only human after all)
7. I expect absolutely nothing from you, I don't even know you, you're not my friend or whatever, but at least don't trashtalk like this. It's just simple curtesy and minimal respect.
8. Pvp is not whispers or on forum, but in cyrodiil.
9. Don't even bother to answer to this message, I don't have more time to waste for you. (and your previous thread with the same video show how it's pointless to talk with you).
I think you should learn to control your behavior and anger, if this game put you in this state, do something else more healthy. But I think you are not able to do that, because you are addicted to conflicts and dramas. Or maybe are you thinking you're educating others peoples when doing this?
no, im pretty sure i met a guy some weeks ago who liked memagictucktuck wrote: »lol does everyone just hate you??
nono, i just undertsand perfectly fine that you just come up with new excuses why you dont fightI think at this point, you just have some troubles for understand what you're reading...
i am disappointed, if you make the effort to post a TS recording be at least a man and deal with the Response and dont Report it because it Shows what a triggered lying kid you areIf he wants he can join xD. But not gonna spends another second of my time on him XD
i am disappointed, if you make the effort to post a TS recording be at least a man and deal with the Response and dont Report it because it Shows what a triggered lying kid you areIf he wants he can join xD. But not gonna spends another second of my time on him XD