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What's the deal with wrobel?

  • DoctorESO
    A job where everyone thinks they could do a better job than you. Please give him a break.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    The real question is after all these years can we definitively say the game has gotten better?

    The only thing that has changed about animation cancellation is that wrobbel went from calling it an exploit to calling it a feature.

    Did the stamina/magicka split actually create more build diversity or just water down every class, some to the point where they dont have an identity.

    Broken/useless skills, sets and items.

    The slow death of pvp.

    A completely broken crafting system that seriously has no rhyme or reason.

    An enormous shift in metta that happens from time to time that completely contradicts itself. Ie. Damage is too high so we will nerf sustain across the board but since we are nerfing sustain Lets release a monster set that does over 30k damage in 5 seconds (heres looking at you zaan!)


    People allways go 'Classes sucked back when we had to use both pools!" ...Did they really?

    Honestly back then the class had some freaking identity, and it was actually fun to play.
  • AardvarkChips
    Facefister wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Gaming communities are generally not fond of the one who brings change to their gaming world. That is it in a nutshell. Yes, some changes do not make sense, but mostly we adapt and move on.
    Adaptability is a trait of a good player.

    Or the trait of a player, who will not have to continue the grind, spend time and gold to get/make/improve totally different equipment, and of course keep paying a sub or hopefully buying crown store stuff, while doing so. Let's at the very least be clear what this is all actually about.
  • Ragnarock41
    Sabbathius wrote: »
    greylox wrote: »
    I'm sure he has an idea of where he wants to go but I wish he'd just get there already.

    I'm with you on this one. I just want to know what he wants to do, so I'm not figuratively bashing my head against the wall. If his vision is that DKs are tanks, Templars are healers, Wardens are mushrooms, and anything that doesn't conform gets nerfed into non-competitive uselessness, that's fine. I mean, it's not fine, but at least we'd know where we stand.

    Look at how Blizzard did their classes. You choose a Warrior, and the game tells you "This character can be a tank or melee DPS". Right off the bat you know that this character will never be a competitive ranged DPS or healer. I mean, you can still run around with a bow and yell "pew pew" and maybe kill a few squirrels, or run up to people and bandage them whenever someone screams "Medic!" The game still lets you do these things, you can still play the way you like. It's just not competitive. But the best part is that it is known what your intended roles are. So you don't have to wriggle to make it work. If you're not meant to be a healer, you know it on character creation.

    Meanwhile in ESO, they are still sticking to their schtick that you can play any way you like. Yeah, right. When was the last time you saw a Sorc or NB main-tank a vet trial? It does happen, it's just very rare. And if it's a leaderboard run, the tanks will be DKs, and healers will be Templars. It is what it is. And if that's his vision, I wish he'd just tell us and be done with it. It would suck for a while while we come to grips with the new reality, but we'll adapt and go from there.

    Quite honestly, with all that's been going on, it wouldn't be a bad idea to just scrap classes altogether. So they can leave this class nonsense behind, and just work on combat mechanics and abilities instead.

    I mean this, so much this. Just tell us what you want classes to be, or get rid of them entirely. I am tired of getting gimped because I am not running the FOTM class+race+gear combo for my desired playstyle.
  • Ender1310
    I get frustrated with him because he doesn't really let you do what you want. In high end content at least. Content worth playing once max level. I am either forced into daggers when I want actual night blade skills when all I want to do is be night blady. And the game is cool enough that if they just let me look like I want that would be fine. Instead I have to mis and match sets wear monster shoulders when I know almost every motif in the game etc etc. So all this just added it up for me. Never disrespected him but they should have added some things to let you what you want sooner. I think a lot of players feel that way. I could literally play a night blade (stam) with one skill from the class that lets me glow red for 10 seconds or so. Great. Real nighblady feel there.
  • Zer0oo
    He is the lead combat designer. He takes all the blame for bad and all the credit for good changes.

    But now ask your self when was the last time someone said this combat change is good? (Excluding fixes for things that they broke in the first place e.g. proc pvp meta)
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Ch4mpTW

    Damn shame what Wrobel did to Templars, and are only being addressed somewhat currently. Disorient on spear being removed, spear’s synergy change, skills not scaling problem, the Repentance change, etc. Damn shame indeed.
  • LonePirate
    He seems like a very friendly and fun guy judging by his numerous appearances on ESO Live. That being said, looking at the VMA leaderboards and spending time in Cyrodiil prove he does not know how to balance the classes or balance Magicka and Stamina.
    Edited by LonePirate on February 7, 2018 4:49AM
  • Drdeath20
    Just look at pve. Every enemy mindlessly aggros onto you. Every fight simply requires a burn.
  • DoctorESO
    So there is no "deal" with him?
    Edited by DoctorESO on February 7, 2018 2:30PM
  • Turelus

    Let's not start bashing on game devs again, please?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • ZOS_JesC
    Greetings, names-in-titles and bashing (of forum members and ZOS employees) are both violations of the forum rules. For this reason we have decided to remove comments and close this thread.
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