[PvP] mDK changes in 3.3.2

  • FlamingBeard
    DDuke wrote: »
    JobooAGS wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    susniand wrote: »
    Let me say that Im reading these forums, along with Reddit, on daily basis and until now I didnt feel the need to post anything here.

    I read all 13 pages over last two days and suddenly have urge to post something, so I went and requested forum invite via support and registered - the reason is DDuke and his attidute.
    He made first and only mdk build, not that original not great on the first place, and suddenly hes acting like Mr. Knowitall, arguing with everyone with diferent oppinion from himself. Is it clear that he has his personal agenda of somekind, against magicka dragonknight proffesion. The number of posts in this and every other thread involving magicka dragonknight in unbelievable, but the thing is, all posts are exacly the same.

    When you are talking/writing, you are only repeating what you already know, try listening others and learn something new.

    But lets get back on topic; mDK, power leash cooldown, combos.
    What everyone forget is Shattering Rocks morph. Let me explain:

    Power Lash ability was designed to not have cooldown nor be dodgeable. Why?
    Shattering rocks is designed to set enemies in 8m radius offbalance with 50% chance rate, so you can get more Power lashes, therefore more heals. With 3s cooldown, Shattering rocks doesnt serve its purpose.
    Power lash can be used only on offblance enemies, therefore its 3rd ability in a chain, witch means target knows it comming 3 seconds beforehand. It musn't get dodgeable since Flame lash is dodgeable and if you evade it, you ruin attackers combo and not get offbalanced on the first place.

    Well thats my peronal opinion, I voiced it, so should everyone else, except DDuke as he read his too many times already.

    Well, thing is I'm actually testing these changes on PTS (limited to dueling, unfortunately) & I'm not noticing any negative, unnecessary effects from these changes in 1v1 situations - quite the contrary. That is not an "opinion", that is a fact based on performance.

    How mDK will perform in open world after these changes, who knows - but as a pretty experienced theorycrafter (on all classes) with pretty good idea of every class & game mechanic, I'd say it'll do fine. We'll see.

    Nobody here can QQ about mDK getting nerfed, because they haven't tested it in open world yet.

    I don't think anyone who has tested it extensively on PTS can claim it's getting nerfed in duels either.

    There is zero factual basis for that claim - so far the changes have made my mDK stronger all around vs builds I'd struggle against before.

    So if you have a problem with my attitude, take it to pms. I'm one of the few people actually testing & theorycrafting things and not just QQing.

    P.S. Nobody uses Shattering Rocks, that morph needs massive buffing/revamp (maybe it could even get its 15m range back since it has no root attached). Other DK skills/morphs that could use buffs (see, I do have an agenda: a better game): Hardened Armor, Reflective Plate, Deep Breath, Igneous Weapons, Obsidian Shield (both morphs), Ash Cloud (both morphs).

    P.P.S. I'll still gladly prove to anyone why this Power Lash change was necessary (on Live) & why mDK still works more than fine on PTS. I'm available for PTS (and Live) duels/testing at all times.

    The only way to make Power Lash powerful on Live is to build for it (forsaking a Restoration Staff for a Lightning Staff to apply Off-Balance with Blockade) which means MagDK is the ONLY class that has to use a specific build type to make their class-based proc skill more viable.

    This also means MagDK is the only class with a skill proc which has to sacrifice drastic amounts of survivability to do so.

    For the other proc skill-toting classes, all you need to do is weave in some light and heavy attacks (which is normal for Magblades anyway) or literally just use your usual normal abilities until you get the proc every few seconds (Sorcerer).


    What truly needs to happen to block-dropping hard CCs is that more ranged and mobile classes need to receive shorter ranges for these types of stuns since they can get in and get out of close range as needed, and MagDK needs the longer range block-dropper CC because it has to catch up to its enemies (even with your silly bugged Chains, you won't be staying on a legitimately mobile build's tail for long without running out of magicka).

    You SHOULD be punished offensively for running away which is not currently the case for Sorcerer which has a lot of time-delayed burst damage from range including a passive execute and semi-passive skill-based execute.

    It's not fair to melee classes which have to work harder to maintain pressure when ranged builds of other classes can do just as well from range and without putting themselves in as much danger.

    pieratsos wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    So from testing in PTS:

    magDK is not bad - lets get that out of the way.


    mDK feels clunky, doesn't feel smooth at all, double powerlashing is a mechanic that you rarely see specially when your opponent (specially magsorcs) realize that if they dodge the first powerlash they're good. mDK playstyle was changed significantly and it was just a matter of time until the stamplars and stamblades I was fighting to realize that dodging backwards or dodging and then immediately blocking was an effective way to quickly shutdown mDKs offensive windows.

    There is no magicka sorc in the universe that can sustain dodging & CC breaking every 7s, especially now that Immovable potions are nerfed. If you find that a sorc has the impulse to dodge Fossilize->FL->PL, then what you can do is hold that PL for a second, cast embers , chains, rebuff/whatever & watch that sorc spend 1/4th of his stamina bar dodge rolling for nothing.

    It's about outplaying your opponent now rather than having guaranteed damage, and the exact same goes for stamina builds as well.

    I'm still missing lots of PLs as well on PTS (around 50% of them) vs stamina builds, but it's all about adjusting, getting the Fossilize->FL->PL rotation out of your muscle memory & replacing it with something else. Stam build CC breaks, rolls backwards?

    You leap (lands before dodge roll animation ends)->LA+PL & if they're still alive they're at 20-30% health, low stam and about to die to your next Fossilize if they've no Rally built up.

    Treat PL more as a proc and less as some guaranteed burst. Just like Assassin's Will, Frags etc, land them when you know (or are very certain atleast) you can land them.

    Takes some practice, but that's a good thing.

    Melee-ranged abilities should be more rewarding to use than ranged abilities, hands down.

    Nightblades get resources back just for doing light attacks during Grim Focus, and Sorcerers get health back for firing off their Dark Magic abilities which Crystal Fragments is.

    It's also A LOT easier to tell when a magDK has a Power Lash ready because the whole process is telegraphed right in your face with their stun or immobilize.

    You can't use visual effects of Crystal Fragments to predict the Sorcerer firing it because they can hold it for a while and have no cooldown on getting another proc right after if rng is on their side. The same thing applies to Assassin's Will; you can't keep a constant count of how many light and heavy attacks someone has fired off throughout a fight, so there's no way to predict when they'll fire it.

    For Power Lash, you only get it if you hit someone from melee-range with Flame Lash first while they're also immobilized or CC'd. Those CCs or immobilizations TELL them you're definitely going to be attempting a Power Lash, and dodge the first one, and simply stay away from you or stun you to prevent the second Power Lash.

    On PTS, it's now much easier to predict and evade Power Lash (a very limited proc now with a cooldown and stuck at melee range) from hitting you than it is to predict and dodge Assassin's Will or Crystal Fragments (two ranged procs which give you more freedom of movement and freedom of choice to use them at certain times).

    ESO is now rewarding being a ranged magicka build and running away to pew pew at your opponent from afar, rather than rewarding those who stay and fight head-on.

    Your insight on other classes and ur comparisons are tragic to say the least. Your bias is all over the place. You are comparing apples with oranges, u are adding other skills and passives into the comparison to make frags and spectral bow look stronger and power lash weaker. You are comparing lash, frag, spectral bow. Not lash, frag + passives, spectral bow + other skills.

    Spectral bow needs 5 light attacks to proc so it basically has a longer cooldown than power lash. The skill is beyond clunky, the projectile very slow, dodgeable, reflectable, you can easily predict when its coming, no cc or heal or resources attached to it and has a cost. You have to use it in a combo.

    Frag again does not heal you. That is a passive which is completely irrelevant. But since you mentioned that passive let me tell you what it does. Its 8% of ur hp. That means 4% of ur hp in cyro. That means less than 1k heal. That is one of the most useless passives considering the only way you proc it is with frag and mines. It doesnt even worth the 2 skill points you put into it. Power lash on the other hand has a breath of life attached to it. Not from a passive.

    Frags most certainly have visual cues. They last 6-7 seconds, you always know when they are ready since sorc hands glow with crystals around them and even if u cant see that you can ALWAYS predict when they are coming. Sorcs have the most predictable burst in the game. Frags will come with curse. And im not even going to get into addons like Miats that basically tells you about incoming frags without even having the sorc in ur screen. If you cant predict their burst you are doing something very very wrong. They have no sustained dmg. Frags are harmless without a combo. They also have no CC attached to it, they are slow, reflectable and dodgeable.

    The point isnt which ability is better. All 3 of them have their pros and cons. The point is that both frags and spectral bow need to be used in combos otherwise they are easily countered. That doesnt make the abilities useless. Power lash gets the same treatment. Stop feeling entitled to undodgeable lashes for no reason at all and instead work with your combos.

    MIATs is getting disabled, which entirely defeats one of your points, and the other points aren't even worth the energy to type a response to because it's just more line-toeing for non-DK classes in a DK balance thread.

    MIAT's wasnt even a point. It was just the icing of the cake and if its actually getting disabled and not just the cast time notifications then good riddance. Will finally be free of potatoes with eyes behind their back.

    As far as the other points are concerned you wont answer them because there is really nothing you can say. Those are facts and not stupid biased statements like talons is bad for your class. Lmao. If its so bad feel free to give it to templars. Im sure they'd love it. Feel free to join the other thread too with the other biased guy who believes spectral bow hits for 30k.

    PS. The bolded parts really made me lol. So according to you a ranged class should be punished for being able to stay at range. And melee classes should be rewarded for not being able to keep their opponents in melee.

    And range is favoured in this game and they never have to go in melee. In a game where everyone and their mother has roots snares and spammable gap closers range is in favour. Wasnt you the one who were complaining about snares and roots? Now range is in favour?

    And they dont have to go in melee. You do realise that magblades literally have to go in melee range to use their fear-ult-spectral bow combo right? Do you even think before you post?

    Do you think at all?

    LA > Swallow Soul > LA > Crippling Grasp > LA > Shooting Star > LA > Prolonged Suffering to drop block > Assassin's Will > Impale

    There's freedom in that rotation as well, because you can add another Swallow Soul before Impale if you're confident in your weaving.

    You can skip weaving the light attacks and just have the Assassin's Will built up already but if you're good at weaving, there's no reason not to do it even if you have the proc already, since they do nice chip damage. And guess what, you can use Shade or Cloak away to escape if you fail to kill your target.

    MagDK has to get close before even being able to drop enemy block and once they get close, they're pretty much stuck there without spamming Elusive Mist and even that can fall through if the enemy has any form of snares.

    you do realize that prolonged suffering no longer exists....

    This entire thread is prolonged suffering.

  • pieratsos
    pieratsos wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    susniand wrote: »
    Let me say that Im reading these forums, along with Reddit, on daily basis and until now I didnt feel the need to post anything here.

    I read all 13 pages over last two days and suddenly have urge to post something, so I went and requested forum invite via support and registered - the reason is DDuke and his attidute.
    He made first and only mdk build, not that original not great on the first place, and suddenly hes acting like Mr. Knowitall, arguing with everyone with diferent oppinion from himself. Is it clear that he has his personal agenda of somekind, against magicka dragonknight proffesion. The number of posts in this and every other thread involving magicka dragonknight in unbelievable, but the thing is, all posts are exacly the same.

    When you are talking/writing, you are only repeating what you already know, try listening others and learn something new.

    But lets get back on topic; mDK, power leash cooldown, combos.
    What everyone forget is Shattering Rocks morph. Let me explain:

    Power Lash ability was designed to not have cooldown nor be dodgeable. Why?
    Shattering rocks is designed to set enemies in 8m radius offbalance with 50% chance rate, so you can get more Power lashes, therefore more heals. With 3s cooldown, Shattering rocks doesnt serve its purpose.
    Power lash can be used only on offblance enemies, therefore its 3rd ability in a chain, witch means target knows it comming 3 seconds beforehand. It musn't get dodgeable since Flame lash is dodgeable and if you evade it, you ruin attackers combo and not get offbalanced on the first place.

    Well thats my peronal opinion, I voiced it, so should everyone else, except DDuke as he read his too many times already.

    Well, thing is I'm actually testing these changes on PTS (limited to dueling, unfortunately) & I'm not noticing any negative, unnecessary effects from these changes in 1v1 situations - quite the contrary. That is not an "opinion", that is a fact based on performance.

    How mDK will perform in open world after these changes, who knows - but as a pretty experienced theorycrafter (on all classes) with pretty good idea of every class & game mechanic, I'd say it'll do fine. We'll see.

    Nobody here can QQ about mDK getting nerfed, because they haven't tested it in open world yet.

    I don't think anyone who has tested it extensively on PTS can claim it's getting nerfed in duels either.

    There is zero factual basis for that claim - so far the changes have made my mDK stronger all around vs builds I'd struggle against before.

    So if you have a problem with my attitude, take it to pms. I'm one of the few people actually testing & theorycrafting things and not just QQing.

    P.S. Nobody uses Shattering Rocks, that morph needs massive buffing/revamp (maybe it could even get its 15m range back since it has no root attached). Other DK skills/morphs that could use buffs (see, I do have an agenda: a better game): Hardened Armor, Reflective Plate, Deep Breath, Igneous Weapons, Obsidian Shield (both morphs), Ash Cloud (both morphs).

    P.P.S. I'll still gladly prove to anyone why this Power Lash change was necessary (on Live) & why mDK still works more than fine on PTS. I'm available for PTS (and Live) duels/testing at all times.

    The only way to make Power Lash powerful on Live is to build for it (forsaking a Restoration Staff for a Lightning Staff to apply Off-Balance with Blockade) which means MagDK is the ONLY class that has to use a specific build type to make their class-based proc skill more viable.

    This also means MagDK is the only class with a skill proc which has to sacrifice drastic amounts of survivability to do so.

    For the other proc skill-toting classes, all you need to do is weave in some light and heavy attacks (which is normal for Magblades anyway) or literally just use your usual normal abilities until you get the proc every few seconds (Sorcerer).


    What truly needs to happen to block-dropping hard CCs is that more ranged and mobile classes need to receive shorter ranges for these types of stuns since they can get in and get out of close range as needed, and MagDK needs the longer range block-dropper CC because it has to catch up to its enemies (even with your silly bugged Chains, you won't be staying on a legitimately mobile build's tail for long without running out of magicka).

    You SHOULD be punished offensively for running away which is not currently the case for Sorcerer which has a lot of time-delayed burst damage from range including a passive execute and semi-passive skill-based execute.

    It's not fair to melee classes which have to work harder to maintain pressure when ranged builds of other classes can do just as well from range and without putting themselves in as much danger.

    pieratsos wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    So from testing in PTS:

    magDK is not bad - lets get that out of the way.


    mDK feels clunky, doesn't feel smooth at all, double powerlashing is a mechanic that you rarely see specially when your opponent (specially magsorcs) realize that if they dodge the first powerlash they're good. mDK playstyle was changed significantly and it was just a matter of time until the stamplars and stamblades I was fighting to realize that dodging backwards or dodging and then immediately blocking was an effective way to quickly shutdown mDKs offensive windows.

    There is no magicka sorc in the universe that can sustain dodging & CC breaking every 7s, especially now that Immovable potions are nerfed. If you find that a sorc has the impulse to dodge Fossilize->FL->PL, then what you can do is hold that PL for a second, cast embers , chains, rebuff/whatever & watch that sorc spend 1/4th of his stamina bar dodge rolling for nothing.

    It's about outplaying your opponent now rather than having guaranteed damage, and the exact same goes for stamina builds as well.

    I'm still missing lots of PLs as well on PTS (around 50% of them) vs stamina builds, but it's all about adjusting, getting the Fossilize->FL->PL rotation out of your muscle memory & replacing it with something else. Stam build CC breaks, rolls backwards?

    You leap (lands before dodge roll animation ends)->LA+PL & if they're still alive they're at 20-30% health, low stam and about to die to your next Fossilize if they've no Rally built up.

    Treat PL more as a proc and less as some guaranteed burst. Just like Assassin's Will, Frags etc, land them when you know (or are very certain atleast) you can land them.

    Takes some practice, but that's a good thing.

    Melee-ranged abilities should be more rewarding to use than ranged abilities, hands down.

    Nightblades get resources back just for doing light attacks during Grim Focus, and Sorcerers get health back for firing off their Dark Magic abilities which Crystal Fragments is.

    It's also A LOT easier to tell when a magDK has a Power Lash ready because the whole process is telegraphed right in your face with their stun or immobilize.

    You can't use visual effects of Crystal Fragments to predict the Sorcerer firing it because they can hold it for a while and have no cooldown on getting another proc right after if rng is on their side. The same thing applies to Assassin's Will; you can't keep a constant count of how many light and heavy attacks someone has fired off throughout a fight, so there's no way to predict when they'll fire it.

    For Power Lash, you only get it if you hit someone from melee-range with Flame Lash first while they're also immobilized or CC'd. Those CCs or immobilizations TELL them you're definitely going to be attempting a Power Lash, and dodge the first one, and simply stay away from you or stun you to prevent the second Power Lash.

    On PTS, it's now much easier to predict and evade Power Lash (a very limited proc now with a cooldown and stuck at melee range) from hitting you than it is to predict and dodge Assassin's Will or Crystal Fragments (two ranged procs which give you more freedom of movement and freedom of choice to use them at certain times).

    ESO is now rewarding being a ranged magicka build and running away to pew pew at your opponent from afar, rather than rewarding those who stay and fight head-on.

    Your insight on other classes and ur comparisons are tragic to say the least. Your bias is all over the place. You are comparing apples with oranges, u are adding other skills and passives into the comparison to make frags and spectral bow look stronger and power lash weaker. You are comparing lash, frag, spectral bow. Not lash, frag + passives, spectral bow + other skills.

    Spectral bow needs 5 light attacks to proc so it basically has a longer cooldown than power lash. The skill is beyond clunky, the projectile very slow, dodgeable, reflectable, you can easily predict when its coming, no cc or heal or resources attached to it and has a cost. You have to use it in a combo.

    Frag again does not heal you. That is a passive which is completely irrelevant. But since you mentioned that passive let me tell you what it does. Its 8% of ur hp. That means 4% of ur hp in cyro. That means less than 1k heal. That is one of the most useless passives considering the only way you proc it is with frag and mines. It doesnt even worth the 2 skill points you put into it. Power lash on the other hand has a breath of life attached to it. Not from a passive.

    Frags most certainly have visual cues. They last 6-7 seconds, you always know when they are ready since sorc hands glow with crystals around them and even if u cant see that you can ALWAYS predict when they are coming. Sorcs have the most predictable burst in the game. Frags will come with curse. And im not even going to get into addons like Miats that basically tells you about incoming frags without even having the sorc in ur screen. If you cant predict their burst you are doing something very very wrong. They have no sustained dmg. Frags are harmless without a combo. They also have no CC attached to it, they are slow, reflectable and dodgeable.

    The point isnt which ability is better. All 3 of them have their pros and cons. The point is that both frags and spectral bow need to be used in combos otherwise they are easily countered. That doesnt make the abilities useless. Power lash gets the same treatment. Stop feeling entitled to undodgeable lashes for no reason at all and instead work with your combos.

    MIATs is getting disabled, which entirely defeats one of your points, and the other points aren't even worth the energy to type a response to because it's just more line-toeing for non-DK classes in a DK balance thread.

    MIAT's wasnt even a point. It was just the icing of the cake and if its actually getting disabled and not just the cast time notifications then good riddance. Will finally be free of potatoes with eyes behind their back.

    As far as the other points are concerned you wont answer them because there is really nothing you can say. Those are facts and not stupid biased statements like talons is bad for your class. Lmao. If its so bad feel free to give it to templars. Im sure they'd love it. Feel free to join the other thread too with the other biased guy who believes spectral bow hits for 30k.

    PS. The bolded parts really made me lol. So according to you a ranged class should be punished for being able to stay at range. And melee classes should be rewarded for not being able to keep their opponents in melee.

    And range is favoured in this game and they never have to go in melee. In a game where everyone and their mother has roots snares and spammable gap closers range is in favour. Wasnt you the one who were complaining about snares and roots? Now range is in favour?

    And they dont have to go in melee. You do realise that magblades literally have to go in melee range to use their fear-ult-spectral bow combo right? Do you even think before you post?

    Do you think at all?

    LA > Swallow Soul > LA > Crippling Grasp > LA > Shooting Star > LA > Prolonged Suffering to drop block > Assassin's Will > Impale

    There's freedom in that rotation as well, because you can add another Swallow Soul before Impale if you're confident in your weaving.

    You can skip weaving the light attacks and just have the Assassin's Will built up already but if you're good at weaving, there's no reason not to do it even if you have the proc already, since they do nice chip damage. And guess what, you can use Shade or Cloak away to escape if you fail to kill your target.

    MagDK has to get close before even being able to drop enemy block and once they get close, they're pretty much stuck there without spamming Elusive Mist and even that can fall through if the enemy has any form of snares.

    Prolonged suffering? And you are asking me if i think? Lmao. Did you actually just say that? There is an old saying it goes like this. Better keep ur mouth and let them think you are stupid than to open it and prove them right. Prolonged suffering literally changed some months ago. Its a heal that drains ur health now. Not a cc. When was the last time that you logged into the game? Morrowind? Do you even play the game at all? At this point you are just embarrassing urself.

    Lmao I haven't looked at my magblade's tooltips in some time except for slotting PvE skills so forgive me for that error.

    It still stands that you can do the same rotation except with a Lotus Fan > Fear > Impale and use Shade or Cloak to retreat if necessary.

    You can try as hard as you want to say Magblade is weak but it is one of the strongest setups for nearly guaranteed 1v1 kills in Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds unless you're against a heavy armor Troll King Warden which nearly no class can kill easily.

    I didnt say that magblade is weak. I just said that ranged is anything but favoured in this game and ranged do have to get in melee range which you basically just admitted. They have to go in melee range for their combo. The only class in the game that doesnt need to get in melee range is sorc. Everyone else have to go in melee. That doesnt sound very ranged to me.
  • BroanBeast1215
    this whole thread reminds me of that chicken little movie
  • Master_Kas
    ZOS replied to other threads but let this one silently slip away to the second page :trollface:
    EU | PC
  • zParallaxz
    Lord_Hev wrote: »

    4 years later, Stamblades still crying. Easily the most favored play-style. The most mobile spec in the game, able to LoS with impunity, shade teleport with impunity, roll dodge around, sustain high damage burst on top of defile on top of CC. Numerous snares. Complete self snare removal. If you have problems getting locked down by a MagDK on the most elusive spec in the game, then I don't even know what to say. Other then laugh.

    As a MagDK, we don't get to choose who we fight. As a Stamblade, you do choose who you fight. Make more intelligent decisions on your priority targeting and adapt like everyone else has too.

    Even if someone mains a certain class, does that neccessarily make the person neglect overall class-balance-relations?

    All of you who think having undodgeable whips is a good idea, can you try switching to medium armor stamblade and duel mag dks?

    Some of the ideas in this forum (even by experienced players) are just... nonsense through and through.

    It’s called don’t be vamp and have Crit resis.
  • zParallaxz
    Bro what these people don’t realize is if we are missing powerlash which is a free cost undodgeable attack(although it can miss for some reason) the sustain on magdk is even more poop considering it’s already in the shi**er.
  • Jjitsuboy98
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    ZOS replied to other threads but let this one silently slip away to the second page :trollface:

    They will close it I'm guessing soon like they did the Stam dk one.
  • DDuke
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    Bro what these people don’t realize is if we are missing powerlash which is a free cost undodgeable attack(although it can miss for some reason) the sustain on magdk is even more poop considering it’s already in the shi**er.

    And what you're not realizing is that against most players you'll be able to land them twice as often, meaning better sustain.

    Even when you miss against those who manage to dodge them, it's not like you spend magicka missing those attacks - you just don't deal damage to the target. The ones losing resources (and health with all the DoT ticks going on) are the ones dodge rolling.
    Edited by DDuke on January 27, 2018 11:08PM
  • krathos
    We will have to see how these changes pan out for open world. Obviously as DK main, despite playing other classes frequently, I'd like to see powerlash remain undodgeable as I think it takes too much setup that is itself avoidable and is proc'd in a condition that encourages all players to roll instinctively. But, @DDuke you're right that in some cases this change will be better but in many it will be worse. Time will tell what the net result is of these changes since dueling on PTS can only give a glimpse into what it will really be like.

    In general, excluding Homestead where magdk was strong again, I do not like the direction ZOS seems to be taking. The power lash change itself isn't a big deal but having petrify range nerfed and battle roar absolutely gutted is disheartening - not to mention the great number of indirect nerfs. DK remains one of the worst classes to sustain on and that is counter productive to ZOS' vision to have them "stand their ground" as avoiding damage is far less resource intensive than mitigating it.

    At this point, I've come to terms with the fact that ZOS does not want the DK to stand their ground and kill players and I understand it. It must be very frustrating to new players to see a class that appears godlike taking hits and dealing blows when you don't understand the fundamental mechanics needed to counter them. After all, the DK is the greatest pug slayer of all time eclipsed only recently by stam warden. In return, I'd like ZOS to think hard about the direction they want to take DK in PvP. In the very least, DK sustain needs to be reevaluated as well as a good number of their passives as they are simply subpar compared to what other classes have. This sustain reevaluation should come in the form of passive changes, continued looks into skill cost, as well as the overall DK play style and how sustain fits into the greater picture.
    Edited by krathos on January 28, 2018 5:45PM
    Flapjack Palmdale

    Grand Overlord - Magicka Dragonknight
  • Freeman

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?
  • DDuke
    Freeman wrote: »

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?

    Thanks, I'll be running the same build next update too - it was mostly just Zaan that had potential to change it, but I tested it and came to the conclusion it's not really worth slotting (it's waaay too slow).
  • Freeman
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?

    Thanks, I'll be running the same build next update too - it was mostly just Zaan that had potential to change it, but I tested it and came to the conclusion it's not really worth slotting (it's waaay too slow).

    @DDuke sounds great! How viable do you think silks of the sun would be in lieu of bsw?
  • DDuke
    Freeman wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?

    Thanks, I'll be running the same build next update too - it was mostly just Zaan that had potential to change it, but I tested it and came to the conclusion it's not really worth slotting (it's waaay too slow).

    @DDuke sounds great! How viable do you think silks of the sun would be in lieu of bsw?

    It's probably the second best option - doesn't boost your healing, provides less burst potential and doesn't put a decent DoT on the target like BSW, but it's still good.
  • Subversus
    Subversus wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    So from testing in PTS:

    magDK is not bad - lets get that out of the way.


    mDK feels clunky, doesn't feel smooth at all, double powerlashing is a mechanic that you rarely see specially when your opponent (specially magsorcs) realize that if they dodge the first powerlash they're good. mDK playstyle was changed significantly and it was just a matter of time until the stamplars and stamblades I was fighting to realize that dodging backwards or dodging and then immediately blocking was an effective way to quickly shutdown mDKs offensive windows.

    There is no magicka sorc in the universe that can sustain dodging & CC breaking every 7s, especially now that Immovable potions are nerfed. If you find that a sorc has the impulse to dodge Fossilize->FL->PL, then what you can do is hold that PL for a second, cast embers , chains, rebuff/whatever & watch that sorc spend 1/4th of his stamina bar dodge rolling for nothing.

    It's about outplaying your opponent now rather than having guaranteed damage, and the exact same goes for stamina builds as well.

    I'm still missing lots of PLs as well on PTS (around 50% of them) vs stamina builds, but it's all about adjusting, getting the Fossilize->FL->PL rotation out of your muscle memory & replacing it with something else. Stam build CC breaks, rolls backwards?

    You leap (lands before dodge roll animation ends)->LA+PL & if they're still alive they're at 20-30% health, low stam and about to die to your next Fossilize if they've no Rally built up.

    Treat PL more as a proc and less as some guaranteed burst. Just like Assassin's Will, Frags etc, land them when you know (or are very certain atleast) you can land them.

    Takes some practice, but that's a good thing.

    Search up Malcom Mag sorc on youtube. I swear he dodges more than some nbs I see around.

    Yeah, you can get Shackle+Amber for a lot of dodging - but that does leave your shields weaker and more vulnerable to burst (i.e. Fossilize->FL->Leap->PL) and those builds can't dodge multiple times in a row due to high base cost for dodge roll & the stacking cost modifier. I think the max stam regen for these builds is around 1,5k'ish if I recall correctly, will have to check that again.

    It's nothing like fighting a Eternal Hunt rollerblade for instance.

    I'd hardly call those builds meta either, most sorcs focus on dmg shield strength & offensive capabilities and they run out of stamina even from just CC breaking Fossilize over and over again.

    Lich shackle hasn't been quite so popular since frags got nerfed though... lich allows you to run tristat instead of witchmothers, which together with shackle max stam is superior to amber regen imo, not to mention lich gives far more mag regen than amber. It's really the best sustain set imo.
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?

    Thanks, I'll be running the same build next update too - it was mostly just Zaan that had potential to change it, but I tested it and came to the conclusion it's not really worth slotting (it's waaay too slow).

    @DDuke sounds great! How viable do you think silks of the sun would be in lieu of bsw?

    It's probably the second best option - doesn't boost your healing, provides less burst potential and doesn't put a decent DoT on the target like BSW, but it's still good.

    Doesn't it indirectly buff your healing by buffing embers? Like the same way it would work with a dark elf passive.
  • FlamingBeard
    Subversus wrote: »
    Subversus wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    So from testing in PTS:

    magDK is not bad - lets get that out of the way.


    mDK feels clunky, doesn't feel smooth at all, double powerlashing is a mechanic that you rarely see specially when your opponent (specially magsorcs) realize that if they dodge the first powerlash they're good. mDK playstyle was changed significantly and it was just a matter of time until the stamplars and stamblades I was fighting to realize that dodging backwards or dodging and then immediately blocking was an effective way to quickly shutdown mDKs offensive windows.

    There is no magicka sorc in the universe that can sustain dodging & CC breaking every 7s, especially now that Immovable potions are nerfed. If you find that a sorc has the impulse to dodge Fossilize->FL->PL, then what you can do is hold that PL for a second, cast embers , chains, rebuff/whatever & watch that sorc spend 1/4th of his stamina bar dodge rolling for nothing.

    It's about outplaying your opponent now rather than having guaranteed damage, and the exact same goes for stamina builds as well.

    I'm still missing lots of PLs as well on PTS (around 50% of them) vs stamina builds, but it's all about adjusting, getting the Fossilize->FL->PL rotation out of your muscle memory & replacing it with something else. Stam build CC breaks, rolls backwards?

    You leap (lands before dodge roll animation ends)->LA+PL & if they're still alive they're at 20-30% health, low stam and about to die to your next Fossilize if they've no Rally built up.

    Treat PL more as a proc and less as some guaranteed burst. Just like Assassin's Will, Frags etc, land them when you know (or are very certain atleast) you can land them.

    Takes some practice, but that's a good thing.

    Search up Malcom Mag sorc on youtube. I swear he dodges more than some nbs I see around.

    Yeah, you can get Shackle+Amber for a lot of dodging - but that does leave your shields weaker and more vulnerable to burst (i.e. Fossilize->FL->Leap->PL) and those builds can't dodge multiple times in a row due to high base cost for dodge roll & the stacking cost modifier. I think the max stam regen for these builds is around 1,5k'ish if I recall correctly, will have to check that again.

    It's nothing like fighting a Eternal Hunt rollerblade for instance.

    I'd hardly call those builds meta either, most sorcs focus on dmg shield strength & offensive capabilities and they run out of stamina even from just CC breaking Fossilize over and over again.

    Lich shackle hasn't been quite so popular since frags got nerfed though... lich allows you to run tristat instead of witchmothers, which together with shackle max stam is superior to amber regen imo, not to mention lich gives far more mag regen than amber. It's really the best sustain set imo.
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?

    Thanks, I'll be running the same build next update too - it was mostly just Zaan that had potential to change it, but I tested it and came to the conclusion it's not really worth slotting (it's waaay too slow).

    @DDuke sounds great! How viable do you think silks of the sun would be in lieu of bsw?

    It's probably the second best option - doesn't boost your healing, provides less burst potential and doesn't put a decent DoT on the target like BSW, but it's still good.

    Doesn't it indirectly buff your healing by buffing embers? Like the same way it would work with a dark elf passive.

    It would technically affect the heals from those damage skills, yes.

    However, those skills are typically stacked with actual healing skills such as Coagulating Blood, Healing Ward, Mutagen, etc. which all scale with Spell Damage, meaning Burning Spellweave not only has a higher tooltip than Silks of the Sun, but it is stronger in terms of healing tooltips since its 5th bonus affects your actual Spell Damage stat (unlike Silks of the Sun which affects only flame damage directly).

    This means that Burning Spellweave also scales with Sorcery buffs and becomes even stronger, not to mention its automatic flame DoT when activated.

    Silks of the Sun is a nice consistent damage set for magDK, but Burning Spellweave outperforms it, typically.
    Edited by FlamingBeard on February 10, 2018 6:14PM
  • ak_pvp
    Subversus wrote: »
    Subversus wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    So from testing in PTS:

    magDK is not bad - lets get that out of the way.


    mDK feels clunky, doesn't feel smooth at all, double powerlashing is a mechanic that you rarely see specially when your opponent (specially magsorcs) realize that if they dodge the first powerlash they're good. mDK playstyle was changed significantly and it was just a matter of time until the stamplars and stamblades I was fighting to realize that dodging backwards or dodging and then immediately blocking was an effective way to quickly shutdown mDKs offensive windows.

    There is no magicka sorc in the universe that can sustain dodging & CC breaking every 7s, especially now that Immovable potions are nerfed. If you find that a sorc has the impulse to dodge Fossilize->FL->PL, then what you can do is hold that PL for a second, cast embers , chains, rebuff/whatever & watch that sorc spend 1/4th of his stamina bar dodge rolling for nothing.

    It's about outplaying your opponent now rather than having guaranteed damage, and the exact same goes for stamina builds as well.

    I'm still missing lots of PLs as well on PTS (around 50% of them) vs stamina builds, but it's all about adjusting, getting the Fossilize->FL->PL rotation out of your muscle memory & replacing it with something else. Stam build CC breaks, rolls backwards?

    You leap (lands before dodge roll animation ends)->LA+PL & if they're still alive they're at 20-30% health, low stam and about to die to your next Fossilize if they've no Rally built up.

    Treat PL more as a proc and less as some guaranteed burst. Just like Assassin's Will, Frags etc, land them when you know (or are very certain atleast) you can land them.

    Takes some practice, but that's a good thing.

    Search up Malcom Mag sorc on youtube. I swear he dodges more than some nbs I see around.

    Yeah, you can get Shackle+Amber for a lot of dodging - but that does leave your shields weaker and more vulnerable to burst (i.e. Fossilize->FL->Leap->PL) and those builds can't dodge multiple times in a row due to high base cost for dodge roll & the stacking cost modifier. I think the max stam regen for these builds is around 1,5k'ish if I recall correctly, will have to check that again.

    It's nothing like fighting a Eternal Hunt rollerblade for instance.

    I'd hardly call those builds meta either, most sorcs focus on dmg shield strength & offensive capabilities and they run out of stamina even from just CC breaking Fossilize over and over again.

    Lich shackle hasn't been quite so popular since frags got nerfed though... lich allows you to run tristat instead of witchmothers, which together with shackle max stam is superior to amber regen imo, not to mention lich gives far more mag regen than amber. It's really the best sustain set imo.
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Freeman wrote: »

    I really like your build. I watched your videos on YouTube. Is your build changing at all for Dragon Bones as it stands now? Or are you running the same thing?

    Thanks, I'll be running the same build next update too - it was mostly just Zaan that had potential to change it, but I tested it and came to the conclusion it's not really worth slotting (it's waaay too slow).

    @DDuke sounds great! How viable do you think silks of the sun would be in lieu of bsw?

    It's probably the second best option - doesn't boost your healing, provides less burst potential and doesn't put a decent DoT on the target like BSW, but it's still good.

    Doesn't it indirectly buff your healing by buffing embers? Like the same way it would work with a dark elf passive.

    It would technically affect the heals from those damage skills, yes.

    However, those skills are typically stacked with actual healing skills such as Coagulating Blood, Healing Ward, Mutagen, etc. which all scale with Spell Damage, meaning Burning Spellweave not only has a higher tooltip than Silks of the Sun, but it is stronger in terms of healing tooltips since its 5th bonus affects your actual Spell Damage stat (unlike Silks of the Sun which affects only flame damage directly).

    This means that Burning Spellweave also scales with Sorcery buffs and becomes even stronger, not to mention its automatic flame DoT when activated.

    Silks of the Sun is a nice consistent damage set for magDK, but Burning Spellweave outperforms it, typically.

    Silks scales of sorcery too. It was why it was BIS for a little bit in the fire/fire meta and tested then. I personally prefer axiom in PvP since its constant, affects DB healing (next patch fixed) and all the skills on my bars besides entropy. (And burning status if that scales?) The 2/3/4 pieces aren't as good as sun, but not bad. Stam vs health and crit vs SD. But otherwise I prefer it.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • ManDraKE
    krathos wrote: »
    DK remains one of the worst classes to sustain on and that is counter productive to ZOS' vision to have them "stand their ground" as avoiding damage is far less resource intensive than mitigating it.

    If you think DKs have bad sustain, try playing a stamplar lol
  • DKsUnite
    soooooo.... i haven't been able to secure kills on stamina characters since dragon bones dropped. Thanks Wrobel :)
    Edited by DKsUnite on March 27, 2018 5:38AM
    Vyr Cor | Magicka Dragonknight | DC
    Vir Cor | Stamina Dragonknight | DC

    Latest Videos:
    Magicka Dragonknight: Vyr Cor | "A Dragon's Fury" | Magicka Dragonknight PvP
    Stamina Dragonknight: Vir Cor | "Heathen" | Stamina Dragonknight PvP

    Youtube: CorGaming
  • Kilandros
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • Sharee
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.
    Edited by Sharee on March 30, 2018 8:38AM
  • WillhelmBlack
    I've given up on the mag DK. Sure it's still viable for a 1v1 or using it's AoE CC capabilities (not for long with Psijic CC on it's way) for small group play in PvP but it just doesn't do what I want/need it to do anymore, support itself. Unless changes are reverted it's a dead class for me.

    It was better a year ago IMO. Before the 'buffs' which then in turn required nerfing mag DK into uselessness.
    PC EU
  • Nelson_Rebel
    I've given up on the mag DK. Sure it's still viable for a 1v1 or using it's AoE CC capabilities (not for long with Psijic CC on it's way) for small group play in PvP but it just doesn't do what I want/need it to do anymore, support itself. Unless changes are reverted it's a dead class for me.

    It was better a year ago IMO. Before the 'buffs' which then in turn required nerfing mag DK into uselessness.

    Pretty much this.

    I've mained a Mag DK for years and after the recent changes. I can verifiably say it's too weak to be worth running in any content competitively

    Both in PvP and PvE DK's are now worthless outside pressing L2.

    I switched to stam warden and even without half my passives I noticed a massive difference in damage and powers and I slaughtered people almost effortlessly with a stamina based playstyle.

    It's kinda pathetic how massive the difference is

    Edited by Nelson_Rebel on March 30, 2018 3:50PM
  • Kilandros
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • WaltherCarraway
    Well written

    Back from my last hiatus. 2021 a new start.
  • DDuke
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.

    ...I am still getting more Power Lashes on my mDK on Live than I did before - not sure where this idea that there's suddenly less Power Lashes comes from.

    Whether I actually land more of them vs dodge rollers is another matter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when landing it practically means you got a kill* (kind of the point of those changes).

    *and not just on the annoying 4k regen dodge roll monkeys, but all medium armor NB builds (apart from tank builds), including less popular ones that couldn't even abuse and spam the mechanic.
    Edited by DDuke on April 3, 2018 11:25AM
  • reiverx
    DDuke wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.

    ...I am still getting more Power Lashes on my mDK on Live than I did before - not sure where this idea that there's suddenly less Power Lashes comes from.

    Whether I actually land more of them vs dodge rollers is another matter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when landing it practically means you got a kill* (kind of the point of those changes).

    *and not just on the annoying 4k regen dodge roll monkeys, but all medium armor NB builds (apart from tank builds), including less popular ones that couldn't even abuse and spam the mechanic.

    I know you try to hide your bias, but it's really just cringe reading your posts.
  • DDuke
    reiverx wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.

    ...I am still getting more Power Lashes on my mDK on Live than I did before - not sure where this idea that there's suddenly less Power Lashes comes from.

    Whether I actually land more of them vs dodge rollers is another matter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when landing it practically means you got a kill* (kind of the point of those changes).

    *and not just on the annoying 4k regen dodge roll monkeys, but all medium armor NB builds (apart from tank builds), including less popular ones that couldn't even abuse and spam the mechanic.

    I know you try to hide your bias, but it's really just cringe reading your posts.

    I'll tell you what's cringy: it's all the people complaining about losing their "I win" button vs dodge roll builds.

    Magicka DK is still doing phenomenally in PvP, I'd say it's the 3rd most popular class after rollerblades & sorcs and possibly the most popular when it comes to amount of 1vX videos out there. Videos from this patch.

    It's just not as unfair against dodge rollers as it used to be and that sounds fine to me, I wouldn't have been able to make a bow build function in current meta for example if I'd still get one shot by Fossilize->PL->Leap.

    So yeah, if wanting more build diversity in the game makes me biased then so be it. In the end everyone is biased one way or another.
    Edited by DDuke on April 3, 2018 11:57AM
  • reiverx
    DDuke wrote: »
    reiverx wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.

    ...I am still getting more Power Lashes on my mDK on Live than I did before - not sure where this idea that there's suddenly less Power Lashes comes from.

    Whether I actually land more of them vs dodge rollers is another matter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when landing it practically means you got a kill* (kind of the point of those changes).

    *and not just on the annoying 4k regen dodge roll monkeys, but all medium armor NB builds (apart from tank builds), including less popular ones that couldn't even abuse and spam the mechanic.

    I know you try to hide your bias, but it's really just cringe reading your posts.

    I'll tell you what's cringy: it's all the people complaining about losing their "I win" button vs dodge roll builds.

    Magicka DK is still doing phenomenally in PvP, I'd say it's the 3rd most popular class after rollerblades & sorcs and possibly the most popular when it comes to amount of 1vX videos out there. Videos from this patch.

    It's just not as unfair against dodge rollers as it used to be and that sounds fine to me, I wouldn't have been able to make a bow build function in current meta for example if I'd still get one shot by Fossilize->PL->Leap.

    So yeah, if wanting more build diversity in the game makes me biased then so be it. In the end everyone is biased one way or another.

    The Vivec campaign on PS4 NA ended yesterday with 6 DKs in the top 50.

    Yup, phenomenal.
  • Nelson_Rebel
    reiverx wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.

    ...I am still getting more Power Lashes on my mDK on Live than I did before - not sure where this idea that there's suddenly less Power Lashes comes from.

    Whether I actually land more of them vs dodge rollers is another matter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when landing it practically means you got a kill* (kind of the point of those changes).

    *and not just on the annoying 4k regen dodge roll monkeys, but all medium armor NB builds (apart from tank builds), including less popular ones that couldn't even abuse and spam the mechanic.

    I know you try to hide your bias, but it's really just cringe reading your posts.

    This exactly, he has literally no idea what he's talking about.

    There is no one on this entire game on any platform that can say they can land more power lashes now lmao wether in PvE or PvP the skill has become trash agaisnt anyone who isn't a brand new player

    If the lash is blocked, or dodged, the entire skill is cancelled regardless.

    That's if you actually manage to fight someone and actually land the FIRST flame lash to even set them off balance in the first place after using talons, if they havent already broken out.

    Or god help you if they are using Forward momemtum. Good luck ever landing a single power lash

    All there is now on live are stamblades spamming Incap for 16k on everyone and kiting magblads and Wardens of both specs.

    Templars are just healing bots, and sorcs keep on keepin on.
  • Nelson_Rebel
    reiverx wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    reiverx wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kilandros wrote: »
    So I think at this point we can all agree that we're getting far fewer Power Lashes now than we were before :/

    Its only natural.
    Every other skill that is dodgeable - you only land it if your attack is not dodged.
    Powerlash - you only land it if TWO of your attacks are not dodged. Its why powerlash was undodgeable in the firstplace.
    Oh well.

    It's just unfortunate. There were so many people with limited time actually testing the Power Lash changes proclaiming during the PTS that it would actually result in more Power Lashes. As usual PTS testers jumping to conclusions.

    ...I am still getting more Power Lashes on my mDK on Live than I did before - not sure where this idea that there's suddenly less Power Lashes comes from.

    Whether I actually land more of them vs dodge rollers is another matter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when landing it practically means you got a kill* (kind of the point of those changes).

    *and not just on the annoying 4k regen dodge roll monkeys, but all medium armor NB builds (apart from tank builds), including less popular ones that couldn't even abuse and spam the mechanic.

    I know you try to hide your bias, but it's really just cringe reading your posts.

    I'll tell you what's cringy: it's all the people complaining about losing their "I win" button vs dodge roll builds.

    Magicka DK is still doing phenomenally in PvP, I'd say it's the 3rd most popular class after rollerblades & sorcs and possibly the most popular when it comes to amount of 1vX videos out there. Videos from this patch.

    It's just not as unfair against dodge rollers as it used to be and that sounds fine to me, I wouldn't have been able to make a bow build function in current meta for example if I'd still get one shot by Fossilize->PL->Leap.

    So yeah, if wanting more build diversity in the game makes me biased then so be it. In the end everyone is biased one way or another.

    The Vivec campaign on PS4 NA ended yesterday with 6 DKs in the top 50.

    Yup, phenomenal.


    The Top 20 all were NB's with a warden and a couple sorcs there to.
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