Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), like any other video game, involves various mechanics that one must learn to truly master the art of the game. This includes, as in the case of ESO raids, being aware of your surroundings and recognizing the "tells" of bosses and when they telegraph impending attacks, and what to do in response.
For those who don't know, RaidNotifier is an add-on that tells you when and what mechanics are occurring as they happen, and in some cases tells you what to do.
For example, in one trial (Veteran Halls of Fabrication), dwemer spheres do an attack called "Taking Aim" wherein they shoot an arrow at a player. If this arrow is not blocked, the player will die. Five seconds before the dwemer does the attack, you can see it do a special telegraphed move, which indicates that the attack is coming. But instead of learning what this move is and keeping an eye out for it, RaidNotifier will do it for you. When the telegraphed move starts, RaidNotifier will flash "Taking Aim in 5 Seconds" on your screen. One second letter, the message will be updated to 4 seconds, and will count down to zero, so you know exactly when to block, and mindlessly so.
As another example, in Veteran Aetherian Archive, the first boss does an attack whereby lightning all over the map - except for one glowing yellow circle (which only appears when the attack starts, and its location varies) - does big damage to everyone. The boss telegraphs this attack in advance so you know when the lightning is incoming. But you don't have to learn this telegraph or be on the lookout for it, because RaidNotifier will tell you "LIGHTNING IS INCOMING, RUN TO THE YELLOW CIRCLE" as soon as the telegraph starts.
These are but two of many examples.
Do REAL raiders use RaidNotifier? Or are top-scoring teams who use RaidNotifier akin to people claiming to be "Master Navigators" and "Master Adventurers" because they can always find their way from any Point A to any Point B using their trusty GPS navigation system whereby they mindlessly follow the directions read to them ("in 100 feet, turn left")?
Or is using RaidNotifier like bowling with the bumpers on? No self-respecting bowler would use the bumpers and claim to be a champion. Can the same be said for raiders and RaidNotifier?
"I'm pretty good at this bowling (raiding) stuff, if I do say so myself!"
This doesn't happen though. The add-on merely does what a raid leader or anyone else in the group could do (and often do) any way.Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), like any other video game, involves various mechanics that one must learn to truly master the art of the game. This includes, as in the case of ESO raids, being aware of your surroundings and recognizing the "tells" of bosses and when they telegraph impending attacks, and what to do in response.
For those who don't know, RaidNotifier is an add-on that tells you when and what mechanics are occurring as they happen, and in some cases tells you what to do.
For example, in one trial (Veteran Halls of Fabrication), dwemer spheres do an attack called "Taking Aim" wherein they shoot an arrow at a player. If this arrow is not blocked, the player will die. Five seconds before the dwemer does the attack, you can see it do a special telegraphed move, which indicates that the attack is coming. But instead of learning what this move is and keeping an eye out for it, RaidNotifier will do it for you. When the telegraphed move starts, RaidNotifier will flash "Taking Aim in 5 Seconds" on your screen. One second letter, the message will be updated to 4 seconds, and will count down to zero, so you know exactly when to block, and mindlessly so.
As another example, in Veteran Aetherian Archive, the first boss does an attack whereby lightning all over the map - except for one glowing yellow circle (which only appears when the attack starts, and its location varies) - does big damage to everyone. The boss telegraphs this attack in advance so you know when the lightning is incoming. But you don't have to learn this telegraph or be on the lookout for it, because RaidNotifier will tell you "LIGHTNING IS INCOMING, RUN TO THE YELLOW CIRCLE" as soon as the telegraph starts.
These are but two of many examples.
Do REAL raiders use RaidNotifier? Or are top-scoring teams who use RaidNotifier akin to people claiming to be "Master Navigators" and "Master Adventurers" because they can always find their way from any Point A to any Point B using their trusty GPS navigation system whereby they mindlessly follow the directions read to them ("in 100 feet, turn left")?
Or is using RaidNotifier like bowling with the bumpers on? No self-respecting bowler would use the bumpers and claim to be a champion. Can the same be said for raiders and RaidNotifier?
"I'm pretty good at this bowling (raiding) stuff, if I do say so myself!"
Its like using Deadly Boss Mods in WoW, and I'm strongly against it (even when I was playing WoW).
Why you ask?
The reason is simple: imagine the new patch just went live, and the addon didnt get its update untill 2 - 3 weeks after (as its playermade it can take a while as we all know). Then on the same night we are doing a raid / trial with 11 others who all use the addon wich doesnt currently work. Nobody knows what to look for, and so we all die horrible deaths, because we all are to lazy to actually learn something. Not the best way to start your new patch eh? So to all that do vet-trials and such: please dont use it, because when you are trying to teach people the basics on normal, its only logical that you know them yourself first, without relying on an addon.
Or is using RaidNotifier like bowling with the bumpers on? No self-respecting bowler would use the bumpers and claim to be a champion. Can the same be said for raiders and RaidNotifier?
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
The part that keeps making me laugh about this analogy is this.Or is using RaidNotifier like bowling with the bumpers on? No self-respecting bowler would use the bumpers and claim to be a champion. Can the same be said for raiders and RaidNotifier?
I used to be the same when I joined ESO. "I won't use add-ons because they're cheap blah blah" then one day I decided I wanted to actually get better at the game and the tools I needed (buff tracking, damage numbers etc.) were all there if I simply got them.Real raiders xD
I think the only people who don't use it are stubborn types who cannot see the benefit of it especially if they are brand new.
Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), like any other video game, involves various mechanics that one must learn to truly master the art of the game.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), like any other video game, involves various mechanics that one must learn to truly master the art of the game.
Already we are off to an interesting start. Let's talk about some of these "amazing mechanics."
- Like the mechanic where sometimes the game glitches and you actually don't see the visual prompts at all?
- Or the mechanic where ZOS sort of cheats and something kills you even though you had the health, heals or shielding to live through it?
- Or the mechanic where your character lags out and you are unable to preform the required action to save your life?
There is no Mastering RNG. If you like the challenge of fighting raw chance, poorly designed mechanics, stuff that one shots you for 20k when you have 40k health, etc, then you go enjoy it.
No need to make a pejorative thread calling out everyone else that just wants to get their bloody gear and get the hell out of whatever, boring, monotonous themepark experience ZOS has locked it behind this time.
Maybe you like standing in a bunch, DPSing the leg joint of a giant mechanical ridiculous looking beast while it utters 3 ominous phrases at you on repeat. More power to you.
I'd rather turn the volume down, play some power metal, and farm the stupid thing till I get my gear and can leave. If Raid Notifier will tell me when to do some dumb mechanic, instead of having to listen to a deep voice say "FEAST YOUR EYES MORTALS!!" and some guy on discord telling me "Now when the boss says 'feast your eyes,' you all have to spin around 3 times counterclockwise and grab your crotch, then do the moonwalk, or you will die from 60k un-resistible damage" then I love raid notifier. Give me the bumpers baby. Let me get my gear and get the hell out.
Play it the way you like it, but don't try to get something nerfed that you don't even use.
Thank you for the reply. Am I correct in my understanding that you do raids just for the gear, as opposed to the leaderboard competition (other than perhaps getting the minimum score necessary to get on the weekly)? That you experience zero fun in doing raids and in fact hate them but feel obligated to do so just to obtain best-in-slot gear? If so, I do not think my message is targeted at you.
But in any case, I disagree with you - the "giant mechanical-looking beast" does not look ridiculous at all. In fact, it's pretty damn amazing.