They send you a salty message after you killed them? Just smile and go on killing things.
Ever since I actually started to get a few kills now and then i Cyrodiil, I have had occasional messages being called all sorts of things, or "1v1 u scrub?" etc.
I'm not the teabagger kind of guy, I rarely "corpse watch", and only when it's actually really a strategy I "zerg down" solo players (i.e. they are heading towards a crucial keep fight, or go after a scroll etc.). If someone in my group is 1vX'ed by enemies, I do snipe stack them before they kill my allies and go for me, yes I do. After all - it's supposed to be war, not a dueling tournament. I respect people who seem to be doing "their thing", I have pulled out of "helping" allies when they just stopped and started watching. I'm ok with that.
It's like as soon as you don't have time or possibility to do really thought through skill rotations, you start ti think "Oh, is this guy crying his eyes out now? Maybe I should have let him win?". This problem got way worse since I started to main a Nightblade. I really doesn't matter what you do as a NB, people are pissed off. I've had crap thrown in my direction for all kinds of kills.
Nightblades aside - all you hate messengers: What is a "legit kill"? How are we allowed to kill you before you are about to start discussions about how you are killed? It's getting tiresome, I really don't want to block messages just because some might act like this.
fundamental rules:
1) never group with the plebs
2) never run with the plebs
code of honor:
1) never under any circumstances add on an ongoing fight unless its some giant clusterf_uck. in that case its just a ton of awful idiots and none of them deserves any AP so you may aswell leech as much as you can. a true pvper will however just watch and shake his head and laugh about how easily these simple minded insects are entertained.
2) when engaging an opponent 1v1 try not to gank him off a horse unless the peasent is trying to flee. cowards dont deserve to be treated with honor so slaughter them by any means nessecary.
3) when fighting an opponent 1v1 and an ally adds on the fight immediately pull out and hope for your opponent to kill the peasent. incase of success teabag your ally till he releases. same goes for when another opponent adds on the fight. in case your opponent pulls off and you kill the adder teabag him till he releases. if your initial opponent doesnt pull off and you manage to kill them both, teabag both till they release.
4) incase you see 2 enemies fighting, watch the fight and give the winner time to regen before you attack. from there normal code of honor applies.
this is the code of honor that has been passed through generations by true open world elite pvpers since the early days of DAoC. anyone known to not following the code is scum and needs to die at any occasion possible. its the law and whoever breaks it shall be marked on the wall of shame for eternety.
Basically good points, really. But very few to none follow any of these. Sure there are a few good enemies, that have given me some brief respite before attacking me - but oh, those are few. Really, really few. It's more of a lynching attitude around Cyrodiil, at least in Xbox EU/Vivec. I did participate more in that lynch mob thing earlier, but I do way less now. If I'm pissed off, maybe.
As for #3, if the game was only about killing people, sure thing. But like when I played yesterday, me and another guy (random, actually) went to flag and start siege on Alessia. While we siege, some annoying DK appears and starts to attack my ally. I see him struggle, and I abandon my siege for a few seconds and finish him off quickly with Heavy Attack/Surprise Attack/Executioner - yes, out of stealth, and from behind! LOL
Then, back to siege. I'm not risking the capture of a siege, because of some "1v1 code of honor". If he's stupid enough to engage two guys on siege, he should be prepared to go down.
Thing is, this lynching attitude is in the backbones of people. I have had the "pleasure" to witness it some several times in real life too. I just can't see why some certain people get so upset by it, I mean - people who really are acting nasty, they probably need to shut their message availability off? I'm pretty nice and civil compared to a LARGE number of people out there, at least I'm told so by many.
If someone wants to play by a set of rules they and their friends have devised, that's their prerogative. But that doesn't mean it's cool to be toxic towards people who don't adhere to their subculture.
To me, AvA isn't Streetfighter Online or Highlander Online. To me, it's a team and objective based game with dynamic elements of strategy and tactics. I enjoy fighting for objectives. I used to be into First Person Shooters, but I never played Deathmatch modes. I was never into Streetfighter games. I only enjoy team and objective based PVP games. Even if objective play is broken in ESO, I still play according to objectives because that's what I enjoy. Even when I play completely solo, I am usually trying to make a difference for my team. I'm speaking generally - I actually do a bit of everything in eso and enjoy impromptu1v1 encounters.
To me, all members of my faction are my teammates. The goal is to win each fight regardless of other factors. It's against my values to let a very good player or group 1vX/farm my less experienced/capable teammates without helping them. I play all styles, so sometimes I'm on the other side of that. When I get zerged down or Xv1'd by decent players, I'm 100% fine with it because I put myself in that position.
Further, players create builds to accommodate the roles they want to perform. Those roles may not include open world 1v1; at least not against all builds. Don't expect others to taker your bait for an honorable 1v1 away from the fight when that's not why they're in Cyrodiil and/or may not be built for that fight.
Nightblades aside - all you hate messengers: What is a "legit kill"? How are we allowed to kill you before you are about to start discussions about how you are killed? It's getting tiresome, I really don't want to block messages just because some might act like this.
If someone wants to play by a set of rules they and their friends have devised, that's their prerogative. But that doesn't mean it's cool to be toxic towards people who don't adhere to their subculture.
VaranisArano wrote: »For anyone who is going to whine about getting killed, there is no such thing as a "legit kill." Except for their own, of course.
Its all about perspective. I roll my eyes when I get horribly killed when I'm solo and 3-4 enemies find me. Check in with me in an hour, and I'll probably have hunted down a solo player with 3-4 of my fellow EP. So I don't get salty. I've got no room to complain.
The only kill I legitimately felt bad about was successfully sniping some poor AD noob standing completely oblivious outside of Blue Road Keep reading his map. I don't normally gank but he had no clue I was there and he was just such a tempting target!
If someone wants to play by a set of rules they and their friends have devised, that's their prerogative. But that doesn't mean it's cool to be toxic towards people who don't adhere to their subculture.
Would you call it toxic when a set group of players regularly goes out of their way to chase/kill solo players to destroy their fun in the game?
I´m talking about abandoning a siege you started to chase a single player from fargyl to blackboot and when they don´t catch you wait 5+ mins in sneak on the way back - because quite frankly said: that´s also toxic behavior in my book.
I think every time another player whispers you in pvp to complain about you killing them, you should gain a pvp rank. To take it a step further, I think you should also be allowed to level past grand overlord using this system.
Would you call it toxic when a set group of players regularly goes out of their way to chase/kill solo players to destroy their fun in the game?
I´m talking about abandoning a siege you started to chase a single player from fargyl to blackboot and when they don´t catch you wait 5+ mins in sneak on the way back - because quite frankly said: that´s also toxic behavior in my book.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Don't use Shield Breaker.
If someone wants to play by a set of rules they and their friends have devised, that's their prerogative. But that doesn't mean it's cool to be toxic towards people who don't adhere to their subculture.
Would you call it toxic when a set group of players regularly goes out of their way to chase/kill solo players to destroy their fun in the game?
I´m talking about abandoning a siege you started to chase a single player from fargyl to blackboot and when they don´t catch you wait 5+ mins in sneak on the way back - because quite frankly said: that´s also toxic behavior in my book.
That sounds hilarious. I usually think it's funny when a group is so triggered they go far out of their way to chase me.
It's hard to answer without knowing more about your relationship with that group. The general rule in groups is not to chase single targets unless they're being a significant pest or have been one in the past. I've been that pest and am okay with dealing with the ramifications. When a group does an extended chase, they are most likely trying to send a message. I think we're fair game in that scenario.
Would you call it toxic when a set group of players regularly goes out of their way to chase/kill solo players to destroy their fun in the game?
you are complaining that someone who voluntarily goes into a pvp zone gets hunted down and killed by other players? the exact reason they went in there in the first place?I´m talking about abandoning a siege you started to chase a single player from fargyl to blackboot and when they don´t catch you wait 5+ mins in sneak on the way back - because quite frankly said: that´s also toxic behavior in my book.
you need to stop pvp'ing and maybe then you'll cry less. Im guessing it was you they hunted down. The aim of pvp is to get players to attack other players. Objectives like keeps give them a location where they can do battle without having to find each other in the wilderness randomly. It does not mean that is the only place players should attack, or stay.
There is no honour in dying. Excluding cheating, you do what you can to kill the other person. I hunted someone down in swtor once, its not even the distance between 2 keeps, killed them, killed their flag defenders which is where he ran to and captured it. then i got a whisper telling me how dishonourable i was. For doing my job. Sucks to be them. I thought it was hilarious that they got so cut up about it
Cut out all the garbage about this stupid code. You go in there to kill and to win. If you arent doing this, you are a detriment to your team.
There is a place for what you want: its called duels. Those do NOT take place in cyrodil.
If someone wants to play by a set of rules they and their friends have devised, that's their prerogative. But that doesn't mean it's cool to be toxic towards people who don't adhere to their subculture.
Would you call it toxic when a set group of players regularly goes out of their way to chase/kill solo players to destroy their fun in the game?
I´m talking about abandoning a siege you started to chase a single player from fargyl to blackboot and when they don´t catch you wait 5+ mins in sneak on the way back - because quite frankly said: that´s also toxic behavior in my book.
If someone wants to play by a set of rules they and their friends have devised, that's their prerogative. But that doesn't mean it's cool to be toxic towards people who don't adhere to their subculture.
Would you call it toxic when a set group of players regularly goes out of their way to chase/kill solo players to destroy their fun in the game?
I´m talking about abandoning a siege you started to chase a single player from fargyl to blackboot and when they don´t catch you wait 5+ mins in sneak on the way back - because quite frankly said: that´s also toxic behavior in my book.
If it´s the same group constantly chasing you then I can agree with you (would even call it harassment to be honest), but when randoms from the faction zerg does it occasionally then I wouldn´t be mad about it (but that´s me personally).
VaranisArano wrote: »
Yeah, as an isolated incident, it is really funny. Like I said, your relationship with this group was not clear to me.I don´t get what ppl find hilarious about this. These ppl have been doing that since 1.6 days every time you encounter them.
When i say regularly i don´t mean a couple of times. I mean every time you encounter them over a period of two and a half years by now.
I usually instaqueue guest campaign when they notice me.
But yeah. Hilarious.
catalyst10e wrote: »All i needed to know was "nightblade" and "snipe" to know why you get hate mail.
I dont send hate mail, but I know the frustration that comes with trying to play the game, and go through rotations, just to die to someone spamming a single button. the fact the skill is a bit bugged, where you could be hit with mutliple shots before ever realizing you're being attacked adds to that frustration.
So some people get it in their heads that if they can just fight you in a 1v1 (ie under their perceived idea of "fariness") and prove to themselves they're better than you, because they do a rotation and you "only know how to spam 1 button". But I'll let you in on a little secret.... there is no winning. If you beat them its because you were using cheap tactics, (the old "you didn't win, I lost" mentality) and if you lose the fight it "proves" to them they were superior and will hold it over you forever, long after the conflict has ended and you logged off. They'll find you out in the world and get their zerg to fight just you, and t bag cuz of that one time you snipe spammed them.
Some people have their rules, and sure, sometimes if I recognize a solo player out in the world I'll let him pass by, provided he doest try to kill me or my group members. Or I find Frenemies at the towns, I've even whispered a few just to ask if i could take the town and buy some armor and leave. Those guys helped me out even when yellows showed up. But ultimately, the rules are set by the game, you in cyrodiil? cool, you gon die.... a lot. pay no mind to the people who cant handle a death, just because it came from another player.
Side note, anyone doing 1v1 fights inbetween keeps currently being fought over, deserve to have the 1v1 broken up by a zerg. go duel someplace else or take that fight to a more secluded area away from the main battles.
The truth is finally exposed. Your addon is just a honeypot for you to find people to practice psychotherapy on when they send you tells.I usually apologize:) It's not my fault that they feel bad. But they do. And it's a great opportunity for me to help another human being to feel a bit better. Not because i have to. Because they are hurt.
The truth is finally exposed. Your addon is just a honeypot for you to find people to practice psychotherapy on when they send you tells.I usually apologize:) It's not my fault that they feel bad. But they do. And it's a great opportunity for me to help another human being to feel a bit better. Not because i have to. Because they are hurt.