ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be showing the Outfit System during today's ESO Live so you can see it in action, but just to clarify a couple points:
- You will receive one free Outfit slot, and additional slots can be purchased from the Crown Store.
- You can change your Outfit in a slot as many times as you want for a fee.
- You're not really changing the look of an actual item, but think of it more like creating a "costume" that you're wearing.
As I just posted in another thread on the topic:
Jessica Folsom: "Yep! It’s allows for a very customizable experience. You can choose a unique Outfit style for every item slot that has a visual appearance for a truly personalized look."
Jessica Folsom: "Here's a bit more info on how the Outfit System works:
Once any character on your account learns a Motif, you gain access to the corresponding Outfit Style Collectible for your account (since Collectibles are unlocked account-wide.) Depending on whether the Motif is for a single piece or all pieces, the Collectible could be all pieces of an outfit or just a single piece for, say... gloves or a hat. So those of you who have a single crafting character will be able to use that character's known Motifs to create Outfits for all characters on your account. The entire Outfit System runs on Collectibles.
Hope this helps! We encourage you to join ESO Live tonight if you can. We'll be gathering up more of your questions and answering what we can about these new systems, as well as showing them off."
Insanepirate01 wrote: »All I want to know is if you can make them ugly red weapons look like proper steel.
Are you folks seriously thinking its "One slot per account" This si not going to happen, not to mention it would be the stupidiest way to implement the system. I think most players dont want the same costume/outfit for every character but own for each character and extra slots for other occasions on each character, not account wide.
Sandman929 wrote: »
I usually ask myself, when faced with a vague description from ZOS, "What's the most asinine way this could be implemented?". Once I've answered that, I assume that's what's coming.
However, since weapons are part of the Outfit System the only way that could make sense is that each character has an individual setup on the one free Outfit slot. We'll all find out soon with ESO Live.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
Yes, you can. The one restriction is that you can't make an item for one particular item slot or a weapon family look like an item for a different item slot or a different weapon family. For example, you can't make a helm look like a boot (sorry to everyone who dreamed of wearing a boot on your head), or make a bow look like a two-hander.
Outfit slots are per-character, much like bag space upgrades. You will be able to purchase additional ones per character with crowns.
The short answer is yes, but these two are a bit of a special case. If you have the Imperial or Morag Tong "converter" Collectible, you automatically will have access to those Outfit Styles and be able to apply those styles via the Outfit System for free (since doing so is free for those who have those Collectibles now.) Just as is the case now, those two Collectibles do not give you the Imperial or Morag Tong Motif, so you still can't craft items in those styles. Once the Outfit System goes live, you will use that interface to apply those styles to your armor and weapons instead of a Crafting Station.
(Note: There is a known issue for PTS 1 where you will not see the Imperial and Morag Tong styles as available in the Outfit System if you have the Imperial or Morag Tong "converter" Collectible. This will be fixed.)
Sandman929 wrote: »
I usually ask myself, when faced with a vague description from ZOS, "What's the most asinine way this could be implemented?". Once I've answered that, I assume that's what's coming.
However, since weapons are part of the Outfit System the only way that could make sense is that each character has an individual setup on the one free Outfit slot. We'll all find out soon with ESO Live.
After the infamous barbershop, i always assume the worst. This time could be slightly different though..
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be showing the Outfit System during today's ESO Live so you can see it in action, but just to clarify a couple points:
- You will receive one free Outfit slot, and additional slots can be purchased from the Crown Store.
- You can change your Outfit in a slot as many times as you want for a fee.
- You're not really changing the look of an actual item, but think of it more like creating a "costume" that you're wearing.
Outfit slots are per-character, ...
You will be able to purchase additional ones per character with crowns.
This is nice. Each character can have their own appearance.
Ouch... Would prefer the purchased slots to be account-wide - purchase additional slots and then all characters have access to that number of slots. I doubt I'll be buying additional slots for each character.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »
Can you make armor look like lower level crafted gear? For instance, could I set my legs to the Daedric motif but with the appearance you get from crafting a pair of level 16 guards using hide instead of the max level material (rubedo)?
Based on ESO Live today, here are answers to some of the questions here:
1. Each character gets 1 costume slot, more slots can be bought with crowns. Slots are not account wide.
What i would still like to know, is that can players use pieces of equipment to create an outfit or does it require motif on one of the characters you have or the all characters separately and also, what about the clothing? I have a tons of clothing in my bank plus few other items that do not even have a motif available. Can i use these items as well or is there this crappy motif needed system in place?
Yes i use "Crappy motif" as that system imposes needless restrictions over the system where everyone can just get a piece of equipment and use it to create part of outfit. I am a cradter and the motif system also means, that i cant craft pieces of equipment to sell for making outfits and i cant give these items to my friend. The whole motif system in outfits will just make the community unabe to give stuff to eachother if someone wants something for outfits, people cant give motifs to their friend if they only have it learned on their crafter, not to mention i imagine there are styles like Dromathra that is not even available currently.
theivorykitty wrote: »
I just wanted to expand on this that after watching the live stream, I understood that the Outfit itself is not account wide and it character-based (e.g. if you put together an outfit with dark elf boots and chest, etc for one character, the other character would have to do that again for themselves). The Outfit Slot that we get is account-wide (e.g. every one of your characters will have an Outfit Slot to put their own customized outfit into). However, they did not respond as to whether if you purchase another Outfit Slot in the crown store (e.g. I have an 'adventuring' outfit and a 'town' outfit), if all of my characters get a second Outfit Slot, or just one.
Let me know if anyone heard anything further on that third point.