Outfit System Question.

    Cinbri wrote: »

    So, transmuting chest means you wear costume on this part that will hide tabard?
    You can transmog only in existing styles? No option to take look of items with unique style?

    hey arent you that purifying light healbot spammer?
  • theivorykitty
    Thanks for answering questions on this Gina!

    I have a question, too! I have one character which is my crafter who knows all of the motifs. Will the outfits I make be account-wide or character-based, and if they are character-based, does that mean that my other characters will need to learn the motifs in order to wear these outfits?

  • zaria
    Peekachu99 wrote: »

    Is that outfit slot account wide? That’s what I’m confused about. Most players only have one crafter with all the motifs, so character bound outfits are a bad idea.
    note that you need high crafting skill just to unlock the cheap motifs like daeric and ancient elf.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Orticia
    What I want to really know... Can you keep/make the slots empty so that it shows bare skin (finally a way to reliably show off tattoos), or will empty slots show the underlying real worn gear (also has it's uses).
  • Tapio75
    All i want to know, is that do each character have to know all the stupid motifs or is it enough to have the piece of equipment in your inventory at the moment of outfit creation?

    I mean if each character has to know the motif, it immediately ruins the whole usage of stolen clothing and items that drop but cant be crafted like some Dreugr stuff for example.

    What i gather, is that it is basically the LOTRO system but severely worse if you actually have to know the motif. Motif need to be taken out of picture, let crafters do the stuff and sell equipment for cosmetic outfits..

    I mean if the motif is required for every character, it will make the system crappies ever seen on my play career. Making crafters not useful for cosmetic outfits and severely reducing options that can be used for costume outfits.
    Edited by Tapio75 on January 4, 2018 6:02PM
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • zaria
    Cinbri wrote: »

    So, transmuting chest means you wear costume on this part that will hide tabard?
    You can transmog only in existing styles? No option to take look of items with unique style?
    so I can not use this for PvP :(
    Yes race should obviously been Argonian.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    Tapio75 wrote: »
    All i want to know, is that do each character have to know all the stupid motifs or is it enough to have the piece of equipment in your inventory at the moment of outfit creation?

    I mean if each character has to know the motif, it immediately ruins the whole usage of stolen clothing and items that drop but cant be crafted like some Dreugr stuff for example.

    What i gather, is that it is basically the LOTRO system but severely worse if you actually have to know the motif. Motif need to be taken out of picture, let crafters do the stuff and sell equipment for cosmetic outfits..

    I mean if the motif is required for every character, it will make the system crappies ever seen on my play career. Making crafters not useful for cosmetic outfits and severely reducing options that can be used for costume outfits.
    This and it would also let you use lower level stuff like low level Bosmer robes, add that many lower level designs look better to me, add looted clothing.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Cinbri

    hey arent you that purifying light healbot spammer?

    No, I that only Chaos Champion magplar in this game.
  • Ermiq
    duendology wrote: »
    So.. is it a costume creator system? Or you just choose a piece of your armour, choose the style you want to change (plus style material) and you have the same piece of armour in the style you want?

    I am all confused.

    You don't get any changed items. It doesn't make any actual changes to your gear pieces.
    It's like a costume. At the dying station you choose a piece of armour (not actual armour piece, just armour slot) and choose a style/motif for that armour slot. Then you can wear this "costume", it will change your armour's appearance (none actual changes to armour items done).
    In other words, if you like the appearance of Daedric shoulders (for example) you can wear Daedric shoulders anytime. Just make a "costume" with Daedric style in shoulders slot and all your shoulders will look like Daedric shoulders.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno , are those Outfit slots account-wide? I'm pretty shure that the majority of playerbase has only one crafter who knows motives. We really should be able to make an Outfit by crafter character and get it available for all of our alts who can't make that specific motif Outfit themselves.
    Edited by Ermiq on January 4, 2018 6:25PM
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • MasterSpatula
    Vanthras79 wrote: »

    I am so glad you guys decided to this this system right. :smiley: This put a lot of my fears to rest. Thank you all!

    I'm gonna try really hard to be happy for people who wanted a system like this. I'm gonna try, but I don't think I'm that strong. Because this looks very much like a copy/paste of the Appearance Tab system many other games have, and I have utterly despised this system in all of them.

    All along, I feared that a "transmog" system would be nothing but reskinning. I should have known better. I was giving ZOS too much credit. We're not even reskinning useful gear. We're just making appearance-only fluff to go on top.

    You couildn't ask for a more blatant insult to those of us who consider crafting an essential part of the game and who have been waiting years for ZOS to once again make actual crafting of actual items that people actually use and actually want to be seen in viable.

    Trangmog should have come with some new challenges. Instead, it comes with new ways to spend real-world money for in-game items. It should have made crafters essential. Instead, it encourages everyone to collect (or buy) motifs to throw together a costume in a couple of minutes. Oh, and if you ever want to change it, probably more real-world money for in-game actions.

    I'll try really hard to be happy you're happy, but I don't see why you would be.
    Edited by MasterSpatula on January 4, 2018 6:18PM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • deleted210304-002304
    We'll be showing the Outfit System during today's ESO Live so you can see it in action, but just to clarify a couple points:
    • You will receive one free Outfit slot, and additional slots can be purchased from the Crown Store.
    • You can change your Outfit in a slot as many times as you want for a fee.
    • You're not really changing the look of an actual item, but think of it more like creating a "costume" that you're wearing.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, So does this mean that you can toggle your outfit slot to not be shown (show the original armour)? and does this system work with non-armour clothing items?
  • Tapio75
    I think we dont want account wide outfit slots. That would be stupid since then, all characters would have the same outfits on those slots.. Meaning that female and male charcters would have same outfits and wizards and warriors also sharing the slots, not to mention normal clothing for various characters.

    What we want, is a system that never requires a motif from the character using the outfit and each character has its own outfit slots to use for variety of situations. So in other words, we dont use motif for making an outfit but a pieces of gear our crafters create or pieces of equipment we buy from pther players or receive as gift.. Or items that drop on the world. Requiring motifs makes all the normal clothing we stole useless for outfits as well as pieces of set armor that cant be vrafted.
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • Eiagra
    In a way, I kind of hope it is account-wide, because all of my motifs learned are on ONE character, and if I had to re-learn them on my alts that would be an expensive and annoying endeavor. Especially for a lot of the rarer stuff that took a LOT of effort and/or luck to acquire.

    However, I also kind of wish we would have access to purchased Crown Store costume components, or Clothing items from the Justice/Contraband system, as there's a lot of unique components in those places that I would like to be able to mix and match (i.e. put the boots and gloves of Crown Store costume A with the pants from Contraband system and a shirt from a Motif).

    While having just Motif items available for these costume slots is a lot, there's so much more out of our reach with only that.
          In verity.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    zaria wrote: »
    How will this work with weapons? I have stamina with bow / two daggers, magic dd with flame / shock, healer with heal / shock but uses flame / shock then not healing.
    Some talk about weapon coloring, how will that work in this setup? I prefer to have the two staffs of different design as an additional clue who i'm on.

    THIS is an excellent question; @ZOS_GinaBruno how will this impact weapons on different bars? I also have a character with a Resto/Destro setup, and I keep the staff styles distinct to help keep track of which bar I'm on.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
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  • driosketch
    I think both ways have pros and cons.

    Accout wide slot:
    Con: same costume available to all characters.
    Pro: your crafter can design it for other characters.

    Character specific slots:
    Con: each character needs to know the motifs.
    Pro: individual character customization

    Now the dye system doesn't have the same con on the latter scenario while allowing character specific changes because dyes are account wide. Would account wide motif knowledge at the outfit station, but not the gear craft stations, be a good compromise?
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • magictucktuck
    Thanks @ZOS_GinaBruno you guys did and are doing a great job!


    Flawless Conqueror

    https://www.magictucktuck.com for my builds and guides!
  • magictucktuck
    zaria wrote: »
    Wearing medium night mother gaze for thief guild quests under costume rather than SPC and lich, I wondered why I had problems in nICP and why SPC did not proc.
    Pretty scared of costumes after that.

    How will this work with weapons? I have stamina with bow / two daggers, magic dd with flame / shock, healer with heal / shock but uses flame / shock then not healing.
    Some talk about weapon coloring, how will that work in this setup? I prefer to have the two staffs of different design as an additional clue who i'm on.

    see this as both the most complex but also most useless setup possible. Wanted an setup to change monster set to something who matched my hurdling set and changing necropotence into something better looking and so on.
    Only bonus if I can show up as healer in heavy armor with bows on both bars :)

    Lol weapon dyes will on in the dye section not part of costume, so you will be fine


    Flawless Conqueror

    https://www.magictucktuck.com for my builds and guides!
  • Salganis
    I think it's fair that it's one slot per account
    the only thing that worries me is the price of gold that they are going to charge for changing it
    and what worries me the most is that if I design my costume it can be made of pieces of set that were with the color already modified, especially that last
  • KanedaSyndrome
    We'll be showing the Outfit System during today's ESO Live so you can see it in action, but just to clarify a couple points:
    • You will receive one free Outfit slot, and additional slots can be purchased from the Crown Store.
    • You can change your Outfit in a slot as many times as you want for a fee.
    • You're not really changing the look of an actual item, but think of it more like creating a "costume" that you're wearing.

    And this item slot is one per character right?
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • dsalter

    And this item slot is one per character right?

    it's zenimax... trust me you shouldnt hope for it, you can put more bets on it being account wide
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • rosy_ariete
    So, basically, my guild tabard will be hidden as for costumes... how sad...
  • Verbal_Earthworm
    I understand we get one free outfit slot, but as a subscriber, i expect more than the non-subscribers are getting.

    Incentive please.
  • M_Volsung
    So... a lot of people get hyped up for this and it turns out to be, yet again, a massive disappointment.
    "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
    Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
    Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
    Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

    —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • maboleth
    M_Volsung wrote: »
    yet again, a massive disappointment.

    Speak for yourself.
  • I_killed_Vivec

    I'm gonna try really hard to be happy for people who wanted a system like this. I'm gonna try, but I don't think I'm that strong. Because this looks very much like a copy/paste of the Appearance Tab system many other games have, and I have utterly despised this system in all of them.

    All along, I feared that a "transmog" system would be nothing but reskinning. I should have known better. I was giving ZOS too much credit. We're not even reskinning useful gear. We're just making appearance-only fluff to go on top.

    You couildn't ask for a more blatant insult to those of us who consider crafting an essential part of the game and who have been waiting years for ZOS to once again make actual crafting of actual items that people actually use and actually want to be seen in viable.

    Trangmog should have come with some new challenges. Instead, it comes with new ways to spend real-world money for in-game items. It should have made crafters essential. Instead, it encourages everyone to collect (or buy) motifs to throw together a costume in a couple of minutes. Oh, and if you ever want to change it, probably more real-world money for in-game actions.

    I'll try really hard to be happy you're happy, but I don't see why you would be.

    Yes, a real opportunity to reinvigorate crafting... but selling slots in the crown store is obviously their priority :(
  • Esha76
    As I just posted in another thread on the topic:


    Jessica Folsom: "Yep! It’s allows for a very customizable experience. You can choose a unique Outfit style for every item slot that has a visual appearance for a truly personalized look."


    Jessica Folsom: "Here's a bit more info on how the Outfit System works:

    Once any character on your account learns a Motif, you gain access to the corresponding Outfit Style Collectible for your account (since Collectibles are unlocked account-wide.) Depending on whether the Motif is for a single piece or all pieces, the Collectible could be all pieces of an outfit or just a single piece for, say... gloves or a hat. So those of you who have a single crafting character will be able to use that character's known Motifs to create Outfits for all characters on your account. The entire Outfit System runs on Collectibles.

    Hope this helps! We encourage you to join ESO Live tonight if you can. We'll be gathering up more of your questions and answering what we can about these new systems, as well as showing them off."
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  • Shimmer
    Ive played games with outfit slots before - how it worked there was you customized each slot of your armor or outfit to create a costume (not changing your armor just the appearance) and saved it to that outfit slot. You can get more than one it appears, so you can save different outfits with different looks. So you unlock them and make different outfits. In those games I have like a Christmas outfit, a dressy outfit etc and you just click the slot to change to that outfit.
    Edited by Shimmer on January 4, 2018 7:43PM
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  • Bloodystab
    I hope ESO+ members will get more slots
  • Dojohoda
    We'll be showing the Outfit System during today's ESO Live so you can see it in action, but just to clarify a couple points:
    • You will receive one free Outfit slot, and additional slots can be purchased from the Crown Store.
    • You can change your Outfit in a slot as many times as you want for a fee.
    • You're not really changing the look of an actual item, but think of it more like creating a "costume" that you're wearing.

    Ooo, I think I understand how this is implemented; thank you for explaining! :)
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • bareheiny
    I don't think this has been asked...but will this system have invisible placeholders (for want of a better description)?

    Say I don't want to show a belt on my new outfit...you know, because I've chosen the Abah's Watch chest and don't to put a belt over the embedded sash.

    Or mayhap I don't want my monster shoulder to be shown because it clashes, and I can't find a nice replacement style.
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