This contributes to the reason why ZOS wouldn't t add storage for houses. People are able to create alts and create guilds just for inventory and bank space. I know we can't stop people from doing this, but the people who do this are one of the reasons why we won't get storage (in my opinion). This isn't a dig at those players, I just think it is important to highlight our actions too.
ZOS created this behavior in the first place. We were starved for inventory space (remember, it was before the crafting bag was added), so almost everyone had mules and many created private guild banks. Even now we're still starved unless we subscribe. We just do what we have to do to deal with an inventory system fundamentally incompatible with other game systems such as crafting.This contributes to the reason why ZOS wouldn't t add storage for houses. People are able to create alts and create guilds just for inventory and bank space. I know we can't stop people from doing this, but the people who do this are one of the reasons why we won't get storage (in my opinion). This isn't a dig at those players, I just think it is important to highlight our actions too.
ZOS created this behavior in the first place. We were starved for inventory space (remember, it was before the crafting bag was added), so almost everyone had mules and many created private guild banks. Even now we're still starved unless we subscribe. We just do what we have to do to deal with an inventory system fundamentally incompatible with other game systems such as crafting.This contributes to the reason why ZOS wouldn't t add storage for houses. People are able to create alts and create guilds just for inventory and bank space. I know we can't stop people from doing this, but the people who do this are one of the reasons why we won't get storage (in my opinion). This isn't a dig at those players, I just think it is important to highlight our actions too.
This contributes to the reason why ZOS wouldn't t add storage for houses. People are able to create alts and create guilds just for inventory and bank space. I know we can't stop people from doing this, but the people who do this are one of the reasons why we won't get storage (in my opinion). This isn't a dig at those players, I just think it is important to highlight our actions too.
This contributes to the reason why ZOS wouldn't t add storage for houses. People are able to create alts and create guilds just for inventory and bank space. I know we can't stop people from doing this, but the people who do this are one of the reasons why we won't get storage (in my opinion). This isn't a dig at those players, I just think it is important to highlight our actions too.
Yup got a personal guild bank...
Tho honestly not that good tho, you can't put bound items, and have to take out mat everytime you need them
Saves shinies if you don't sub tho
I do but it's because I've been playing since console release and it was started between friends, I'm the only one left. If ZOS could promote me I'd do something with the guild as I was 2ic but as it stands I'm the last of 42 I played with.
Emma_Overload wrote: »So I actually went to the trouble (and expense) to do this, and guess what? IT SUCKS!
You can't put hardly ANYTHING into a guild bank! None of my extra gear will go into it, which was the whole reason I needed the 500 extra slots. I'm so angry!
When is ZOS going to do something for players who need more storage? All this dumb stuff in the Crown Store, but nothing that's actually useful...
Emma_Overload wrote: »So I actually went to the trouble (and expense) to do this, and guess what? IT SUCKS!
You can't put hardly ANYTHING into a guild bank! None of my extra gear will go into it, which was the whole reason I needed the 500 extra slots. I'm so angry!
When is ZOS going to do something for players who need more storage? All this dumb stuff in the Crown Store, but nothing that's actually useful...
Yeah I put my crafting mats in there to free up space in your own bank
No, because I'm not a console scrub so I can't make tons of free alt accounts and I'll be damned if I pay for 10 accounts on PC just to have a bank.