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FIX Loading screens!

  • generalmyrick
    geonsocal wrote: »
    BigRiver wrote: »
    Just logged back into Cyrodiil and tried to travel to a diff location and guess what? Another load screen that’s going on 3min so far...

    last couple of days I've only been able to take it for about 30 minutes or so...

    the whole map is clearing out pretty fast on ps4/na...

    this may have been just about the worst - oh poop, zos moment yet...

    sure they are having a not so pleasant day at the offices there...

    yeah, the population has been pretty bad...i got loading screen after loading screen...

    is this the end? ;-(
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • AnviOfVai
    geonsocal wrote: »
    AnviOfVai wrote: »
    Complaining should be allowed when part of the game has been unplayable for 4 days now and the most informaiton we have had is "we are looking in to it" which was on the first day. All I'm asking for is an update on the situation.

    EDIT: @geonsocal I just noticed you actually posted a quote on a movie I have never seen.
    Good play.

    howdy @AnviOfVai ...the character jack torrance from stephen king's the shining is a very memorable one - jack nicholson truly brought him alive in stanley kubrick's film...
    the scene wherein it's finally revealed what jack has written in regard to the play which he is working on is quite memorable...

    all work and no play make jack a very dull boy

    over and over again for an uncounted number of pages -
    the depth of his lunacy becomes clear...

    not being able to re-spawn or fast travel within cyrodiil was driving me a bit mad...

    Edit: just remembered that first post with jack torrance referencing the madness of these loading screens got deleted -

    to which - one flew over the cuckoo's nest is melancholy and sublime...

    cool hand luke may just be the second best picture paul newman was in - after the hustler of course...

    as good as it gets includes absolutely remarkable acting...the least of which is one of the most adorable dogs in any movie ever :)

    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • geonsocal
    geonsocal wrote: »
    BigRiver wrote: »
    Just logged back into Cyrodiil and tried to travel to a diff location and guess what? Another load screen that’s going on 3min so far...

    last couple of days I've only been able to take it for about 30 minutes or so...

    the whole map is clearing out pretty fast on ps4/na...

    this may have been just about the worst - oh poop, zos moment yet...

    sure they are having a not so pleasant day at the offices there...

    yeah, the population has been pretty bad...i got loading screen after loading screen...

    is this the end? ;-(

    it most certainly does have the potential for sucking rhe joy out of pvp in cyrodiil...

    not sure if the issue extends to imperial city also...

    as long as you zerg up (having folks around to rez you is super important), ride your mount and play a bit more conservatively - it may not be too bad...

    hopefully come wednesday the issue is resolved...

    but yeah - bad timing with pvp populations decreasing already on ps4/na....
    Edited by geonsocal on November 13, 2017 12:40AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • generalmyrick
    geonsocal wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    BigRiver wrote: »
    Just logged back into Cyrodiil and tried to travel to a diff location and guess what? Another load screen that’s going on 3min so far...

    last couple of days I've only been able to take it for about 30 minutes or so...

    the whole map is clearing out pretty fast on ps4/na...

    this may have been just about the worst - oh poop, zos moment yet...

    sure they are having a not so pleasant day at the offices there...

    yeah, the population has been pretty bad...i got loading screen after loading screen...

    is this the end? ;-(

    it most certainly does have the potential for sucking rhe joy out of pvp in cyrodiil...

    not sure if the issue extends to imperial city also...

    as long as you zerg up (having folks around to rez you is super important), ride your mount and play a bit more conservatively - it may not be too bad...

    hopefully come wednesday the issue is resolved...

    but yeah - bad timing with pvp populations decreasing already on ps4/na....

    my last time in i couldn't even shrine anywhere!
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • JWKe
    LOLS. I stand by what i've been saying ever since this game when F2P and that's if this MMO wasn't Elder Scrolls it would've been wild starred by now.
  • generalmyrick
    what's "wild starred?"
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • Dredlord
    Can we please all calm down... this is an MMORPG, not your daily job or dole check (unless you belomg to Neal Stephenson's Reamde).

    There have been issues since CWC (don't even try to start a thread about prior issues -- deadbeat). We all know it, AND they are being looked at -- but it is difficult to investigate something that only manifests itself when a particular set of system constraints are met, and it is NOT something QA would have been able to easily identify either -- with a decade experience in high-frequency trading IT support, I have a few inklings on this.

    Give the ESO Devs a break so they can concentrate on a fix rather than on a shareholder backlash. Use the advertised get-arounds whenever possible (ride your horse rather than use a wayshrine, get your mates to revive you in PvP, etc). It's not great, but it's better than getting Bethesda to pull the plug on the game altogether.

    And trust the ESO Devs guys to fix it. It's not only their job -- it's their livelihood.

    Youre either a deadbeat underachiever or your child is one of the devs?
  • pdebie64b16_ESO
    AnviOfVai wrote: »
    Maybe weird but i dont have loading screens in Cyro at all in both Vivec and Shor, only some lag now and then on Vivec.

    May I ask which platform?

    PC EU
  • lunarsyed
    You know i cant even get IN the game because it keeps disconnecting and i really wanted that limited time telvani master wizard costume and the remaining time will now run out and i cant even buy it now.
  • HighPlainz
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    This is also a spammed post. Typical ZOS post adds nothing to conversation.

    Also, have you tried updating add-ons? lol
  • The_Lex
    Wow. This thread got pushed pretty far down. :D

    Anyway, the problems remain; Cyrodiil was a nightmare last night. Hopefully, we'll hear something concrete from ZOS today.
  • reiverx
    Can we please all calm down... this is an MMORPG, not your daily job or dole check (unless you belomg to Neal Stephenson's Reamde).

    There have been issues since CWC (don't even try to start a thread about prior issues -- deadbeat). We all know it, AND they are being looked at -- but it is difficult to investigate something that only manifests itself when a particular set of system constraints are met, and it is NOT something QA would have been able to easily identify either -- with a decade experience in high-frequency trading IT support, I have a few inklings on this.

    Give the ESO Devs a break so they can concentrate on a fix rather than on a shareholder backlash. Use the advertised get-arounds whenever possible (ride your horse rather than use a wayshrine, get your mates to revive you in PvP, etc). It's not great, but it's better than getting Bethesda to pull the plug on the game altogether.

    And trust the ESO Devs guys to fix it. It's not only their job -- it's their livelihood.

    This should have been caught in testing. There is absolutely no excuse for such an important aspect of the game to be broken. We all have to use transitus shrines in PVP. There's no getting away from it.

    Somebody touched code that caused the issue and it was either not tested or just swept under the carpet.
  • maboleth
    I know I'm in the minority but I played the game the whole day yesterday, pve (quests, dungeons, pledges) and pvp (cyrodiil Sotha Sil) and I've got the infinite loading screen only once for the entire day. PC EU. I do play solo in PVP though.

    Generally speaking, long loading screens are not nearly as big of a problem as is the sound bug in Cyrodiil for me. I also have zero problems with logging in the game (some players reported waiting for 3-5 mins to load).

    I do hope this will get fixed asap, it's just that this bug is probably hard to track, pinpoint and kill because it happens under certain circumstances.
  • generalmyrick
    Their twitter is funny...theybpost something and they get several "fix the loading screens" comments. Hilarious!
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • Miswar
    Bump. What is the status of this fix?

    PvP utterly unplayable and cannot say much more about PvE content either.

    Getting really annoyed with this ##¤%# ...
  • Rak_am
    Miswar wrote: »
    Bump. What is the status of this fix?

    PvP utterly unplayable and cannot say much more about PvE content either.

    Getting really annoyed with this ##¤%# ...

    more empty than nothingness...
    zenimax, FIX THE GAME
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Octopuss
    ...if only it applied to just consoles.
  • umagon
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.

    If the team would have worked towards a resolution the first time the loading screen issue was reported then they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in now. I hope this was a good lesson on why so called “minor” bugs shouldn’t be ignored for long periods of time.
  • dmar613
    For consoles, the game is officially on life support!

    Every second in your investigation is critical, so make you better make it count! I hope y'all are whipping those devs to get sweaty and resolve these issues because my goodness the game is bleeding out right now.

    So go ahead and flip that switch on for me and go into military drill sergent mode because that is what this situation requires.

    The vibe in the game is becoming depressing, everyone in game i encounter, has some sort of serious resentment in one form or another and they are leaving the game for good this time. It sucks that this had to happen right when the new xbox came out because aside from the loads screens, I have noticed better performance through and through.
    However, I have not been able to truely stress test it in a zerg enviorment because they are none. Also, currently in pvp I feel like a bully when 1vx a group of 5 lowbies on a resource and they all die and have to reset probably not to come back, of you are reading this sorry it had to happen, I had to get my fix in lol....alright enough venting from me thanks for reading my perspective.
    4th Grand Overlord For DC Xbox One. 123,486 pvp kills Crip from the Sexy Time Slayers aka Leaps of Dreamz
  • JRManron
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.

    I cannot enter the game after the last patch(PC) and neither the support cause "login failed" on your website.
    How Can I play the game which I enjoy and have payd every single 3 mounth since BETA?
  • The_Lex
    ZOS' response brought this video to mind:

    Edited by The_Lex on November 13, 2017 3:29PM
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.

    Thanks for the update. A big part of this issue was a perceived lack of communication, so info like this is greatly appreciated.
  • Miswar
    So no ETA for this game breaking bug than. Figured as much.

    You basically pissing off all the people that do PvP and also to many PvE players.

    Really need hotfix for this it's so broken.
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Miswar wrote: »
    So no ETA for this game breaking bug than. Figured as much.

    You basically pissing off all the people that do PvP and also to many PvE players.

    Really need hotfix for this it's so broken.

    They said they have some leads and are currently running tests. This leads me to believe they haven't completely identified the issue(s) yet, so giving an ETA for a fix or patch would be impossible right now. No amount of raging on the forums is gonna change that.
  • Docmandu
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.

    So you're saying us PC users that have had this issue since May 2017 can basically go find some other game to play?! Duly noted.

    Let's hope for the console players, it's a different team than you passed the info to in July
    Edited by Docmandu on November 13, 2017 5:09PM
  • NinchiTV
    Dark moons upon us. This is sad.
  • RMerlin
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.

    Hopefully this will also allow them to track down the root cause of the same issue that's been affecting PC users for years now.
  • Sanctum74
    Hi everyone,

    To repeat what we've said elsewhere since this issue popped up, we have an ongoing investigation for the unusually long loading screens on PS4 and Xbox One that became more prevalent since the launch of Update 16. We have some of our top developers across multiple teams working on this as their highest priority. We have some leads and are currently running tests. We'll promise to provide updates as we have them, but for now that's where we're at.

    Thank you for the update, but we should not have to look elsewhere to get information on this problem. That's great if you want to comment on Twitter and twitch, but we come to these forums for answers and we shouldn't have to look through dozens of threads to see if you might have commented on this issue or go to a different companies website for answers.

    A simple sticky notice at the top of the page would have gone a long way to assure your customers that you are taking this matter seriously.
  • BllyDnsr

    Thank you for the update. I just hope it's understood that the "Unusually Long Loading Screen" problem isn't just a long loading screen that you finally get out of if you wait it out long enough - it's permanent until you restart your game. This is breaking gameplay in Cyrodiil on the XB. I also had one zoning into Brass City in the Clockwork City DLC that I could move the terrain behind the long loading screen (could see it along the edges) but the screen itself was permanently there and I had to restart the game.
    Guildmaster of Obsidian Covenant.
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