FIX Loading screens!

  • Buffler
    Hey id
    Buffler wrote: »
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Thats amazing. Spam on a forum you lot will comment about. You're broken [snip] game however.......

    Thats a mod not a dev

    Its a representitive of the company that owns the game and servers and first in the community firing line.

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on November 11, 2017 7:19PM
  • Elsonso
    AnviOfVai wrote: »
    But has there been an update since? Just ya know to say "hey guys we are still looking into a fix on the loading screens, its still taking time but thanks for sticking with us!" but nope nothing...

    Not since ESO Live on Friday, no.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • DustyNinjaXyZzY
    Soul Shriven
    Buffler wrote: »
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Thats amazing. Spam on a forum you lot will comment about. You're broken [snip] game however.......

    you cant yell at the bouncer about how ugly the stripppers are and expect them to do anything about it.

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on November 11, 2017 7:18PM
  • UppGRAYxDD
    bump for the sake of sanity....fix ur game...
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • crjs1
    I can’t believe people are defending the communication strategy around this. There has been no update since ESO live. This is not a small bug but somthing making the game near unplayable for lots of us. Frequent - at least daily updates, even if it’s only to say no ETA as still working on it, are the least we should expect. We have actually paid for this.
  • GreenhaloX
    Turelus wrote: »
    They updated everyone on ESO Live tonight that they're working on the issue and it's a high priority issue for them.

    Well, I hope so, and you're not just blowing smoke. Ha ha ha. Signed on and within 10 minutes, was stuck twice in the loading after trying to wayshrine. Close app, reload, hopped on a wayshrine and again, same old. Three times within just a half an hour today (time and time again and again.. and again.) Man, it's just too early for Miller time, but what the hell. Why not.. need it to tolerate ESO and all it's glory.
  • Molag_Swag
    What I don't understand is why they released this broken update in the first place. Surely they have been extensively testing and fully aware of the infinite loading screens as well as other bugs. I would rather them postpone the update for a week instead of playing this buggy mess. The new trial and weapons are great but I can't even use them in PvP :( also burying other forum posts about the problems with the new patch is not the right way to handle the situation, ZOS should have made an announcement the day the patch was released on console.
  • UppGRAYxDD
    Molag_Swag wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why they released this broken update in the first place. Surely they have been extensively testing and fully aware of the infinite loading screens as well as other bugs. I would rather them postpone the update for a week instead of playing this buggy mess. The new trial and weapons are great but I can't even use them in PvP :( also burying other forum posts about the problems with the new patch is not the right way to handle the situation, ZOS should have made an announcement the day the patch was released on console.

    This is my gripe as well. Releasing broken content to meet deadlines for maximum profit instead of taking the time and effort to release a quality product. I know its all about the C.R.E.A.M, but at some point they need to reconsider how they go about developing,testing, and releasing content to maximize the user end experience.
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Buffler wrote: »
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Thats amazing. Spam on a forum you lot will comment about. You're broken [snip] game however.......


    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on November 11, 2017 7:18PM
  • GreenhaloX
    Molag_Swag wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why they released this broken update in the first place. Surely they have been extensively testing and fully aware of the infinite loading screens as well as other bugs. I would rather them postpone the update for a week instead of playing this buggy mess. The new trial and weapons are great but I can't even use them in PvP :( also burying other forum posts about the problems with the new patch is not the right way to handle the situation, ZOS should have made an announcement the day the patch was released on console.

    Unfortunately, this is typical after every new DLC installation or new contents since day 1 many moons ago. There have always been some kind of disturbance in the force for weeks (and even months following.) Yet, many of us long timers are still around and plugging away, but cursing Zen, Bethesda and its developers in silence. Well.. at least some of us are. Some others have been quite vocal in their displeasure.
  • KrishakPanettier
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Everyone is fed up with updates that severely break the game. Our voice and multiple postings are the only way to get the point across that we are fed up with the lack of response time to correct this issue, and failure to ensure an update doesn't have such wide-ranging negative impact on us.
    Krishak Kringle aka KrishakPanettier, Templar (PSN:KrishakPanettier)
    -- PS4 NA --

    PVP, PVE, and Trader Guild Leader
    - Rent-A-Zerg Mercs AD (one-time large AD PVP Guild - now PVP, PVE, dungeons, trials, and crafting)
    - Shadow Exiles AD (merged into RAZ AD)
    - Recruiting all levels, for help all in-game content. Not just PVP anymore. Not just AD.

    - Facebook:
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    - Twitter: @ShadowExiles
    - www:
  • Buffler
    MoTeets wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Thats amazing. Spam on a forum you lot will comment about. You're broken [snip] game however.......


    Going anywhere nice?

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on November 11, 2017 7:19PM
  • NeuroAutonomy
    This is honestly just par for the course with consoles. Every major update seems to need at least two patches to fix things. Load screens, disconnects, lag, console players have been dealing with this kind of stuff since imperial city and even before that in some cases.

    We were unable to do anything in vmaw for MONTHS with some guilds even going so far as to develop disconnect strats to make use of content that is suppose to be playable.
    XB1 NA
    Paradøx- Council
    Ye Olde Pabst Brewery- Brewer
    Rinon Shadowleaf | Altmer | Sorcerer
    Sherlock Heals | Breton | Templar | Healer Supreme
    Rifkyn Shadowleaf | Altmer | Nightblade
    Betty Whips | Dunmer | Dragon Knight
    Ja'ran Dru-Jo | Khajiit | Nightblade
    Sun Eater Joe | Redguard | Templar
    Bobby Spears | Dunmer | Templar
    Crit Hemsworth | Wood Elf | Nightblade
    Oprah Windfrey | Redguard | Sorcerer
    Druid Barrymore | ? | Warden
    Quentin Flarentino | Altmer | Templar
    |vMA • vDSA • vAA HM • vHRC HM • vSO HM • vMOL |
  • phileunderx2
    Gave up on ps4 today loading screens are too op. I'm just trying to do the mages guild daily. :(
  • MyKillv2.0
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Thank you for removing these post that were “not aiding to the discussion”. Glad to see you guys jumping right on this... I have to ask. Why if I post a “less than positive post” I have mods jumping over themselves to address the situation within minutes but it’s been almost a week since CWC and no one has made a pinned topic thread addressing this issue on console and discussing the path of resolution? Only thing I have seen is a couple “we are looking into the situation” post. It appears that you guys are treating like this situation is a small bug, like it’s a armpit graphic glitch or something.

    People cannot travel in between zones without forever load screens, nearly every single time!

    Are we asking too much when we ask that console performance be treated with the same respect and urgency as “less than positive FORUM posts”???

    I am not even asking you to fix the issue, you’re a mod not a delv. However can’t someone make a pinned topic and let us know you have a plan to fix this issue?
    Edited by MyKillv2.0 on November 11, 2017 6:02PM
  • rentalman UK
    rentalman UK
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    Would it not be more productive to address the issue rather than depart 're duplicate posts

    Give us direction status acknowledged of addressing

  • Apache_Kid
    Just got stuck in an infinite load screen before the last boss on COS for the daily. Hope my group doesn't kick me while I'm trying to log back in...
  • AnviOfVai
    crjs1 wrote: »
    I can’t believe people are defending the communication strategy around this. There has been no update since ESO live. This is not a small bug but somthing making the game near unplayable for lots of us. Frequent - at least daily updates, even if it’s only to say no ETA as still working on it, are the least we should expect. We have actually paid for this.

    this is what I mean, I keep checking Twitter to see if they have any more information of why the patch has messed up everything but it all seems hush hush.

    I did not bother to watch eso live I did not think they would comment on the servers, so at least they mentioned then they re working on it...

    However, I feel sorry for the people who are subbed to the game, every time a patch is released something seems to go wrong, and nearly all the time the servers are down in maintenance, i think you might need to invest in some more hamsters.
    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • pierre-yves.dampureb16_ESO
    Can we please all calm down... this is an MMORPG, not your daily job or dole check (unless you belomg to Neal Stephenson's Reamde).

    There have been issues since CWC (don't even try to start a thread about prior issues -- deadbeat). We all know it, AND they are being looked at -- but it is difficult to investigate something that only manifests itself when a particular set of system constraints are met, and it is NOT something QA would have been able to easily identify either -- with a decade experience in high-frequency trading IT support, I have a few inklings on this.

    Give the ESO Devs a break so they can concentrate on a fix rather than on a shareholder backlash. Use the advertised get-arounds whenever possible (ride your horse rather than use a wayshrine, get your mates to revive you in PvP, etc). It's not great, but it's better than getting Bethesda to pull the plug on the game altogether.

    And trust the ESO Devs guys to fix it. It's not only their job -- it's their livelihood.
  • gp1680
    Can we please all calm down... this is an MMORPG, not your daily job or dole check (unless you belomg to Neal Stephenson's Reamde).

    There have been issues since CWC (don't even try to start a thread about prior issues -- deadbeat). We all know it, AND they are being looked at -- but it is difficult to investigate something that only manifests itself when a particular set of system constraints are met, and it is NOT something QA would have been able to easily identify either -- with a decade experience in high-frequency trading IT support, I have a few inklings on this.

    Give the ESO Devs a break so they can concentrate on a fix rather than on a shareholder backlash. Use the advertised get-arounds whenever possible (ride your horse rather than use a wayshrine, get your mates to revive you in PvP, etc). It's not great, but it's better than getting Bethesda to pull the plug on the game altogether.

    And trust the ESO Devs guys to fix it. It's not only their job -- it's their livelihood.

    ^^^ @ZOS_BrianWheeler is that you??
  • Elsonso
    crjs1 wrote: »
    I can’t believe people are defending the communication strategy around this. There has been no update since ESO live. This is not a small bug but somthing making the game near unplayable for lots of us. Frequent - at least daily updates, even if it’s only to say no ETA as still working on it, are the least we should expect. We have actually paid for this.

    It hasn't even been 24 hours. We'll see if they update over the weekend, or if they just stand by what they said on ESO Live until Monday(-ish).
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • TazESO
    Molag_Swag wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why they released this broken update in the first place. Surely they have been extensively testing and fully aware of the infinite loading screens as well as other bugs. I would rather them postpone the update for a week instead of playing this buggy mess. The new trial and weapons are great but I can't even use them in PvP :( also burying other forum posts about the problems with the new patch is not the right way to handle the situation, ZOS should have made an announcement the day the patch was released on console.

    Welcome to Where theory meets reality regarding the wonderful world of DevOps. /s

  • ol_BANK_lo
    Miswar wrote: »
    The game is pretty much unplayable at the moment.

    You will get stuck in "Unsually long load screens..." in Cyrodiil if you happen to fast travel or respawn! Nothing else working except restart the WHOLE GAME!

    The same crap happening in Trials as well where people get stuck.

    Do you freaking TEST your games? Also you do NOT seem to be in any rush to fix the game you pretty much broken yet again.

    GG ZoS.. GG ZoS... Absolute garbage currently in PS4.

    Everytime you add content you break the game more. MANY have said STOP adding content for a bit and FIX THESE issues in the game!

    Somehow ZOS manages to literally break a major mechanic of the game every time a patch comes out. Don't know how you bring out new content and break loading.
  • NinchiTV
    Can we please all calm down... this is an MMORPG, not your daily job or dole check (unless you belomg to Neal Stephenson's Reamde).

    There have been issues since CWC (don't even try to start a thread about prior issues -- deadbeat). We all know it, AND they are being looked at -- but it is difficult to investigate something that only manifests itself when a particular set of system constraints are met, and it is NOT something QA would have been able to easily identify either -- with a decade experience in high-frequency trading IT support, I have a few inklings on this.

    Give the ESO Devs a break so they can concentrate on a fix rather than on a shareholder backlash. Use the advertised get-arounds whenever possible (ride your horse rather than use a wayshrine, get your mates to revive you in PvP, etc). It's not great, but it's better than getting Bethesda to pull the plug on the game altogether.

    And trust the ESO Devs guys to fix it. It's not only their job -- it's their livelihood.

    Nope, this has been going on for far too long to defend zos, I hope they lose a lot of player traffic and subs because of this they deserve it.
  • KrishakPanettier
    Can we please all calm down... this is an MMORPG, not your daily job or dole check (unless you belomg to Neal Stephenson's Reamde).

    Give the ESO Devs a break so they can concentrate on a fix rather than on a shareholder backlash. Use the advertised get-arounds whenever possible (ride your horse rather than use a wayshrine, get your mates to revive you in PvP, etc). It's not great, but it's better than getting Bethesda to pull the plug on the game altogether.

    Completely DISAGREE. You are dead wrong this time regarding this patch. Nothing should break the game this bad after 3 years on Console.
    Krishak Kringle aka KrishakPanettier, Templar (PSN:KrishakPanettier)
    -- PS4 NA --

    PVP, PVE, and Trader Guild Leader
    - Rent-A-Zerg Mercs AD (one-time large AD PVP Guild - now PVP, PVE, dungeons, trials, and crafting)
    - Shadow Exiles AD (merged into RAZ AD)
    - Recruiting all levels, for help all in-game content. Not just PVP anymore. Not just AD.

    - Facebook:
    - Facebook:
    - Twitter: @ShadowExiles
    - www:
  • Aurielle
    In the meantime, while waiting on a fix, all we can do is... not die, not res, not use transit shrines. :/ No pressure, or anything.

    I'm almost glad that I'm busy IRL at the moment, as playing in Cyrodiil today was painful.
  • The_Lex
    My friends and I had to restart the game no less than five times in forty minutes last night. Very irritating, to say the least.

    And there's this weird new bug (well, new for me) when, after logging in or porting to a wayshrine, my character is invisible for about a minute.

    And while we're at it, what's the deal with group finder bugs? Random dungeon dailies still bug out. 90% of the time when I get grouped for a random, the game tells me, "jump failed; instance full."
  • Jake1576
    this may be an unusually long load time!!!!!!!!!
  • Jade1986
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    What about not fixing things or even acknowledging things that are so broken it makes cyrodiil intolerable to play? I guess that is out of the question, right?
  • Jade1986
    Tandor wrote: »
    davidj8291 wrote: »
    ZOS_MattL wrote: »
    Hey there,
    We have removed several posts from this thread for spamming. Posts that do not aid in the discussion and exist specifically to make others scroll is considered spam and we do not allow these types of posts in our rules.

    So, why has no one addressed the problem? Instead you deleted a poll that showed more people would cancel their subscriptions and spend time deleting “spam”?

    Moderators manage the forum, developers fix the game and Community Managers report on progress on such fixes - which they did on ESO Live last night. They're actively working on a fix for console load screens but it is complex and taking time. That was an update on their announcement here the other day that they were looking into it.

    Although I am happy they are working on it, it is seriously laughable that they are fixing them on console and pc has been plagued with them since launch. But I guess the elephant in the room is not something to talk about.
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