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A lot of negative discussion about Argonians and Khajiit.

Of course, the real evil and low-life scum in this game are Palomino-riding high elves with poncy names and long grey hair. It isn't silver, stop fooling yourselves.
I got suspenders for saying "Testicular Mass" instead of "Balls". like, rilly.

  • Cadbury
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • menedhyn
    The banality of many of the comments regarding Argonians in particular is... actually quite impressive! Such a staggering lack of originality over so many posts and threads... :D
    'Pure rains make sweet rivers'
  • Cadbury
    menedhyn wrote: »
    The banality of many of the comments regarding Argonians in particular is... actually quite impressive! Such a staggering lack of originality over so many posts and threads... :D

    But the salt they generate is worth it :)
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • menedhyn
    Cadbury wrote: »
    But the salt they generate is worth it :)
    True, always makes me chuckle!
    'Pure rains make sweet rivers'
  • Enslaved
    I can understand hatred toward any race in ESO. But comments about boots and rugs are just sad. I would call those who use such comments a lowlife scumbags, but that would get me banned, and also do not describe them nearly as bad as they are.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    menedhyn wrote: »
    The banality of many of the comments regarding Argonians in particular is... actually quite impressive! Such a staggering lack of originality over so many posts and threads... :D
    menedhyn wrote: »
    The banality of many of the comments regarding Argonians in particular is... actually quite impressive! Such a staggering lack of originality over so many posts and threads... :D

    Maybe because there isn't much to say about these lowly slave races? ;)
  • Ilithyania
  • menedhyn
    Maybe because there isn't much to say about these lowly slave races? ;)
    Aye, i'm sure many would agree with you! Not that I care, of course. Happiness is lizardry in my opinion :)

    (banter is banter, nothing wrong with that...)
    'Pure rains make sweet rivers'
  • SantieClaws
    Khajiit just thinks these snooty elves do not wish us to travel to their island and drink all of their fine wines.

    Even if they stop Khajiit from getting in the boat then this one has a plan involving a very long drinking straw yes.

    Yours with paws (and plans)
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Khenarthi
    Khajiit and Argonians are my favourite races (Orcs come a close third) so I really don't understand the racism *players* have toward them (not NPCs', as those may have lore reasons for their preconceptions).

    Maybe people won't be openly racist against fellow humans anymore so they turn their bad feelings toward a fictional race? It's still very sad.
  • SydneyGrey
    Yeah, the people who role-play racism towards any ESO race aren't quite as funny as they think they are. Some of them think it's endlessly hilarious, though.* LOL. I saw an in-game ad in chat one time for a guild that was specifically themed toward role-playing racist High Elves, and holy crap, I rolled my eyes hard.
    *I'm talking about the people who really like to role-play racism, not people who just casually make light-hearted jokes about it.
    Yarlenzey wrote: »
    Of course, the real evil and low-life scum in this game are Palomino-riding high elves with poncy names and long grey hair. It isn't silver, stop fooling yourselves.
    Hey, my High Elf rides a black horse. It makes him feel all emo and stuff when he wears all black and rides around scowling at people. And his hair IS silver, dang it. Silver!
    Edited by SydneyGrey on November 2, 2017 1:08AM
  • BFT88
    We (The Redguards) are tired of the Khajiit takin our jarbs.
  • Sixty5
    Khajiit are fine in my book.

    They are a seperate race that has a whole lot of interesting stuff going on, with interactions with the moons and all, as well as likely being created in part by Sheogorath.

    The Argonians on the other hand were made to serve the Hist, and that is kinda their whole deal. There are a bunch of battles that they ran away from, and they mostly just hide in Black Marsh. Even their supposed badassery during the Oblivion crisis was really just the Hist seeing what was coming and pumping them full of 'roids, not a push by an organised Argonian army.

    Look at the Altmer on the other hand. They turned basically the entirity of Summerset into a giant magical construct, They've fought off the Maromer and the Sload repeatedly throughout their history, and the only time they have every really been defeated was when a Dragonborn marched a giant mech powered by the heart of a dead god up to their shores.

    People will argue there and say that "but he didn't beat the argonians with it" and while that is true, you have to realise that the Argonians didn't beat Tiber Septim, he just came to the conclusion that Black Marsh wasn't worth the trouble.

    Plus my experience with them over all Elder Scrolls games has been mostly negative.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Girl_Number8
    Edited: for being stupid, love you guys<3
    Edited by Girl_Number8 on November 1, 2017 12:38PM
  • Humperdoo
    Cats r dum
  • Enslaved
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Khajiit are fine in my book.

    They are a seperate race that has a whole lot of interesting stuff going on, with interactions with the moons and all, as well as likely being created in part by Sheogorath.

    The Argonians on the other hand were made to serve the Hist, and that is kinda their whole deal. There are a bunch of battles that they ran away from, and they mostly just hide in Black Marsh. Even their supposed badassery during the Oblivion crisis was really just the Hist seeing what was coming and pumping them full of 'roids, not a push by an organised Argonian army.

    Look at the Altmer on the other hand. They turned basically the entirity of Summerset into a giant magical construct, They've fought off the Maromer and the Sload repeatedly throughout their history, and the only time they have every really been defeated was when a Dragonborn marched a giant mech powered by the heart of a dead god up to their shores.

    People will argue there and say that "but he didn't beat the argonians with it" and while that is true, you have to realise that the Argonians didn't beat Tiber Septim, he just came to the conclusion that Black Marsh wasn't worth the trouble.

    Plus my experience with them over all Elder Scrolls games has been mostly negative.

    What a bs post.
    Saxhleel first came on their own to help Dunmer and Nords drive off the Akaviri invaders. Then they stayed to fight against breton and altmer scum. Did a lizard bite you irl so you are so biased toward Saxhleel in ESO?
    First you claimed they were souless.
    Then you claimed they cannot exist without Hist.
    Now you want to present them as a bunch of cowards.
    Just go to Alessia bridge. Someone will kill you there and end your misery.
  • The_Smilemeister
    Who ****ing gives a ***?

    Argonians are swamp scum who are essential to luxury leather goods, Khajiits are moon sugar addict scum who are essential to luxury fur goods, and Altmers are racial supremacist smart*** scum who are essential to elven blood elixir used by a mad Hermaeus Mora worshipping Imperial looking to unlock a Dwemer artifact in a Winterhold iceberg/cave thingy.

    They're all scum, but there are essential if not merely expendable.
  • Runschei
  • Rawkan
    Yes, the snooty silver haired elves will be having a plan for a large wall ummm, I mean gate to be built by the khajiit to keep them and their straws out of the fine wine and purses too, lol :*

    Wow, never seen that reference on the internet before.
  • Sixty5
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Khajiit are fine in my book.

    They are a seperate race that has a whole lot of interesting stuff going on, with interactions with the moons and all, as well as likely being created in part by Sheogorath.

    The Argonians on the other hand were made to serve the Hist, and that is kinda their whole deal. There are a bunch of battles that they ran away from, and they mostly just hide in Black Marsh. Even their supposed badassery during the Oblivion crisis was really just the Hist seeing what was coming and pumping them full of 'roids, not a push by an organised Argonian army.

    Look at the Altmer on the other hand. They turned basically the entirity of Summerset into a giant magical construct, They've fought off the Maromer and the Sload repeatedly throughout their history, and the only time they have every really been defeated was when a Dragonborn marched a giant mech powered by the heart of a dead god up to their shores.

    People will argue there and say that "but he didn't beat the argonians with it" and while that is true, you have to realise that the Argonians didn't beat Tiber Septim, he just came to the conclusion that Black Marsh wasn't worth the trouble.

    Plus my experience with them over all Elder Scrolls games has been mostly negative.

    What a bs post.
    Saxhleel first came on their own to help Dunmer and Nords drive off the Akaviri invaders. Then they stayed to fight against breton and altmer scum. Did a lizard bite you irl so you are so biased toward Saxhleel in ESO?
    First you claimed they were souless.
    Then you claimed they cannot exist without Hist.
    Now you want to present them as a bunch of cowards.
    Just go to Alessia bridge. Someone will kill you there and end your misery.

    Never said they were soulless, just that they got their souls from the hist. Likewise I said they wouldn't exist without the hist. And yes they are pretty cowardly.

    Their "great society" was most likely wiped out by the Aylieds in the Merethic Era.
    In the first era they were beaten soundly by the first Empire, and retreated deep into Black Marsh along with those that were too slow being made into slaves.
    In the second era the only thing of note they did was make a lot of people sick.
    The third era saw them do the one slightly cool thing their race ever did. And even then it was only because the Hist forewarned them.
    In the fourth era they invaded a Morrowind severely weakened by the eruption of red mountain in order to pay the dunmer back for the years of slavery, but even then they were pretty quickly defeated.

    They have a history of losing to pretty much everyone who attacks them, and then running back into Black Marsh.

    What can you offer to prove to me that the Argonians are a cool race beyond the fact that they are Lizard People?
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Loves_guars
    Just some people trying to get attention by thinking they are edgy while being racist ingame. I get that one's first reaction is to speak against it but they just feed on it, so better to ignore and move along.
  • Girl_Number8
    edited because cecibergesnrb18_ESO is right. There is joking but not at the risk of it upsetting another player. :)
    Edited by Girl_Number8 on November 1, 2017 12:44PM
  • Girl_Number8
    Just some people trying to get attention by thinking they are edgy while being racist ingame. I get that one's first reaction is to speak against it but they just feed on it, so better to ignore and move along.

    Yes, I can see your point. People enjoy joking around, I really do not think they mean any harm by it. Though after reading your post I will remove mine, as I see now even joking it could be taken the wrong way. Thank you<3
  • Shezzarrine
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Khajiit are fine in my book.

    They are a seperate race that has a whole lot of interesting stuff going on, with interactions with the moons and all, as well as likely being created in part by Sheogorath.

    The Argonians on the other hand were made to serve the Hist, and that is kinda their whole deal. There are a bunch of battles that they ran away from, and they mostly just hide in Black Marsh. Even their supposed badassery during the Oblivion crisis was really just the Hist seeing what was coming and pumping them full of 'roids, not a push by an organised Argonian army.

    Look at the Altmer on the other hand. They turned basically the entirity of Summerset into a giant magical construct, They've fought off the Maromer and the Sload repeatedly throughout their history, and the only time they have every really been defeated was when a Dragonborn marched a giant mech powered by the heart of a dead god up to their shores.

    People will argue there and say that "but he didn't beat the argonians with it" and while that is true, you have to realise that the Argonians didn't beat Tiber Septim, he just came to the conclusion that Black Marsh wasn't worth the trouble.

    Plus my experience with them over all Elder Scrolls games has been mostly negative.

    What a bs post.
    Saxhleel first came on their own to help Dunmer and Nords drive off the Akaviri invaders. Then they stayed to fight against breton and altmer scum. Did a lizard bite you irl so you are so biased toward Saxhleel in ESO?
    First you claimed they were souless.
    Then you claimed they cannot exist without Hist.
    Now you want to present them as a bunch of cowards.
    Just go to Alessia bridge. Someone will kill you there and end your misery.

    Never said they were soulless, just that they got their souls from the hist. Likewise I said they wouldn't exist without the hist. And yes they are pretty cowardly.

    Their "great society" was most likely wiped out by the Aylieds in the Merethic Era.
    In the first era they were beaten soundly by the first Empire, and retreated deep into Black Marsh along with those that were too slow being made into slaves.
    In the second era the only thing of note they did was make a lot of people sick.
    The third era saw them do the one slightly cool thing their race ever did. And even then it was only because the Hist forewarned them.
    In the fourth era they invaded a Morrowind severely weakened by the eruption of red mountain in order to pay the dunmer back for the years of slavery, but even then they were pretty quickly defeated.

    They have a history of losing to pretty much everyone who attacks them, and then running back into Black Marsh.

    What can you offer to prove to me that the Argonians are a cool race beyond the fact that they are Lizard People?

    While I agree that the Argonians are not the coolest or most bad*** race they are interesting in a way that no other race in the game is, their origins, biology, and purpose are so much different from the other races of Tamriel. The reason they do not conquer or even care very much about land that isn't the black Marsh is because that is not their purpose on Nirn. Sure they invaded Morrowind for revenge and were defeated, but in reality they did not care enough to conquer all of Morrowind, they lost interest. It's supprising to me that they even care to hold the lands they did conquer. Simply put the Hist doesn't need them to conquer or have an empire or hold lands, the Hist needs them to be an extension into the other races of Tamriel and if need be protect the Hist, such as we saw during the Oblivion Crisis. If the Hist wanted to make them the most badass warriors that could conquer Tamriel they (it) could just like it did during the Oblivion Crisis when it augmented the Argonians to fight the forces of Oblivion. While it is not entirely clear why the Hist wants an extension into the races of mer and men, maybe for diplomacy, maybe as spies of some sort, it is clear that is the Argonians purpose. That is why the Hist made them sentient and humanoid, so the races of men and mer are forced to accept them. Their biology is like nothing on Nirn and they can change depending on what the Hist needs them to do, there is evidence they can be cold-blooded or warm-blooded, they can lay eggs and it has been referenced that they can give live birth, some lore books say the mammaries are able to produce milk to feed their young while most Argonians have them just to look as the men and mer in Tamriel. This is what makes them a cool race, because they are so unique. A race doesn't need to conquer everything and be bad*** warriors to be cool, if every race we're like that the game would be boring and have no depth.
  • Enslaved
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Khajiit are fine in my book.

    They are a seperate race that has a whole lot of interesting stuff going on, with interactions with the moons and all, as well as likely being created in part by Sheogorath.

    The Argonians on the other hand were made to serve the Hist, and that is kinda their whole deal. There are a bunch of battles that they ran away from, and they mostly just hide in Black Marsh. Even their supposed badassery during the Oblivion crisis was really just the Hist seeing what was coming and pumping them full of 'roids, not a push by an organised Argonian army.

    Look at the Altmer on the other hand. They turned basically the entirity of Summerset into a giant magical construct, They've fought off the Maromer and the Sload repeatedly throughout their history, and the only time they have every really been defeated was when a Dragonborn marched a giant mech powered by the heart of a dead god up to their shores.

    People will argue there and say that "but he didn't beat the argonians with it" and while that is true, you have to realise that the Argonians didn't beat Tiber Septim, he just came to the conclusion that Black Marsh wasn't worth the trouble.

    Plus my experience with them over all Elder Scrolls games has been mostly negative.

    What a bs post.
    Saxhleel first came on their own to help Dunmer and Nords drive off the Akaviri invaders. Then they stayed to fight against breton and altmer scum. Did a lizard bite you irl so you are so biased toward Saxhleel in ESO?
    First you claimed they were souless.
    Then you claimed they cannot exist without Hist.
    Now you want to present them as a bunch of cowards.
    Just go to Alessia bridge. Someone will kill you there and end your misery.

    Never said they were soulless, just that they got their souls from the hist. Likewise I said they wouldn't exist without the hist. And yes they are pretty cowardly.

    Their "great society" was most likely wiped out by the Aylieds in the Merethic Era.
    In the first era they were beaten soundly by the first Empire, and retreated deep into Black Marsh along with those that were too slow being made into slaves.
    In the second era the only thing of note they did was make a lot of people sick.
    The third era saw them do the one slightly cool thing their race ever did. And even then it was only because the Hist forewarned them.
    In the fourth era they invaded a Morrowind severely weakened by the eruption of red mountain in order to pay the dunmer back for the years of slavery, but even then they were pretty quickly defeated.

    They have a history of losing to pretty much everyone who attacks them, and then running back into Black Marsh.

    What can you offer to prove to me that the Argonians are a cool race beyond the fact that they are Lizard People?

    Aylieds were destroyed by their former slaves. Now half of you proudly use a former slave races and try to be racist toward a race that still has its own enslavement issues. If that is not bigoted than nothing is.

    For example, Bretons, a former slaves to the Mer ancestors, have only one type of their native culture - the savages obsessed with crows and, who would guess, some trees. What we see as Breton kingdoms and "cultured" stuff is what they inherited from their former masters.

    On the other hand, Saxhleel had way older culture, did not start to nourish slaver's culture, did not enslave other races and now they are seen savages that are good only to be used as slaves or, as sad pathetic beings here say, crafting materials? Yeah, not bigoted at all.

    Why is the Breton tree cult and their numerous Wyresses and Hagravens good, and Hist is seen as something bad? Or maybe Bosmer tree cult that made them cannibals is better than Saxhleel tree cult? Oh, yeah, I know, bosmer folk are cute so cannibalism is OK. Pathetic reasoning.

    Saxhleel are natives to Tamriel, unlike races of Men and Mer. Saxhleel did not invade anyone until their retribution war in 4th Era against Dunmer slavers. Saxhleel do not hunt other races to consume their flesh, nor do they impose their religious beliefs on others. You might not like them but they will prevail long after races of Men and Mer vanish from face of Nirn.
  • Chrysa1is
    why is this even a thread?
  • Cadbury
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    why is this even a thread?

    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Gargath
    You can talk bad about Argonians but it's the only one trully unique race in Tamriel for which you buy TES games all along.
    Without the lizard folks this world would be much less interesting.
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • ThePrinceOfBargains
  • Sixty5
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    Khajiit are fine in my book.

    They are a seperate race that has a whole lot of interesting stuff going on, with interactions with the moons and all, as well as likely being created in part by Sheogorath.

    The Argonians on the other hand were made to serve the Hist, and that is kinda their whole deal. There are a bunch of battles that they ran away from, and they mostly just hide in Black Marsh. Even their supposed badassery during the Oblivion crisis was really just the Hist seeing what was coming and pumping them full of 'roids, not a push by an organised Argonian army.

    Look at the Altmer on the other hand. They turned basically the entirity of Summerset into a giant magical construct, They've fought off the Maromer and the Sload repeatedly throughout their history, and the only time they have every really been defeated was when a Dragonborn marched a giant mech powered by the heart of a dead god up to their shores.

    People will argue there and say that "but he didn't beat the argonians with it" and while that is true, you have to realise that the Argonians didn't beat Tiber Septim, he just came to the conclusion that Black Marsh wasn't worth the trouble.

    Plus my experience with them over all Elder Scrolls games has been mostly negative.

    What a bs post.
    Saxhleel first came on their own to help Dunmer and Nords drive off the Akaviri invaders. Then they stayed to fight against breton and altmer scum. Did a lizard bite you irl so you are so biased toward Saxhleel in ESO?
    First you claimed they were souless.
    Then you claimed they cannot exist without Hist.
    Now you want to present them as a bunch of cowards.
    Just go to Alessia bridge. Someone will kill you there and end your misery.

    Never said they were soulless, just that they got their souls from the hist. Likewise I said they wouldn't exist without the hist. And yes they are pretty cowardly.

    Their "great society" was most likely wiped out by the Aylieds in the Merethic Era.
    In the first era they were beaten soundly by the first Empire, and retreated deep into Black Marsh along with those that were too slow being made into slaves.
    In the second era the only thing of note they did was make a lot of people sick.
    The third era saw them do the one slightly cool thing their race ever did. And even then it was only because the Hist forewarned them.
    In the fourth era they invaded a Morrowind severely weakened by the eruption of red mountain in order to pay the dunmer back for the years of slavery, but even then they were pretty quickly defeated.

    They have a history of losing to pretty much everyone who attacks them, and then running back into Black Marsh.

    What can you offer to prove to me that the Argonians are a cool race beyond the fact that they are Lizard People?

    Aylieds were destroyed by their former slaves. Now half of you proudly use a former slave races and try to be racist toward a race that still has its own enslavement issues. If that is not bigoted than nothing is.

    For example, Bretons, a former slaves to the Mer ancestors, have only one type of their native culture - the savages obsessed with crows and, who would guess, some trees. What we see as Breton kingdoms and "cultured" stuff is what they inherited from their former masters.

    On the other hand, Saxhleel had way older culture, did not start to nourish slaver's culture, did not enslave other races and now they are seen savages that are good only to be used as slaves or, as sad pathetic beings here say, crafting materials? Yeah, not bigoted at all.

    Why is the Breton tree cult and their numerous Wyresses and Hagravens good, and Hist is seen as something bad? Or maybe Bosmer tree cult that made them cannibals is better than Saxhleel tree cult? Oh, yeah, I know, bosmer folk are cute so cannibalism is OK. Pathetic reasoning.

    Saxhleel are natives to Tamriel, unlike races of Men and Mer. Saxhleel did not invade anyone until their retribution war in 4th Era against Dunmer slavers. Saxhleel do not hunt other races to consume their flesh, nor do they impose their religious beliefs on others. You might not like them but they will prevail long after races of Men and Mer vanish from face of Nirn.

    If I am being honest, my biggest problem is that Argonians seem like a random side offshoot to the main Divine history of Nirn. They weren't created by the divines, and honestly seem to lack the same sort of connection to the mythology that the other races have.
    It just feels like you could take the Argonians and the Hist and throw them into any other game and they'd fit there just as well.
    And then the lore they do have just isn't all that interesting.

    I mean I'd love to look more into the lore of the Hist and all, but there really isn't much there apart from them being Magical transdimensional trees with semi godly powers.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
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