IcyDeadPeople wrote: »Why would anyone have a problem with extreme tank permablock builds that hit like wet noodle? In a perfectly balanced Utopian world of ESO PVP there would certainly be room and utility for those kind of builds, as well as squishy builds that do amazing burst damage, and then everybody else falling somewhere in between.
Most people only have problem with builds that are both extremely tanky and dealing high damage output at the same time. This recent patch attempted to address that by nerfing some aspects of heavy armor.
I would propose to go further by putting light and medium on a higher damage tier compared to heavy by adding spell damage buff to light, physical penetration buff to medium, and making all of the armor passives scale higher when wearing 7/7 of that armor type.
That would result in light armor users with shields having an advantage over the other two, so shield size of dampen magic and hardened ward also need to be reduced a bit so either of those abilities would max out around 22k PVE / 11k PVP or so when you have 50k max magicka and 7/7 light.
That would bring us closer to that ideal scenario where there are squishy light and medium builds dealing massive burst damage, some extreme tank heavy armor builds, and then everybody else in between.
On the other hand, if you are not complaining about true "permablock" low damage RP Super Tank builds like Hattori Hanzo, Escorpiao Noturno etc, but instead complaining about average magicka DKs who block a little and also deal damage, those are much easier to kill. First of all they have relatively little stamina. Just cc them a few times, hit them with dots and channels like templar jabs, rapid strikes, bow ulti etc and they are out of stam.
I really like the diversity, but i agree, that this permablockbuilds can be really hard, while doing good damage.
Here is a possible solution for this to use block again more as tactical element and not all the time:
A stacking penalty for permablock, which increase the block costs just for PvP (adding that with battlespirit). In this way PvE would not be harder with this. I mean something like every 3 sec the blockcosts increase 100% (after 3 100% higher costs, after 6 sec 200% higher costs and so on..), while holding block and give a 3 sec cooldown to reset this increased costs!
Pls write in comments, what you think about this idea
cschwingeb14_ESO wrote: »Rather than nerf blocking to 25% with Battle Spirit, which would make blocking pretty useless, if rather see Battle Spirit reduce the cost reduction to blocking.
The real problem with perma block is that it is perma. Once the floor is 300 stam/mag every .25 seconds. (currently you can get block cost down to 96 or so), then the problem takes care of itself. Jabs/flurry/etc will drain a ton of resources, and the tank will be out in 30 sec or less
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »All I know is this: if they were to change it PvE tanks would have a stroke.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »Why would anyone have a problem with extreme tank permablock builds that hit like wet noodle? In a perfectly balanced Utopian world of ESO PVP there would certainly be room and utility for those kind of builds, as well as squishy builds that do amazing burst damage, and then everybody else falling somewhere in between.
Most people only have problem with builds that are both extremely tanky and dealing high damage output at the same time. This recent patch attempted to address that by nerfing some aspects of heavy armor.
I would propose to go further by putting light and medium on a higher damage tier compared to heavy by adding spell damage buff to light, physical penetration buff to medium, and making all of the armor passives scale higher when wearing 7/7 of that armor type.
That would result in light armor users with shields having an advantage over the other two, so shield size of dampen magic and hardened ward also need to be reduced a bit so either of those abilities would max out around 22k PVE / 11k PVP or so when you have 50k max magicka and 7/7 light.
That would bring us closer to that ideal scenario where there are squishy light and medium builds dealing massive burst damage, some extreme tank heavy armor builds, and then everybody else in between.
On the other hand, if you are not complaining about true "permablock" low damage RP Super Tank builds like Hattori Hanzo, Escorpiao Noturno etc, but instead complaining about average magicka DKs who block a little and also deal damage, those are much easier to kill. First of all they have relatively little stamina. Just cc them a few times, hit them with dots and channels like templar jabs, rapid strikes, bow ulti etc and they are out of stam.
If they give med better sets, better dodge and passives. (Light is fine.) Make blocking in PvP multiplicative, and tone down shields. Then armour will be fine.
Then add dynamic ulti+abilities, remove AoE caps and fix classes. Hey presto. PvP is fixed.
The only place I find issues with block tanks are in BGs, because they ruin the entire point by sitting on relics/chaos balls. In openworld they are ignorable.
Blocking has already had tons of nerfs and changes to it.
Question... How does one Perma-Block when there is no stam generation while blocking?
I don't think the issue with some players being able to take a beating from 10 plus other players is blocking. Pretty sure it's not blocking that is making them survive.
That might be why you play but I assure you not everyone plays like that. Some people love to play healers and tanks in PvP. They all have a role. This isn't Call of Duty or Halo. The TTK in this game is already quick for every class except block tanks. Block tanks really only kill noobs.
That might be why you play but I assure you not everyone plays like that. Some people love to play healers and tanks in PvP. They all have a role. This isn't Call of Duty or Halo. The TTK in this game is already quick for every class except block tanks. Block tanks really only kill noobs.
What is the role of a blocktank in esos pvp @_Salty_ ? In other games mechanics like bodyguard, blocking for allies or intercepting attacks existed.
However in eso?
The only mechanic is guard - which does not really justify bringing a blocktank. You can guard with hybrids just as good.
So what´s the purpose of having a blocktank other than to annoy people if we´re being really honest? I don´t think there is one.
I don´t think having builds purely to annoy people for the sake if diversity is doing a game any good.
Permablock builds aren't an issue tbh as they do zero damage lol
I think there's a disconnect between some of the posters here. Some think of "permablockers" as solely those players who have 40k+ hit points, and do next to no damage or healing as they run around in Cyrodiil. Others of us are mostly referring to the people in Battlegrounds who are healing for 500k+ per match (self healing does not count at all on the scoreboard, by the way), while spending virtually 100% of their in-combat time holding block.
These permablocking healers are typically at least in a duo, if not a full premade, and are sometimes incorporating things like Guard as well. 'Course, these players can be extremely effective in solo queueing too, depending on which random teammates they get and/or the game mode. A permablocker that can do significant amounts of healing is quite an annoying target in Chaosball, especially since there are many games where the third team is going to be targeting me as I'm targeting the ball carrier.
The way I see it, if some player is going to be able to make most of my attacks do <= 1k damage, that should be an extremely temporary state of affairs - not the entire Battleground match.
That might be why you play but I assure you not everyone plays like that. Some people love to play healers and tanks in PvP. They all have a role. This isn't Call of Duty or Halo. The TTK in this game is already quick for every class except block tanks. Block tanks really only kill noobs.
What is the role of a blocktank in esos pvp @_Salty_ ? In other games mechanics like bodyguard, blocking for allies or intercepting attacks existed.
However in eso?
The only mechanic is guard - which does not really justify bringing a blocktank. You can guard with hybrids just as good.
So what´s the purpose of having a blocktank other than to annoy people if we´re being really honest? I don´t think there is one.
I don´t think having builds purely to annoy people for the sake if diversity is doing a game any good.
Yes, I'm on PC NA, and we've played together a bitWheem are you PC NA? You’re one of the only guys who posts about BGs whose name I don’t recognize