Plans got made, Life happened, Plans got changed.Vanthras79 wrote: »So what exactly became of Murkmire?
SilverIce58 wrote: »As far as we know, the next three DLCs would be Clockwork City, The Spiral Skein (Mephala's Realm), and Murkmire. CWC is next, and personally, I want Murkmire to come right after it.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Murkmire is exactly like Clockwork City. Announced long ago, and now nearing its official release.
Expect it sometime next year. Clockwork City is finally coming out next patch so I would expect Murkmire 1st/3rd/4th quarter 2018Same goes for the other cool features that were announced a long time such s Spellcrafting (probably coming as the new "system" next chapter like Battlegrounds was to Morrowind) as well as other stuff.
tinythinker wrote: »
This was my prediction list when all we knew was the release date for Morrowind and a little about the plot.
Looking accurate so far
MLGProPlayer wrote: »I wonder how much it will cost.
GW2 slashed the price of their latest expansion in half because the first expansion was a flop (Morrowind seemed to copy the GW2 pricing model).
Although Morrowind probably did well in sales, it did so because of the Morrowind brand. Who the hell is going to pay $40 for a few hours of questing in Argonia? It will be a much tougher sell.