Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24


  • SodanTok
    Skander wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    C0ndor wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    C0ndor wrote: »
    Valencer wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Valencer wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    ... because it is slow ability with relatively low damage, they could ...

    I'm sorry, but it hits as hard as a surprise attack. Are you going to tell us next that SA is also an ability with "relatively low damage"? Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion but please don't make up nonsense.

    Even without undodgeable birds magicka wardens arent that much worse off vs dodge roll spam compared to other classes. Magicka sorcs can only really get through dodge roll with Streak and Curse while mag wardens have Deep Fissure (which is undodgeable damage and a stun at the same time) and a number of DoTs/AoEs that also go through dodge roll. That's just 1 example.

    Even if you had a point, your point would be that 1 class' *** design justifies making PvP a less pleasant experience for everyone else involved, which is just stupid.

    Oh, if you consider surprise attack high damage then fine it is high damage. That's why I said relatively. Because it does not come even close to most mentioned slow abilities like dark flare snipe or frag.

    I think you need to play warden. Or just overall l2p if you get it by that "undodgeable damage and a stun at the same time" too often. That stuff is harder to hit than actual dodgeable abilities vs dodge rolling builds (those that know what to do). You make it sound like guaranteed undodgeable CC, guaranteed (unblockable) high damage hit and guaranteed execute proc are somehow lesser than ability that you have to aim every 3s to hit someone and... swarm?

    All classes make PVP less pleasant experience for everyone. Warden is just the newest one of the bunch. You and most people like you are the one that want to gut one class, because 10 of them in zerg you are running away from make it unpleasant experience. Treat the cause, not the symptom.

    I highly recommend you to pickup mag warden, but not use birds. You will greatly enjoy the experience.

    I am not even interested in defending dive. I dont think they will ever make it dodgeable so nothing to gain from fighting over it. I just think it is stupid to think that it is undodgeable because it is slow (so all suggestion about making it fast and dodgeable just make me chuckle) or that it is some high damage ability that can even be compared to frag or snipe (posts saying they should make snipe undodgeable because it is also slow make me laught at intelligence of the poster tho I agree snipe and all other similar abilities should lose cast time)

    Don't worry, Ive been enjoying the hell out of my stamina warden and hitting up to 10k cliff racers on people. Block or die is basically the only option people have and when Im grouped blocking just means you will get overrun by my group members. Kind of a non-ulti version of soul assault.

    If you think Deep Fissure is unreliable youre welcome to try playing magplar and enjoy the lack of any kind of reliable (and undodgeable) CC. My point is - there's plenty to appreciate in the mag warden's toolkit and this is just "the grass is greener on the other side" thinking.

    I don't disagree with you on your last point - it's painfully obvious the devs don't give a crap so Im mostly just argueing for the sake of argueing.

    Stam warden is broken af, but the magika in light armor is another story :)

    I totally agree on templars, but magden has the same reliable stun, templar and warden are on the same boat for cc

    well no. Warden stunsa re 1000% better then Templars. And a warden stun will be used for onebang

    There is 1 warden stun and it's attached to your win combo

    It's better to use something like Reverb to set up the combo imo

    I hate it when Shalks land right when I get CC'd, it's like, here have some free immunity

    Pretty much every stun, when you get yourself stunned, is a free immunity. The metter is that shalks are 25% your dps for the combo

    Yes, however, Shalk is the only CC that doesn't set up burst, and is every 3 seconds.

    You, as a warden, would prefer to CC prior to shalk landing.

    Edit: No other CC ability can happen without your interactions, Shalk can, it's not like you can cancel Shalk after hitting it

    Actually, it makes the class easier. With templar when i had spear shard with the stun (i want that back btw) i would slot my stun on back bar and use other on the front bar, so to actually have 6 skills (3 seconds delay with stun).
    That's a pretty good tactic. Becouse we can all say, that shalks is way better then toppling and jav combined

    Toppling blows - I've watched many videos of it just not working
    Javelin is a secret counter to trees

    If your Shalk is landing more than 25% of the time without a CC on your opponent, then your opponent is very inexperienced

    Shalks proc where you are looking. So it's pretty easy to land actually.

    The javeling is a counter to tree? you know that the mag version isn't even worth a cc free right? The stamina costs a lot, it can be deflected, isn' a aoe stun, dodged. Ecc ecc

    Where the warden is looking, not where the camera is looking. A good player knows that and stand on the side, dodge right before the shalk a hits, if a dk perma root , if a sorc can streak through easily and stun instead get stunned.

    A good player knows when to time his shalks and when to use them. ofc. We are not talking to of good player we are talking about statistichs and skills

    First off, where your character is looking is not entirely within your control - your camera is. Not to mention console users not having access to as accurate equipment, UIs, Mods, etc that PC users do

    Second, you'll be hard pressed to find many players with even a fraction of experience in PvP with a Warden as I do.

    Yes, against an inexperienced player Shalks will destroy, But against, @Lexxypwns @NightbladeMechanics Fengrush etc you'll find their knowledge of movement, kiting, LoS, CC, knock back etc will have your Shalks missing practically every time Unless you're able to CC PRIOR to Shalks.

    I don't care how good you are, the act of lining up a cross hair against a potato is far easier than an expert

    First off, your character is not looking where your camera is only if stunned or sof-cced
    Second off: if you think that's hard vs good player, try imagine templar stuns. One of those is useless (charge) the other throws the enemy away from your jabs.

    But you were one of the many defending the resto ult on another topic, i don't expect much

    What. Have you played the game, ever. Your character is not turning with your camera. (well, at least on PC it is not)
    Even during movement (which you have to do keep your character facing your camera) the character is not following it exactly. Mostly when you use more than 1 movement button. Plus there is ~0.3s delay between when shalks choose the direction and when they actually fire.
    Thankfully the game is laggy so that can be 'abused' by skilled enemies.
    Edited by SodanTok on September 29, 2017 5:30PM
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