Cheating in PVP takes many forms: Add-ons that allow you to change your stats, damage, regen, infinite resources, infinite ultimate, etc. Macros that allow for near instant use of many skills all at once. Exploits that go around game mechanics. The list goes on and on.
Cheating in PVP takes many forms: Add-ons that allow you to change your stats, damage, regen, infinite resources, infinite ultimate, etc. Macros that allow for near instant use of many skills all at once. Exploits that go around game mechanics. The list goes on and on.
It's pretty common.
For the record, addons that don't violate ZOS TOS may not be cheating but it's pretty safe to assume that the kind of person that would use an addon for explicit combat advantage is the same kind of person that would use cheat engine. #truth
It's pretty common.
For the record, addons that don't violate ZOS TOS may not be cheating but it's pretty safe to assume that the kind of person that would use an addon for explicit combat advantage is the same kind of person that would use cheat engine. #truth
Not true. The vast majority of players in PVP use Miats, addons to show important cooldown timers (like rally) , addons to help identify when certain abilitys proc, or important buffs are wearing off...
Hardly anybody uses (nor would use) cheat-engine.
How would you even think this?
Zos says.. A is illegal, B is allowed... Why would you simply assume that those using B would also use A???
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »It's pretty common.
For the record, addons that don't violate ZOS TOS may not be cheating but it's pretty safe to assume that the kind of person that would use an addon for explicit combat advantage is the same kind of person that would use cheat engine. #truth
Not true. The vast majority of players in PVP use Miats, addons to show important cooldown timers (like rally) , addons to help identify when certain abilitys proc, or important buffs are wearing off...
Hardly anybody uses (nor would use) cheat-engine.
How would you even think this?
Zos says.. A is illegal, B is allowed... Why would you simply assume that those using B would also use A???
Thank Sithis for console.
I wish I could just give back all these stupid buff timers. I didn't need them at launch and I don't need them now. Time to clean up my UI even more now.
I wish, wish, wish, wish, wish there was a no UI PVP campaign.
It's pretty common.
For the record, addons that don't violate ZOS TOS may not be cheating but it's pretty safe to assume that the kind of person that would use an addon for explicit combat advantage is the same kind of person that would use cheat engine. #truth
Not true. The vast majority of players in PVP use Miats, addons to show important cooldown timers (like rally) , addons to help identify when certain abilitys proc, or important buffs are wearing off...
Hardly anybody uses (nor would use) cheat-engine.
How would you even think this?
Zos says.. A is illegal, B is allowed... Why would you simply assume that those using B would also use A???
It's pretty common.
For the record, addons that don't violate ZOS TOS may not be cheating but it's pretty safe to assume that the kind of person that would use an addon for explicit combat advantage is the same kind of person that would use cheat engine. #truth
Not true. The vast majority of players in PVP use Miats, addons to show important cooldown timers (like rally) , addons to help identify when certain abilitys proc, or important buffs are wearing off...
Hardly anybody uses (nor would use) cheat-engine.
How would you even think this?
Zos says.. A is illegal, B is allowed... Why would you simply assume that those using B would also use A???
The vast majority do not use miat's. Many of us like to play the game without a hand-hold or unfair advantage over others.
For most of these people of questionable intent I would argue it's not a matter of which is allowed and which isn't, it's a matter of what is available and what gives advantage.
I think you would be very surprised to find how many narcissists and sociopaths are out there, especially in MMOs.
This thread is a great way to see how many sore losers there are (sorrry solar!)
Video evidence of cheating has not been posted since they changed the API to block cheat engine. With all of the streamers and recorders around, it should be easy to find some proof.. but it doesn't exist.
There are a few exploits in the game, such as using fire rune in the BGs to knock someone into insta death via spawn protection environment damage, but sadly that's not what people are ever referring to when they say they are victims of cheating.
People always need excuses for why they lost. Some people refuse to ever take personal accountability.
You're welcome to post a recent video to prove me wrong. But you won't, because it doesn't exist.
Please stop right there, AddOns can NOT do any of the above.Add-ons that allow you to change your stats, damage, regen, infinite resources, infinite ultimate, etc.
Please stop right there, AddOns can NOT do any of the above.Add-ons that allow you to change your stats, damage, regen, infinite resources, infinite ultimate, etc.
You need 3rd party software for that, like Cheat Engine. This has absolutely nothing to do with AddOns. Nothing, nada, zilch.
In my experience the term "Cheating" is used heavily by players in PvP; often it is simply slander against a player who is doing well by a player who is frustrated and struggling with some aspect of PvP. I've been playing since beta and there is no shortage of this type of behavior; "Oh player X is cheating. It's not possible to get that much AP so fast." Blah Blah Blah. And I'm a pickle.
This thread is a great way to see how many sore losers there are (sorrry solar!)
Video evidence of cheating has not been posted since they changed the API to block cheat engine. With all of the streamers and recorders around, it should be easy to find some proof.. but it doesn't exist.
There are a few exploits in the game, such as using fire rune in the BGs to knock someone into insta death via spawn protection environment damage, but sadly that's not what people are ever referring to when they say they are victims of cheating.
People always need excuses for why they lost. Some people refuse to ever take personal accountability.
You're welcome to post a recent video to prove me wrong. But you won't, because it doesn't exist.
What exactly do you expect to see in a video @Thogard? The only "videos" posted before featured brave souls looking for vigilante justice since ZOS refused to take action for SOOOooOo long. Cheat Engine and memory hacking in general are alive and well in ESO. They have literally done nothing to stop it.
This thread is a great way to see how many sore losers there are (sorrry solar!)
Video evidence of cheating has not been posted since they changed the API to block cheat engine. With all of the streamers and recorders around, it should be easy to find some proof.. but it doesn't exist.
There are a few exploits in the game, such as using fire rune in the BGs to knock someone into insta death via spawn protection environment damage, but sadly that's not what people are ever referring to when they say they are victims of cheating.
People always need excuses for why they lost. Some people refuse to ever take personal accountability.
You're welcome to post a recent video to prove me wrong. But you won't, because it doesn't exist.
What exactly do you expect to see in a video @Thogard? The only "videos" posted before featured brave souls looking for vigilante justice since ZOS refused to take action for SOOOooOo long. Cheat Engine and memory hacking in general are alive and well in ESO. They have literally done nothing to stop it.
they fixed the memory hack issues (cheat engine) when they made all of the regen and resource amounts server side rather than client side.
it would be pretty easy to prove though. just show someone using a channeled ability that goes through faster than it should, or show someone violating the 1s global cooldown, or show somoene chain casting ultimates.
Not true. The vast majority of players in PVP use Miats, addons to show important cooldown timers (like rally) , addons to help identify when certain abilitys proc, or important buffs are wearing off...It's pretty common.
For the record, addons that don't violate ZOS TOS may not be cheating but it's pretty safe to assume that the kind of person that would use an addon for explicit combat advantage is the same kind of person that would use cheat engine. #truth
I experience cheaters nearly everyday. It ruins the experience and many people I know rage quit because there is no recourse. The cheaters always come back after limited punishment by GMs.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »It's completely not fair to the guy who threw the frags.