SirGabenOfSteamia wrote: »As long as there's no problem getting onto and staying on the servers, and the event is one that everyone can get everything out of, I'm sure there'll be very few complaints... No matter how much or how little work ZoS put into it.
SydneyGrey wrote: »I missed last year's event, so I'm really looking forward to this one. Can't wait.
SirGabenOfSteamia wrote: »As long as there's no problem getting onto and staying on the servers, and the event is one that everyone can get everything out of, I'm sure there'll be very few complaints... No matter how much or how little work ZoS put into it.
Do you ever get feeling ZoS dev's say to themselves "If it isnt going to be a DLC content, I aint gonna work hard on it"
As in, if I aint gonna make money off of it, why should I put some heart into it.
Simple scavenger hunt, typical MMORPG move. And everyone considers them good.
It's like if its average, that means its good.
You know in college, average means your bad. Nobody strives to be average. If you got a C in bachelors, B in masters... Thats bad.
So many of you stuck on this average content, and reply to surveys as good. You know what that means to the people calling the shots??? Don't bother doing anything more, they are happy with it.
Do you want the most bang for your buck???
THis is what they tell you in the military... Even if its truly good, give them a bad score, that way they make improvements and do something rather than be content with it.
You have so much money left over in the military? You don't just leave it and show you did good work in saving money. You spend it on those 60 inch TVs and other stuff, you spend every penny of it. That way they keep sending you more... Rather than cut your spending. You dont spend all of it. They will give you less, because they know you content with less.
You people need to stop being content with bare minimum and let these guys know... Average is bad. These developers, getting away with average... No, you did not do a "good" job, you was average, you did a "bad" job. Average is "bad"
SydneyGrey wrote: »I missed last year's event, so I'm really looking forward to this one. Can't wait.
These developers are typical and predictable.
The last year content will be the standard for the halloweens to come. Until one of the innovating MMORPG's come up with a better system to holiday events... Which right now, the flavor is "scavenger hunts".
Trust me friend, ESO is not innovating at all, these developers do not have heart, it will be a repeat of last year.
SydneyGrey wrote: »What would be a great event for you? If you had the power, how would you improve the current system? What innovative ideas do you have?
Bombashaman wrote: »If they give double XP, it'll be good. Only thing I care.
You guys a new generation, let me tell you from years of experience of MMORPG, and what my generation found out.
Marketers control the developers. When you give feedback its good, I be content with minimal, only minimal work is needed.
Those marketers, tell the developers, dont work too much for the halloween event or just flip the switch on the event and do same as last year, the community doesnt expect much, so we give them what they want.
You know, how this is true? Because all they said in Everquest was "I blame Smedly, smedly this and that"
Whose Smedly??? Pretty much a marketer calling all the shots on the game.
Marketers rarely do stuff... What they focus on, what is their life... Is BIG DATA. Which is what you guys say about things.
You people flooding forums with "i'm content with average, I'm content with minimal, only double xp is needed"
The developers will not have chance to work their magic because the marketer wont put any budget into it and no new content/magical work will be produced....
The only thing you will see more of... What marketers focus most on... MONEY first... Customer service SECOND.
You all satisfied with game... Just double xp will satisfy you??? minimal work is good work??? customer service checkmarked... 100% focus on how to milk all the $$$ outta the customers pocket is now the focus for the programmers and developers.
You guys a new generation, let me tell you from years of experience of MMORPG, and what my generation found out.
Marketers control the developers. When you give feedback its good, I be content with minimal, only minimal work is needed.
Those marketers, tell the developers, dont work too much for the halloween event or just flip the switch on the event and do same as last year, the community doesnt expect much, so we give them what they want.
You know, how this is true? Because all they said in Everquest was "I blame Smedly, smedly this and that"
Whose Smedly??? Pretty much a marketer calling all the shots on the game.
Marketers rarely do stuff... What they focus on, what is their life... Is BIG DATA. Which is what you guys say about things.
You people flooding forums with "i'm content with average, I'm content with minimal, only double xp is needed"
The developers will not have chance to work their magic because the marketer wont put any budget into it and no new content/magical work will be produced....
The only thing you will see more of... What marketers focus most on... MONEY first... Customer service SECOND.
You all satisfied with game... Just double xp will satisfy you??? minimal work is good work??? customer service checkmarked... 100% focus on how to milk all the $$$ outta the customers pocket is now the focus for the programmers and developers.
Lets assume you are correct (and frankly at this point I have no reason to doubt you) then what would be an appropriate response to this poll to ensure a great Halloween event?
SydneyGrey wrote: »What would be a great event for you? If you had the power, how would you improve the current system? What innovative ideas do you have?
Have every town at nighttime...
Invaded by zombies
Not ONLY every town, but every outdoor zone, everywhere no place is safe at night. Even in PvP.
*** them PvP'ers bitching about fighting NPCs, have horde of zombies randomly attack things, randomly show up at major fights.
Purpose of halloween isnt just pumpkins and ghouls... Purpose is making it a nightmare.
Make everyone experience a nightmare, make it epic.
The scared players can hide in the bank or taverns or inside the keep.
Lets assume you are correct (and frankly at this point I have no reason to doubt you) then what would be an appropriate response to this poll to ensure a great Halloween event?
Bombashaman wrote: »If they give double XP, it'll be good. Only thing I care.
Thats what I just ranted about.
This is why these holiday events are nothing special. They get data from people saying stuff like this, they dont do anything special when they could have done something very special.
As long as I get paid time and half on sundays I'll be happy.
As long as I get any girl, ill be happy
As long as I can pay my rent and have stuff left over, ill be happy
Brah, you know what they tell you in school, and in college.
Dream big.
Stop being content with minimalist.
This isnt an indie MMORPG.
This is ESO, the worlds BEST OF THE BEST coders
And all you want to tell these coders for halloween "just give me double xp, and I be happy"
LOL. There is absolutely nothing to speculate or guess on.
- It's the same event as last year.
- Reward table has been slightly expanded.
- How do I know this? Because this year's event is currently activated for testing on the Public Test Server. If you want to see what it's like this year, go onto the PTS.
SydneyGrey wrote: »I missed last year's event, so I'm really looking forward to this one. Can't wait.
These developers are typical and predictable.
The last year content will be the standard for the halloweens to come. Until one of the innovating MMORPG's come up with a better system to holiday events... Which right now, the flavor is "scavenger hunts".
Trust me friend, ESO is not innovating at all, these developers do not have heart, it will be a repeat of last year.