You need to take those guilds names out of the post or else your thread is going to end up getting closed for naming and shaming....
This is absurd. Every night at 4 AM EST this happens. Every. Night. With no repercussions what so ever to the players that do this. Specific DC guild come in here and paint the map blue. At first I thought, more AP. Just like everyone else who wanted to farm these groups. But it only got worse, having more numbers follow them in the early hours of the morning. It comes to a point where it's demoralizing, that no matter how much work AD and EP put in, the morning of it will be blue. EP has no oceanic presence that I'm aware of, and AD has DiE but they don't stay up as long. To which we are left with a map we have to clean up *Again*, the same emperor we have to depose yet *Again*, and countless days we have to face a DC faction stack almost always at Aleswell and Glademist. Not to mention the whole blob of DC crutches behind unreal amounts of siege because it's broken how strong it is in Sotha Sil. (Waiting for that nerf when spell crafting comes around, eh?) It's not fun anymore. DC is effectively killing the campaign, I don't even log into the campaign unless I know TM is running. And even then, I'm tired of getting zerged with 10 to 1 odds. Maybe this has been posted before in another part of the Sotha Sil forum, but that doesn't make the headlines like showing this does.
This is absurd. Every night at 4 AM EST this happens. Every. Night. With no repercussions what so ever to the players that do this. Specific DC guild come in here and paint the map blue. At first I thought, more AP. Just like everyone else who wanted to farm these groups. But it only got worse, having more numbers follow them in the early hours of the morning. It comes to a point where it's demoralizing, that no matter how much work AD and EP put in, the morning of it will be blue. EP has no oceanic presence that I'm aware of, and AD has DiE but they don't stay up as long. To which we are left with a map we have to clean up *Again*, the same emperor we have to depose yet *Again*, and countless days we have to face a DC faction stack almost always at Aleswell and Glademist. Not to mention the whole blob of DC crutches behind unreal amounts of siege because it's broken how strong it is in Sotha Sil. (Waiting for that nerf when spell crafting comes around, eh?) It's not fun anymore. DC is effectively killing the campaign, I don't even log into the campaign unless I know TM is running. And even then, I'm tired of getting zerged with 10 to 1 odds. Maybe this has been posted before in another part of the Sotha Sil forum, but that doesn't make the headlines like showing this does.
If you didn't already know, a certain DK is intentionally trying to destroy the server so he can have perma-emp status.
In honest hope and retrospect, I would like to see an influx of AD and EP in here. For the campaigns health, it's important. In prime time AD and EP steam roll over DC, dethrone and get all our scrolls back. But when it's time for everyone to go to bed, DC is back at it. The current players and guilds in DC have made it clear they don't want to move. EP is underpopulated, and AD could stand better players (Lets face it, our pugs are free AP too). I personally would like to see this campaign become competitive again.
Dynamic population may be too 'advanced' to implement. What do they do about the players already logged in?
In honest hope and retrospect, I would like to see an influx of AD and EP in here. For the campaigns health, it's important. In prime time AD and EP steam roll over DC, dethrone and get all our scrolls back. But when it's time for everyone to go to bed, DC is back at it. The current players and guilds in DC have made it clear they don't want to move. EP is underpopulated, and AD could stand better players (Lets face it, our pugs are free AP too). I personally would like to see this campaign become competitive again.
Drummerx04 wrote: »Okay. I went to Shor for the first half of the event. About halfway through the event, DC basically vanished during the day and EP was pop locked and ran over everything. All scrolls, all keeps.
@Machete, perhaps you should convince them to go to Sotha Sil to provide competition?
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I am going to be the broken record to this, but the ultimate solution is dynamic population caps. Restrict the highest population to some percentage of the lowest (eg: 110%) and then you are going to see those giant stacks forced to split up to be able to play. This balances the factions amongst each other.
If players all want to stack the same faction, they can wait their turn while others have no queue whatsoever.
Players, over the years, have proven without a doubt that no amount of pleading will influence the player behavior. They'll take the cheap win every time. Sure some small groups will do the right thing, but overall human nature will win out and the path of least resistance will be taken.
Force them to split to be able to play and you'll see new groups form in EP and AD of former DC, or you'll see fewer DC. Either way is a win for game balance. (and these faction names can and will rotate based off which faction it is -- Imagine EP's population tied to the Shor DC pop currently on NA PC).
at least there isnt any EMPEROR FLIPPING going on on Sotha Sil - its just the same guy getting emperor at 4AM. i respect that more than the AD that crown and emp, then switch over to their EP characters to crown an emp thats going on, in Shor.