Basic weekly trial questions...

1. What time do the weekly trials reset?
2. If you've started the trial before that time are you still eligible for rewards, or do you need to finish by that time?
3. Is the weekly random, or does it rotate? i.e. can you predict what will be next weeks trial?
4. I see that ESO Leaderboards lists the weekly trial (for PC). Are consoles the same?
XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow

Best Answers

  • paulsimonps
    1. Sunday evening
    2. You need to have finished it before it stops
    3. Its random, no rotation.
    4. Its random, so not always.
    Answer ✓
  • paulsimonps
    pizzaow wrote: »
    Thanks @paulsimonps
    Do you know what time on Sunday evening?.. There is a lot of interest from my guild in running at 8:00pm PST Sunday night, and I'm wondering if it will be the new weekly, or if there is time to make the previous weekly.

    If I remember correct the reset is 8pm EST.
    Answer ✓
  • Trashkan
    It is 9pm est. 6pm pst
    Answer ✓
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