.............and Skoria. The damn monster set hits like a truck and procs really often off even just one dot and off poisons for crikes sake. At least Selene is actually dodgable.
Lord_Dexter wrote: ».............and Skoria. The damn monster set hits like a truck and procs really often off even just one dot and off poisons for crikes sake. At least Selene is actually dodgable.
skoria was never an issue,
its same like years ago I doubt its OP and few players made habit for nerf! QQ
It does not take skill to use a proc set no matter how difficult you paint the CC+Proc to be. It happens easily. When I see somebody switching to procs I know for sure that this person wants desperately to do some killing instead of being the victim of his own low skill.Selene is not a free hit. As a stamplar, I can only land it on a good player if I am careful about my positioning, apply a CC if possible, and get lucky. It takes effort to line up a hit, and in U15, the added visual telegraph will only make it easier to avoid. Wearing Selene certainly comes with a cost, too: the opportunity cost of not wearing Blood Spawn, Skelly, etc. is significant.
Do you think that proc sets should never do high spike damage under any circumstances? ZOS seems to disagree with you. Roll dodge is an effective counter. If you're getting killed by Selene, Selene is not the problem.
Lord_Dexter wrote: ».............and Skoria. The damn monster set hits like a truck and procs really often off even just one dot and off poisons for crikes sake. At least Selene is actually dodgable.
skoria was never an issue,
its same like years ago I doubt its OP and few players made habit for nerf! QQ
GeorgeBlack wrote: »Lord_Dexter wrote: ».............and Skoria. The damn monster set hits like a truck and procs really often off even just one dot and off poisons for crikes sake. At least Selene is actually dodgable.
skoria was never an issue,
its same like years ago I doubt its OP and few players made habit for nerf! QQ
Skoria was always OP. But it used to be the only OP monster set, people could ignore the few builds that uses it and back then CoA vet was not so ez to farm (difficulty and drop rates). People are now saying enough with the buulllcrap, clean slate plz.
How can you say that Skoria isn't OP when a tanky DoT user procs it on you without having to worry about breaking his defence to lunch at you? He/she will kill you for sure if you commit to the fight.
I've seen magPlars and magDKs doing various 1v1 combos of them classes and Valkyn Skoria rains like armagedon for the 15mins that the duel is lasting.
I find Skoria more OP. It can kill your enemy even when you are dead.
Tremorscale does about 2k damage and has already been nerfed twice.
Skoria does around 5k damage and really needs a delay or telegraph.
Tremorscale does about 2k damage and has already been nerfed twice.
Skoria does around 5k damage and really needs a delay or telegraph.
Watch out for that big 5k hit! It'll get ya, I've got people proccing more double poison damage on me over 5 seconds than Skoria is hitting for.
This is me at 25k resistances (NO CP but neither does he), getting hit 14k by Selene, and it's not the highest it's been either. I've seen 15k.
It needs a serious damage nerf not just some basic telegraph - These guys are coming from stealth with incaps.
Honestly I doubt anyone cares about the telegraph and would trade it off for a damage nerf.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Just gonna throw this out here: So many PvPers complained about access to monster sets, preferably without having to complete content to obtain the monster sets (enter "The Golden"), and are now complaining about the existence of the very monster sets they so vehemently rallied to get access to?
Fixed it for you.GeorgeBlack wrote: »Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Just gonna throw this out here: So many PvPers complained about access to monster sets, preferably without having to complete content to obtain the monster sets (enter "The Golden"), and are now complaining about the existence of the very monster sets they so vehemently rallied to get access to?
Some PVP players are good at both PvEz and pvp.
That Golden Merchant was a product to Adress rng reward problems. That is why we get a rotation of PvP traits.
Btw, how did we used to clear veteran content before crap like Selene, when the content was not as nerfed as it is now? You dont need Selene to PvE.
U need it if you are a tryhard at PvP.
I rarely die to Selen's... because I know how to dodge...
I rarely die to Selen's... because I know how to dodge...
thank god i never knew you can dodge in this game, you jsut made every proc set in this game crap because you told us that we can dodge them. Here's a message sherlock, if selene procs on cd which it does quiet often you can't dodge for more than 6 times even on a stam char because you have cost Penalty, and this only helps against one selene user who can cc you so your nice way of avoiding just got useless.
And I'm talking about a stam char, imagine how a magicka char Drains it's Stamina while fighting against this. Selene is too strong in pvp and Needs to be nerfed like every other proc set that carries scrubs