Vma is a piece of cake for me the only time i die more than 3-4 times a round is when im on poison round and the spider round rigbt before it i believe.
Spider round dont care I usually die by not having those light things up when needed ( My Fault )
But this stupid poison round you fight on last boss is the dumbest designed mechanic.
When boss does his lil scream thing you have to get in one of those ads light so u dont die.
The thing is those stupid things have like 15k health!!! How am I supposed to not kill it by accident??
Cant use ANY aoe's or they die in seconds. Cant even use my spam abilty force shock or whatever because it does splash damage .
Cant heavt attack since im using lightening staff and that also does splash damage.
Now i complete this no matter what in under 15 tries but can we fix this stupid mechanic? Like why do these ads that you NEED only have 15k health ?
Get good