DeadlyRecluse wrote: »50k AP per hour is pretty good for sustained play over long periods.
So roughly 700 hours. More if you make better-than-average AP, less if you don't.
it doesnt even look gold, more orange
Drpsychoball wrote: »
Are u kidding? Well its the best gold out there
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »Been playing on and off since launch (3 yrs) and still nowhere near that rank.
Drpsychoball wrote: »
You must nor be PvPing hard enough, i counted it takes about 70 days of 6 hour playing each day
Drpsychoball wrote: »Hi guys!
Could you please tell me, based on your experience, how many hrs will it take to get to general rank in PvP (35,000,000 AP i believe, correct me if im wrong)
Once upon a time there was a week when people was able to get 30 milions AP without even touching enemies. Bleakers fliping during 2x AP event
It's no longer possible but still You'll be able to get AP faster during event that starts I think in more then a week from now and will provide 2x AP.
Ghost-Shot wrote: »Legate black is the best alliance war dye color, for gold use transliminal violet or akatosh scales gold. Sulfur pools yellow actually looks pretty good on light armor too.
Drpsychoball wrote: »
Once upon a time there was a week when people was able to get 30 milions AP without even touching enemies. Bleakers fliping during 2x AP event
It's no longer possible but still You'll be able to get AP faster during event that starts I think in more then a week from now and will provide 2x AP.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.