KILLING4ALIVING wrote: »The reason I prefer CP over non-CP is that CP takes more ability to kill other players, in my opinion. In non-CP it is just all about who can deal the most damage the fastest, which is usually the person with twhos proc sets proc first or the pertson who has the most proc sets, it has nothing to do with resources or ability. In CP people have more resources, so it is a dps and resource battle and it usually leads to some good fights where you actually have to out play the other player, rather than depending on proc sets. Not that there isn't proc builds in CP too, but unless you are ganker running a one shot proc stacking Incap/poison injection build, you are not going to be able to kill decent player in 1-2 hits and are still going to have to fight and can still get outplayed. I am sure non-CP PVPers will say pretty much the opposite but that is the way it seems from my POV.
WuffyCerulei wrote: »CP requires more than people to throw a few proc sets and go to town on everyone. Now that infinite sustaina and unkilliable players seems to be a thing of the past, it's more intense and requires skill.
The only non-CP campaign I'm alright with is Kyne, since it allows for newer players to learn pvp whilst not getting their butts handed to them.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Because players (in general) can be whining fickle bull[snip] artists. And they complained up and down, side to side, disparaging remarks hurled at ZOS. CP "killed ESO", CP "must go", ZOS "doesn't know what they are doing", etc etc etc etc. Then ZOS gives these players what they want, and now everyone is crammed into the single CP enabled campaign.
A lot of these "great" players everyone crows about simply don't perform the same when their build isn't tapped into CP. And that's a fact. Everyone loves as much regen as possible and as much punching power as can be slapped on top of the rest of the cake. But there isn't much of a difference when you take CP away in reality. Because you take CP away and you move the goal posts, but you also move the goal posts for the "less skilled" in doing so. Quite frankly, the truth is that ESO with it's two small skill bars, brawler type of PvP with RNG and procs, 90% of what is needed is the right gear setup for your class. The last 10% you need to learn a small rotation, learn what the other classes do in their small rotations, go out there and fly on autopilot in most 1v1s.
fastolfv_ESO wrote: »simple no cp is basically designed for every kiddy to play a nb kill someone without cp resists faster than you can react and jump up and down squealing about how great they are. Every person and every streamer out there defending no cp is maining a nb, coincidence?
Drummerx04 wrote: »KILLING4ALIVING wrote: »The reason I prefer CP over non-CP is that CP takes more ability to kill other players, in my opinion. In non-CP it is just all about who can deal the most damage the fastest, which is usually the person with twhos proc sets proc first or the pertson who has the most proc sets, it has nothing to do with resources or ability. In CP people have more resources, so it is a dps and resource battle and it usually leads to some good fights where you actually have to out play the other player, rather than depending on proc sets. Not that there isn't proc builds in CP too, but unless you are ganker running a one shot proc stacking Incap/poison injection build, you are not going to be able to kill decent player in 1-2 hits and are still going to have to fight and can still get outplayed. I am sure non-CP PVPers will say pretty much the opposite but that is the way it seems from my POV.
Siege is also disgusting in noCP
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »After asking around in an informal and unscientific way, the most common reason appears to be that Alliance Points are easier and faster to get in CP campaigns compared to Non-CP campaigns. In CP campaigns smaller groups can capture resources and keeps more easily and quicker because it is easier to kill NPC guards.
Perhaps these potential solutions could be considered and might even out numbers between CP and Non-CP campaigns:
- tone down guards in Non-CP campaigns
- give slightly more Alliance Points for objectives and kills in Non-CP
- tone down the heaviest hitting proc sets due to strength in Non-CP (was #2 reason in my informal and unscientific poll)
Not correct, Kyne is full of experienced players who keep rolling new characters, hence noobs will always get their butts handed to them. When you see a level 16 wearing BiS gear you know they are 'professional amateurs' - most people only worry about getting BiS gear once they level up.WuffyCerulei wrote: »CP requires more than people to throw a few proc sets and go to town on everyone. Now that infinite sustaina and unkilliable players seems to be a thing of the past, it's more intense and requires skill.
The only non-CP campaign I'm alright with is Kyne, since it allows for newer players to learn pvp whilst not getting their butts handed to them.
Joy_Division wrote: »GrumpyDuckling wrote: »After asking around in an informal and unscientific way, the most common reason appears to be that Alliance Points are easier and faster to get in CP campaigns compared to Non-CP campaigns. In CP campaigns smaller groups can capture resources and keeps more easily and quicker because it is easier to kill NPC guards.
Perhaps these potential solutions could be considered and might even out numbers between CP and Non-CP campaigns:
- tone down guards in Non-CP campaigns
- give slightly more Alliance Points for objectives and kills in Non-CP
- tone down the heaviest hitting proc sets due to strength in Non-CP (was #2 reason in my informal and unscientific poll)
That sounds very unscientific and dubious.
Most of the AP generated does not come from capturing resources, but killing enemy players in high traffic areas.
People play the game to have fun. Those of us who sit in 100+ queues on the weekend aren't doing so because it's easier to kill resource guards, it's because we have a better time in CP campaign than in non.
Joy_Division wrote: »GrumpyDuckling wrote: »After asking around in an informal and unscientific way, the most common reason appears to be that Alliance Points are easier and faster to get in CP campaigns compared to Non-CP campaigns. In CP campaigns smaller groups can capture resources and keeps more easily and quicker because it is easier to kill NPC guards.
Perhaps these potential solutions could be considered and might even out numbers between CP and Non-CP campaigns:
- tone down guards in Non-CP campaigns
- give slightly more Alliance Points for objectives and kills in Non-CP
- tone down the heaviest hitting proc sets due to strength in Non-CP (was #2 reason in my informal and unscientific poll)
That sounds very unscientific and dubious.
Most of the AP generated does not come from capturing resources, but killing enemy players in high traffic areas.
People play the game to have fun. Those of us who sit in 100+ queues on the weekend aren't doing so because it's easier to kill resource guards, it's because we have a better time in CP campaign than in non.
Really? You enjoy sitting in a 100+q and than fighting the lag monster?
I enjoy not having to wait and having a smooth gaming experience.
FYI, 2 hours ago 5at sotha sil 50 DC and 50 AD just battled it out at roe with *gasp* no lag! It was a lot of fun.
More people really should give no cp a chance. Performance is better and it's populated. There are builds that work people just need to adapt.
Well I personally feel like I worked hard for my CP and CP seem to be the only progression in the game, so why not play there?
disintegr8 wrote: »Not correct, Kyne is full of experienced players who keep rolling new characters, hence noobs will always get their butts handed to them. When you see a level 16 wearing BiS gear you know they are 'professional amateurs' - most people only worry about getting BiS gear once they level up.WuffyCerulei wrote: »CP requires more than people to throw a few proc sets and go to town on everyone. Now that infinite sustaina and unkilliable players seems to be a thing of the past, it's more intense and requires skill.
The only non-CP campaign I'm alright with is Kyne, since it allows for newer players to learn pvp whilst not getting their butts handed to them.
My assumption is that some people don't want to let go of their sense of superiority by playing with the big boys and girls, but would rather stay here where they don't really feel challenged. Kind of like the sports team who win every game of the season but lose the grand final to prevent being promoted to a higher division.
Joy_Division wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »GrumpyDuckling wrote: »After asking around in an informal and unscientific way, the most common reason appears to be that Alliance Points are easier and faster to get in CP campaigns compared to Non-CP campaigns. In CP campaigns smaller groups can capture resources and keeps more easily and quicker because it is easier to kill NPC guards.
Perhaps these potential solutions could be considered and might even out numbers between CP and Non-CP campaigns:
- tone down guards in Non-CP campaigns
- give slightly more Alliance Points for objectives and kills in Non-CP
- tone down the heaviest hitting proc sets due to strength in Non-CP (was #2 reason in my informal and unscientific poll)
That sounds very unscientific and dubious.
Most of the AP generated does not come from capturing resources, but killing enemy players in high traffic areas.
People play the game to have fun. Those of us who sit in 100+ queues on the weekend aren't doing so because it's easier to kill resource guards, it's because we have a better time in CP campaign than in non.
Really? You enjoy sitting in a 100+q and than fighting the lag monster?
I enjoy not having to wait and having a smooth gaming experience.
FYI, 2 hours ago 5at sotha sil 50 DC and 50 AD just battled it out at roe with *gasp* no lag! It was a lot of fun.
More people really should give no cp a chance. Performance is better and it's populated. There are builds that work people just need to adapt.
I don't enjoy sitting in a que that is unnecessarily long because of ZoS's inability to gauge or even ask what it's community prefers. But it's not like I'm twiddling my thumbs. There are other things I can do with my time, I usually read. So the queue, while an unnecessary inconvenience, isn't going to drive me to do something I'd rather not play.
Smooth game performance is not the only reason I play videogames or even this one, It's not like queing for Sotha Sil will put an end to endless load screens. And I'm getting tired of people every patch telling me I just "need to adapt." I'm not a noob. I've played this game long before there was CP, I've played Backwater Blade, I've played in the old Azura's Campaign, I did the whole no CP week, I've play Battlegrounds right now with no CP, and I've played well in all of these environments. I don't need people to hold my hand telling me what sets to run, I don't need CPs as a "crutch" to beat other players, I don't need to be told what builds work and which ones do not. I can compete just fine in a no CP environment. I just don't prefer it.
The game, the gear, the proc sets, the siege, the poisons, resource management, the block costs, dodge roll scaling, the damage, Battle Spirit, etc., all of this was and is designed with the Champion System in mind. Simply taking away the Champion System and not adjusting everything else is going to throw things out of whack. That is why I sit in queues and why I simply stop doing BGs after a death recap full of Viper, Red Mountain, Oblivion damage, and Tremorscale.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »I don't get why people say no-cp takes more skill than cp. How is using gapcloser + proc sets + dawnbreaker from target to target before they react skillful? Being able to fight back after being jumped on and almost dieing to proc sets is more skillful, or engaging with targets you can't kill by simply crit charging them before they crit charge you.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Because players (in general) can be whining fickle bull[snip] artists. And they complained up and down, side to side, disparaging remarks hurled at ZOS. CP "killed ESO", CP "must go", ZOS "doesn't know what they are doing", etc etc etc etc. Then ZOS gives these players what they want, and now everyone is crammed into the single CP enabled campaign.
A lot of these "great" players everyone crows about simply don't perform the same when their build isn't tapped into CP. And that's a fact. Everyone loves as much regen as possible and as much punching power as can be slapped on top of the rest of the cake. But there isn't much of a difference when you take CP away in reality. Because you take CP away and you move the goal posts, but you also move the goal posts for the "less skilled" in doing so. Quite frankly, the truth is that ESO with it's two small skill bars, brawler type of PvP with RNG and procs, 90% of what is needed is the right gear setup for your class. The last 10% you need to learn a small rotation, learn what the other classes do in their small rotations, go out there and fly on autopilot in most 1v1s.
thankyourat wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »GrumpyDuckling wrote: »After asking around in an informal and unscientific way, the most common reason appears to be that Alliance Points are easier and faster to get in CP campaigns compared to Non-CP campaigns. In CP campaigns smaller groups can capture resources and keeps more easily and quicker because it is easier to kill NPC guards.
Perhaps these potential solutions could be considered and might even out numbers between CP and Non-CP campaigns:
- tone down guards in Non-CP campaigns
- give slightly more Alliance Points for objectives and kills in Non-CP
- tone down the heaviest hitting proc sets due to strength in Non-CP (was #2 reason in my informal and unscientific poll)
That sounds very unscientific and dubious.
Most of the AP generated does not come from capturing resources, but killing enemy players in high traffic areas.
People play the game to have fun. Those of us who sit in 100+ queues on the weekend aren't doing so because it's easier to kill resource guards, it's because we have a better time in CP campaign than in non.
Really? You enjoy sitting in a 100+q and than fighting the lag monster?
I enjoy not having to wait and having a smooth gaming experience.
FYI, 2 hours ago 5at sotha sil 50 DC and 50 AD just battled it out at roe with *gasp* no lag! It was a lot of fun.
More people really should give no cp a chance. Performance is better and it's populated. There are builds that work people just need to adapt.
I don't enjoy sitting in a que that is unnecessarily long because of ZoS's inability to gauge or even ask what it's community prefers. But it's not like I'm twiddling my thumbs. There are other things I can do with my time, I usually read. So the queue, while an unnecessary inconvenience, isn't going to drive me to do something I'd rather not play.
Smooth game performance is not the only reason I play videogames or even this one, It's not like queing for Sotha Sil will put an end to endless load screens. And I'm getting tired of people every patch telling me I just "need to adapt." I'm not a noob. I've played this game long before there was CP, I've played Backwater Blade, I've played in the old Azura's Campaign, I did the whole no CP week, I've play Battlegrounds right now with no CP, and I've played well in all of these environments. I don't need people to hold my hand telling me what sets to run, I don't need CPs as a "crutch" to beat other players, I don't need to be told what builds work and which ones do not. I can compete just fine in a no CP environment. I just don't prefer it.
The game, the gear, the proc sets, the siege, the poisons, resource management, the block costs, dodge roll scaling, the damage, Battle Spirit, etc., all of this was and is designed with the Champion System in mind. Simply taking away the Champion System and not adjusting everything else is going to throw things out of whack. That is why I sit in queues and why I simply stop doing BGs after a death recap full of Viper, Red Mountain, Oblivion damage, and Tremorscale.
It's funny that's what my cp pvp death recaps look like as well. I actually think cp pvp has alot more problems than non cp which is why i spend most of my time in battle grounds. Cyrodill in cp campaigns still has to many problems. It's mainly survivability cp makes some classes and builds way too survivalble. No cp you are punished for your mistakes. So of course players will gravitate towards more forgiving pvp and want to play with cp