Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Shield breaker Damage

  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »

    Don't get me wrong it is a balance problem. Shields create a pinnacle, either they are too weak and virtually worthless, or they are too strong and virtually OP. The nature of Shield stacking allows for magSorc's to get the best of all worlds, great defense, great mobility, great damage. Which leads to complaints by those who are up against them.

    But the nature of healing allows magplars to get great damage and then crit heal 12k breath of lifes. Its the same for all classes, damage = heals.

    Shields have a big drop off effect in terms of efficiency depending of the amount of players. Streaks not a bad skill and allows them some mobility but its a lot cheaper for a medium build to sprint after a sorc and catch up (they will easily) and then finish a sorc because the sorc will be out of magicka.

    Any stamina build has better mobility than mag sorc because of shuffle dodge, shuffle snare purge and roll dodge. Outside of death match bgs the sorc execute is one of the worst in the game. Lowest threshold, can be purged, rolled, both damage blocked, sometimes it doesn't even finish them off.

    No it's not the same because of how shields are different than heals. Shields prevent damage, heals bring back health that is already lost. 30k burst will kill most targets, but its not going to kill a shield stacking Sorc, it will hurt it sure, but its not going to kill it. To add to that what was 30k burst against a non shielded target is only 20-25k against a shielded target because of the lack of critical hits.

    Preventative mitigation is always better than healing.

    It is simply not true that sprint is cheaper than streaking. Gap closing is cheaper than streaking but sprint is not. Only way that is possible is if you are wearing well fitted or some set to reduce sprint costs. Almost all of my builds are 6-7 medium and I routinely run out of stamina chasing streaking sorc's, who still have enough magicka to stop shield up and turn and curse me as I arrive completely out of resources. The only way it compares is if you are using a speed pot, which a mag Sorc can just as easily use and sprint between double casted streaks.

    Claiming the Sorc execute is one of the worst in the game? You must be joking. When targets are more than 5m away how is any of the stam melee executes going to kill them? Gap closing means they get time to cast a heal.

    Purge it? That is a losing battle every time. Base cost Mages Fury: 2430 Cleansing Ritual: 3780. You will run them out of magicka if they attempt to purge your execute every time you apply. Efficient Purge is 5400 base it's even worse.

    Mages Fury acts as a passive execute after application, meaning you don't have to cast it at the time of the targets health getting low it will just go off. The only other skill that acts as a passive execute after application is Poison Injection. Poison Injection does not instantly tick and kill the target when their health drops below 20% or even 5%. It can tick, but its not guaranteed to tick before they can heal. Poison Injection ticks do not hit anywhere near as hard as Mages Fury, the whole dot damage is more but individual ticks are not.
    And this example is just as bad... Heals are more effective when the healed target has higher mitigation.. Shields are not. That 30k burst against a light armour, no-impen shield-user is closer to 15k against a heavy armour, fill-impen wearer - which can be healed back. And that's assuming there was no other mitigation like block... (we are assuming that the shield user knows there is incoming hence he has a shield up....)

    Preventative mitigation like this is VERY resource-intensive, unlike healing which is only used when its needed.

    No heals are not more effective, shields are more mitigation and greatly increase the mitigation of that already high mitigation target. The only case to argue that healing is better than shields is if you view shields in isolation and pretend that no other forms of passive healing or health recovery exist. Otherwise shielding before damage is taken is ALWAYS better than healing after damage is taken.

    Shielding not only provides direct mitigation, it also provides critical impunity for its duration or up to the value of its strength. Impen does not provide crit impunity even when maxed, impen provides a reduction to the strength of critical hits. Critical hits will still always hit for more than non crits, except against shields where they cease to exist.

    Shielding is more resource intensive and with good measure. Shielding does not require damage to be taken because it is not healing it is direct mitigation. Healing requires damage to be taken. A shield at 100% health is still worth while, a heal at 100% health is useless. A shield at 5% health is just as valuable as a heal at 5% health for up to 6 seconds.


    You take a 10k hit with 0 mitigation, you need a 10k shield or a 10k heal to absorb it.
    You take a 10k hit with 50% mitigation, you need a 10k shield or a 5k heal to absorb it.

    Heals scale better with more mitigation.

    A heal at 5% is much more effective than a shield at 5% - it takes you out of execute range.

    Yes, it is better not to take the damage in the first place - as per shields, but heals+mitigation scales much better to give much more survivability vs multiple opponents than shields+mitigation.

    Heals don't absorb, heals restore health from damage that is already DONE. Shields absorb damage before its done.

    You take a 10k hit with 0 mitigation and a 10k shield and you are at 100% health, without a shield you need a 10k heal to RESTORE it.
    You take a 10k hit with 50% mitigation and a 10k shield and you are at 100% health, without a shield you need a 5k heal to RESTORE it.

    In either case a shield is better than healing.

    But you had to pre cast the shield in this case meaning even though the heal comes later it's entire amount is used while a shield expires.

    In your case I need a 10k shield to prevent 5k damage or a 5k heal to prevent 5k damage, making the heal more efficient.

    Mitigation+heal is better than shield

    But quite frankly, I like using both

    That 5k damage could be what kills you and you never get the heal. With the shield you do not take the damage so you don't die. Despite your insistence that you know the difference you keep saying things as "5k heal to prevent 5k damage" when heals cannot prevent damage. You are still arguing against shields in isolation as if no other healing or recovery is happening outside of a damage shield.

    Given a player with 20k health and 50% mitigation has the option to do damage, heal, and or shield for 10k before being attacked. Player takes 30k burst.

    With a shield they take 5k damage after mitigation and are at 15k or 75% health, easily gained back with hots, recovery, or healing ward. If they are CC'd at this time it doesn't matter because they are no where near death, their opponent needs another 30k burst to kill them.

    Without a shield they take 15k damage after mitigation and are at 5k or 25% health and are in execute range. If they are CC'd at this time their opponent only needs 10k burst which is easily accessible because they are in execute range so their opponent has an attack that will do 300% of normal damage 3-4k and kill them.

    Heal's are absolutely more efficient provided you have the opportunity to heal, shields are more proficient because they act as active mitigation to prevent damage before it happens. If you can shield before damage is taken the likely hood of survival is much greater than if you wait to heal after damage is already taken.

    Let's take your exact example of 20k health, 50% mitigation and a 10k ward vs a 10k heal
    10k ward brings the remaining damage to 20k DMG 50% mitigation leaves 10k DMG leaving player with 10k health.

    20k health with 50% mitigation means player takes 15k DMG leaving him at 5k and then heals for 10k leaving him at 15k health

    Player without ward has 5k more health than player with ward.

    Add as many variables as you want, as long as you apply them equally you still come to the same conclusion. Heal + Mitigation is better.

    If more actions occur after your example (such as you pointing out a CC) well then you need to apply that to the shield user as he now cannot re cast and is equally dead.

    Edit: Let's do any example of 20k health 50% mitigation and a 40k DMG burst. Our non shield user is dead... (Never got to heal) Our Ward user is at 5k health. This is the only instance where the shield is better - when the damage is higher than the health pool + mitigation (this is a VERY narrow area in which the preactive shield is superior - the range of which is 40k to 49k DMG any less and the heal is stronger, anymore and both are dead)

    So out of 0-50k DMG only 40-49 or roughly 20% of the possible scenarios, a ward is better

    No because you again assume you are going to get the heal off, the ward is already absorbed. The damage to the player is already done. What happens after than is unknown, wards are preventative, heals are restorative. Heals are reactive Wards proactive.

    You also assume that the only healing is a direct heal and the only shield is a lone shield.

    There are 10 skills that give Wards disregarding morphs of skills already wards, 4 of them only ward yourself, a 5th only wards yourself unless someone uses a synergy, only 2 of the standard skills ward other players and one is only worth while when they are in execute range, 2 more are ultimates that ward other players, another is an ult that only wards self.

    There are 26 skill that give Healing to other players, 6 of which are ultimates.

    You cannot heal up beyond 100% health, but you can stack up wards beyond 100% health, you are much more likely to receive a heal from another player than a ward. That is disregarding armor sets or recovery.

    Warding yourself and receiving healing from another source, your own passive healing or otherwise, is significantly better for your survival. Especially when you consider that Ward's cannot be Critically hit, which means you guarantee they will not crit you while you are hurt.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    Furthermore, casting a ward before damage allows you to gauge an opponents respective output without putting your own health at significant risk. It allows you to gain an advantage against non warded targets by determining whether to press or not before risking your own life.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Waffennacht
    Furthermore, casting a ward before damage allows you to gauge an opponents respective output without putting your own health at significant risk. It allows you to gain an advantage against non warded targets by determining whether to press or not before risking your own life.

    Again you're just adding specific variables and are acting like you have some sort of scientific proof.

    Yeah could be this could be that, but in a given scenario, especially the one you listed, when you did not add wild and varying variables, the heal is better than the ward.

    I can say that the person attacking the ward user just waited 6 seconds nullifying your ward, or is using shield breaker, or Oblivion damage or Axe Bleed - all of which circumvent wards and make your argument look completely flawed

    Of course there are situations where one thing maybe better than another, but they vary to such a degree that you cannot possibly assume what would work best in one would even be close to best in another.

    In a limited scientific study you wouldn't be adding factors that cannot be repeated by the tester - which you do time and time again.

    In the scenario of taking 20k damage while having 20k health and 50 percent mitigation which would leave the player with more health a 10k heal or a 10k shield, the heal leaves the player with more health.

    You can create as many scenarios as you want but it won't change that fact
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Biro123
    Anyway - back on topic - Shieldbreaker.. I've changed my mind.

    1v1 its fine. I can (and do) build to handle it. I have to make concessions to do it, but that's fine.

    But open world.. Jeez, this set needs the nerf-hammer hard. Every single fight yesterday had some noob hiding behind his mates, targeting sorcs and plinking away on his bow with shieldbreaker and oblivion enchants.
    2200 unresistable dmg every second from light attacks, and another 2k or so from the enchant every 5 seconds..

    That's 13k unresistable damage in 5 seconds from gear - unaffected by battle-spirit. That's worse than selene and viper put together.

    While his mates are also targeting you, you have to keep shields up.. lose a cd to heal, shield drops and you die.. keep shields up, you lose health and die... And these muppets would chase any magsorc they saw for miles, then tbag as if they used some kind of skill..

    Every. Single. group fight vs this faction.. shieldbreaker plink plink plink..

    Eventually switched to my stamsorc because when this set gets abused it can make some classes/builds simply unplayable in some situations. It really is the most toxic thing I've ever seen in this game.
    Edited by Biro123 on June 28, 2017 8:56AM
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    nekura wrote: »
    I run a triple proc set stamblade. I think the real problem with Shield Breaker are addons like 'Dressing Room' that allow me to hotkey sets in PvP w/ no repercussions. It's highly ridiculous I can switch from Selene/Viper/Widow Maker to my Shield Breaker / Widow Maker sorc killer spec with one button.

    I will continue to do it as long as it's available, b/c I don't like walking away from AP when I'm solo.


    This is why I will never, EVER, play on PC (and they better not EVER allow PC peeps to play with us PS4 gamers for this sole reason)...

    An add-on that allows that is so ridiculous that its borderline cheating; the only reason I don't formally call it cheating is because the Devs allow BS like that for some god awful reason...

    Edited by TheDoomsdayMonster on June 30, 2017 6:33AM
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • Biro123
    nekura wrote: »
    I run a triple proc set stamblade. I think the real problem with Shield Breaker are addons like 'Dressing Room' that allow me to hotkey sets in PvP w/ no repercussions. It's highly ridiculous I can switch from Selene/Viper/Widow Maker to my Shield Breaker / Widow Maker sorc killer spec with one button.

    I will continue to do it as long as it's available, b/c I don't like walking away from AP when I'm solo.


    This is why I will never, EVER, play on PC (and they better not EVER allow PC peeps to play with us PS4 gamers for this sole reason)...

    An add-on that allows that is so ridiculous that its borderline cheating; the only reason I don't formally call it cheating is because the Devs allow BS like that for some god awful reason...

    It's not as bad as it sounds. You can't change gear while in combat, and it sometimes bugs and only change some of your gear. So swapping to fit your opponent is only really gonna be workable on a stealthed ganker (in which case I don't mind shieldbreaker - its the zerg surfers that abuse it) or with duals.
    Edited by Biro123 on June 30, 2017 6:46AM
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Derra
    Magıc wrote: »
    It's capped at what it says on the tooltip on the set. Only way to increase it is by golding outyour gear I assume.

    Cancerous set anyway. I hope every sorc you fight destroys you for using that garbage set.

    Cancerous because sorcs complete negate hots/health recovery due to op shield stacking over lapping healing ward.

    Mag sorcs are the only class that can do it all. Insane sustain (lich), insane tankiness with shields and still deal crazy damage in 7 light.

    Once proc sets are nerfed.. its gonna be mag sorc or nothing.


    sorc is behind stamblade for soloing. but soloing is dead anyways. Why would you take more than one sorc (negatemonkey) in group when you can have warden with sleetstorm, magDK, magplar, magblade with actual group utility.

    Obviously with more people in groups the number of sorcs can increase for more negates - but what´s the exact scenario apart from zergsurfing where you see sorcs ahead of other classes?
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Waffennacht
    Soloing isn't dead...

    It's just on life support


    Don't pull the plug...
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    Sorc threads are always so amusing

    Yessssirre tumblr_inline_n8gxlgBKdR1rv4ngd.gif
  • ak_pvp
    Magıc wrote: »
    Magıc wrote: »
    It's capped at what it says on the tooltip on the set. Only way to increase it is by golding outyour gear I assume.

    Cancerous set anyway. I hope every sorc you fight destroys you for using that garbage set.

    Love that set too many fotm sorcs

    Except stamina is the meta and fotm and mag sorc is the least seen class in Cyrodiil (PC EU).

    Not sure what's happening in NA/consoles but I'd assume stamina is the meta and fotm.

    You are a liar. Sorc is firm and horribly imbalanced. The only class I see more is stamblade.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Irylia
    Sorc isn't all that like you all continue to say it's actually really straining on sustain.

    For those of you who understand, thank you.

    Also harness is trash. 4K for. 5-7k ward

    You can't argue sorc with me.
  • ak_pvp
    Irylia wrote: »
    Sorc isn't all that like you all continue to say it's actually really straining on sustain.

    For those of you who understand, thank you.

    Also harness is trash. 4K for. 5-7k ward

    You can't argue sorc with me.

    "Waahhh... Sorcy is too hard to sustain... wahhh"

    Even though you have a risk free dark conversion, some of the best regen passives and mag return from mages fury. Feewing too tuckered out? Have an inbuilt procute to do the work for you.
    Edited by ak_pvp on June 30, 2017 5:49PM
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Irylia
    Clearly none of you have been hunted by the ad nb sneaky shawt. Shieldbreaker built. Can never get away and constantly rolls/cloaks your damage with barrier as a back up.

    This man/woman is a savage
  • Irylia
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Irylia wrote: »
    Sorc isn't all that like you all continue to say it's actually really straining on sustain.

    For those of you who understand, thank you.

    Also harness is trash. 4K for. 5-7k ward

    You can't argue sorc with me.

    "Waahhh... Sorcy is too hard to sustain... wahhh"

    Even though you have a risk free dark conversion, some of the best regen passives and mag return from mages fury. Feewing too tuckered out? Have an inbuilt procute to do the work for you.

    a risk free skill that can be bashed and uses Stam, the resource for breaking free and not dying. Pc na?

    I urge you to play mag sorc outside of a zerg
  • CyrusArya
    Anyone who thinks sorc is godly 1v1 is bad. Sorcs are very mediocre against any equally skilled and geared opponent, unless your idea of skillful PvP is shield stacking for 5 minutes until your opponent dies of boredom. 1vX it's only advantage is that you can escape if things go south. Other than that, pretty much the same level of effectiveness as anything else. While the class may seem overpowered against bad players who don't know how to fight sorcs, to knowledgeable players they are the most easily and readily countered class.

    Sorc will always be my favorite but i generally prefer to play other classes because Id rather risk dying qucker if that means I can also kill quicker, rather than boring stalled out matches of shield stacking and missed frags.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • ak_pvp
    Irylia wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Irylia wrote: »
    Sorc isn't all that like you all continue to say it's actually really straining on sustain.

    For those of you who understand, thank you.

    Also harness is trash. 4K for. 5-7k ward

    You can't argue sorc with me.

    "Waahhh... Sorcy is too hard to sustain... wahhh"

    Even though you have a risk free dark conversion, some of the best regen passives and mag return from mages fury. Feewing too tuckered out? Have an inbuilt procute to do the work for you.

    a risk free skill that can be bashed and uses Stam, the resource for breaking free and not dying. Pc na?

    I urge you to play mag sorc outside of a zerg

    PC/EU. Costs no resources if bashed, and the small (3kish) stam it uses is nothing compared to the health+mag gain, that also stops you from dying via shields, and healing you. Then on top of that there is everything else I mentioned. Sorc is EZ babby mode.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Waffennacht
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Irylia wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Irylia wrote: »
    Sorc isn't all that like you all continue to say it's actually really straining on sustain.

    For those of you who understand, thank you.

    Also harness is trash. 4K for. 5-7k ward

    You can't argue sorc with me.

    "Waahhh... Sorcy is too hard to sustain... wahhh"

    Even though you have a risk free dark conversion, some of the best regen passives and mag return from mages fury. Feewing too tuckered out? Have an inbuilt procute to do the work for you.

    a risk free skill that can be bashed and uses Stam, the resource for breaking free and not dying. Pc na?

    I urge you to play mag sorc outside of a zerg

    PC/EU. Costs no resources if bashed, and the small (3kish) stam it uses is nothing compared to the health+mag gain, that also stops you from dying via shields, and healing you. Then on top of that there is everything else I mentioned. Sorc is EZ babby mode.

    It's also super easy to counter a sorc, if you build that way.

    Just pointing out that a magden could theoretically never lose to a sorc.

    Crystal, + Betty kills Curse and Frag, even stops destro ability. Without those pieces a sorc can't burst through resistance or shields. Block any ult.

    I think Sorcs have the easiest abilities to use - Curse, Frag etc are all single target instant abilities. I think this gives the perception using a sorc is the easiest.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Sarato
    RobTheAxe wrote: »
    the division on these forums is quite bad. every balance post i see turns into a 'stamina' vs 'magika' argument Are you a stam player? nerf you! are you a magika player? nerf you instead! you stamina players dont understand us, no you magika players are overpowered! hah its laughable, you all realize you can play more than 1 character or just notice the balance of the game from within one right? ZOS will never get any accurate feetback, if they seek it from the player base, with such partisan posting

    You're a dirty Stammer aren't you? ;)

    Nice to see I found you on here, biased against stam players as usual lol.
    Take me drunk, I'm home. Fav song: Pony - Ginuwine
  • Sarato
    SirDopey wrote: »
    Is the oblivion Damage from Shield breaker capped?

    I've noticed it never hits for more than 2.1k regardless of how I tweak my max stam/WD.

    For instance minor berserk doesn't affect it or either major sorcery/brutality.

    It appears none of the champion point options affect its actual damage either

    Any feedback on this?

    Yes, capped. hf w/ the set though very useful.
    Take me drunk, I'm home. Fav song: Pony - Ginuwine
  • Sarato

    "Shielbreaker is such a xv1 tool and shields arent amazing"

    :| ...1vXing isn't suppose to be in your favor
    Edited by Sarato on July 1, 2017 10:32PM
    Take me drunk, I'm home. Fav song: Pony - Ginuwine
  • leepalmer95
    Sarato wrote: »

    "Shielbreaker is such a xv1 tool and shields arent amazing"

    :| ...1vXing isn't suppose to be in your favor

    Its not, the fact there is more of them than you should be enough of a disadvantage.

    Zos like to repeatedly put something in that favour xv1's even more every patch, gap closer snare, poisons, soul assault, warden pigeon spam, double curse explosion, skoria/ curse going off after death etc..

    If your Xv1'ing someone and you lose thats on you. Having multiple people on 1 should already be enough of a disadvantage nevermind introducing bad sets, skills or mechanics that favour them even more.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Kalante
    I've never used proc sets because they are cheap as hell to use, killing somebody with my armor and not my own skill is something i will never find enjoyable or satisfying. Putting shield breaker and an infused bow with oblivion enchant would be insanely disgusting and dishonorable. There are so many ways to make a stam nb cancer but sadly barely any legit open world sets.
  • ak_pvp
    Leave shieldbreaker as is. Sorcs are overpowered, and if they can't heal or outmove 2.1k damage, then l2p.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Biro123
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Leave shieldbreaker as is. Sorcs are overpowered, and if they can't heal or outmove 2.1k damage, then l2p.

    So, you tell me how to do that then. Let's assume you are a magsorc and being attacked by 2 players, one with shield breaker.
    You are already spamming shields as quickly as possible just to stay alive from the normal hits, but in 5 seconds, you're in execute range just from shield breaker + oblivion enchants.

    Where do the heals come from? Let's give the sorc a chance and assume he's running the twilight matriarch rather than healing ward.

    Sorc has to heal now rather than shield, so he does, and loses a gcd of shields. He heals 9k of the 13k shieldbreaker +oblivion damage he has taken, but in that time, shields have dropped and he's lost another 4k health. If a cc or ulti hits then, while the sorc is down 8k health and shieldless, its gg.
    If not, sorc has to shield fast, has only one shield up, is even more on the back foot and is still down 8k health. Assume he can keep the shields up for another 5 seconds without normal damage getting through, he's taken another 13k of oblivion damage so has now lost 21k health in total. GG.

    With the more usual healing ward... It takes 6 seconds to kick in.. By the time the sorc realises its shield breaker damage, layers his shields to cast it, you're about 4/5 seconds into the fight already. Soi it won't go off until 10 seconds into the fight (assuming it does as opposed to its shield being taken down, removing the heal). But by then, you've lost 26k health to shield breaker + oblivion. GG.

    Please tell me, in any situation other than a 1v1(which is very rare), how does a sorc with a standard build survive shieldbreaker (I'm not even asking you to tell me how he can be competitive against it, just how to survive without running away like a screaming girl).

    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • SodanTok
    Biro123 wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Leave shieldbreaker as is. Sorcs are overpowered, and if they can't heal or outmove 2.1k damage, then l2p.

    So, you tell me how to do that then. Let's assume you are a magsorc and being attacked by 2 players, one with shield breaker.
    You are already spamming shields as quickly as possible just to stay alive from the normal hits, but in 5 seconds, you're in execute range just from shield breaker + oblivion enchants.

    Where do the heals come from? Let's give the sorc a chance and assume he's running the twilight matriarch rather than healing ward.

    Sorc has to heal now rather than shield, so he does, and loses a gcd of shields. He heals 9k of the 13k shieldbreaker +oblivion damage he has taken, but in that time, shields have dropped and he's lost another 4k health. If a cc or ulti hits then, while the sorc is down 8k health and shieldless, its gg.
    If not, sorc has to shield fast, has only one shield up, is even more on the back foot and is still down 8k health. Assume he can keep the shields up for another 5 seconds without normal damage getting through, he's taken another 13k of oblivion damage so has now lost 21k health in total. GG.

    With the more usual healing ward... It takes 6 seconds to kick in.. By the time the sorc realises its shield breaker damage, layers his shields to cast it, you're about 4/5 seconds into the fight already. Soi it won't go off until 10 seconds into the fight (assuming it does as opposed to its shield being taken down, removing the heal). But by then, you've lost 26k health to shield breaker + oblivion. GG.

    Please tell me, in any situation other than a 1v1(which is very rare), how does a sorc with a standard build survive shieldbreaker (I'm not even asking you to tell me how he can be competitive against it, just how to survive without running away like a screaming girl).

    "without running away like a screaming girl" there is your problem. Competent sorcs always run away from unfavorable situations.

    Also no situation you described above exists. For constant 2k oblivion dps you would have to light attack every second, that means you have to use shieldbreaker set, use bow with it, never have to go defensive, never be out of range, enemy sorc must never dodge roll, enemy sorc must never cc you, enemy sorc must not have dark conversion, enemy sorc must never LoS you.
    If even 1-2 of these things happen (some are more severe than others) healing ward will completly negate any shieldbreaker damage.
  • SirDopey
    Actually, the more I think about it about, Shieldbreaker needs to be buffed.

    Instead of doing 2k damage to a shielded player it should be 2k per active shield. This will really help address the issue of shield stacking and make the game so much more balanced
    NA PC | AD
    xx Doc Holliday xx
  • Ragnaroek93
    SirDopey wrote: »
    Actually, the more I think about it about, Shieldbreaker needs to be buffed.

    Instead of doing 2k damage to a shielded player it should be 2k per active shield. This will really help address the issue of shield stacking and make the game so much more balanced

    No, Shieldbreaker is a dumb set which should get removed from the game. And a big LOL to all the people who think that it's easy to counter as a magicka sorc.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Juhasow
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Magıc wrote: »
    It's capped at what it says on the tooltip on the set. Only way to increase it is by golding outyour gear I assume.

    Cancerous set anyway. I hope every sorc you fight destroys you for using that garbage set.

    I hope that every time you're getting xv'1d from now on on your mag sorc, that there is a nightblade standing there spamming bow light attacks on you with this set.

    Honestly though, HOW can you defend magsorcs like they are the underdog? They haven't been an underdog class for... more than a year at this point? And to say no one runs harness or dampen is ignorant, people do.. Not to mention that healing ward exists. Or does that not count as a ward to you, since it's the only source of HEALING that sorcs have, because they don't need any other source?

    Hardened - harness/dampen - healing ward - BARRIER is an option..

    Have you played BG's mr. "update has been out for us pc players for longer we know better"? The only reason you see more nightblades than sorcs in there is because of the strength of proc sets in no cp.. almost every team has one or more sorc, and the majority of actual COMPETITIVE teams i've run into (when the 4 man que works) have had 1-2 sorcs.

    Just 1 correction here. Yes Healing Ward is the only heal sorc needs but only if game decide to heal him with it... Skill is broken and not healing after expiring sometimes. Imagine BoL , Rally or Vigor doing the same...
  • ChunkyCat
    Magıc wrote: »
    I hope every sorc you fight destroys you for using that garbage set.

    You mad bro?
  • Lexxypwns
    Biro123 wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Leave shieldbreaker as is. Sorcs are overpowered, and if they can't heal or outmove 2.1k damage, then l2p.

    So, you tell me how to do that then. Let's assume you are a magsorc and being attacked by 2 players, one with shield breaker.
    You are already spamming shields as quickly as possible just to stay alive from the normal hits, but in 5 seconds, you're in execute range just from shield breaker + oblivion enchants.

    Where do the heals come from? Let's give the sorc a chance and assume he's running the twilight matriarch rather than healing ward.

    Sorc has to heal now rather than shield, so he does, and loses a gcd of shields. He heals 9k of the 13k shieldbreaker +oblivion damage he has taken, but in that time, shields have dropped and he's lost another 4k health. If a cc or ulti hits then, while the sorc is down 8k health and shieldless, its gg.
    If not, sorc has to shield fast, has only one shield up, is even more on the back foot and is still down 8k health. Assume he can keep the shields up for another 5 seconds without normal damage getting through, he's taken another 13k of oblivion damage so has now lost 21k health in total. GG.

    With the more usual healing ward... It takes 6 seconds to kick in.. By the time the sorc realises its shield breaker damage, layers his shields to cast it, you're about 4/5 seconds into the fight already. Soi it won't go off until 10 seconds into the fight (assuming it does as opposed to its shield being taken down, removing the heal). But by then, you've lost 26k health to shield breaker + oblivion. GG.

    Please tell me, in any situation other than a 1v1(which is very rare), how does a sorc with a standard build survive shieldbreaker (I'm not even asking you to tell me how he can be competitive against it, just how to survive without running away like a screaming girl).

    What I'd do first is use streak to CC both opponents and let me get into proper position for such a fight. Secondly, I'd tab target the shield breaker user while hugging LoS. Then I'd pop my resto ult, detect pot if needed, delete the shieldbreaker user during my virtually absolute immunity, then finish my 1vX.

    While this doesn't always work, it's a consistent strategy to allow you to beat someone wearing a set meant to HARD COUNTER my main defense. Idk what more you can ask for.

    If you need anymore help with playing sorc you make sure to let me know. It's not the OP class everyone says I is, but it does have a very full toolkit and can be lethal in the right hands
    Edited by Lexxypwns on July 2, 2017 2:06PM
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