grim_tactics wrote: »I thought VMA made me mad.
The community got the Sorc nerf they wanted.
Shields literally drop to 1 heavy attack or 1 decent damage ability.
There is nothing for me to do to mitigate the bursts from NBs and StamSorcs
Seems like I'm going to run StamSorc because NonCP BGs is made for stamina builds - period.
Looks like I'll wait for CP BGs for me to be able to actually run counter to these other builds with a MagSorc.
grim_tactics wrote: »
Looks like I'll wait for CP BGs for me to be able to actually run counter to these other builds with a MagSorc.
andreasranasen wrote: »When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
Nothing has been done to shields directly. Magicka sorcs are in the top of PvP.
Moglijuana wrote: »
lol wut?
Actually mag sorc is in very strong position in BG. Stam NB and Magsorc are 2 most dominant builds in BG's atm.
andreasranasen wrote: »When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
grim_tactics wrote: »
In non CP shields are almost non existent from a protection stand point. Cast one and it drops in 1 hit.
In CP - yes, I'd say MagSorc is still pretty OP.
In BGs, MagSorcs are just a support class really. You cant rely on Healing Ward to pop, you can't rely on shield stacking, you are just burning resources if you do.
I've said before I would be ok if they looked into changing shields for Sorcs but if they made them as weak as they are in NonCP, Sorcs would just die off as a viable class.
You show me a Magicka build that can even begin to compete against a stamina class in NonCP. The only one I can even think would be close would be MagBlade and even then I'm not seeing them nearly as much.
yes, because it's clearly mag sorcs are still very strong, as was mentioned, one of the strongest class together with stam nb.
go and try to run solo magplar to feel pain.
I guess you are just typical CP pvp player, who faced brick wall of no-CP. How much time you spent in Azura/BG? It's absolutely different gameplay, different builds. I know tons of very good mag sorcs in no-CP , so as bad ones, who don't know how to play it.
And yes, vMA makes mad only beginners.
Moglijuana wrote: »
My MDK wins 95% of every 1v1 in idk what you're talking about. And I'm in Light Armor.
My matches usually look like this
grim_tactics wrote: »
What platform are you on and what is your spell damage in NonCP?
I wish I could run into a MagDK in BGs. Haven't seen the first one yet - no lie.
Also - K/D isn't an issue. I still have great games. First BG is played I went 21-3. Most games I'm even or better in k/d but that doesn't matter except in DM. My issue is the games where it's 5-3 or 2-4 with 20+ assists.
My toon just doesn't do the burst damage all these try hard teams do and the seperation isn't even close. If I could rely on shields to negate like they normally do it would be easy to counter a team running 3 NBs and a DK. As it stands, it's spam shields and HOPE you can Streak out and heal. Most of the time it's die to NB cheese before the animations are over - or just be followed around the walls by people spamming crit rush.
First off - I got Flawless Conquerer before I hit CP400. VMA is an RNG cheese fest where you die or lose points because of RNG, not skill, and your rewards are terrible for the time. Some people put in 500+ runs without getting the weapon they needed. So, no, VMA was a trash dungeon farm. I've only ever broken a controller once in my life - and it was because of VMA.
Second - yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it's also a L2P issue for me in BGs. I spent all of May in NonCP getting ready for BGs, but I also didn't realize our tank in the group was going to ditch his DK for a Sorc. Now, unless it's the weekend, my group has been running 3 DPS and 1 Healer. So maybe that's the issue is we are just easy targets.
Secondly, breaking CC in BGs is broken and the lag spikes are real.
I prefer CP because on console that's what we were forced into if you didn't want to die of complete boredom as NonCP is dead 24/7 and has been for a long time.
andreasranasen wrote: »When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
Moglijuana wrote: »
I'm on PS4 NA. Buffed I get to like 3500 SD with 33k ish max mag. I'm running bloodspawn + the serpent lol. It actually has made a HUGE difference in being able to survive. Dodge when needed -> into a burst combo as they're off guard.
grim_tactics wrote: »
See - that's the difference and it's a big one.
My stats on the best set up for me I could find and works great in CP gives me 2500 SD in NonCP but my regen is great and using Dark conversion keeps my resources good - even Stam regen is great.
Most of the higher profile streamers I've watched play by executing from behind their teammates and use mines and Streak to get out. Not like they're face tanking everyone they see.
Hardly can get 1v1s in BGs, and shields just suck too much for 1vX so it's hope for a 1v1 or run to your teammates and hope you make it.
Again, it may take me a while to just learn to play less aggressively, but I don't like feeling like just a support role on the team. If I wanted to just play support - I would've made a Healer of some sort.
Actually mag sorc is in very strong position in BG. Stam NB and Magsorc are 2 most dominant builds in BG's atm.
Almost every single one of my death recaps is either a stam NB with vipers or mag sorc/mage's wrath tick - when I am really lucky, it's a combination of the two.
brandonv516 wrote: »I admit personally I've used CP as a crutch. On Xbox the non-CP Cyrodiil is dead so I haven't had much experience without it.
I've had a lot of success with magSorc before but I have to play very different here. There is a learning curve but one thing for sure is to have that execute ready when an enemy's health is low.
Stamina definitely shines in current BG right now though. Might just make one of my magblades into a stamblade. Procs and poisons...
grim_tactics wrote: »
Only as support for execute. Stand behind the big guys and spam it on low health targets and steal kills.
As a stand alone I have to disagree.
The easiest target in BGs right now is a MagSorc. Any pressure and they're toast because they cannot sustain burst due to shields being almost useless in NonCP.
Moglijuana wrote: »
My MDK wins 95% of every 1v1 in no-CP...and 1vX happens pretty often as well. So idk what you're talking about. And I'm in Light Armor.
My matches usually look like this
2 magsorc can take relic and move it to their base attacked by whole enemie team. We're talking about skilled player in fully optimized setups here ofc. Even 1 sorc can be hard to defeat. Morrowind finished brainless shieldstacking while You're standing in 1 place and smashing 1 button but shields are still strong if properly used.
grim_tactics wrote: »
As if I didn't know who all of them are. I've been running Sorc since day 1 and I've watched the best, spoken with them about build set ups and strats - I'm fine.
Even had one tell me that they're running AoEs now in BGs (Elemental Blockade and Liquid Lightning) because Sorcs are too squishy to focus on direct damage.
I'm strictly talking BGs. When a shield falls to 1 attack (because there is noCP) then shield stacking is also significantly less. Do you not think I keep shields up almost 100%? Give me a break. That shield stack rotation is so easy to run but doesn't matter when you can spam it while you're poison snared to try and get away and every shield falls as soon as it is cast. Dodge roll into Streak while shielding works until you have 1 or 2 DKs leaping across the map on you the whole time because it follows you even in Streak and does more damage the further they leap. So please share with me how their shields would somehow work better seeing as all shields in NonCP for Sorc shield the same.
You're more than welcome to post your Sorc 1vXing the whole team in BGs without any issues. Honestly would like to see that.
In CP - I'll fight anyone without issue and come out on top most of the time.
Direct damage and 1vXing in BGs against good teams leaves MagSorc lacking in surviabilty and mostly kiting and edging in fights.
At no point did I say anything is broken - I'm just not a fan of having hardly any counter play in NonCP.
The smartest way to play BGs as a MagSorc is defense with some support offense in the form of spam execute and Daedric Mines while pressuring with Curse. Then - run away.
The only ability that actually works better is Overload light attacks.
I use a 7k hard ward (3k mag) in no cp and my healing ward for 4k mag. It's hard on the sustain and you can't sit there stacking by any means especially since they will drop to almost any form of incoming damage. Need to play like an alpha and get in there and combo the weakest off quickly.
I'll upload another video of my bg games. By no means am I saying I haven't gotten a bunch of free fury kills but I also spend a lot of my time 1vx in bg and ending with high kill low death scores.
I do agree mag sorc is harder than any Stam class in no cp. we don't have access to multiple proc sets as they do and those sets like viper are equivalent to the damage of a fully stacked fury and at the same time save you resources because that's one less skill you had to cast.
IMO magplar is also easier on no cp than sorc mainly due to their ability to cleanse, use sb/ult, potl, and raw healing is safer than a mini ward. I've played every class but mnb and I enjoy my Stam dk/nb a lot. Much easier to los 1vx and feel untouchable but my heart belongs to my goblin sorc so I can never spend a huge chunk of time just playing and improving on another class.
Resto ult
Defending resto
Full impen
Are a few ways to help getting around a small ward.
I also tend to los around the walls or pillars a bit more to weave dark conversions in. But it is tough in no cp with sorc.
Out classed by procs and rng dodge/rolling
I'm working on a no healing ward build because that skill costs a lot to try and get off. Going to see if I can sustain my hp by other means and use hard ward similar to how dk's would igneous to burst heal last patch.