You could break free from negate so not as many groups used it at the time. The group I ran with went from about 6 ppl running negate to two. They were still good at the time to cut healing before the opposing grp cmhad time to break free timed with other ulti bomb.
You could break free from negate so not as many groups used it at the time. The group I ran with went from about 6 ppl running negate to two. They were still good at the time to cut healing before the opposing grp cmhad time to break free timed with other ulti bomb.
I've heard the term "solo pvp" in previus MMO's, but thats pretty much the same as 1vX.
Any game with open world pvp (Cyrodil is open worl) you will have people doing solo PvP handling what comes his way.
And multiple off these does many 1vX situations. it's just not called that xP
-hope this rambling what a tiny bit helpfull.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »I've heard the term "solo pvp" in previus MMO's, but thats pretty much the same as 1vX.
Any game with open world pvp (Cyrodil is open worl) you will have people doing solo PvP handling what comes his way.
And multiple off these does many 1vX situations. it's just not called that xP
-hope this rambling what a tiny bit helpfull.
Except GW2. 1vX is just not a thing in that game. ANet took away all of the power and tactics solo players had. Then they buffed the zerglings to kingdom come. But then again GW2 is nowhere near as much as a skill based game as ESO is.
You'll see this put up in games that require high amount of player skill. The bigger the skill gap allowed, the more players a highly gifted solo PvPer can take on. More so if those players are just super casual zerglings.
In games where devs give everything to brain dead game play. 1vX is not a thing ie. GW2 post HoT. Hench why most of it's WvWers and PvPers flatout abandoned that game after HoT released.
Editied to Added:
Also to add 1vX happens in games like Eve Online, WoW, DCUO(when it was a thing), and Blade and Soul. Simply because those games the better the player you are. The more tools at your disposal to punish players who can't be bothered to learn game mechanics so they just try to use overwhelming numbers. Or the saying goes... "Strength in Numbers" vs "Tactics and Precision".
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »I've heard the term "solo pvp" in previus MMO's, but thats pretty much the same as 1vX.
Any game with open world pvp (Cyrodil is open worl) you will have people doing solo PvP handling what comes his way.
And multiple off these does many 1vX situations. it's just not called that xP
-hope this rambling what a tiny bit helpfull.
Except GW2. 1vX is just not a thing in that game. ANet took away all of the power and tactics solo players had. Then they buffed the zerglings to kingdom come. But then again GW2 is nowhere near as much as a skill based game as ESO is.
You'll see this put up in games that require high amount of player skill. The bigger the skill gap allowed, the more players a highly gifted solo PvPer can take on. More so if those players are just super casual zerglings.
In games where devs give everything to brain dead game play. 1vX is not a thing ie. GW2 post HoT. Hench why most of it's WvWers and PvPers flatout abandoned that game after HoT released.
Editied to Added:
Also to add 1vX happens in games like Eve Online, WoW, DCUO(when it was a thing), and Blade and Soul. Simply because those games the better the player you are. The more tools at your disposal to punish players who can't be bothered to learn game mechanics so they just try to use overwhelming numbers. Or the saying goes... "Strength in Numbers" vs "Tactics and Precision".
Don't worry yalls heads off you mindless zerglings. Things will get easier for your camp, next month. 1vX will be rarity in ESO after that, more so then it is now. Maybe to the point "Strength in Numbers" always wins. If that's the case you can say bye bye to the portion of the playerbase who tries. Yall will run into the same problem GW2's WvW ran into with HoT. Skill didn't matter only stacking and who can omni blob the hardest do. So all of the guilds and players who liked to command and run content for the like minded players lefted for BDO and ESO. Leaving WvW in a state where whole guilds would pay players to stack on their servers for easy wins against the less populated servers. Till the point the other servers who was getting crushed by the brain dead tactic stopped playing WvW. Now most of the WvW population is stacked on 2 servers.
A lot good it did ANet for punishing players for being good at their game. It created a snowball that took 4 months to make WvW a ghost town on all but a few servers. The same would happen here.
1v12 isn't 1vX, it's getting zerged downI just think 1vX is just stupid. im sorry. sorry for the abrasive opinion too. but i honestly just cannot wrap my head around it. Like, you come into a game widely advertised as "large scale siege warfare" and then you create a meta revolving around the exact opposite.
All the "media" (twitch streamers) surrounding the game jump onboard with this meta and shame large scale by labeling it as "zerging"
this is all centered around the basis that in large groups, specified roles actually can develop which then regulates players to perform one function instead of multiple on the fly roles which in their opinion is the true display of skill.
but here is the actual truth: you need the zergs. you cannot be the 1vXer you are with out them. your precious meta literally relies on the existence of the very thing you shame. hence, its stupid. plain and simple. gg get rekt.
sorry if that strikes a nerve and presses some buttons but the truth hurts some times.
TL;DR: start showing more respect for zergs because without them, you wouldnt exist.
Disclaimer: i say "you" alot but its not directed at one person specifically. "You" is simply the generalized 1vX crowd.
EDIT: you should be sending thank you whispers to the raid leaders that have the balls and patience to wrangle together a bunch of cats so you can have the challenge youre looking for. get rekt suckers. seriously. Rickter dropped the #truth again. ouch.
Most_Awesome wrote: »From SWTOR, GW2, TSW, No its not possible, 1v2 yes if you are good or you sort of gank players 1v1 out of zergs but if more than 2 go against you they would have to be way under level and have not the correct gear on or something.
This is the only mmo Ive played where players can go 1vX not because the other players are bad but due to rng mechanics and the due to the massive amount of builds possible.
But saying that, most other mmo's have gear sets that are more balanced i.e in swtor if two players with same skill but one has standard pvp gear on and other player has min maxed, then the min maxed player should win all the time but would still be able to lose if the other player was better. In ESO you could have a magic users in Light amrour with like 1400 spell damage vs some one with 3k spell damage who will hit hell of a lot harder and heal a lot better and would probably 1 shot the other person with no hope of ever losing.
It was possible in all three of those games depending on build and class....I would say it easiest in SWTOR at the start (This is some coming from someone who played a Pyro Powertech who basically could instant kill damn near every class with burst) TSW there was a build or two I ran that could take on multiple people, Very tanky but that was very early in the games life so not sure if its still possible.
GW2 though...That is hit and miss, I got videos of me taking on multiple people and winning...but holy ***...was it hard...and it was hard for ONE reason and one reason only..the freakin Downed System...without that system in place...GW2 pvp would of worked just like ESO's
Pyro PT burst was the easiest to shut down if you were any good at the game, just saying
Valera Progib wrote: »It comes from the gloriois Ultima Online back in the 90's...
Solo PvP was really tough those days, but the reason why you could do 1vX is still the same even todayPO-TA-TOES
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »I've heard the term "solo pvp" in previus MMO's, but thats pretty much the same as 1vX.
Any game with open world pvp (Cyrodil is open worl) you will have people doing solo PvP handling what comes his way.
And multiple off these does many 1vX situations. it's just not called that xP
-hope this rambling what a tiny bit helpfull.
Except GW2. 1vX is just not a thing in that game. ANet took away all of the power and tactics solo players had. Then they buffed the zerglings to kingdom come. But then again GW2 is nowhere near as much as a skill based game as ESO is.
You'll see this put up in games that require high amount of player skill. The bigger the skill gap allowed, the more players a highly gifted solo PvPer can take on. More so if those players are just super casual zerglings.
In games where devs give everything to brain dead game play. 1vX is not a thing ie. GW2 post HoT. Hench why most of it's WvWers and PvPers flatout abandoned that game after HoT released.
Editied to Added:
Also to add 1vX happens in games like Eve Online, WoW, DCUO(when it was a thing), and Blade and Soul. Simply because those games the better the player you are. The more tools at your disposal to punish players who can't be bothered to learn game mechanics so they just try to use overwhelming numbers. Or the saying goes... "Strength in Numbers" vs "Tactics and Precision".
Don't worry yalls heads off you mindless zerglings. Things will get easier for your camp, next month. 1vX will be rarity in ESO after that, more so then it is now. Maybe to the point "Strength in Numbers" always wins. If that's the case you can say bye bye to the portion of the playerbase who tries. Yall will run into the same problem GW2's WvW ran into with HoT. Skill didn't matter only stacking and who can omni blob the hardest do. So all of the guilds and players who liked to command and run content for the like minded players lefted for BDO and ESO. Leaving WvW in a state where whole guilds would pay players to stack on their servers for easy wins against the less populated servers. Till the point the other servers who was getting crushed by the brain dead tactic stopped playing WvW. Now most of the WvW population is stacked on 2 servers.
A lot good it did ANet for punishing players for being good at their game. It created a snowball that took 4 months to make WvW a ghost town on all but a few servers. The same would happen here.
LeifErickson wrote: »Most_Awesome wrote: »From SWTOR, GW2, TSW, No its not possible, 1v2 yes if you are good or you sort of gank players 1v1 out of zergs but if more than 2 go against you they would have to be way under level and have not the correct gear on or something.
This is the only mmo Ive played where players can go 1vX not because the other players are bad but due to rng mechanics and the due to the massive amount of builds possible.
But saying that, most other mmo's have gear sets that are more balanced i.e in swtor if two players with same skill but one has standard pvp gear on and other player has min maxed, then the min maxed player should win all the time but would still be able to lose if the other player was better. In ESO you could have a magic users in Light amrour with like 1400 spell damage vs some one with 3k spell damage who will hit hell of a lot harder and heal a lot better and would probably 1 shot the other person with no hope of ever losing.
What RNG mechanics?
There isn't really such a thing as "1vX" in ESO either...
It's more like 1+Y v X/X
Where Y equals some rock or tree you hump the F out of until you can force X to be momentarily reduced to 1, at which time you unload your ult on that poor lonely scrub.
But anyway, the 1vX phenomenon in ESO is a product of the map and PvP rewards being garbage in addition to lots of other underdevelopment issues that ZOS won't be addressing ever.
Most_Awesome wrote: »LeifErickson wrote: »Most_Awesome wrote: »From SWTOR, GW2, TSW, No its not possible, 1v2 yes if you are good or you sort of gank players 1v1 out of zergs but if more than 2 go against you they would have to be way under level and have not the correct gear on or something.
This is the only mmo Ive played where players can go 1vX not because the other players are bad but due to rng mechanics and the due to the massive amount of builds possible.
But saying that, most other mmo's have gear sets that are more balanced i.e in swtor if two players with same skill but one has standard pvp gear on and other player has min maxed, then the min maxed player should win all the time but would still be able to lose if the other player was better. In ESO you could have a magic users in Light amrour with like 1400 spell damage vs some one with 3k spell damage who will hit hell of a lot harder and heal a lot better and would probably 1 shot the other person with no hope of ever losing.
What RNG mechanics?
Major and minor evasion
Most_Awesome wrote: »From SWTOR, GW2, TSW, No its not possible, 1v2 yes if you are good or you sort of gank players 1v1 out of zergs but if more than 2 go against you they would have to be way under level and have not the correct gear on or something.
This is the only mmo Ive played where players can go 1vX not because the other players are bad but due to rng mechanics and the due to the massive amount of builds possible.
But saying that, most other mmo's have gear sets that are more balanced i.e in swtor if two players with same skill but one has standard pvp gear on and other player has min maxed, then the min maxed player should win all the time but would still be able to lose if the other player was better. In ESO you could have a magic users in Light amrour with like 1400 spell damage vs some one with 3k spell damage who will hit hell of a lot harder and heal a lot better and would probably 1 shot the other person with no hope of ever losing.
PandaIsAPotato wrote: »Most_Awesome wrote: »From SWTOR, GW2, TSW, No its not possible, 1v2 yes if you are good or you sort of gank players 1v1 out of zergs but if more than 2 go against you they would have to be way under level and have not the correct gear on or something.
This is the only mmo Ive played where players can go 1vX not because the other players are bad but due to rng mechanics and the due to the massive amount of builds possible.
But saying that, most other mmo's have gear sets that are more balanced i.e in swtor if two players with same skill but one has standard pvp gear on and other player has min maxed, then the min maxed player should win all the time but would still be able to lose if the other player was better. In ESO you could have a magic users in Light amrour with like 1400 spell damage vs some one with 3k spell damage who will hit hell of a lot harder and heal a lot better and would probably 1 shot the other person with no hope of ever losing.
1v2-1v3 was definitely possible in SWTOR if you were a Sith Assassin and played your cards right, the damage they do in PvP is bonkers.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »When cyro was really populated and we had multiple full servers on PC NA, I personally found it incredibly rewarding being able to go to a resource and hold up a handful of players who were now not helping their faction. If they gave up trying to kill me i just sieged the keep solo from the tower until more came.
This used to be awesome and in my opinion was a nice assistance in spreading out the map and making areas which arent in the main fast lane be something of relevance. In 1.3 when only a few of us could solo take keeps it was crazy. Now its literally who outnumbers who and skill really doesnt matter.
Even the tactics we used to play to crush other groups dont really matter with how stacking works these days. It is pretty sad.
Valera Progib wrote: »It comes from the gloriois Ultima Online back in the 90's...
Solo PvP was really tough those days, but the reason why you could do 1vX is still the same even todayPO-TA-TOES
With Grand Master Magery you could one shot people with ebolt.
Straight up one shot.
Most_Awesome wrote: »From SWTOR, GW2, TSW, No its not possible, 1v2 yes if you are good or you sort of gank players 1v1 out of zergs but if more than 2 go against you they would have to be way under level and have not the correct gear on or something.
This is the only mmo Ive played where players can go 1vX not because the other players are bad but due to rng mechanics and the due to the massive amount of builds possible.
But saying that, most other mmo's have gear sets that are more balanced i.e in swtor if two players with same skill but one has standard pvp gear on and other player has min maxed, then the min maxed player should win all the time but would still be able to lose if the other player was better. In ESO you could have a magic users in Light amrour with like 1400 spell damage vs some one with 3k spell damage who will hit hell of a lot harder and heal a lot better and would probably 1 shot the other person with no hope of ever losing.
It was possible in all three of those games depending on build and class....I would say it easiest in SWTOR at the start (This is some coming from someone who played a Pyro Powertech who basically could instant kill damn near every class with burst) TSW there was a build or two I ran that could take on multiple people, Very tanky but that was very early in the games life so not sure if its still possible.
GW2 though...That is hit and miss, I got videos of me taking on multiple people and winning...but holy ***...was it hard...and it was hard for ONE reason and one reason only..the freakin Downed System...without that system in place...GW2 pvp would of worked just like ESO's
Pyro PT burst was the easiest to shut down if you were any good at the game, just saying
Maybe later on, but at the start not really....I'd run in a group of 3 other Pyro PT's and we'd take on teams of 8 in the Warzones, Because we could mow through entire teams in a matter of seconds.
The-Baconator wrote: »But then again, this "silent majority" that thinks PvP is absolutely spectacular will be the saving grace for ZOS in the face of the infinite army of 10 year olds raging on the forums at how broken their game for no good reasons, right? This of course explains why every platform on every mega server has been bleeding players over the last year(s), right?