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A New Race? Hmm...

  • FoulSnowpaw
    Not sure what you're trying to prove. Unproductive.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    How about a asian culture based warrior panda race? Maybe they could get jack black to voice it.
  • starkerealm
    How about a asian culture based warrior panda race? Maybe they could get jack black to voice it.

    I'd gripe, but I think I said all I wanted to on that subject a decade ago.
  • starkerealm
    Zarkeson wrote: »
    Not sure what you're trying to prove. Unproductive.

    It's simple: the answer is "no."

    Continuing can only explain why, it's not a discussion you can actually win.

    Not my problem that you don't want to hear that.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    IF they decided to go the royte of the Lilmothiit, what would the 3 passives be? I suggest at least one related to sniffing out treats (x% chance of looting higher quality gear from chests and enemies).
  • ScytheNL
    IF they decided to go the royte of the Lilmothiit, what would the 3 passives be? I suggest at least one related to sniffing out treats (x% chance of looting higher quality gear from chests and enemies).

    'Shed' -> Player leaves hair everywhere, essentially making it impossible for them to become a thief or assassin, too much proof

    'Sniff butt' -> If a Wolfrace player sniffs another wolfrace player's butt, it gives +2% health for 5 minutes

    'Rub my belly' -> In PvP if anyone uses the new 'rub belly' emote on an enemy wolfrace-person, he/she lies down on the ground kicking one leg for 7 seconds.
    Ezekiel Zakriah, Redguard Nightblade

    Xbox One, GT= Scythe NL
  • FoulSnowpaw
    To Conclude My Presence Here:
    So if your goal is simply to shut down my proposition. Forums is not a place for you to dictate what is good, what is not. Forums is a place to discuss and present ideas or questions. To disagree is fine. To think you can control what belongs to the community, is really not productive. If you disagree then you disagree. There is no need to get personal.

    No matter whether my idea gets accepted or not, it is there for people to consider, not for you to bash simply to make yourself feel better. I won the purpose of this topic, which is to get an idea of what people think; there are many ways to be inspired by, and to be able to use those critiques in favor for the primary goal.

    Not offended, but dissatisfied; not as productive as expected. The focus is understanding the errors of an idea, and to innovate thereof, to build therefore, hopefully, a more solid foundation in favor of greater numbers. And depsite the lack of support, certainly there are many silent that know, and are willing to consider.

    No longer continuing this conversation, as my routine is to close a forum thread after a day's time; gotta move on ya know.

    Thank You all for participating in this thread of mine. Your feedback was valuable! Of course this thread is still open to others though...

    Cheers! B)

    Edited by FoulSnowpaw on May 2, 2017 9:12AM
  • starkerealm
    Zarkeson wrote: »
    So if your goal is simply to shut down my proposition. Forums is not a place for you to dictate what is good, what is not. Forums is a place to discuss and present ideas or questions. To disagree is fine. To think you can control what belongs to the community, is really not productive. If you disagree then you disagree. There is no need to get personal.

    Trust me when I say, no one is taking this personally. If you came here hoping for a gleeful endorsement of this idea because it is clearly something that no one has thought of before... you are sadly mistaken. There have been so many threads on this subject, it's not even funny. The debate has gone back and forth for, literally, years. When I say, "the answer is no," I'm not speaking for myself. ZOS has said as much in relation to adding some of the rare races people have asked for.

    Also, this thread, like many that have come before it, show a blatant disregard for the setting. If we wanted an MMO where we could play a dwarf or a wolfman, we'd have WOW accounts. A lot of people are here, specifically, for an Elder Scrolls game. That means no (living) dwarves, no hobbits, no gnomes.

    Again, people have come in here and cataloged the list of canon races that are, marginally, possible. Even then, the Lilmothiit are seriously questionable, seeing as they're supposed to be extinct by this point.

    You're not the first person to come on here and ask for more races. You won't be the last. But, you're not going to get special treatment because you had the idea.
  • SydneyGrey
    Zarkeson wrote: »
    ...If you disagree then you disagree. There is no need to get personal.
    Didn't you know no one can post anything on this forum without people piling on to abuse them? I'm sure if I posted a thread requesting a Maormer race, I'd get heaps of abuse for it. For some reason, people can't just respectfully disagree here. They have to bully and belittle and be as nasty as possible, because no one stops them. :/
  • Sinolai
    Edited by Sinolai on May 2, 2017 4:32PM
  • Dragonking06
    When you play a game that has Lycanthrope/Werewolves and the Lore has been figuratively set in stone about the races of Nirn and across the Mundus. Having a 'Wolf-like race' Kind of defeats the purpose of werewolves....
    PC - NA Server
    Nora Wolf-bane - Nord - Knight of Alkosh, Tank
    "We both looked into the Abyss. But when it looked back... You blinked."
  • QuebraRegra
    Knahaten flu killed almost every non argonians in Black Marsh, including Lilmothiits the humanoid foxes. They lived in southern part of Black Marsh. Maybe this is the race you looking for? But I still think that ESO already have too many not lore friendly things and last thing I want is tons of people playing as dead race... Just don't give ZOS silly ideas. :/

    wha? what? There was a fox race? Like the Japanese kitsune or some such?

    I;d like to know more...

    How about goblins/reiklings as a playable race? What about GNOMES which are in the lore?
    Edited by QuebraRegra on May 2, 2017 4:38PM
  • Morostyle
    Rather have a Goat race

  • WhitePawPrints
    Sinolai wrote: »

    And this is the reason why it's almost impossible to discuss the Lilmothiit legitimately. smh
  • exeeter702
    Zarkeson wrote: »
    aliyavana wrote: »

    Just going to say there ARE definitely other lands besides Tamriel. The lands afar, one being Akavir, is one of them. It is not hard to integrate newly found folks given the vast mysteries beyond Tamriel.
    I was overall inspired by Jeremy Soule's Far Horizons, that there are lands far beyond our imagination.
    As said, it's greatly fragmented, therefore not exactly a clean storyline. But here we go:
    The wolf folk search for aid off the lands far beyond their own, in hopes of challenging a great darkness that soon shall come unfurled. As warned, but by many perceived as legend, that darkness rivals the Daedric Princes. Thereon thereforth they depart in search for heroes worthy of mettle and of hearts undaunted... foreshadowing their prescence at undaunted enclaves.
    That's all for now... pretty sure you all have some nice minds to piece a story. Yep a story made by many, not one.

    No. Just stop.
  • starkerealm
    wha? what? There was a fox race? Like the Japanese kitsune or some such?

    Yeah, more or less. They were a nomadic culture in southern Black Marsh. As with the Argonians and Khajiit, they were also (probably) native to Tamriel (the elves and human races migrated there later). There also hasn't been a single game released that predates their extinction.

    As far as I know, that is probably the only actual reference to Gnomes in The Elder Scrolls.

    Daggerfall was supposed to have a procedurally generated poetry system which could cough up lines about Gnomes, but my understanding is that the system was dummied out before release.
  • starkerealm
    When you play a game that has Lycanthrope/Werewolves and the Lore has been figuratively set in stone about the races of Nirn and across the Mundus. Having a 'Wolf-like race' Kind of defeats the purpose of werewolves....

    I still remember, playing Bloodmoon on a Khajiit and suddenly realizing, "I'm playing a cat who transforms into a dog." 14 years later, and I still haven't reconciled that weirdness.
  • Seminolegirl1992
    Zarkeson wrote: »
    So if your goal is simply to shut down my proposition. Forums is not a place for you to dictate what is good, what is not. Forums is a place to discuss and present ideas or questions. To disagree is fine. To think you can control what belongs to the community, is really not productive. If you disagree then you disagree. There is no need to get personal.

    Trust me when I say, no one is taking this personally. If you came here hoping for a gleeful endorsement of this idea because it is clearly something that no one has thought of before... you are sadly mistaken. There have been so many threads on this subject, it's not even funny. The debate has gone back and forth for, literally, years. When I say, "the answer is no," I'm not speaking for myself. ZOS has said as much in relation to adding some of the rare races people have asked for.

    Also, this thread, like many that have come before it, show a blatant disregard for the setting. If we wanted an MMO where we could play a dwarf or a wolfman, we'd have WOW accounts. A lot of people are here, specifically, for an Elder Scrolls game. That means no (living) dwarves, no hobbits, no gnomes.

    Again, people have come in here and cataloged the list of canon races that are, marginally, possible. Even then, the Lilmothiit are seriously questionable, seeing as they're supposed to be extinct by this point.

    You're not the first person to come on here and ask for more races. You won't be the last. But, you're not going to get special treatment because you had the idea.

    Stark is right- this isn't WOW, therefore races that don't appeal to the lore wouldn't make sense. Not bashing you- but as cool as the idea is, it simply does not fit in this game.
    @Seminolegirl1992 PC/NA CP 2400+ PVE, PVP, RP, Housing: Tel Galen, Fair Winds, Moon Sugar, Grand Psijic, Forsaken, HOTLC, Bastion, Ravenhurst, Gardner, Alinor, Hakkvild's, Gorinir, Kragenhome, Hundings, & more- feel free to come see! Wish list
    Former Empress | Swashbuckler Supreme | Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Gryphon Heart | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Dro-m'athra Destroyer | Dawnbringer
  • Kodrac
    Morostyle wrote: »
    Rather have a Goat race


    Viva la capra!!
  • WhitePawPrints
    coop500 wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    People are up in arms about a fox race running around saving people and there being no records of it, how is this different then there being no records of werewolves and vampires doing the same? Werewolves especially, giant furred canine monsters? But those are okay, for some reason.

    Also cheetoes and micro trannsactions are Real World things, so don't even try to compare the two. Werewolves are a part of the game, cheetoes are not.

    There are plenty of records of werewolves. Hell, there are records of Vampires becoming Emperor. But, no records of Fox people doing anything more heroic than hiding in the swamps and dying from the flu.

    Show me a record of a werewolf doing something heroic then, in werewolf form.

    Well, who can forget that werewolf who ripped off Fargoth's head and punted it 30 meters into the water?

    Though, in point of fact, you're moving the goalposts. Werewolves are a documented part of Tamriel. You can find books on the varieties of Lycanthropes, the metaphysical origins of them, multiple thoughts on how to cure the affliction. Tamerilic Lycanthropy is pretty well documented. Some of the rarer variants, like Weresharks, are more dubious, but you'd be hard pressed to say that Werewolves don't exist.

    In contrast, Lilmothiit... kinda, don't. There's a handful of mentions. They pop up very rarely in the literature. There hasn't been a confirmed sighting of one alive in over 20 years (by the time ESO starts). (It might actually be 40 years.) They're believed to be extinct.

    Now, consider the number of scholars and important figures you interact with during the course of the main quests? I can understand someone like Jakarn or Jimila not realizing you're something weird. I could understand someone like Gabrielle, Neramo, or even Galarion not caring enough to make a point. But, we also have a lot of characters like Telenger who would make a note of the player, as a curiosity, if they were something odd enough to raise a blip. Hell, Telenger wrote, and published, an essay on the Lusty Argonian Maid. You're telling me this guy isn't going to say, "oh, hey, you'll never believe what I found at a dig site the other day after it was overrun by the irrationally angry spirits who's graves we'd been desecrating for the last several weeks."

    The Lust Argonian Maid was originally a novel published hundreds of years after the events of ESO. The existence of this novel being in Elder Scrolls Online was a discussion when the game earned it's "M" ESRB rating, because the novel's sexual innuendo's was a point brought up on why the game earned a Mature rating over a Teen rating. This was before the NDA was released, so this was the first confirmed existence of the novel being in the game. It was considered to be "lore-breaking", and I'd think the general consensus now is that an old copy was found and plagiarized by the author who took credit for it several hundred years later. Telenger's essay would be proof that the book was published earlier than thought, but clearly that essay did not survive.

    Because it hasn't existed in documents in games dated centuries later, doesn't mean there is not any room to create lore. The gap in time can be was of the biggest allies on the reason why there is so little documentation of the Lilmothiit. And lore has been stretched before, but in this case, I don't even thinking any stretching of lore is needed if the race can be added with proper explanation.

    Werewolves are well documented and survive the second era's "dark age". Lilmothiit have very little mentions, as I've quoted game material in a previous thread. Lore can be created and added to the game in such ways that it won't break any lore, or any reason why the race is so rarely mentioned. The Knahaten Flu and Lilmothiit, in my source materials, have not been mentioned in the same sentence, but no one is known to have seen the race since the disease. Diseases have been credited with the destruction of cultures before, without actually wiping them out; just making them incapable of having a sustainable population. The only way that I see having them in the game would be to have their presence minimal and for their presence on the lore to be more secretive, reclusive and isolated while they are trying to escape Tamriel with any of their survivors. That'd explain why they're not seen from this point on, and leave an opening of bringing them back if they were to become the 11th playable race of Elder Scrolls.

    Maybe as a player, you're goal in a quest line is to help keep the migration of the race a secret because their survival depends on it (maybe they're being persecuted by slavers since slavers would know how rare they would become, and how valuable they would become).
    Edited by WhitePawPrints on May 2, 2017 7:03PM
  • Velvelya
    We already have werewolves, anything more is redundant.
  • MasterSpatula
    I would really, really, really love to see some Akaviri NPCs in the game. But new player races, canine or whatever? No.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • ArchMikem
    Knahaten flu killed almost every non argonians in Black Marsh, including Lilmothiits the humanoid foxes. They lived in southern part of Black Marsh. Maybe this is the race you looking for? But I still think that ESO already have too many not lore friendly things and last thing I want is tons of people playing as dead race... Just don't give ZOS silly ideas. :/

    wha? what? There was a fox race? Like the Japanese kitsune or some such?

    I;d like to know more...

    How about goblins/reiklings as a playable race? What about GNOMES which are in the lore?

    Look up the Lilmothiit.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Osteos
    I'm not interested in new races. I think we have plenty.
    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • starkerealm
    The Lust Argonian Maid was originally a novel published hundreds of years after the events of ESO. The existence of this novel being in Elder Scrolls Online was a discussion when the game earned it's "M" ESRB rating, because the novel's sexual innuendo's was a point brought up on why the game earned a Mature rating over a Teen rating. This was before the NDA was released, so this was the first confirmed existence of the novel being in the game. It was considered to be "lore-breaking", and I'd think the general consensus now is that an old copy was found and plagiarized by the author who took credit for it several hundred years later. Telenger's essay would be proof that the book was published earlier than thought, but clearly that essay did not survive.

    Dig a little deeper, and it becomes painfully clear that anachronistic books were scattered through the game intentionally. In particular Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls includes an editor's note saying the book's Fourth Era publication date makes no sense.
    Because it hasn't existed in documents in games dated centuries later, doesn't mean there is not any room to create lore. The gap in time can be was of the biggest allies on the reason why there is so little documentation of the Lilmothiit. And lore has been stretched before, but in this case, I don't even thinking any stretching of lore is needed if the race can be added with proper explanation.

    In general, I agree. There's a certain art to keeping track of what's added to the literature with each new game.

    However, up to this point, each race has reflected a major player in Tamerilic politics. With the notable special case of the Orcs, they all have provinces of their own, and their own distinct kingdoms. Asking for a new race would be a fundamental break with that pattern.

    Ultimately, it boils down to players wanting to be special unique snowflakes, and having some new background to set them apart. Which is a pretty poor justification for a major lore revision like introducing a new playable race. If someone wants more playable races in TES, the answer is probably to go back, and set the games earlier in the timeline, rather than grafting one in with ESO. That said, maybe TES6 will let you play as a Falmer, I don't know.
    Werewolves are well documented and survive the second era's "dark age". Lilmothiit have very little mentions, as I've quoted game material in a previous thread. Lore can be created and added to the game in such ways that it won't break any lore, or any reason why the race is so rarely mentioned. The Knahaten Flu and Lilmothiit, in my source materials, have not been mentioned in the same sentence, but no one is known to have seen the race since the disease.

    The hard citation link on that would be "Lady Laurent" from the Loremaster Q&A rounds awhile back.
    Ah, the late, lamented, and now lost Lilmothiit! By all accounts, the entire race did succumb to the terrible Knahaten Flu, and we shall never now speak to a living member of the Fox-Folk. However, we can rejoice in the fact that they have undoubtedly left newly-empty and untouched settlements behind them, and thus we can bring the Lilmothiit back to life through the discipline of archeology! Of course, they lived on the remote and opposite side of Tamriel from High Rock, so they are almost unknown to us Breton scholars—but I plan to personally remedy this lack! After visiting the Gold Coast, I hope to continue by sea to Leyawiin, and then journey overland to Murkmire in Black Marsh. Then we shall see what we can find!

    UESP has a link here. It does sound like ZOS intends to throw some Lilmothiit content into Murkmire, but I doubt it'd be, "oh, hey, you can play them now." There's also more information on the subject in the original post.
    Diseases have been credited with the destruction of cultures before, without actually wiping them out; just making them incapable of having a sustainable population. The only way that I see having them in the game would be to have their presence minimal and for their presence on the lore to be more secretive, reclusive and isolated while they are trying to escape Tamriel with any of their survivors. That'd explain why they're not seen from this point on, and leave an opening of bringing them back if they were to become the 11th playable race of Elder Scrolls.

    Maybe as a player, you're goal in a quest line is to help keep the migration of the race a secret because their survival depends on it (maybe they're being persecuted by slavers since slavers would know how rare they would become, and how valuable they would become).

    If there is an 11th race added in a future title, I kind of doubt it will be the Lilmothiit. I'd honestly be less surprised by the Akaviri races popping up, or one of the other elven races.
  • Silverwillow
    I doubt there would ever be an 11th race added to ESO, but if there was, I can really only see two lore-friendly possibilities. The main point I see from the players concerned with breaking the lore (of which I'm part) is how to explain NPC reactions in the world on meeting your character. The point being, there really shouldn't be any reaction at all (anything else would require rewriting and recording hundreds of lines of dialogue). That said, only two I see really qualify (and one of them barely)

    They're easily incorporated and seem to be the race I see players talking about the most (outside of this thread) as wanting to be playable. The only actual argument I can see is that they're basically at war with the Dominion, but so is the Ebonheart Pact and upon arriving in Vulkhel Guard my character was immediately trained in provisioning be a Dunmer. ESO's attitude that race and political interests are separate is pretty well-founded. There are NPCs of all ten races spread through all three factions, so having a Maomer character really shouldn't be any problem.

    Yeah, I know. Extinct. This really depends on exactly when that outbreak of the flu was prior to the start of ESO's story. I saw one comment mention as early as 40 years prior, in which case, no. But I generally seem to see about 10 years prior, which would be totally doable. A common effect of some plagues ( I believe this was common with smallpox for example) is sterility. If the few survivors of the Knahaten Flu became sterile, the only comment you'd see by ESIII's time would be that the flu wiped out the race, just as it does. There wouldn't be any real mention that some lived a full lifespan after. What would that be compared to 700-1000 years? As far as NPC reactions, I would expect any notice of them to be along the lines of "Isn't that a Lilmothiit?" "Yeah. Poor guy."

    There is, however, the idea that they're barely mentioned at all, which might imply that even without the flu, seeing one would be amazingly rare, but honestly I''d believe it's just because they're not in the game so not much was written about them. As far as not many being left, ZOS could just make it a Crown Store exclusive for a fairly high price (a whole playable race should be at least as much as an island, lol) and that should limit their population.

    All that said, really don't see either race happening and personally would prefer they didn't. But, meh. I like foxes and the Maomer's eyes so I'd probably roll one, anyway, lol.
    "Ours is not to reason why, ours is just to blame them afterward." -- Bob Varsha
  • starkerealm
    @Silverwillow, if we're talking about one of the single player games, set in the Fourth Era; uncorrupted Falmer would not surprise me as a new racial pick. There's a bit of throwaway dialog about the Curate looking for more of his people lurking in hidden enclaves somewhere. So, it wouldn't surprise me if Bethesda decided to play with that.

    Adding Maomer to TES6 is certainly possible, especially if it's set anywhere in the south.

    As to ESO adding new races? If they were to do an Akavir release, I could see the four races from there being added as playable. But, that's a big if. I doubt we'll see Maomer getting added to ESO. It's possible, but it'd be an awkward fit. Maybe if we got their landmass as a playable expansion, but again, that's a big if (though not as big as getting Akavir).
  • Vercingetorix
    "Removed possibility of new wolf-based race due to a lack of lore supporting it for the continent of Tamriel."

    Developer's Comments:
    You can use the existing Werewolf ultimate to change your race into werewolf for a short time. This will be a buff if use what's already in the game and a nerf if you ignore lore.
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Shardan4968
    Ten races is enough for mmo. There's no need to put more. Look at GW2, they are doing well with only five races. And Cyrodill should be a jungle!
  • WhitePawPrints
    The Lust Argonian Maid was originally a novel published hundreds of years after the events of ESO. The existence of this novel being in Elder Scrolls Online was a discussion when the game earned it's "M" ESRB rating, because the novel's sexual innuendo's was a point brought up on why the game earned a Mature rating over a Teen rating. This was before the NDA was released, so this was the first confirmed existence of the novel being in the game. It was considered to be "lore-breaking", and I'd think the general consensus now is that an old copy was found and plagiarized by the author who took credit for it several hundred years later. Telenger's essay would be proof that the book was published earlier than thought, but clearly that essay did not survive.

    Dig a little deeper, and it becomes painfully clear that anachronistic books were scattered through the game intentionally. In particular Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls includes an editor's note saying the book's Fourth Era publication date makes no sense.
    Because it hasn't existed in documents in games dated centuries later, doesn't mean there is not any room to create lore. The gap in time can be was of the biggest allies on the reason why there is so little documentation of the Lilmothiit. And lore has been stretched before, but in this case, I don't even thinking any stretching of lore is needed if the race can be added with proper explanation.

    In general, I agree. There's a certain art to keeping track of what's added to the literature with each new game.

    However, up to this point, each race has reflected a major player in Tamerilic politics. With the notable special case of the Orcs, they all have provinces of their own, and their own distinct kingdoms. Asking for a new race would be a fundamental break with that pattern.

    Ultimately, it boils down to players wanting to be special unique snowflakes, and having some new background to set them apart. Which is a pretty poor justification for a major lore revision like introducing a new playable race. If someone wants more playable races in TES, the answer is probably to go back, and set the games earlier in the timeline, rather than grafting one in with ESO. That said, maybe TES6 will let you play as a Falmer, I don't know.
    Werewolves are well documented and survive the second era's "dark age". Lilmothiit have very little mentions, as I've quoted game material in a previous thread. Lore can be created and added to the game in such ways that it won't break any lore, or any reason why the race is so rarely mentioned. The Knahaten Flu and Lilmothiit, in my source materials, have not been mentioned in the same sentence, but no one is known to have seen the race since the disease.

    The hard citation link on that would be "Lady Laurent" from the Loremaster Q&A rounds awhile back.
    Ah, the late, lamented, and now lost Lilmothiit! By all accounts, the entire race did succumb to the terrible Knahaten Flu, and we shall never now speak to a living member of the Fox-Folk. However, we can rejoice in the fact that they have undoubtedly left newly-empty and untouched settlements behind them, and thus we can bring the Lilmothiit back to life through the discipline of archeology! Of course, they lived on the remote and opposite side of Tamriel from High Rock, so they are almost unknown to us Breton scholars—but I plan to personally remedy this lack! After visiting the Gold Coast, I hope to continue by sea to Leyawiin, and then journey overland to Murkmire in Black Marsh. Then we shall see what we can find!

    UESP has a link here. It does sound like ZOS intends to throw some Lilmothiit content into Murkmire, but I doubt it'd be, "oh, hey, you can play them now." There's also more information on the subject in the original post.
    Diseases have been credited with the destruction of cultures before, without actually wiping them out; just making them incapable of having a sustainable population. The only way that I see having them in the game would be to have their presence minimal and for their presence on the lore to be more secretive, reclusive and isolated while they are trying to escape Tamriel with any of their survivors. That'd explain why they're not seen from this point on, and leave an opening of bringing them back if they were to become the 11th playable race of Elder Scrolls.

    Maybe as a player, you're goal in a quest line is to help keep the migration of the race a secret because their survival depends on it (maybe they're being persecuted by slavers since slavers would know how rare they would become, and how valuable they would become).

    If there is an 11th race added in a future title, I kind of doubt it will be the Lilmothiit. I'd honestly be less surprised by the Akaviri races popping up, or one of the other elven races.

    There are two versions of the Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls, one found in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and the one found in Elder Scrolls Online. ESO added that author's note and it is speculative on why the content was changed, but it would seem an obvious cover for the plothole that exists for some books existing well before a previous game's publishing date.

    Lady Clarisse Laurent, canon Q&A, does link the Knahaten Flu to the Lilmothiit. It does seem open-ended as she does plan to travel to Murkmire, but that doesn't seem like it's in the realm of the Lilmothiit since they occupied the southern coastal regions of Black Marsh. Lilmoth, Soulrest and Blackrose would be where the highest concentration of Lilmothiit would be. Who knows what may come of it either way?

    You make a very good point about the playable races having some sort of political significance in the lore. Even orcs continue to have strong influence over the world after Orisinium (spoiler alert) is destroyed. In regards to that, bringing in the Lilmothiit as a playble race would not fit that mold. The Elder Scrolls is ever developing though, and Elder Scrolls Online certainly doesn't follow the mold of the previous games (primarily with the linear core of the game, and the sparkly mounts). That being said, I have to agree that such liberties should not be taken lightly if there is a change to Elder Scrolls.

    Lilmothiit being a playable race is not very likely, but not impossible. The Lilmothiit would be the only compromise available for what the OP is asking. A brand new race never existing before with no mention coming out of nowhere would definitely reward ZoS with furious feedback from the lore-orientated players. There are numerous options of playable races before one that has never even been on the development table is added into the game, no matter how good an origin story is.
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