I have an even better suggestion:
Just get rid of all the performance increasing racial passives, let players have the full choice which race they want to play with whatever build they prefer.
Balance > Lore
The only real reason for the passives atm is ZOS making a small buck though race change tokens. *slow clap*
WuffyCerulei wrote: »This is just a suggestion for some racial passive changes so people have more variety when it comes to choice of race
For Morrowind, though it may have not been thought of, I believe there still needs to be more options for magicka builds than Altmer, Dunmer, and Breton. I see a lot of possibilities with Khajiit, as lore has it all set out already.
Now, I have 2 ideas: Add a magicka-based breed of Khajiit, or alter the current Khajiit racial passives.
Option 1: The Dagi-raht breed. They're apart of the TES lore, and have been speculated to have an affinitity toward magic. They would look the same and have all the same Khajiit-exclusive appearance items. but would be around the same height as Bosmer (lore-friendly). They'd also know the basic Khajiit crafting style. Heck, they're even represented as magical kitties in Elder Scrolls Legends:
The racial passives would be as followed (mirroring the current Khajiit passives):
Curpurse: Increase the experience gain with the Light Armor skill line by 15% and increase your pickpocketing chance by 5%.
Nimble: Increase your Health recovery by 5/10/20 % and magicka recovery by 3/8/10%.
Stealthy: Reduces your detection radius in Stealth by 1/2/3m.
Increases damage done while in Stealth by 3/6/10%.
Carnage: Increases your spell critical by 2/5/8%.
I'm not 100% how this would be implemented into the game, but it's practically copying the current breed, make them shorter, and change their passives.
Option 2: Change the current Khajiit passives to accomadate both stamina and magicka. These changes could give a possibilty to have hybrid builds be more viable with a race that can handle both. Anyways, here's what the passives would look like:
Curpurse: Increase the experience gain with the Medium Armor skill line by 15% and increase your pickpocketing chance by 5%.
Nimble: Increase your Health recovery by 5/10/15 % and magicka and stamina recovery by 2/5/8%.
Stealthy: Reduces your detection radius in Stealth by 1/2/3m.
Increases damage done while in Stealth by 3/6/10%.
Carnage: Increases both your spell and weapon criticals by 2/3/5%.
This option wouldn't require a completely new "race" to be made and coded, and it would not only give magicka builds more options for races, but also give hybrid builds a reasonable race.
Silver_Strider wrote: »*Is currently best Stamina race*
*Wants to be on par with magic races as well.*
Why not just delete all other races at this point? I mean if Khajiit can do everything on par with other races, why bother with other races at all? Why would you buff Khajiit to be a magic race on par with other magic races, while Argonians, who've been delegated to a 3rd rate magic race, get left behind when they're the ones that would realistially get this treatment as the current weakest magic race? Adding magic passives to Khajiit's current passives would also be horribly OP as they'd now be the best Magic PvP race due to having more inherent stamina sustain than other magic races, which is the only equalizing factor among magic races and their main weakness.
I'm not seeing any real positive to this suggestion other than RP benefits.
PS4_ZeColmeia wrote: »Khajiit should be the crit race both spell and weapon crit
WuffyCerulei wrote: »Silver_Strider wrote: »*Is currently best Stamina race*
*Wants to be on par with magic races as well.*
Why not just delete all other races at this point? I mean if Khajiit can do everything on par with other races, why bother with other races at all? Why would you buff Khajiit to be a magic race on par with other magic races, while Argonians, who've been delegated to a 3rd rate magic race, get left behind when they're the ones that would realistially get this treatment as the current weakest magic race? Adding magic passives to Khajiit's current passives would also be horribly OP as they'd now be the best Magic PvP race due to having more inherent stamina sustain than other magic races, which is the only equalizing factor among magic races and their main weakness.
I'm not seeing any real positive to this suggestion other than RP benefits.
I don't think they'd be OP in pvp for the fact that crit is almost useless there. Sure, a little stamina recovery is nice for them, but it's nothing compared to a Reguard or Altmer.
ALSO, Redguard is the current meta race. Techincally only Nightblades can easily be Khajiit due to the class already having sustain built in.
Silver_Strider wrote: »*Is currently best Stamina race*
*Wants to be on par with magic races as well.*
Why not just delete all other races at this point? I mean if Khajiit can do everything on par with other races, why bother with other races at all? Why would you buff Khajiit to be a magic race on par with other magic races, while Argonians, who've been delegated to a 3rd rate magic race, get left behind when they're the ones that would realistially get this treatment as the current weakest magic race? Adding magic passives to Khajiit's current passives would also be horribly OP as they'd now be the best Magic PvP race due to having more inherent stamina sustain than other magic races, which is the only equalizing factor among magic races and their main weakness.
I'm not seeing any real positive to this suggestion other than RP benefits.
WuffyCerulei wrote: »Silver_Strider wrote: »*Is currently best Stamina race*
*Wants to be on par with magic races as well.*
Why not just delete all other races at this point? I mean if Khajiit can do everything on par with other races, why bother with other races at all? Why would you buff Khajiit to be a magic race on par with other magic races, while Argonians, who've been delegated to a 3rd rate magic race, get left behind when they're the ones that would realistially get this treatment as the current weakest magic race? Adding magic passives to Khajiit's current passives would also be horribly OP as they'd now be the best Magic PvP race due to having more inherent stamina sustain than other magic races, which is the only equalizing factor among magic races and their main weakness.
I'm not seeing any real positive to this suggestion other than RP benefits.
I don't think they'd be OP in pvp for the fact that crit is almost useless there.
this won't happen, one of your options actually reduces the khajiit current specific role to make up for a wider range and appeal to magicka roles but in the end it wont serve either good.
WuffyCerulei wrote: »
If you look at the Daggerfall to Skyrim, the racial has typically affected starting skill and attributes not the end result.Mettaricana wrote: »I have an even better suggestion:
Just get rid of all the performance increasing racial passives, let players have the full choice which race they want to play with whatever build they prefer.
Balance > Lore
The only real reason for the passives atm is ZOS making a small buck though race change tokens. *slow clap*
I actually like this i kinda feel like they should just slap on a max 10% to all three attributes base then remove racial stat bonuses and give em other passives like resist this reduce cost of that ups dmg of this type. But no max resources or recoveries