Merciless Resolve... you do your 4 light attacks perfectly. and you are ready to shoot the spectral bow.... just about when you press the button enemy goes around the pillar/tree and comes out instantly from the other side. GUESS WHAT!!! YOUR stupid spectral bow... does not shoot... and it GOES AWAY/. now you have to recast Merciless for the next burst.... do you second round of perfectly timed light attacks..... ENEMY goes around the corner again!!! your Stupid bow does not shoot AGAIN.. and you have to recast merciless resolve AAAGAIN !!!! OMG!!!! why am I still playing magblade... oh that's right... cause I am a masochist.
More apparent in BGs since there is more opportunity to LOS/
THE CAVELRY HAS ARRIVED! Cav is a professional magblade, (in his not so professional opinion). He is immortal and is fighting for the Pact since 2E 572, amidst the turmoil of the Second Akaviri Invasion. He protects the provinces of Skyrim, Morrowind and Black Marsh.
Check out his PVP YouTube channel !