Alternative Solution to Nightcapping

We regularly hear complaints about what happens to our campaigns while we are logged out.

I propose that a campaign is assigned an active and an inactive state. For example, a particular campaign is active for 8 hours (such as 5PM to 1AM for prime time), and then inactive for the following 16 hours.

Active State:
  • Works exactly as campaigns currently do.

Inactive State:
  • Keeps walls and doors can not be damaged
  • Flags do not change alliance
  • Any AP gained by a player is not applied to the leaderboards
  • Scroll gates are closed
  • Keeps do not self-upgrade, but do self-repair if their resources are claimed
  • Campaign points do not accumulate based on holdings

Other modifications to help avoid exploitation during inactive periods:
  • In-District Flag-based telvar modifier in imperial city set to 0.
  • Emperor passives become inactive.
  • Scout quests can not be completed.
  • Low-population AP bonus becomes inactive.
  • Notifications when a player is doing something like attacking a wall they can't damage
  • Notifications starting ~10 minutes before the campaign moves from/to active status

The in-game justification (if necessary) isn't a time-free, but rather a temporary cease fire.
Eternal Destiny (PC/NA)
Dead Wait (PC/NA Haderus AD)
  • QuebraRegra
    maybe off point... but where in the heck did all the doors on all the resource towers go? Is it just me?

    If they're gone, then we lost a whole aspect of play in taking a resource :(
  • Subversus
    So what you are suggesting is that the people playing from Australia shouldn't be allowed to PVP?
  • geonsocal
    Takuto wrote: »
    We regularly hear complaints about what happens to our campaigns while we are logged out.

    I propose that a campaign is assigned an active and an inactive state. For example, a particular campaign is active for 8 hours (such as 5PM to 1AM for prime time), and then inactive for the following 16 hours.

    Active State:
    • Works exactly as campaigns currently do.

    Inactive State:
    • Keeps walls and doors can not be damaged
    • Flags do not change alliance
    • Any AP gained by a player is not applied to the leaderboards
    • Scroll gates are closed
    • Keeps do not self-upgrade, but do self-repair if their resources are claimed
    • Campaign points do not accumulate based on holdings

    Other modifications to help avoid exploitation during inactive periods:
    • In-District Flag-based telvar modifier in imperial city set to 0.
    • Emperor passives become inactive.
    • Scout quests can not be completed.
    • Low-population AP bonus becomes inactive.
    • Notifications when a player is doing something like attacking a wall they can't damage
    • Notifications starting ~10 minutes before the campaign moves from/to active status

    The in-game justification (if necessary) isn't a time-free, but rather a temporary cease fire.

    howdy @Takuto ..not to be too trollsome - but, you do realize that our player base covers just about every time zone across the globe...also, there are players all over the place with a variety of life schedules...

    what you view as "off" hours - is primetime for some other player...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    maybe off point... but where in the heck did all the doors on all the resource towers go? Is it just me?

    If they're gone, then we lost a whole aspect of play in taking a resource :(

    that happened back with 1T i believe...

    folks no longer really camp/farm resource towers - they do that now at the outposts...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Capsaica
    The doors on resources were removed several updates ago. I believe it was done to mitigate the incessant farming of resources, but I don't remember the exact reasons given.

    As far as the suggestion of having a "down" time on the server...
    Do the players who play on the NA server but live in various places such as Australia, New Zealand, the entire region of the Pacific islands, Japan and other places not deserve a chance to play on their chosen PvP server and be treated the same way that the mainland North American players are treated? Many Europeans choose to play on the NA server as well.

    I am sure that similar situations exist for the European server too.

    I dislike night-capping, but I more strongly dislike the idea of limiting play for players who don't live in the "correct" time zone for their chosen server. It is a persistent world PvP zone, meaning that things are happening at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year (well, except for maintenance). I would suggest that if your alliance has troubles maintaining a map overnight that you look to recruit non-primetime players and guilds to your alliance and your server. Most people enjoy an active server with a relatively equally-matched population.
  • FlyLionel
    If some dudes are going to no life a campaign over night and try their hardest to get emp because that is the only way they can get all means go right ahead. If you are the Emperor or in the Emperor group and log out, you should not expect strangers to defend you while you catch some zzzzz. Whoever is on wins, makes sense to me. I would rather catch up on some sleep than defend Emperor once I got the achievement, or defend some guy I never seen before. Dont nerf the no lifers, eso pvp is life to them. Think about it that way. Decent suggestions otherwise for a new campaign, but others and myself included would rather Zos work on other things that are important. Plus the aussies will want their own campaign like this as well, gotta remember them kangaroo jack folk.
    The Flyers
  • DaveMoeDee
    I can only assume that the OP wants different prime-times in different campaigns.
  • NightbladeMechanics
    Legion XIII
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    NA/PC's original dueling and PvP community guild
    Now NA/PC's dueling, BGs, small scale, GvG, and general PvP community. We float just under 500 members. Mail me in game for an invite.

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

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  • Takuto
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    I can only assume that the OP wants different prime-times in different campaigns.

    Correct, I thought that was obvious so didn't spell it out.

    To be clear:
    • I am not proposing this as a replacement to the current way campaigns work, but rather a different campaign rule set.
    • I am not proposing that their be only one prime time campaign and that people outside of that campaign be excluded.

    Eternal Destiny (PC/NA)
    Dead Wait (PC/NA Haderus AD)
  • Publius_Scipio
    Impenetrable force fields around the keep and outpost flags. Every morning at 8 am EST the force fields go down and then up again at 2 am EST. If the timing is an issue for you, move to the east coast of the USA.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on April 11, 2017 9:23PM
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Capsaica wrote: »
    The doors on resources were removed several updates ago. I believe it was done to mitigate the incessant farming of resources, but I don't remember the exact reasons given.

    Basically it was farming, but its also due to the fact that the door interact could be exploited by the farmers. Leaving you very little time to react to the oncoming barrage of enemy fire as soon as you went through the door. This is assuming your alliance took the flags of course. Even then they could not break down the tower due to it being owned by them. Making the tower for the enemy pretty much impregnable.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Maybe on EU server time zones are a bit closer, but for PC NA this concept would never make sense.

    Your "primetime" is likely my nightcapping and vice versa.
  • Cêltic421
    You suggesting that campaigns are active on your schedule? So what are the players going to do that can only play during inactive state?
  • Publius_Scipio
    Cêltic421 wrote: »
    You suggesting that campaigns are active on your schedule? So what are the players going to do that can only play during inactive state?

    Nintendo Switch I hear isn't bad at all.
  • Syrusthevirus187
    I agree. Could Americans please stop nightcapping my campaign so in New Zealand when I log on I have a decent pvp map.

    That is all.
  • Takuto
    Cêltic421 wrote: »
    You suggesting that campaigns are active on your schedule? So what are the players going to do that can only play during inactive state?

    I don't mean to pick your post out specifically, as there are several in this thread indicating this same strange misunderstanding.

    There are 24 hours in a day, and I suggested an 8 hour 'active' period. If there are three campaigns spaced at 8 hour intervals please let me know what player can only playing during the inactive state?

    Eternal Destiny (PC/NA)
    Dead Wait (PC/NA Haderus AD)
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