2. It counts as party member in mechanics like Lord Warden portals. Be ready to unsummon it before jumping in portal.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Just don't allow it to attack enemies. It will increase its survivability.
Twilight Pros:
1. Instant heal. Huge instant heal. Without ritual boon and points in blessed it heals better than BoL with them.
2. Sorcerer healing!
3. Little amount of dps from twilight attack if you will allow it to do so.
4. It can tank some trash. Sometimes it can be useful.
Twilight cons:
1. It can die and leave you without life saver. Sometimes you will have no time to recast it.
2. It counts as party member in mechanics like Lord Warden portals. Be ready to unsummon it before jumping in portal.
3. It makes Sorcerers feel like they are as good in healing role as Templars. Without shards and repentance.
BoL pros:
1. Cheap and solid instaheal. Bread and butter.
BoL cons:
1. None. Templar elitism, maybe.
Peekachu99 wrote: »Just don't allow it to attack enemies. It will increase its survivability.
Twilight Pros:
1. Instant heal. Huge instant heal. Without ritual boon and points in blessed it heals better than BoL with them.
2. Sorcerer healing!
3. Little amount of dps from twilight attack if you will allow it to do so.
4. It can tank some trash. Sometimes it can be useful.
Twilight cons:
1. It can die and leave you without life saver. Sometimes you will have no time to recast it.
2. It counts as party member in mechanics like Lord Warden portals. Be ready to unsummon it before jumping in portal.
3. It makes Sorcerers feel like they are as good in healing role as Templars. Without shards and repentance.
BoL pros:
1. Cheap and solid instaheal. Bread and butter.
BoL cons:
1. None. Templar elitism, maybe.
PRO: Twilight hits more people, too. BoL only does the caster and one more now. In four man content, Twilight is superior. In Trials, it will probably die, unless you're spamming a shield every few seconds.
Peekachu99 wrote: »Just don't allow it to attack enemies. It will increase its survivability.
Twilight Pros:
1. Instant heal. Huge instant heal. Without ritual boon and points in blessed it heals better than BoL with them.
2. Sorcerer healing!
3. Little amount of dps from twilight attack if you will allow it to do so.
4. It can tank some trash. Sometimes it can be useful.
Twilight cons:
1. It can die and leave you without life saver. Sometimes you will have no time to recast it.
2. It counts as party member in mechanics like Lord Warden portals. Be ready to unsummon it before jumping in portal.
3. It makes Sorcerers feel like they are as good in healing role as Templars. Without shards and repentance.
BoL pros:
1. Cheap and solid instaheal. Bread and butter.
BoL cons:
1. None. Templar elitism, maybe.
PRO: Twilight hits more people, too. BoL only does the caster and one more now. In four man content, Twilight is superior. In Trials, it will probably die, unless you're spamming a shield every few seconds.
It seems like sorcerer heal is stronger but I wonder if in veterans dungeons with all areas, special bosses attacks and etc survives enough to heal. As templar healer I find this burst heal very important.
Can anyone enumerate the pros and cons of both skills for veteran dungeons, no trials, no pvp.
Peekachu99 wrote: »Just don't allow it to attack enemies. It will increase its survivability.
Twilight Pros:
1. Instant heal. Huge instant heal. Without ritual boon and points in blessed it heals better than BoL with them.
2. Sorcerer healing!
3. Little amount of dps from twilight attack if you will allow it to do so.
4. It can tank some trash. Sometimes it can be useful.
Twilight cons:
1. It can die and leave you without life saver. Sometimes you will have no time to recast it.
2. It counts as party member in mechanics like Lord Warden portals. Be ready to unsummon it before jumping in portal.
3. It makes Sorcerers feel like they are as good in healing role as Templars. Without shards and repentance.
BoL pros:
1. Cheap and solid instaheal. Bread and butter.
BoL cons:
1. None. Templar elitism, maybe.
PRO: Twilight hits more people, too. BoL only does the caster and one more now. In four man content, Twilight is superior. In Trials, it will probably die, unless you're spamming a shield every few seconds.
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
And twilight die normally a lot in dungeons or normally is always alive tFloki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
But do you get the point of the Post? seems that sorc can heal the same or better as a Templar.
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »And twilight die normally a lot in dungeons or normally is always alive tFloki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
But do you get the point of the Post? seems that sorc can heal the same or better as a Templar.
Compare Templar passives with Sorc passives and it is a no brainer which class was designed to heal other players.
Those birds are garbage. BOL is never going to get killed like your silly birds that block camera views and pull random aggro.
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
driosketch wrote: »Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
Sometimes beggars can't be choosers.
Besides, it's the player not the class that makes the healer.
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »
You are right about something. The player is more important than the class. However, if the same player wanted to be a top healer in this game, they would need to be a Templar in the current meta. Perhaps the Warden class will give Templar healers a run for their money, but for now Templar healers are king!
You see Sorcs have ZERO passives to help their team with healing, cleansing and buffing.
Now look at Templar passives. They help the team with EVERYTHING. (almost ; )
As a Sorc DPS from PVP, they usually throw a bird out and que up as a HEALER just to get their daily done.
Anyone serious about healing is a Templar. End of Storydriosketch wrote: »Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »If my healer is a sorc with a bird, I am leaving group instantly. Sorcs don't even compare to a real healer ie Templar.
Sometimes beggars can't be choosers.
Besides, it's the player not the class that makes the healer.
Every class can heal, but every class cannot support stamina resource like the Templar (non healers inc.) can. BoL doesnt make the Templar the go to healer in PvE, but Shards, Radiant Aura/Repent, 100% major mending, and some other things i cant think of do. Oh, Nova is cool too. BoL is just icing on the cake. "They can do all this, and heal you to full in case ish goes down"